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  • Correlation between gestational symptoms and skin temperature: cross-sectional observational study
  • Fecha: 19-dic-2024
  • Hora: 14:00
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  • Introduction: During pregnancy, the maternal body undergoes significant physiological changes manifested as signs and symptoms across various systems, including cardiovascular, integumentary, endocrine, musculoskeletal, and thermoregulatory systems. These changes may influence cutaneous temperature. However, evidence correlating gestational symptoms with thermographic findings remains scarce. Objective: To investigate the correlation between cutaneous temperature and gestational symptoms across different trimesters of pregnancy. Methods: A cross-sectional observational study was conducted, assessing gestational symptoms related to abdominal diastasis, pain, fatigue, and quality of life, as well as the cutaneous temperature of 74 low-risk pregnant women. Participants were divided into three groups based on gestational trimester. Statistical analyses included one-way ANOVA with Tukey post hoc tests and Pearson correlations, performed using SPSS 22.0 software. Results: A moderate negative correlation was observed between the abdominal rectus diastasis measurement and mean cutaneous temperature (r = -0.40, p = 0.001), abdominal temperature (r = -0.38, p = 0.001), linea alba region temperature (r = -0.30, p = 0.05), thoracic region temperature (r = -0.31, p = 0.05), and lumbar region temperature (r = -0.30, p = 0.05). Cervical pain was also moderately negatively correlated with mean cutaneous temperature (r = -0.26, p = 0.05), abdominal temperature (r = -0.27, p = 0.05), and lumbar temperature (r = -0.33, p = 0.001). Similarly, foot pain showed a negative correlation with leg temperatures (r = -0.28, p = 0.05). In contrast, quality of life demonstrated moderate positive correlations with breast temperature (r = 0.29, p = 0.05), diastasis region temperature (r = 0.27, p = 0.05), and thoracic region temperature (r = 0.30, p = 0.05). Conclusion: Infrared thermography appears to be a useful tool for assessing gestational symptoms. Moderate correlations suggest that lower cutaneous temperatures are associated with the presence of pain and reduced quality of life.
  • Analysis of the latency time of work-related spinal diseases: an overview based on labor processes
  • Fecha: 09-dic-2024
  • Hora: 10:00
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  • Background: Most Work-Related Musculoskeletal Disorders (WRMDs) emerge gradually over time. The period required for such conditions to manifest can be affected by the intensity and frequency of exposure to occupational risks. Objective: To build a probabilistic model to analyze the latency time of work-related spinal disorders in litigation in labor courts. Methods: This is a documentary study obtained from lawsuits filed with the 13th Regional Labor Court. The sample included data obtained from lawsuits with expert reports prepared by a physician and/or physiotherapist, whose results indicate the presence of a causal or co-causal link. Only lawsuits from the last five years were considered, excluding those with a percentage of missing data (greater than 10%), as well as lawsuits that contained more than one expert report with divergent results in terms of causality. The data obtained were initially analyzed descriptively, considering measures of central tendency. Latency time modeling was performed using Survival Analysis, with the event of interest being the time between the start of the activity and the onset of symptoms of work-related spinal diseases. The analyses were performed using the R Core Team software, considering a significance level of α≤0.05. Results: he results indicate that male workers have a significant reduction in the time until the onset of symptoms. In addition, increasing age is associated with an increase in the time until the onset of symptoms related to spinal diseases. Performing manual activities was observed as a factor that reduces the survival time of workers. On the other hand, it was found that, for each additional month of activity performed in the company, there is an increase in the time until the onset of the first symptoms in the spinal column. Conclusion: The final adjusted models pointed out relevant factors that influence the onset of symptoms of spinal diseases, enabling a comprehensive discussion that includes several aspects intrinsic to the work environment and the worker, by identifying those different variables influenced the time until the onset of symptoms of spinal diseases.
  • Physiotherapy approach in hospital and outpatient treatment of Covid-19: scoping review
  • Fecha: 19-nov-2024
  • Hora: 09:00
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  • Introduction: Covid-19 is defined by the Ministry of Health as an acute respiratory infection caused by the SARS-CoV-2 coronavirus. Physiotherapy in the rehabilitation of patients diagnosed with Covid-19 aims to restore body function, reduce functional limitations, stimulate muscle strength gain, and reduce muscle fatigue. Objective: To map the literature on physiotherapeutic approaches in hospital, outpatient, and home settings. Method: This is a scoping review registered in the Open Science Framework (OSF), under identification 10.17605. The study followed the PRISMA-ScR guidelines and incorporated the mnemonic elements PCC, in which the population is individuals diagnosed with Covid-19, the concept of interest was rehabilitation, and the context, physiotherapeutic intervention. Searches were carried out in the EMBASE, PubMed, PEDro, and Central Cochrane databases. The Rayyan platform was used in the collaborative process by two reviewers independently using the “clinical trial” filter. Results: 1.350 articles were found and after removing duplicates, 1,218 articles remained, which after reading the titles and abstracts, 67 papers remained for full reading, ending with the inclusion of 32 studies. The articles were analyzed descriptively, and the methodological characteristics and main results were extracted through a table. The results were grouped by level of care and discussed with a focus on gains in functionality, muscle strength, endurance and quality of life. The studies generally compared the physiotherapeutic techniques applied in experimental groups with non-exercised control groups, and showed the superiority of interventions based mainly on muscle strengthening and aerobic exercises. Conclusion: Protocols based on aerobic and muscle strengthening exercises, either with direct supervision or through telerehabilitation, were effective in improving musculoskeletal function and quality of life of patients. treated with sequelae of Covid-19.
  • Analysis of diaphragmatic mobility and inferior vena cava distension during the application of inspiratory and expiratory pressure in healthy individuals
  • Fecha: 27-sep-2024
  • Hora: 09:00
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  • Introduction: Noninvasive ventilation (NIV) is a common approach to treating conditions such as COPD, acute pulmonary edema, and respiratory failure. It is known to increase lung volumes and reduce the work of breathing. However, prolonged application of positive pressure can lead to diaphragmatic atrophy and affect cardiac output by altering the distension capacity of the inferior vena cava (IVC). Ultrasonography (US) has been shown to be effective in assessing both diaphragmatic and inferior vena cava function and is a valuable tool for monitoring and adjusting therapy in critical care settings.Objective: To analyze the acute effects of inspiratory and expiratory positive pressures on diaphragmatic kinetics and IVC distension in healthy subjects.Method: This is a randomized, crossover, double-blind clinical trial conducted in healthy subjects aged 18 to 50 years. Participants were randomly assigned to continuous positive airway pressure (CPAP) of 5, 10, and 15 cmH2O, or bi-level inspiratory positive airway pressure (IPAP) of 10, 12, and 15 cmH2O with positive end-expiratory pressure (PEEP) of 5 cmH2O. Diaphragmatic movement and IVC behavior were assessed by ultrasound during spontaneous breathing and the six levels of positive pressure. Data were analyzed using a linear mixed model and Dunn-Sidak post-test.Results: Eighty-two volunteers were included. Diaphragmatic mobility increased in CPAP modes with pressures of 15 cmH2O and in Bi-level mode with IPAP of 10, 12, and 15 cmH2O and PEEP fixed at 5 cmH2O, compared to spontaneous breathing. A weak and non-significant positive association was also observed between inspiratory muscle strength, assessed by maximal inspiratory pressure, and diaphragmatic mobility. IVC distension increased compared to spontaneous breathing when CPAP was administered at pressures of 5, 10, and 15 cmH2O and in Bi-level mode with IPAP of 10, 12, and 15 cmH2O and PEEP fixed at 5 cmH2O. No significant changes were observed in the variation of IVC diameter.Conclusion: Positive inspiratory and expiratory pressures were sufficient to increase diaphragmatic kinetics, particularly at higher pressures, and were able to increase IVC diameter during both inspiration and expiration.
  • Fecha: 26-sep-2024
  • Hora: 10:00
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  • Introduction: Postural instability is a significant limitation in Parkinson's Disease (PD) and is often refractory to dopaminergic treatment. In the field of neuromodulation, transspinal theta burst magnetic stimulation is an innovative approach that presents a low risk of adverse effects and promises positive effects on postural balance and gait. Objective: To analyze the effectiveness of different parameters of repetitive transspinal theta-burst magnetic stimulation (iTBS) protocols combined with treadmill gait training on static and dynamic postural balance in people with PD. Method: This pilot study is a randomized, blind, crossover clinical trial conducted at the Federal University of Paraíba to compare the effectiveness of two protocols with different stimulation pulse intensities. Patients with idiopathic Parkinson's Disease, stages 1.5 to 4 according to the modified Hoehn Yahr scale, who presented complaints of postural instability were included. The primary outcome, postural balance, was assessed using the MiniBest Test before the start of the protocol and immediately after the first and second phases of the study, in which participants received different doses of iTBS pulses (60 trains and 20 trains) over 5 consecutive days in each phase. Secondary outcomes included fall history, fear of falling, quality of life, motor function, and gait speed. Results: Ten people with PD participated in the study, with 5 allocated to sequence AB and 5 to sequence BA, with a mean age of 64.20 ± 7.46 years, a diagnosis duration of 129.40 ± 110.24 months, and predominantly the rigid akinetic phenotype (50%). Treatment with 60 trains of iTBS yielded positive and significant results for postural balance (p = 0.025) and motor function (p = 0.020). No significant changes were observed between groups for turning ability on both sides (p>0.05), quality of life (p=0.208), and fear of falling (p=0.591). 70% of participants reported improvements in balance, and 40% reported improvements in postural stability. Conclusions: The iTBS transspinal stimulation protocol with 60 trains promoted changes in postural balance and reduced the risk of falls in people with PD. The protocol was well accepted and tolerated, with no serious adverse effects.
  • INFRARED THERMOGRAPHY IN PREGNANCY: mapping of temperature detected by trimester
  • Fecha: 23-sep-2024
  • Hora: 15:00
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  • INTRODUCTION: During the entire gestational period, physiological changes are observed in the maternal body systems. Although the literature indicates a tendency for body temperature to increase during this period, little is known about the skin thermal profile in each trimester. Infrared thermography is a way of monitoring skin temperature, which is safe, non-invasive, painless and has no contraindications. Therefore, it is considered an auxiliary instrument in monitoring physiological changes during pregnancy. OBJECTIVE: To understand the thermal profile of pregnant women during the first, second and third trimester of pregnancy. METHODOLOGY: This is a cross-sectional observational study carried out at the Thermography Laboratory (LabTerm) of the Federal University of Paraíba. Thermal imaging (thermography), anthropometry (stadiometer and scale), abdominal, breast and hip circumference, uterine height (flexible measuring tape) and abdominal diastasis (caliper) were evaluated in 74 normal risk pregnant women, aged between 18 and 40 years, which will be divided into three groups according to gestational age: first, second and third trimester; in addition to 26 non-pregnant women as a comparator group. The processing and analysis of thermograms will be carried out using Teledyne Flir software. The ROIs were demarcated using polygons and analyzed according to the standard formula proposed by Nadel. The main outcome was the average skin temperature and main ROIs in pregnant women in the anterior and posterior view and the secondary outcome was the comparisons of abdominal, breast, hip, diastasis and uterine height circumferences. The analysis of statistical data will be carried out using SPSS 21.0 software. RESULTS: It was observed that the average skin temperature of pregnant women in the first trimester is higher than the average skin temperature of pregnant women in the third trimester (P<0.05); the abdominal temperature of pregnant women in the first trimester tends to be higher compared to pregnant women in the second and third trimesters (P<0.05); and the breast skin temperature of pregnant women is higher compared to non-pregnant women (P<0.05). Furthermore, there is a tendency for negative correlations between the average skin temperature and the temperature of the abdominal regions and the diastasis region with measures of fetal development. CONCLUSION: In general, it is observed that there are differences in skin temperatures in regions such as the breast between pregnant and non pregnant women, as well as a tendency towards higher abdominal temperatures in pregnant women in the first trimester compared to those in the third trimester.
  • Fecha: 23-sep-2024
  • Hora: 12:30
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  • Introduction: Intermittent Theta-Burst Trans-spinal Stimulation is an innovative and promising intervention with the potential to enhance neuronal plasticity and improve gait in individuals with Parkinson's Disease. However, its efficacy remains unclear. Objective: To compare the effectiveness of two protocols of intermittent Theta-Burst Trans-spinal Stimulation—one with 3,600 pulses and another with 1,200 pulses—both followed by treadmill training, on functional mobility in individuals with Parkinson's Disease. Method: This is a simple, single-blind, controlled, cross-over pilot study with two periods. Ten participants (5 receiving Treatment A first and 5 receiving Treatment B first) with idiopathic Parkinson's Disease, between stages 1.5 and 3 on the Hoehn & Yahr scale, and with a mean age of 61.4 ± 9.71, completed the study. All participants underwent two treatments: A (60 trains of stimulation, 3,600 pulses) and B (20 trains of stimulation, 1,200 pulses), followed by treadmill training, separated by a 4-week interval. The primary outcome was functional mobility, assessed by the Timed Up and Go test. Secondary outcomes included: Timed Up and Go with dual task, 10-meter walk test, Unified Parkinson's Disease Rating Scale Part III, Parkinson's Disease Questionnaire-39, Non-Motor Symptoms Scale, and Global Perception of Change Scale. Results: For functional mobility, the treatments showed similar performances (p=0.404; F=0.773). No significant differences were observed in gait speed (p=0.373; F=0.37). Quality of life (p=0.208; F=1.88) and non-motor symptoms (p=0.859; F=0.03) were also similar. However, there was a significant difference in motor function (p=0.020; F=8.261) favoring Treatment A. Treatment A had a greater positive impact on gait performance perception (90% of participants) compared to Treatment B (50%), and on walking safety (50% for A and 30% for B). No serious adverse events were reported. Conclusions: This pilot study suggests that both stimulation protocols are safe and, when combined with treadmill training, benefit functional mobility in individuals with Parkinson's Disease. However, the more intensive protocol appears to offer greater benefits for motor function. Further investigation is needed to substantiate these results. Brazilian Clinical Trials Registry (RBR-5r6pm9x).
  • Fecha: 23-sep-2024
  • Hora: 10:00
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  • Introduction: In the scientific community, distorting, masking, and biasing results refers to a practice called spin. This practice becomes a risk for the Evidence-Based Practice of physiotherapists because it negatively impacts the interpretation of results and affects therapeutic judgment. Objective: To compare the interpretation of physiotherapists on the abstract of randomized controlled clinical trials reported with and without spin. Materials and methods: This was a cross-sectional study with a controlled and randomized group. An abstract with the highest score on the spin checklist and the lowest on CONSORT-A was selected and adapted into two versions: one rewritten without spin and the other maintaining the original distortions (with spin). The physiotherapists were randomized into two groups: the abstract group with spin (GCS=59) and the abstract group without spin (GSS=53). Results: It was possible to observe that 37.5% of the physiotherapists failed to interpret the abstract by recommending a treatment without proven efficacy. The group exposed to the abstract with spin evaluated the treatment as more beneficial (p<0.001) and the group that received the version without spin considered the study methodologically more rigorous and of greater scientific relevance (p<0.013). The chance of the group with spin recommending/using an ineffective treatment was 12.61 times (95% CI= 4.52 to 33.26) greater compared to the group without spin (p<0.001). However, it was not possible to observe an association between the level and time of training on the failure to interpret the summary. Conclusions: Physiotherapists exposed to abstracts with spin are more likely to recommend/use an ineffective treatment, regardless of the level and time of training of the professionals.
  • Effects of Positive Expiratory and Inspiratory Pressure on the Diaphragm Configuration in Healthy Individuals with Spontaneous Breathing
  • Fecha: 23-sep-2024
  • Hora: 10:00
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  • Introduction: The diaphragm is the primary respiratory muscle, and positive pressure ventilation can affect the diaphragm, leading to ventilator dependence and poor clinical outcomes. However, the specific impact of positive pressure on the diaphragm is not yet well understood. Thus, ultrasound stands out as a tool capable of identifying changes in the diaphragm. The study aims to investigate the acute effects of inspiratory and expiratory positive pressure on the diaphragm of healthy individuals breathing spontaneously. Objective: Identify the acute effects of using inspiratory and expiratory positive pressure applied via CPAP and Bi-level on diaphragmatic thickening in healthy individuals breathing spontaneously. Additionally, correlate strength, endurance, and body characteristics with diaphragmatic thickening. Methodology: This is a randomized, crossover, double-blind clinical trial conducted with individuals aged 18-50, excluding those with a history of smoking or any other pre existing conditions. Ultrasound was used to assess diaphragmatic thickening during spontaneous breathing and with six levels of positive pressure, with participants in the supine position. Data were analyzed using a Mixed Linear Model and Dunn-Sidak post hoc test, and correlations were determined using the Spearman test. Results: Data were collected from 94 participants during spontaneous breathing and under CPAP (5, 10, and 15 cmH2O) and Bi-level (5, 7, and 10 cmH2O) modes. Results showed that CPAP increased diaphragmatic thickening compared to spontaneous breathing, especially at pressures of 10 and 15 cmH2O. In the Bi-level mode, thickening increased at inspiratory pressures of 12 and 15 cmH2O and PEEP of 5 cmH2O. Inspiratory diaphragmatic thickening positively correlated with respiratory muscle strength, while body characteristics were positively correlated with both inspiratory and expiratory thickening. However, respiratory muscle endurance did not show a correlation with diaphragmatic thickening. Conclusion: Use of CPAP above 5 cmH2O and Bi-level with inspiratory pressure from 12 cmH2O and PEEP of 5 cmH2O increases diaphragmatic thickness. Positive correlations with diaphragmatic thickening were found for respiratory muscle strength and body characteristics.
  • Fecha: 17-sep-2024
  • Hora: 14:00
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  • INTRODUCTION: Aging leads to a series of physiological changes and adaptations. There is a progressive and generalized reduction in muscle mass and strength. Sarcopenia is defined not only by the progressive and generalized decline in skeletal muscle mass but also by the reduction in muscle strength and physical performance, and it is associated with unfavorable outcomes. Tests and tools are used to assess its severity and impact on muscle performance. OBJECTIVE: To identify the risk of sarcopenia and assess the discriminative capacity of positive sarcopenia screening by the SARC-F and SARC-CalF instruments in determining reduced functional performance in elderly residents of a small municipality. METHODOLOGY: This is a cross-sectional observational study of a descriptive and quantitative nature and an analysis of discriminatory capacity. The data analyzed refer to the first wave of the EPI_força Jacaraú study, collected between December 2023 and May 2024. The project was approved by the Research Ethics Committee: CAAE: 74096623.7.0000.5188. A semi-structured instrument was used. Statistical analysis was performed using R® software (version 4.1.3). Descriptive statistics used absolute frequency tables (n) and relative frequency (%). The association between each functional performance exposure and the risk of sarcopenia was determined using the Chi-Square test. Discriminatory capacity was determined by the Area Under the Curve (AUC) generated by the ROC Curve. RESULTS: The prevalence of risk for sarcopenia identified by SARC-F was 20.2%, and by SARC-CalF, it was 27.3%. The sample was predominantly female, with an average age of 71.61 years, self-identified as Black or Brown, living in urban areas, married or in a stable union, living with 1 or 2 people, with an average of 4 years of education, and with a per capita household income of less than one minimum wage. The profile followed the trend of samples in elderly populations. The risk of sarcopenia identified by SARC-F showed a univariate association with all the tests assessed, and those at risk had a higher likelihood of having low grip strength, slow gait speed, low lower limb strength, and absence of balance in the feet-together, semi-tandem, and tandem postures. In contrast, SARC-CalF was associated with grip strength, gait speed, and tandem balance and had a higher likelihood of low grip strength, slow gait speed, low lower limb strength, and absence of balance in the tandem posture. The discriminative capacity of SARC-F is higher in the evaluated balance postures. The discriminative capacities of SARC-F and SARC-CalF were similar for gait speed and lower limb strength. For grip strength, the discriminative capacity of SARC-CalF was higher. CONCLUSION: The AUC values obtained by both instruments ranged from 0.51 to 0.8, indicating good discriminatory capacity for all the tests assessed.
  • Fecha: 29-feb-2024
  • Hora: 15:00
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  • Introduction: Gait performance is often compromised after stroke. The decrease in load distribution in the lower limb of the affected hemibody and delays in balance reactions caused by spasticity make gait asymmetrical with changes in step length and cadence. Therefore, it is necessary to improve the gait pattern in the rehabilitation process, as limitations compromise quality of life and impose social isolation.The use of an orthosis reduces energy consumption during walking, alleviating kinesiological problems of the foot-ankle complex and improving the spatio-temporal performance. Objective: Develop a prototype ankle-foot orthosis that influences ankle positioning and promotes inhibition of posterior tibial spasticity during gait in hemiplegic participants. Method: The study is descriptive, applied/technological and experimental in nature. The process of developing and manufacturing the 3D printed prototype for the ankle-foot of hemiplegic people was carried out using tools such as field research, interviews, user profile identification, which guided the generation of solutions through the creation of the matrix morphology and brainstorming. The set was designed from a commercial orthosis with the help of BLENDER ® ️software. The printing was carried out at FabLab - UFPB using the Ender 5 Plus Printer, using ABS filament as the material of choice. The production process of the shape memory alloy, composed of aluminum, titanium, manganese and copper, took place in stages such as casting and machining of the alloy. The elements were accurately weighed, and the mixture was prepared according to the established proportions in a high temperature oven. Results: The prototype was printed using the nozzle temperature at 245ºC and the table at 110ºC. The printing time for both pieces was 17h32min. 155.12g and 52.01m of ABS material were used. During the printing process there were failures and the parts were printed twice for part B and three times for part A. Discussion: The need to guarantee access for patients with post-stroke hemiplegia sequelae in Paraíba to an effective and free mechanism is a key priority. AFO-type orthoses, made by 3D printing, have been adopted promisingly and can be applied to produce personalized products quickly and at a lower cost as they promote limitation of plantar flexion movement and produce a physiological walking pattern during movements. gait phases. Conclusion: The orthosis development process proved to be viable, thanks to the use of theoretical information obtained through research and the experience of the multidisciplinary group. However, there is now a need to include a design specialist or engineer with proficiency in CAD software and knowledge in 3D printing so that low-cost assistive technology can be available to a population with low purchasing power and social vulnerability.
  • Effectiveness of dual-task gait training associated with neuromodulation on functional mobility and executive function of people with Parkinson's disease
  • Fecha: 29-feb-2024
  • Hora: 10:00
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  • Introduction: In Parkinson's disease (PD), the presence of motor and non-motor symptoms generates repercussions on functional mobility and consequent restrictions in activities of daily living that make the person with PD more dependent and susceptible to falls. Thus, treadmill gait training associated with dual task and transcranial direct current stimulation (tDCS) appears to be an effective therapy for PD symptoms. Aim: To analyze the effectiveness of cognitive-motor training associated with anodal tDCS on functional mobility, gait speed, motor and executive function in people with PD. Methods: 28 individuals with PD were included in this randomized, double-blind clinical trial. Participants were allocated into two groups: Experimental (treadmill gait training + dual task (DT) + tDCS) and Control (single treadmill gait training + tDCS). The evaluation was carried out in three stages. For the primary outcome (functional mobility), the Timed up and go test (TUGT) was used. For secondary outcomes, the TUG dual task (TUG_DT), the UPDRS III, the 10-meter walk test, the trail building test, the verbal fluency test and the Stroop test. Interventions with and without dual-tasking were carried out in 12 sessions, over four weeks. SPSS software was used and a value of p≤0.05 was considered for the difference between variables. Results: There was a significant difference in the time factor for the outcomes functional mobility with and without concurrent dual tasks, verbal fluency and semantic memory in both groups. Conclusion: The two training sessions carried out resulted in improvements in functional mobility with and without the interference of dual-tasking, as well as in fluency, language and semantic memory. DT training may not be an effective complement to gait training with tDCS in PD.
  • Acute Effects of Respiratory and Resistance Training with Blood Flow Restriction on Respiratory, Hemodynamic Variables and Peripheral Muscle Strength in Subjects with COPD
  • Fecha: 29-feb-2024
  • Hora: 10:00
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  • Introduction: Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD) is a chronic limitation of airflow that presents dyspnea and reduced functional capacity. To this end, inspiratory muscle training (IMT) and resistance training (RT), with blood flow restriction, appear to improve muscle strength and functional performance. Objective: To evaluate the acute effects of respiratory and resistance training with blood flow restriction on respiratory variables, hemodynamics and peripheral muscle strength in subjects with COPD. Methodology: The sample consisted of 14 subjects, over 60 years old, with mild, moderate or severe COPD, who participated in the 3 experimental protocols, randomly with a wash-out of 48h-72h, which were as follows: 1) Low-load resistance training + inspiratory muscle training; 2) Low-load resistance training with blood flow restriction/50% of AOP + inspiratory muscle training; and 3) Moderate load resistance training + inspiratory muscle training. The assessment consisted of: body composition, Ankle-Brachial Index (ABI), determination of AOP, assessment of inspiratory strength (Powerbreathe®), dynamometry and 1RM test. The following variables were recorded: maximum inspiratory pressure (MIP) and muscle strength (MS), previously during the assessment and after each session; in addition to heart rate (HR); respiratory rate (RR), blood pressure (BP), peripheral oxygen saturation (SpO2), subjective perception of exertion (SPE) and dyspnea, at the moments: before, immediately after and 10 minutes after the sessions. SPSS (26.0) was used for statistical analysis and, to verify the data normality, homogeneity and sphericity, the Shapiro-Wilk, Levene and Mauchly tests, respectively. One-Way Anova was used for parametric data, followed by Tukey post-hoc, and repeated measures, followed by Bonferroni post-hoc, and for non-parametric data, Friedman test was used, followed by the Wilcoxon test. The Pearson test was also performed to correlate AOP and MIP, adopting a significance level of P≤0.05. Results: There was a significant reduction in SBP (P<0.01), HR (P<0.05), RR (P<0.05) and dyspnea (P<0.05) in all protocols at moment 10' and increase in RR, immediately after, in LLRT+IMT (P<0.01) and MLRT+IMT (P < 0.05); dyspnea in LLRT+BFR+IMT (P < 0.05) and MLRT+IMT (P<0.01), and SpO2 in all protocols (P < 0.01), however, only LLRT+BFR+IMT had a hypotensive effect on DBP (P<0.05). There was also a significant increase in SPE (P<0.05) in all protocols and training; the peripheral strength of upper limbs and lower limbs (P<0.01) in all protocols; and inspiratory strength, only in LLRT+BFR+IMT (P<0.01), but there was no correlation between POA and Pimax (P>0.05). Conclusion: IMT associated with RT, with or without BFR, promoted a hypotensive effect on SBP and decreased HR; RR and dyspnea, in addition to increases in SpO2, peripheral and respiratory muscle strength, and SPE, in all protocols analyzed; however, LLRT+BFR+IMT was more effective as it was the only one to present an increase in inspiratory strength and a hypotensive effect at DBP.
  • Effects of ischemic preconditioning (ICP) on neuromuscular and biochemical variables in paralympic athletes undergoing detraining.
  • Fecha: 28-feb-2024
  • Hora: 09:00
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  • Introduction: Studies have indicated that imposing ischemia on skeletal muscles before or during exercise induces acute and chronic adaptations that enhance physical performance. Ischemic preconditioning (IPC) is one of the ways to impose this ischemia, alternating complete vascular occlusion and reperfusion before exercise, in order to precondition varied physiological functions. In the sports context, there are times when athletes interrupt their physical activities, with a consequent reduction in strength and muscle mass. Therefore, the hypothesis arises that the IPC cold reduce these effects of detraining, accelerating the procecess of the athlete returning to their sports activities. Objective: To evaluate the effects of IPC on neuromuscular (strength, trophism, and EMG) and biochemical (CK, MDA, and TAC) variables in Paralympic athletes undergoing periods of discontinuity in training loads. Materials and Methods: The sample consisted of 19 young adult athletes (29.4±7.9 years of age, 1.7±0.1 m, 79.4±14.2 kg and BMI of 27.0±5.2 kg/m2), of both sexes, who compete in competitions at national and international level, in their modalities, being randomly divided into 2 groups: IPC group (IPCG group: n = 9) and control (CG: n = 10). The IPCG underwent two weeks of IPC twice a day (20 sessions) and both groups were evaluated pre and post intervention regarding: body composition, knee flexor and extensor strength, explosive strength (vertical jump), EMG and biochemical markers (CK, MDA and TAC). Data were analyzed using the Statistical Package for the Social Science (SPSS – 20.0). Initially, normality (Shapiro-Wilk test) and homogeneity of variances (Levene's test) were checked, followed by the t Student (paired) or Wilcoxon tests to analyze the pre- and post-intervention effects and the Student t tests (independent) or MannWhitney for intergroup analysis, adopting a significance level of P ≤ 0.05 in all analyses. Results: There was a decrease in total fat mass (MGT) in IPGC in body composition (fat mass and lean mass), pre versus post-intervention. In the explosive strength of the lower limbs, significant increases (P ≤ 0.05) were observed in the extension movement of the left knee in both groups. For electromigraphic variables, when comparing pre and post, an increase in the amplitude of the EMG signal was observed in the left hamstring muscles in both groups. In addition to a decrease in EMG activity in the right quadriceps muscle, in the control group. The correlations were moderate to weak (knees versus explosive strength of the lower limbs) and knee extensor and flexor strength versus EMG. In the analysis, pre versus post intervention, no significant differences were observed (P>0.05), both in the experimental group and in the control group, in any of the biochemical variables analyzed (CK, MDA, TAC). Conclusion: In general, the ICP protocol used had no effect on the detraining period, assessed by explosive strength (vertical jump), isometric strength and electromyographic (EMG) signal of knee extensors and flexors, in Paralympic athletes.
  • Relationship between digital health and the work process: the perception of physiotherapists at the Specialized Rehabilitation Center
  • Fecha: 28-feb-2024
  • Hora: 08:00
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  • Throughout history, People with Disabilities (PWD) have been socially neglected. The scenario in the country begins to change, the cause of disability begins to be understood under the influence of its social determination, and the person with a disability begins to be seen in a more integral way. In Brazil, in order to expand the comprehensive view of PWD, the federal government published the Plano Viver sem Limite – National Plan for the Rights of Persons with Disabilities in 2011. In 2012, the CERs were created to be a reference in health care within the territory and aiming to expand access and quality of health services aimed at PWD. The construction of comprehensive care in CERs requires a review of the work process of the professionals who make up their teams, including physiotherapists. Currently, work processes rely on a new resource that sometimes helps them: technology. Objective: This work seeks to understand the relationship between digital tools and the work process of physiotherapists at a CER. Methodology: This is a qualitative and exploratory case study, guided by Thematic Content Analysis. The field research had as its locus a CER in Paraíba, a reference in the habilitation and rehabilitation service in the four areas of disability. Physiotherapists, of both sexes, who provide care to PWD at the CER, and who were available for face-to-face interviews, and who had some experience with digital health tools, were included. A semi-structured interview guide with guiding questions was used as an instrument for data collection. To analyze the collected data, Thematic Content Analysis was used, carried out in three stages: 1. Pre-analysis; 2. Exploration of the material or coding; and 3. Treatment of results obtained/interpretation. Results: A total of 18 physiotherapists carried out the interviews, working in two sectors within the CER. The first of them, aimed at screening and diagnosis; and the second sector, aimed at serving people with physical disabilities. As these are professionals from different coordinations of the same CER, we observed the characteristics of two different work environments. The research findings revealed, in terms of characteristics of the collaborative work that takes place there, that there is interprofessional collaborative work. The data reveals that the organization of work at the CER, together with the lack of equipment, have been the main obstacles for professionals to make adequate and continuous use of the digital tool and its potential to interact in their work process. An important point to consider when we talk about the topic of digital health is the fact that professionals are or are not “computerized beings”, a term used by one of the interviewees to define a greater proximity to the area of computing and technology. Final considerations: In the CER, there are characteristics of two distinct work processes, and several different work objectives. Some obstacles hinder the relationship between professionals and the electronic medical record. The difficulty that some CER professionals encounter in operationalizing the system is not an age or generational issue, but rather a Digital Identity issue. Investments in training and physical resources are necessary to better establish this relationship.
  • The use of infrared thermography in the evaluation of painful musculoskeletal conditions: a scoping review
  • Fecha: 26-feb-2024
  • Hora: 08:00
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  • Introduction: Pain is a subjective and personal symptom that indicates a warning sign to the body that there may be some real or potential damage to the body, which may reflect changes in skin temperature that can be detected by Infrared Thermography (TIV). The TIV assessment of painful processes has been a challenge for Clinicians and Researchers using this tool. Therefore, it is interesting to investigate the extent to which current literature has addressed the topic and what are the future perspectives for studies to improve the knowledge and applicability of this tool. Objectives: The general objective of the study is to review and document the ways and strategies in which IT has been used to assess pain in its different contexts and pathologies. Methods: To carry out this review, a search was carried out in Medline/PubMed, Embase and Cumulative Index to Nursing and Allied Health Literature (CINAHL). The terms “Musculoskeletal Pain” and “Infrared Thermography” along with their synonyms were used and combined with the Boolean operators “OR” and “AND”. Three reviewers independently analyzed the titles, abstracts and full texts. Results: 41 studies were included in this review. Among these musculoskeletal conditions studied, four (9.7%) were neuropathic pain, four (9.7%) were nociplastic pain and 33 (80.5%) were classified as somesthetic pain regarding temperature changes in neuropathic pain two ( 66.6%) had a change in temperature related to pain, both were an increase in temperature, and one (33.4%) had no correlation between temperature and the analyzed outcome. In somesthetic pain, 17 (50.0%) showed a relationship between IVT and pain, where in 11 (64.7%) there was an increase in local temperature, five (29.4%) there was a reduction and one (5.9%) there was no reported the change. Finally, in the nociplastic type, two (50.0%) presented thermographic changes in the skin, where one (50.0%) had an increase in temperature and one (50.0%) a reduction. The other two (50.0%) did not have any change in IT in relation to the pain outcome present in this study. The pathologies classified as neuropathic pain were arthropathies, reflex sympathetic dystrophy and low back pain due to radiculopathy. Somesthetic-type pain included rheumatoid arthritis, temporomandibular joint disorder, osteoarthritis, delayed muscle pain, post-surgical pain and adhesive capsulitis. neck pain, low back pain and myofascial pain syndrome. Finally, nociplastic pain was classified as low back pain and neck pain specified as chronic. Conclusion: TIV is a promising tool for pain analysis demonstrated by most studies, especially in somesthetic pain, however there was variation in the thermal abnormalities found. There were methodological weaknesses in some results present in this review and due to the lack of accurate articles on this topic, it is concluded that more studies should be developed, focusing on standardization in the collection methodology, as well as the normality of skin temperature, considering the wide variety of groups of people and pathologies.
  • Fecha: 20-feb-2024
  • Hora: 09:30
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  • Long Covid (LC) is a common condition among survivors of SARS-CoV-2 infection. Fatigue is the most frequent symptom among the persistent sequelae of this condition. Abnormalities in neuroimaging and electroencephalographic findings can be observed during the acute phase, but patients data with persistent fatigue in the chronic phase of COVID-19 remain inconclusive. In an attempt to provide robust information to this gap, the electroencephalogram (EEG) can be used to assess brain electrical activity, providing differentiated information on the likely altered neurophysiology in LC. The general objective of this study was to characterize the pattern of cortical activity through resting EEG in patients with LC. An observational study was conducted with a group of 15 individuals with LC and a control group of 7 healthy individuals matched for age and sex. When compared to the control group, significant changes were observed in electroencephalographic activity in the frontal, central, temporal, and frontotemporal regions in the LC group, as well as correlations of temporal theta and central alpha with cognitive fatigue, and frontal and frontotemporal beta with the psychosocial aspect of fatigue.
  • Immediate Effect Of Open Kinetic Chain And Closed Kinetic Chain Resistance Exercise On Skin Temperature In Individuals With Knee Osteoarthritis: A Crossover Study
  • Fecha: 21-dic-2023
  • Hora: 09:00
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  • Introduction: Knee osteoarthritis (KOA) is a joint degeneration with an underlying inflammatory process, resulting in pain, joint stiffness, and loss of functionality in affected individuals. Among the inflammatory signs of the inflammatory process, an increase in skin temperature (Tsk) in the region can be observed, which can be evaluated using Infrared Thermography (IT). The main treatment guidelines indicate primary management through physical exercise to maintain the functionality and quality of life of these individuals. Objective: The objective of this study is to investigate the main thermographic changes in the knees of individuals affected by KOA, subjected to two exercise modalities: open kinetic chain (OKC) and closed kinetic chain (CKC). Methodology: This is a crossover study with individuals with KOA (GO; n=16) and without KOA (GSO; n=14), who performed exercises in OKC and CKC with a one-week interval between interventions. Participants answered the WOMAC questionnaire and the visual analog pain scale (VAS), and underwent thermographic evaluation of the thigh and knee region during the execution of the exercise protocols at 7 different time points: T1 - initial resting time; immediately after the 1st set (T2), 2nd set (T3), 3rd set (T4), and 1 minute (T5), 2 minutes (T6), and 3 minutes (T7) after the last set, respectively. For data analysis, Friedman's ANOVA was performed to analyze the temperature of the region of interest (ROI) in the thigh (ROI1), Patellar Tendon (ROI2), and Knee (ROI3) during the intervention, for each group over time, and the Wilcoxon test was used to locate differences from T1 to T7 for each ROI. Results: GO showed a difference in WOMAC with a mean of 36.3±22.2 compared to 6.5±14 in GSO (p=0.001). The temperature of ROI 1 and 3 during OKC showed a significant change only for GO (p=0.001 and 0.03). In ROI 2, both GO (p=0.002) and GSO (p=0.04) had temperature differences during the assessment in OKC, and in CKC, the groups did not show significance. Conclusion: Both exercises had an influence on increasing the temperature, with CKC having a greater influence on the change in knee and thigh skin temperature in individuals from both groups, and OKC showing a greater influence in the same areas only in the group with KOA.
  • Fecha: 24-nov-2023
  • Hora: 14:00
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  • The Care Network for People with Disabilities concerns the promotion, inclusion and acceptance of people with disabilities, with guaranteed access and quality of services, offering under the interdisciplinary logic pointing to Basic Care. Objective: To analyze the actions carried out by the Primary Care Teams and the Expanded Family Health Center aimed at people with disabilities. Methodology: This is a descriptive, inferential, cross-sectional, multicenter study with a quantitative approach. The study was carried out in eight Brazilian states. Professionals from the primary care teams and the expanded family health center participated in this study. Results: The Expanded Family Health Center has more knowledge about the Network than the Primary Care teams, so both teams sometimes meet the needs and demands of this public as well as guide and carry out home monitoring. The study presents a lower prevalence for the Expanded Family Health Center in terms of specific Primary Care actions such as early identification of deficiencies through prenatal care, reception and risk classification. Conclusion: The actions carried out by the two teams promote and collaborate with patients in relation to the care network for people with disabilities.
  • Fecha: 21-nov-2023
  • Hora: 08:00
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  • Within the scope of Primary Health Care (PHC), the Expanded Center for Family Health and Primary Care (NASF-AB), in which the physiotherapist is inserted, acts in an integrated manner to provide clinical, sanitary and pedagogical support to professionals of the Family Health teams and Primary Care teams, as well as to establish the longitudinality of care and the provision of direct services to the population. in order to increase the problem-solving capacity of health care. With the advent of the COVID-19 pandemic, many challenges for physical therapy in PHC were imposed. The objective of this study was to analyze the professional and personal experiences that physiotherapists experienced in their work at the NASF-AB in João Pessoa/PB during the first year of the COVID-19 pandemic. This is a qualitative and exploratory research, which was guided by the general theory of discourse and has in Content Analysis its fundamental analytical bases. The research was carried out in the municipality of João Pessoa-PB, from June 24 to July 7, 2020. For the composition of the corpus, interviews were conducted through Google Meet®, guided by a semi-structured interview script. The final sample was established by criteria of convenience of access and theoretical saturation. The study included 7 physical therapists enrolled in the NASF-AB who had at least one year of experience in the position. Three categories emerged: Difficulties faced by physiotherapists in the context of the pandemic: professional overload, vulnerability, and devaluation; Impacts of COVID-19 on the work routine of physiotherapists: the changes and the feeling of 'hands tied' and; the tools for the humanization of care and the non-place of health education in physical therapy practices in the pandemic period. The professional and personal experiences of the physiotherapists revealed changes in the work routine, necessary adjustments to cope with the pandemic and challenges faced in this context. It can be seen that physical therapists still do not understand the range of practices that can be developed by physical therapy in PHC and have more valued the core actions of physical therapy. Therefore, physical therapists need to improve their care practices within PHC, so that their health responsibility in PHC is further solidified. In this sense, continuing education is one of the suggested strategies to achieve this level of excellence in the provision of care in PHC.
  • Fecha: 31-oct-2023
  • Hora: 10:00
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  • Introduction: CHIKV is an arbovirus transmitted by mosquitoes of the Aedes family, its signs and symptoms are similar to other arboviruses, with its striking characteristic being symmetrical polyarthalgia. The diagnosis is made based on clinical signs and through blood testing. The virus transmission period is longer during rainy periods due to the vector's life cycle. On the other hand, Brazil went through a pandemic at the same time as Covid-19, its clinical signs are often very similar to those of arboviruses, which can lead to erroneous diagnoses, but Covid-19 has a greater respiratory characteristic. The objective of this study was to analyze temporal trends in the incidence of chikungunya fever during the COVID-19 pandemic in northeastern Brazil. Method: This is a descriptive, ecological study of time series analysis, through the analysis of computerized secondary data from the Information Technology Department of the Unified Health System (DATASUS), in addition to notification forms through the SINAN online notification and health problems system. /Web. Data was extracted and the Joinpoint regression model was chosen to analyze CHIKV infection rate trends during the COVID-19 pandemic. Results: Among the findings, a decrease in the number of cases was observed in 2020, with evolution and growth in 2022, a period that can be traced back to the beginning and end of the covid-19 pandemic. Furthermore, the results showed a higher incidence rate in the months of March-June. Conclusions: CHIKV is not directly related to the covid-19 virus, however some similar symptoms can lead to diagnostic errors, since with the active pandemic period attention has turned to this disease. Furthermore, this study shows us the difficulty of testing, since the incidence rate in the population is low, but the reality in terms of the number of hospitalizations and sequelae of chikungunya fever does not match the reported quantity
  • Fecha: 31-oct-2023
  • Hora: 10:00
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  • Introduction: CHIKV is an arbovirus transmitted by mosquitoes of the Aedes family, its signs and symptoms are similar to other arboviruses, with its striking characteristic being symmetrical polyarthalgia. The diagnosis is made based on clinical signs and through blood testing. The virus transmission period is longer during rainy periods due to the vector's life cycle. On the other hand, Brazil went through a pandemic at the same time as Covid-19, its clinical signs are often very similar to those of arboviruses, which can lead to erroneous diagnoses, but Covid-19 has a greater respiratory characteristic. The objective of this study was to analyze temporal trends in the incidence of chikungunya fever during the COVID-19 pandemic in northeastern Brazil. Method: This is a descriptive, ecological study of time series analysis, through the analysis of computerized secondary data from the Information Technology Department of the Unified Health System (DATASUS), in addition to notification forms through the SINAN online notification and health problems system. /Web. Data was extracted and the Joinpoint regression model was chosen to analyze CHIKV infection rate trends during the COVID-19 pandemic. Results: Among the findings, a decrease in the number of cases was observed in 2020, with evolution and growth in 2022, a period that can be traced back to the beginning and end of the covid-19 pandemic. Furthermore, the results showed a higher incidence rate in the months of March-June. Conclusions: CHIKV is not directly related to the covid-19 virus, however some similar symptoms can lead to diagnostic errors, since with the active pandemic period attention has turned to this disease. Furthermore, this study shows us the difficulty of testing, since the incidence rate in the population is low, but the reality in terms of the number of hospitalizations and sequelae of chikungunya fever does not match the reported quantity.
  • Effects of Transcranial Direct Current Stimulation Treatment for Neuropathic Pain: A Meta-Analysis and Meta-Regression of Randomized Controlled Trials
  • Fecha: 30-ago-2023
  • Hora: 09:00
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  • Background: The analgesic effects of Transcranial Direct Current Stimulation (tDCS) have been well reported in populations with chronic pain in the literature. However, in Neuropathic Pain (NP), results remain contrasting, with previous reviews showing small effect sizes and some factors that may influence the efficacy of tDCS. Objective: to evaluate the effects of tDCS on pain intensity, disability, and psychological aspects in patients with chronic NP, and determining the predictive effect of patient characteristics, study design, and intervention parameters. Methods: A systematic search of electronic databases including MEDLINE, CINAHL, EMBASE, and CENTRAL was conducted in July 2021. Controlled clinical trials involving patients with chronic NP applying tDCS were included. The effect size was measured using the Standardized Mean Difference (SMD) with a 95% confidence interval, calculated based on post-intervention values between the active and control groups. The level of evidence was assessed using the GRADE (Grading of Recommendations Assessment, Development and Evaluation) framework, and meta-regression analyses were conducted to explore potential moderating factors. Results: Based on 16 controlled clinical trials encompassing a total of 432 individuals, tDCS was superior to sham for pain improvement (SMD = -0.41; 95% CI (-0.72, -0.11); p=0.007). The meta-analysis did not show statistically significant favorability towards the active intervention for improving disability. Regarding psychosocial outcomes, only for the level of depression, active tDCS proved more effective. These results were based on a low level of evidence. Meta-regression analyses demonstrated that pain duration is negatively correlated with effect size [diff SMD=0.003 (0.001; 0.012), p=0.02], R²= 1.00. The stimulation target accounted for 86% of variability, while randomization description contributed to 15% of heterogeneity [diff SMD=0.385 (-1.749; -0.239), p=0.009], along with study design [diff SMD=0.380 (-0.033; 1.457), p=0.03]. Conclusion: Low level of evidence indicated that tDCS may have beneficial effects on pain intensity and depression. Symptom duration, tDCS application site, and methodological quality act as moderators of tDCS effects. Future studies are required to enhance the quality of evidence.
  • Effects of Transcranial Direct Current Stimulation Treatment for Neuropathic Pain: A Meta-Analysis and Meta-Regression of Randomized Controlled Trials
  • Fecha: 30-ago-2023
  • Hora: 09:00
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  • Context: The analgesic effects of Transcranial Direct Current Stimulation (tDCS) have been well reported in populations with chronic pain in the literature. However, in Neuropathic Pain (NP), results remain contrasting, with previous reviews showing small effect sizes and some factors that may influence the efficacy of tDCS. Objective: to evaluate the effects of tDCS on pain intensity, disability, and psychological aspects in patients with chronic NP, and determining the predictive effect of patient characteristics, study design, and intervention parameters. Methods: A systematic search of electronic databases including MEDLINE, CINAHL, EMBASE, and CENTRAL was conducted in July 2021. Controlled clinical trials involving patients with chronic NP applying tDCS were included. The effect size was measured using the Standardized Mean Difference (SMD) with a 95% confidence interval, calculated based on post-intervention values between the active and control groups. The level of evidence was assessed using the GRADE (Grading of Recommendations Assessment, Development and Evaluation) framework, and meta-regression analyses were conducted to explore potential moderating factors. Results: Based on 16 controlled clinical trials encompassing a total of 432 individuals, tDCS was superior to sham for pain improvement (SMD = -0.41; 95% CI (-0.72, -0.11); p=0.007). The metaanalysis did not show statistically significant favorability towards the active intervention for improving disability. Regarding psychosocial outcomes, only for the level of depression, active tDCS proved more effective. These results were based on a low level of evidence. Meta-regression analyses demonstrated that pain duration is negatively correlated with effect size [diff SMD=0.003 (0.001; 0.012), p=0.02], R²=1.00. The stimulation target accounted for 86% of variability, while randomization description contributed to 15% of heterogeneity [diff SMD=0.385 (-1.749; -0.239), p=0.009], along with study design [diff SMD=0.380 (-0.033; 1.457), p=0.03]. Conclusion: Low level of evidence indicated that tDCS may have beneficial effects on pain intensity and depression. Symptom duration, tDCS application site, and methodological quality act as moderators of tDCS effects. Future studies are required to enhance the quality of evidence
  • Kinesiotaping in treating edema: a systematic review and meta-analysis
  • Fecha: 29-ago-2023
  • Hora: 08:00
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  • Introduction. Edema is a dysfunction that occurs due to a local or systemic defect in 300 million people worldwide, causing pain and fatigue and affecting the quality of life. Kinesiotaping (KT) has emerged as an option as it presents benefits related to these signs and symptoms. Objective. Summarize the scientific evidence of the effects of KT on edema through a systematic literature search. Method. A systematic review will be carried out, searching for studies in the following databases: Pubmed, Central, CINAHL, PEDro and Embase; without time restriction, with a health search strategy or three blocks of description: intervention, condition and type of study randomized clinical trials, comparing studies of other types of control without edema, and any literature studies, case reports, experimental, personal comments, not complete by peers, books, studies that use compression bands will be excluded. The articles were selected title, abstract and full text by two reviewers and when in disagreement, a third auxiliary reviewer as a judge. Information was collected on the use of KT to reduce the quality of edema, use of an elaboration form to receive information from the studies, which contains items to characterize the study, how to use KT and term studies, seeking to summarize in mean and standard deviation. Risk was assessed, using the PED scale, confidence in the measure, while according to the GRADE. The analyzes presented in graphs, with the summary and the results detailed through a met, using Revman. Results. A total of 3,750 articles were identified, of which 70 were included in the review, and they were divided by area into face/head, upper limbs (UL), and lower limbs (LL); and by treatment duration into short and long term. It was observed that in short-term protocols, KT was superior to the comparators for the face region (Std mean -1.07; 95% CI -1.48, -0.65) and LL (-0.55; 95% CI -1.06, -0.05). On the other hand, for long-term protocols, KT was superior to the comparators for LL (-0.72; 95% CI -1.25, -0.18). Regarding the UL, KT was not superior to the comparators in short-term protocols (Std mean -0.05; 95% CI -0.89, 0.80), nor in long-term protocols (-0.04; 95% CI -0.31, 0.24). Conclusion. KT is an interesting resource for reducing acute edema in protocols for the face and LL, both in short and long-term protocols, but it does not appear to be effective for chronic edema in the UL.
  • Fecha: 28-ago-2023
  • Hora: 14:00
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  • Abstract: Introduction: A continuous reflection on the work process and its frequent modification, as in the case of Physiotherapy, is that it is an important element in the evolution of the development of humanity. The problematic level of this reflection grows due to the complexity of the work and mainly due to the few studies developed on the subject, mainly in the field of health and again, in the field of Physiotherapy. Objective: To analyze the factors associated with the satisfaction of Brazilian physiotherapists with their own work. Method: This is a descriptive, exploratory, quantitative study, with data collection performed through an online semi-structured instrument. With the objective of originating data for the structuring of this research, it was decided to send an online semi-structured instrument via WhatsApp to physiotherapists throughout Brazil, through the snowball strategy. The study contains 19 variables. Results: The process of attracting subjects, through invitations sent via whatsapp, took place on November 22, 23 and 29, 2021. After three months of the instrument being open online, a total of 620 people accessed the quiz. Of these, one did not answer the questionnaire in full (0.16%), two (0.32%) did not accept to participate in the study and 123 (19.83%) declared that they were not practicing Physiotherapy in care activities (patient care). and/or teaching and/or management. Thus, 126 subjects (20.16%) were excluded from the database and the total number of participants in this study was 495 Physiotherapists. The characteristics evaluated by the regression model, with a set of data, aimed to analyze the statistically significant factors related to satisfaction. Thus, the following variables were considered: Satisfied with Remuneration with a value of OR1 3.89, Satisfied with Education OR1 3.51, Attended or be studying a Doctorate OR1 3.31, Growth in Physiotherapy OR1 2.91, Satisfied with Work conditions OR1 2.53, Attended or be in Specialization OR1 2.47, Satisfied with graduate OR1 2.16, Gender: Women OR1 1.71. In total, 8 characteristics were evaluated. Conclusion: The physiotherapist has been conquering his space in several fields of action, acquiring his importance in all levels of health care. Its work process is still under continuous construction, and a reflection of an entire social context suffered for years is observed. This process has a significant impact on the satisfaction of this professional, mediating new reflections on work and satisfaction. Even though the study obtained a significant number of participants, the characteristics found do not allow a generalization. Some factors were highlighted in the influence of this satisfaction, such as: education, training, postgraduate programs, working conditions, sex and others. It is worth mentioning that this is an unprecedented study, with a highly relevant approach not only for Physiotherapy, but the entire field of health. The development of future research addressing gaps in this research will greatly contribute to the advancement of the theme.
  • Fecha: 28-ago-2023
  • Hora: 09:00
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  • Introduction: Gestational edema affects between 50 and 80% of pregnant women, especially between the 27th and 40th weeks of pregnancy. Manual lymphatic drainage (MLD) is one of the resources for relieving gestational edema and, in recent years, taping has emerged as an alternative therapy, although evidence of its effectiveness in this type of edema is scarce. Objective: To compare the volume of the lower limbs in the third trimester of pregnancy before and after treatment with DLM (GC), with taping (GT), and with the combination of DLM and taping (GA). Methods: A controlled, randomized, parallel and factorial clinical trial was carried out in the laboratory of the Dermatofunctional Physiotherapy Studies League (LEFIDEF) of the Physiotherapy Department of the Federal University of Paraíba (UFPB). Lower limb volume, pain, fatigue and quality of life were measured in 37 pregnant women from the third trimester of pregnancy, aged between 18 and 35, who had lower limb edema. The volunteers received one session of an intervention and were randomly allocated to three groups according to the treatment protocol: Taping Group (GT), Taping Group associated with DLM (GA) and DLM Group (GC). The dependent variables were measured before and after the session, while the independent variable was the treatment group. Results: With regard to the intra-group analysis, there were no statistically significant changes in lower limb volume in any of the intervention groups [F(1.0, 34)=0.73, p=0.40], but there was an increase in quality of life (P=0.01), a decrease in pain (p=0.0001) and fatigue (P=0.01) in the GA. As for the inter-group comparison, none of the outcomes showed statistically significant differences between the interventions at reassessment. Furthermore, there was a positive correlation between fatigue and pain (r=0.34, p=0.04), and a negative correlation between these and quality of life (r=-0.52, p=0.001; and r=-0.36, p=0.03, respectively). Conclusion: Taping, DLM and the combination of both have no impact on gestational edema 48 hours after their application. However, the combination of these resources seems to help improve symptoms such as pain and fatigue, increasing the quality of life of pregnant women.
  • Fecha: 28-ago-2023
  • Hora: 09:00
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  • Introduction: Primary Health Care (PHC) represents a set of diversified services with health actions of low technological density that were created to be users' first contact with the health system. Physiotherapy became formally integrated into primary care only in 2008 through the creation of the Family Health Support Center (NASF). The insertion of professionals brings challenges to their work process, as the genesis of their professional conception is traditionally linked to the field of rehabilitation. However, health care in primary care services contributes to the system's resolution and comprehensive care. Therefore, reflections on the situation of physiotherapists within the scope of PHC become of fundamental importance. Objective: To analyze the insertion and production of physiotherapists professionals in primary care health services in Brazil and its regions from 2008 to 2021. Methodology: This is a quantitative approach study with temporal trend assessment, obtained through a database data from the Information Technology Department of the Unified Health System (DATASUS) and the Primary Care Information System (SISAB). The data were analyzed using the Joinpoint regression model and temporal trends were obtained for the number of jobs for physiotherapists working in PHC and their production in Brazil and its regions. Conclusion: There was a percentage increase in the number of jobs occupied by physiotherapists working in PHC among all health establishments. UBS/CS obtained the highest number of jobs occupied by physiotherapists working in PHC. The production of the physiotherapist assigned to PHC is expressively of individual services. The analyzes of temporal trends for Academia da Saúde and UBS/CS only obtained growth trends for Brazil and its regions. Analysis of temporal trends in the total period (2014-2022) showed a significant increase in the total quantity and all types of individual services.
  • Fecha: 24-ago-2023
  • Hora: 13:00
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  • Introduction: COVID-19 can cause systemic problems and complications in various organs, leaving sequelae in those affected. In order to treat the functions impaired by COVID-19, physical rehabilitation has set out to restore or minimize the damage caused by the disease. Rehabilitation via digital resources or telerehabilitation is indicated as a branch of telehealth that characterizes a remote rehabilitation control system through telecommunication technologies, which has proven to be effective, saving time and resources for health care. Objective: To identify the effects of remote rehabilitation interventions on functional and physical capacity, lung function, dyspnea, fatigue and quality of life in patients affected by COVID-19. Methods: This study was registered in the PROSPERO systematic review protocol database with registration CRD42022347642 The PICO strategy used the following inclusion criteria: people of both sexes, aged ≥ 18 years with and after COVID-19, hospitalized or not, who were undergoing telerehabilitation protocols compared or not to in-person treatments or usual care. The outcomes assessed were functional capacity, lung function, respiratory muscle strength, physical fitness parameters, quality of life, dyspnea and fatigue. The search was carried out on the following databases: PubMed/MEDLINE, Cochrane Library, PEDro Physiotherapy Evidence Database, CINAHL Database/EBSCO and Web of Science. Books, meta-analyses, reviews and systematic reviews were excluded. The quality and reporting of the studies were analyzed using the TESTEX scale. Quantitative synthesis was carried out in Review Manager (RevMan 5.4) with analyses to measure the standardized mean difference (SMD) or mean difference (MD) between trials, with 95% confidence intervals (95% CI). Heterogeneity was assessed by I2, and random or fixed effects were applied according to the heterogeneity of the study. Results: Thirty- four articles evaluating 1,344 individuals with and after COVID-19 were included for the qualitative synthesis, and fourteen studies went on to the meta-analysis. The data revealed that telerehabilitation improved functional capacity [MD 79.65 [63.57, 95.73m], I2 = 52%, P < 0.00001), agility [MD -0.69 [95%CI -1.33, -0. 04], I2 = 0%, P < 0.04], lower limb strength and endurance [DMP 0.74 [95%CI 0.52, 0.96Kg], I2 = 10%, P < 0.00001], FEV1 [MD 0.20 [95%CI 0.04, 0.37L], I2 = 55%, P = 0.02], and dyspnea [DMP -0.94 [95%CI -1.64, -0.24], I2 = 90%, P = 0.009]. It was also found that telerehabilitation improved inspiratory muscle strength [MD 13.71 [95%CI 5.41, 22.00cmH2O], I2 = 0%, P = 0.001] but was not favorable for improving lung function. In the subgroup analysis, the telerehabilitation protocols with RMT associated or not with other physical modalities were favorable for increasing handgrip strength [MD 4.69 [95%CI 0.44, 8.94kg], I2 = 0%, P = 0.03] and fatigue [MPD -0.97 [95%CI -1.74, -0.20], I2 = 74%, P = 0.01], P < 0.00001]. On the other hand, quality of life improved with the offer of telerehabilitation during the COVID-19 contagion phase. Conclusion: Telerehabilitation is favorable for improving functional capacity, inspiratory muscle strength, lower limb aerobic strength and endurance, agility and dyspnea. The subgroup analysis showed a reduction in fatigue, an improvement in handgrip strength and FEV1 in the protocols with MDRT alone or combined with other exercise modalities. Quality of life was improved in the protocols used in the contagious phase of the disease and the improvement in functional capacity was independent of the time and type of intervention carried out.
  • Fecha: 23-ago-2023
  • Hora: 09:00
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  • INTRODUCTION: Long-term COVID begins three weeks after the acute infection, with persistence of symptoms for a period of 12 weeks or more, after resolution of the infection. The variation in the spectrum of symptoms demonstrates the multifaceted nature of COVID long in reaching multiple organs, regardless of disease intensity. In addition to the primary involvement, the pathophysiology of long-term COVID involves the central nervous system, which can cause long-lasting neurological complications. METHODS: This is a double-blind, randomized, controlled clinical trial, where 32 participants with long-term COVID were divided into an active and sham group, to receive an inspiratory muscle training protocol associated with transcranial stimulation in the diaphragmatic motor cortex through HD-tDCS, while the sham group did not receive stimulation, only the introduction of electrodes. RESULTS: No changes were observed in the variables of respiratory muscle function and lung function when comparing the groups, however, the active group improved compared to the baseline in the following variables: maximum inspiratory pressure, pressure generated by the inspiratory muscles in the first 100 milliseconds, ratio forced expiratory volume by forced vital capacity and peak expiratory flow. CONCLUSION: HD-tDCs could be an adjunctive therapy to be introduced to a post-COVID-19 rehabilitation protocol, however, more research is needed.
  • Fecha: 21-ago-2023
  • Hora: 14:00
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  • Introduction: Individuals infected with COVID-19 may suffer from the persistence of one or more symptoms after the acute period of infection, these medium to long-term symptoms characterize a condition called “Post COVID-19 Syndrome” (PCS) or “COVID long”, the symptoms are diverse, such as: fatigue, dyspnea, loss of muscle mass and reduced functional capacity. Thus, cardiopulmonary rehabilitation emerges as a viable, effective, safe and low-cost therapy for the treatment of this clinical condition. Objective: To analyze the effects of a cardiopulmonary rehabilitation protocol on functional capacity, dyspnea, fatigue and body composition in patients with PCS. Methods: This is a clinical, controlled and randomized trial, composed of individuals with PCS. 33 individuals were recruited, divided into two groups, cardiopulmonary rehabilitation group (n=17) and control group (n=16). The cardiopulmonary rehabilitation group performed a protocol consisting of respiratory, aerobic and resistance muscle training. Functional capacity, dyspnea, fatigue and body composition were evaluated before and after the protocol. Results: After six weeks, the cardiopulmonary rehabilitation group had increased functional capacity, with a difference of 100.46 m (95% confidence interval [CI]: 7.40 to 193 m) in the distance covered in the sixminute walk test minutes, reduced dyspnea (-1.45, 95% CI: -1.98 to -0.92) in the modified Medical Research Council, and increased by 0.63 kg (95% CI: 0.09 to 1.18 kg) of muscle mass in the upper limbs compared to the control group. Conclusion: Cardiopulmonary rehabilitation improved functional capacity, reduced the sensation of dyspnea and promoted muscle mass gain in the upper limbs of individuals with PCS.
  • Fecha: 15-ago-2023
  • Hora: 14:00
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  • Introduction: The Unified Health System (SUS) is a public health system that aims to promote, prevent and rehabilitate health, therefore, very important for the health of the population. Among the levels of care, there is Primary Care, which is responsible for most of the care, reducing possible hospitalization needs. Also within the SUS, there is the Home Care Service (SAD), which is responsible for organizing the teams: Multiprofessional Home Care Team (EMAD) and Multiprofessional Support Team (EMAP), for home care of the population, which for some reason reason you cannot go to the Assistance Unit. These teams are made up of different professionals, among them is the Physiotherapist, who works directly on the disorders of some systems of the human body, who generally accompanies eligible users for this service. The physiotherapist works together with the other professionals, so it is interesting that everyone works together, that they discuss the cases, monitor the services in each area to better manage patients, especially during the COVID-19 pandemic. Objective: To evaluate the perception of professionals from EMADs and EMAPs in João Pessoa/PB about the differences in the performance, perspectives, demands and difficulties of Physiotherapists in home care before and during the COVID-19 pandemic. Method: this is a descriptive, observational and quantitative study, which was carried out through a questionnaire applied to the following professionals: social worker, physiotherapist, speech therapist, nutritionist, dentist, nursing technicians, psychologist, pharmacist, occupational therapist, doctors and nurses from the EMAD and EMAP teams in João Pessoa. Results: As some of the results, all physiotherapists who participated were from the EMADs, the teams reported that the pandemic had a negative impact on the consultations, that the professionals work together and that, at present, the consultations are calmer. There was not much difference in the pathologies treated before and after the pandemic and currently, physiotherapy care is mainly focused on the motor part. In addition, the teams see the physiotherapist as important and that the difficulties faced by them, perceived by the whole team, were mainly the fear of COVID-19, the lack of equipment and information, as well as the difficulty with the transport to be used. Conclusions: the professionals of the teams have a good understanding of physiotherapeutic actions and, as in other services, the SAD in João Pessoa also had its difficulties, but managed to keep the services working together, however, there is still a need for greater interaction among professionals who can contribute to better care and service performance.
  • Fecha: 27-jul-2023
  • Hora: 16:00
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  • Introduction: Cardiovascular disease (CVD) is the main cause of morbidity and mortality in the world, in Brazil there is a prevalence of approximately 35% of the population. In Brazil, the contingent of care provided by the Unified Health System in cardiovascular care represented 0.27% of all procedures in the early 2000s. The overload of the tertiary sector due to hospitalizations of patients with heart failure in regions with low outpatient coverage has already been reported in the literature. According to cardiovascular rehabilitation guidelines, professional physiotherapists are trained in the prevention, outpatient care, and intensive care. There are still no analyses on cardiovascular physiotherapy in view of the demands for care in the SUS. Based on the above, it is necessary to observe the impacts of cardiovascular disease and production in low, medium, and high complexities of physiotherapy in cardiovascular disease in Brazil. Objective: To analyze data on cardiovascular disease and the production of physiotherapy in cardiovascular disease at the three levels of complexity between 2011 and 2021. Method: This is a descriptive and epidemiological observational study using DATASUS with raw extraction by TabWin, being collected by SIH/ SUS and SIA/SUS, transforming the variables into rates and making a temporal analysis of trends with joinpoint regression® software. Results and discussion: in the decade 2011 to 2021, a. mortality and permanence in Brazil remained stable while hospitalizations, hospital costs, and professional services tended to increase, by region, the North and Northeast showed more aggravated rates in relation to the Southeast, South and Midwest. Nationally, low-complexity physiotherapy has tended to decrease, while medium-complexity has increased and highcomplexity stability. Conclusion: Regional asymmetries are perceived in cardiovascular disease, to the point that in Brazil physiotherapy in low complexity suffered a sharp inflection, an increase in medium complexity, and stability in high complexity.
  • Fecha: 27-jul-2023
  • Hora: 14:00
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  • Introduction: The World Health Organization (WHO) considers an elderly person to be an inhabitant of a developing country who is 60 years old or older and an inhabitant of a developed country who is 65 years old or older. An important fact to mention is that aging can lead to certain reductions in functional reserves. Thus, it is essential to seek means to provide the elderly with functional autonomy. With the emergence of the new coronavirus, SARS-CoV-2, social isolation has become the most recommended means of preventing its transmissibility, with the elderly being the most vulnerable population. Objective: To analyze the impacts that social isolation carried out during the COVID-19 pandemic promoted on the functionality and quality of life of the elderly population. Method: A systematic literature review was carried out using the following databases: PubMed, EMBASE, CENTRAL, CINAHL, Web of Science, Science Direct, PEDro and BVS. Articles were published between 2020-2022 and there was no language restriction. Completed or ongoing randomized clinical trials evaluating the impacts of social isolation during COVID-19 on functionality and quality of life of the elderly were accepted. The risk of bias in the studies was assessed using the Cochrane Risk of Bias Tool. The quality of evidence was analyzed using the GRADE system. Results: 11,391 articles were found, of which 2,801 were excluded due to duplicates; 8,590 remained analyzed in the first screening by title and abstract, and of these 8,484 were excluded for not addressing the topic suggested for this review. Finally, the remaining 106 studies were submitted to a second screening by reading the full text. Thus, 97 studies were excluded for not being randomized clinical trials, not being in the context of social isolation and pandemic, and not having evaluated the main outcomes of this review. Therefore, only 9 articles were included in this review, in which the risk of bias was classified as high risk and the GRADE analysis was classified as very low. Conclusions: Although the studies included in this review were classified with a poor methodological and evidence level, in the end it was observed that social isolation, during the COVID-19 pandemic, brought changes to the health of the elderly, in particular, in physical health, mental and quality of life, and that remote intervention strategies were beneficial for the outcomes evaluated in this review.
  • The additional effect of percutaneous microelectrolysis in patients with rotator cuff tendinopathy: a randomized controlled clinical trial.
  • Fecha: 14-jul-2023
  • Hora: 09:00
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  • Introduction: Rotator cuff tendinopathy is the main cause of shoulder pain and functional loss in adults in Brazil. It is estimated that its prevalence in the Brazilian population is between 5% and 33%. Studies show that conservative treatment may involve physical exercises and electrotherapy. Percutaneous microelectrolysis (MEP) is a minimally invasive therapeutic method that has been used with good results in tendinopathies, although the evidence about its use alone or associated with physical exercises is still not well defined. Objective: To compare a shoulder-specific exercise program with and without the addition of MEP on shoulder pain and function in people with rotator cuff tendinopathy. Materials and methods: This is a randomized, controlled, parallel, single-blind clinical trial in which forty-two subjects diagnosed with rotator cuff tendinopathy were randomly allocated into 2 groups: experimental group (EG) with 21 subjects and control group (CG) with other 21 subjects. Both underwent a clinical protocol of therapeutic exercises, but only GE received additional treatment with MEP. To evaluate the outcomes of this study, the questionnaire for shoulder function SPADI (Shoulder Pain and Disability Index) and the EN (Numeric Scale) for pain assessment were used, applied before and 8 weeks after the treatment protocol of 6 face-to-face and supervised sessions by professional. All participants were recommended to practice therapeutic exercises at home. Results: Positive changes were observed both in the outcome pain and in function in both groups, with a decrease in the SPADI score and in the NE in the EG (MD= -3.19; CI95%= -4.45 to -1.94; p<0.001 for pain and DM= -35.76; CI95%= -47.77 to -23.76; p<0.001 for function) and in the CG (DM= -3.99; CI95%= -5.27 to -2.72; <0.001 for pain and DM=- 38.26; CI95%= -50.45 to -26.07; p<0.001 for function), however there were no statistically significant differences between groups, both for pain (MD= 1,23; CI95%= -2,54 a 0,07; p=0,064) and for function (MD= 7,17: CI95%= -7,02 a 21,35; p=0,317). Conclusion: The findings of this study do not allow us to state that the addition of MEP to a therapeutic exercise program is more effective than the isolated use of the latter, although both protocols have positively altered pain and function variables.
  • Fecha: 28-feb-2023
  • Hora: 14:00
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  • Health professionals who work on the front lines of COVID-19 have numerous risk factors that compete not only for the physical and mental health of these professionals, as their occupation at work and their conditions end up being potential sources of of exposure to the virus. Problems such as physical fatigue and psychological stress, anxiety about losing patients and colleagues, lack of resources to protect professionals at work, risk of infection and transmission to family members, are health care for these professionals, in order to avoid reducing the ability to work, quality of life and care provided to patients. Objective: To analyze the impact on the quality of work life of physiotherapists working on the front line in the fight against the COVID-19 pandemic in the State of Paraíba. Methods: This is a quantitative, cross-sectional, descriptive study. The sample consisted of physiotherapists from the public and private network of the State of Paraíba-PB, working on the front line in the fight against COVID19 in hospitals, UPAS, COVID-19 care center, specialized home care services, with responses volunteers to the questionnaire with closed questions. The online collection was applied from August to December 2022. Results: The sample extended to 68 physiotherapists, in relation to symptomatology for both Normal result variables: stress (39.7%), anxiety (38.2%) and depression (41.2%); it was found that the average quality of life at work was 59.77%, which is considered satisfactory. The domains with the greatest satisfaction, when compared, were personal (66.91%) and psychological (61.64%). Conclusion: The results showed that the quality of life at work of physiotherapists working on the front line of COVID-19 is satisfactory, with good performance. These results point to aspects to be considered by health services to improve knowledge about workers' health.
  • Fecha: 28-feb-2023
  • Hora: 14:00
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  • Physical therapist practices have undergone transformations over the years in the search for the primacy of comprehensive care, directed towards the biopsychosocial approach in rehabilitation services. Objective: Understand the relationship between the care practices and actions carried out by physiotherapists aimed at Persons with Disabilities and the organization of their work at the Specialized Rehabilitation Center. Methodology: This is a qualitative, descriptive study, taking the case study as a guiding model, based on ethnographic analysis resources. The study was developed with the association of three data collection strategies: document analysis, direct observation with conversational approaches and interviews with Specialized Rehabilitation Center physiotherapists in the state of Paraíba-PB. Results: The study reveals that there are differences and nuances between the prescribed work and the real work, the physiotherapists partially present, or do not present in their routine, elements such as the practice of reassessing assisted users, elaboration and execution of the Singular Therapeutic Project, and periodic meetings in team, as recommended by the instruction, and that there are obstacles in the organization of their work that imply the care practices provided to People with Disabilities. Conclusion: Knowledge of the practices allowed identifying the distance between the prescribed work and the concrete conditions for carrying it out, which makes it possible to adopt strategies to improve the process and organization of work in the CER.
  • Fecha: 28-feb-2023
  • Hora: 10:00
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  • CrossFit is a modality that is characterized by high-intensity intervals, providing practitioners with the development of skills that promote improved sports performance. Similarly, ischemic preconditioning (ICP) is a form of training that aims to optimize muscle performance by increasing tissue tolerance to episodes of ischemia followed by reperfusion. Objective: To compare the acute effects of different PCI protocols on muscle performance and superficial thermal response in amateur CrossFit athletes. Methodology: The study included 15 subjects (10 men and 5 women), of both genders, aged between 18 and 35 years, with no history of metabolic, cardiovascular, or locomotor system diseases with Ankle Brachial Index (ABI) between 0.91 and 1.30 and who responded negatively to all items of the Physical Activity Readiness Questionnaire/PAR-Q. After selection, they randomly performed one of the following three protocols: 1) ischemic preconditioning with 2 limb ischemia cycles (PCI-2C); 2) ischemic preconditioning with 4 cycles of limb ischemia (PCI-4C); 3) control ischemic preconditioning (PCI-CONT). Isometric strength measurements of elbow and knee extensors were performed before and after (WOD) and infrared thermography, at baseline, after PCI and WOD. Data were analyzed using SP analyze the time of execution of the WOD, and to analyze the isometric strength of the elbow and knee extensors, in addition to repeated measures ANOVA to compare the averages, normalized, of the temperatures throughout the moments of evaluation. Results: No significant differences were found between the protocols regarding the WOD execution time (F:2;12=0.09; P=0.916), as well as for the isometric strength of elbow extensors (F:2; 12=0.248; P=0.781) and knee (F:2;12=0.827; P=0.439). For the upper, lower and facial ROI thermograms, no significant differences were observed between the protocols (P>0.05); however, there were significant differences between assessments (P<0.05). Conclusion: The protocols behaved similarly in terms of execution time and isometric strength of elbow and knee extensors, however the normalized temperature means decreased over the course of the evaluations.
  • Fecha: 28-feb-2023
  • Hora: 08:00
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  • The physiotherapist's practices for Persons with Disabilities (PwD), over time, have been undergoing transformations in the quest to offer comprehensive care centered on the ideas of the biopsychosocial approach. Objective: To know the meanings that emerge from the personal contexts of physiotherapists who work in the care of PwD at the Specialized Rehabilitation Center (ERC). Methodology: This is a qualitative, descriptive and exploratory study, theoretically and methodologically supported by the content analysis proposed by Bardin. For this research, participant observation and interviews were adopted as fieldwork techniques, guided by a previously defined script. The locator context of the research was a CER in the state of Paraíba - PB. Thirteen physiotherapists were interviewed. Results: The study shows that there are still difficulties in offering comprehensive care to users in the CER. CER physiotherapists have problems with internal communication and with the care network, in addition to difficulties in operationalizing interprofessional work; and the physical therapy practice in the CER is still very dependent on equipment and technologies. Conclusion: The knowledge of the particular contexts contained in the physiotherapists' experiences allowed us to identify that there are still barriers to providing expanded and comprehensive care focused on the biopsychosocial model for PwD.
  • Fecha: 27-feb-2023
  • Hora: 16:00
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  • Burn is a tissue injury caused by thermal, chemical, electrical, biological or radioactive agents, which has been treated through photobiomodulation because it is a low-cost option to accelerate the healing of this type of injury, as has been demonstrated in research experiments with animals. Objective: To compare the effect of red LED photobiomodulation, infrared LED and sham therapy on the rate of re-epithelialization, presence of pain, pruritus, skin temperature, healing quality and scar mobility among individuals with second-degree burns. Methods: This is a randomized and controlled double-blind clinical trial. Twelve burn injuries were treated, divided into 3 groups: Red Led Group (n = 2), Infrared LED Group (n = 5), and Sham Group (n = 4). The presence of pain, itching, skin temperature and wound size were evaluated daily until healing, and at the end of healing, the mobility and quality of the scar were evaluated. Data were analyzed using descriptive statistics, reptelization rate, skin temperature and scar mobility, ANOVA was performed for repeated measures, followed by Bonferroni post-hoc. a one-way anova and for Kruskall wallis scar quality considering a significance level of P0.05. Results: Although the results do not show a significant change with regard to the rate of reepithelialization, pain, itching and scar quality, it is possible to observe a clinical improvement in the volunteers who were treated with led therapy.
  • Fecha: 27-feb-2023
  • Hora: 14:00
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  • INTRODUCTION: In 1969, Physiotherapy is recognized as a profession in Brazil, becoming one of the 14 regulated professions in the health field. Based on the biomedical model and the discourse of professionalism as a statutory and ideological form of work organization, the profession has been (re)writing its path based on professional autonomy, in search of its own professional identity based on a scientifically oriented practice. OBJECTIVE: The objective of the research will be to analyze the selfidentity of the professional of physical therapists working in Brazil. METHODOLOGY: It was a descriptive, exploratory and non-probabilistic study, operationalized through the combined use of qualitative and quantitative methods, with the use of the technique of data collection through an online semi-structured questionnaire. Quantitative data were analyzed using descriptive statistics and qualitative data, from the evocations of words, through the frequency of semantic groups, average order of evocations and word clouds. RESULTS: 495 physiotherapists participated in the study, predominantly female, white, graduated from private higher education institutions, who had the physiotherapy course as their first choice, had attended or were studying specialization and were satisfied with their work. Considering the categories proposed by Claude Dubar, the participants characterized training as difficult and demanding knowledge; the career as difficult and rewarding; the labor market as difficult and competitive; and the work process as rewarding and tiring. CONCLUSION: Although Physiotherapy is a recent profession in the field of health, presenting weaknesses in its insertion in the labor market and in its way of acting, the profession tends to gain new spaces, especially to be recognized with its own identity, breaking the paradigm of a rehabilitative and crystallized image in the biomedical model.
  • Fecha: 27-feb-2023
  • Hora: 09:00
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  • Health-Related Quality of Life can be defined as how much the patient's condition of life is being deteriorated, modifying the physical and mental components. Sleep is a physiological state that takes place repairs, disorders in it, can cause non-consolidation of memory, immunosuppression, physical and mental stress. The National Policy of Integrative and Complementary Practices was instituted in the Unified Health System in order to prevent injuries, promote health and recover the sick. The objective of the study was to analyze the influence of the use of Acupuncture and/or Auriculoacupuncture on the Level of Satisfaction, Health-Related Quality of Life (HRQOL) and Sleep of patients treated at a specialized service in the city of João Pessoa – PB. This is a field research, descriptive, with a qualiquantitative approach, of a longitudinal nature, carried out at CPICS “Equilíbrio do Ser” between Oct/22 and Jan/23. The sample was obtained by accessibility, with a total of twenty patients, initially submitted to a Sociodemographic and Clinical Profile Questionnaire, SF-36 Quality of Life Questionnaire and Pittsburg Sleep Index (Pre and post intervention) and Questionnaire Customer Satisfaction (CSQ-8), after discharge. Therapists were also given a questionnaire on their clinical profile and relationship with Integrative Practices. For the descriptive and inferential statistical analysis of the data, the statistical program IBM SPSS Statistics, version 22.0, was used. The Shapiro-Wilk test was used to verify the normality of the variables, the Student's t test to compare the means of continuous variables and the Wilcoxon test for the medians of discrete variables, considering a significant test (P<0.05). The vast majority of patients are women (90%), aged between 60 and 69 years (45%) and single (45%). There were 148 sessions, with Auriculopuncture being the most widespread technique (93.1%). The SF36 Functional Capacity (P=0.004), Mental Health (P=0.018), Social Aspects (P=0.041), Vitality (P= 0.043) and general score (P=0.025) domains had a statistically significant change. At the end of the treatment, 90% of the subjects were very satisfied. As for therapists, half earn between 1SM and 2SM in this relationship and had no contact with Acupuncture during graduation. The specialized service was effective, providing a significant improvement in HRQoL and a high level of satisfaction with the Acupuncture/Auriculoacupuncture sessions in its patients.
  • Fecha: 30-nov-2022
  • Hora: 14:30
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  • Prior knowledge of the tendon's physiological and thermal preferences for different types of exercise, as well as its association with photobiomodulation (PBM) are essential for establishing effective protocols for the prevention and treatment of calcaneal tendinopathies. Objective: To analyze the thermal pattern of the skin on the CT of healthy individuals using PBM in association with isometric and isotonic exercises. Method: This is an experimental, cross-over, randomized and single-blind study, which used two independent exercise groups: 1. Isometric and 2. Isotonic, associated with real and simulated PBM, with a washout time of one week. The sample consisted of 32 healthy volunteers, of both genders and physically active, equally distributed between the groups (n= 16 subjects, 8 males and 8 females). Who were exempted from thermographic video assessment; assessment of isometric muscle strength of the triceps surae; subjective perception of effort and pain. Data were processed using SPSS version 20.0 adopting a significance level of 5% and a 95% confidence interval. A paired t test was used to compare the pre and post strength measurements and an Anova of repeated measures was applied to compare the mean temperatures in the 10 times. Pain and observer were compared using the Man Whitney test and partial eta (η2) was used to interpret the effect size. Results: There was a significant difference between time x limb (p= 0.01), in which the temperature of the experimental limb was higher than that of the control limb. And in the analysis time x exercise (p=0.001), with the eccentric group presenting higher temperatures than the isometric group in the times referring to the execution of the exercise protocol. The strength measurements demonstrated good reproducibility (ICC=0.859; p=0.001) and no differences were verified with the previous application of PBM. The eccentric group had a greater perception of exertion (p=0.001) and pain (p=0.001) than the isometric group, experiencing significant mechanical weakness (r=0.336; p=0.007) between them. Conclusions: Isotonic exercise presents a greater thermal amplitude over the exercised CT, and may act in a preventive way and in the rehabilitation of tendinopathies. On the other hand, isometric exercise can be indicated in the early stages of rehabilitation of tendon ruptures, as it can be better tolerated since it presents less resistance and discomfort. PBM at the dose applied in this study was not able to cause thermal changes or changes in muscle strength in the subjects.
  • Fecha: 29-nov-2022
  • Hora: 14:00
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  • This research has as its theme the physiotherapeutic performance in Specialized Rehabilitation Centers, based on the guidelines that guide comprehensive health care provided in the Care Network for Persons with Disabilities. Therefore, it aimed to comparatively analyze and characterize the actions carried out by physiotherapists from Specialized Rehabilitation Centers in eight states in the country from the perspective of comprehensive health care, having as a reference the implementation of the Care Network for Persons with Disabilities in the SUS. From this, the knowledge of the physiotherapists of the CERs about the devices for care management was identified, namely: Matrix Support (AM) and Singular Therapeutic Project (PTS); the health care actions performed by the physiotherapists of the CERs were listed, relating them to the assumptions for structuring care provided for in the Consolidation Ordinance nº. 3/2017; a score was created to classify the actions carried out, considering their intra-service, inter-service and intersectoral scope; and, based on the score, the differences in the actions performed by the physical therapists between the states participating in the study were compared, from the perspective of comprehensive care. The research was characterized as a Case Study and had the participation of 387 (three hundred and eightyseven) physical therapists inserted in CERs spread over 99 centers spread over eight Brazilian states. It was possible to observe how the perspective of comprehensive health care appears in the physiotherapeutic performance in the CERs, if the conduct of the professionals is aligned with what concerns the Care Network for Persons with Disabilities, provided for in the SUS legislation. As a result of this research, it was observed that, in general, the actions developed by physical therapists understand care as a demand in the CER, and work in an articulated way within the center. However, when the articulation is between the other services, external to the CER, whether in the RCPD or with other sectors, such as education, it presents fragility
  • Fecha: 28-nov-2022
  • Hora: 11:00
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  • BACKGROUND: Suddenly, the COVID-19 pandemic has changed the lifestyle of people, in particular the population of disabilities persons and their rehabilitation process, due to the social isolation measures that caused the interruption of care at the Specialized Rehabilitation Centers (SRC). These services have developed and adapted strategies of remote activities such as telerehabilitation modalities to keep the assistance and care for patients. Therefore, it is necessary to note the impact of these adaptations in desabilities persons rehabilitation. OBJECTIVE: To analyse the impact of care management strategies used by SRC's during the different phases of the COVID-19 pandemic, from the perspective of managers, physical therapists and other higher-level health professionals in the multidisciplinary teams of these services. METHODS: This is a descriptive mixed-method research carried out in type IV SRCs in Paraíba, structured in stages, comprising: a documentary research, in-depth interviews with managers and physical therapists, and application of an online questionnaire with the multidisciplinary team. of these services. The data were analyzed by means of triangulation of methods, by crossing the data obtained in the document analysis, in the interviews and in the questionnaires applied to the professionals of the multiprofessional team. RESULTS: 03 managers and 175 higher education health professionals participated in the research, of which 08 physiotherapists participated in a semi-structured in-depth interview and 167 professionals answered the self-administered questionnaire through the google forms platform. Respondents and most professionals (94%) reported that services interrupted care, interrupting in the first two pandemic waves (52.2%), and during an interval of 8 to 10 months (41.4%). Participants focused on providing remote service (34.4%), with a predominance of developing up to two remote modalities: Tele Service and Tele Consultation (45.9%). All professionals (100%) participants stated that users had some difficulty, the most frequent being resistance in adhering to the proposed activities (44.9%). Most (80.3%) stated that users had an unsatisfactory evolution or regression of their clinical condition, with a reduction in intellectual capacities being more frequent (25.7%). Most participants stated that teleconsultation can be incorporated into routine CER activities (48.5%). CONCLUSION: It was evidenced that the interruption in the functioning of the CER's, and the adaptations to the new modalities of telerehabilitation care caused unsatisfactory evolutions in the users. The role of the caregiver/family gained even more support as a fundamental link in the process of adherence to the proposed therapies, being a conditioning factor for the success of the treatment. Telerehabilitation gained prominence as an adjuvant factor to conventional treatment to maintain the gains obtained, improve logistics or allow continuity of care, when it is not possible to carry out face-to-face care or in a complementary way to this type of care. The need for investments aimed at qualifying this type of care is highlighted.
  • Fecha: 09-nov-2022
  • Hora: 08:30
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  • Introduction: Pain, is a common event in the various scenarios involving health care, from birth to death, whether in or out of hospital. In Brazil, work-related musculoskeletal disorders, known as osteoarticular disorders, currently represent the main group of health problems among the occupational diseases in the modern world. Objective: To identify the prevalence of pain and musculoskeletal disorders in the various body segments of workers in the transportation sector in the city of João Pessoa, PB. Materials and Methods: This is a documental, observational, descriptive, transversal, quantitative study, developed at Serviço Social do Transporte (SEST) in João Pessoa/PB, from January to February 2022. The universe of the study consisted of individuals from the transportation industry of both sexes, with ages ranging from 25 to 74 years, whose sample totaled 152 subjects chosen randomly and by convenience. The variables gender, weight, age and height, body mass index (BMI), clinical and health data, and lifestyle were studied. The data were grouped in a database in the EXCEL® application, the descriptive statistics performed in the SPSS software, with the respective absolute and percentage frequencies, risk ratio, as well as, the weight of evidence (WoE) binary classification model was used to determine the influence of factors. We also applied the multivariate model of simple Correspondence Analysis. The study was previously approved by the Research Ethics Committee of the Federal University of Paraiba, under Opinion number 5,156,893. Results: It was verified that 82.0% of the workers reported some type of musculoskeletal symptom, located mainly in the lumbar region (41.0%), cervical (37.1%), followed by knees (9.5%). An association was observed between symptoms and socio-demographic factors, lifestyle, age group, as well as, the BMI in these workers. Conclusions: The prevalence of pain and musculoskeletal disorders in transport workers is significant, requiring health promotion actions.
  • Thermographic monitoring of trapezius muscle and scaula elevator trigger points during dry needing and ischemic compression
  • Fecha: 28-oct-2022
  • Hora: 08:30
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  • Musculoskeletal pain affects a large part of the population and the Myofascial Pain Syndrome (MPS) stands out for causing muscle pain in specific regions due to the presence of hypersensitive nodules, called Trigger Points-TPs. Dryneedling (DSA) and ischemic compression (IC) are therapeutic resources frequently used in MSD. Infrared thermography (IRT) hás been used to identify thermal changes in the affected muscles and can help monitor the thermal response during therapeutic procedures. Objective:To analyze the variations in skin temperature in patients with SDM, before, during and after the application of AS and IC techniques. Methodology:This was a randomized clinical study, carried out with 32 participants of both sexes Who were allocated to either the AS (n=16) or IC (n=16) group and received a session of one of the techniques. Algometry was used to measure the threshold of pain to pressure, the Numerical Pain Scale (NDS) to quantify pain and TI to analyze the changes in skin temperature during the SA and IC procedures. The data of this research were analyzed in the Statistical Package for the Social Sciences (SPSS) version 20.0, where the parametric (ANOVA with repeated measures) or non-parametric (Friedman's ANOVA) statistical models were applied for the comparison of two independent groups with a significance level of 5%. Results: It was observed that there was a higher temperature in the experimental área compared to the control área immediately after the procedure, that na increase in temperature also occurred, but only in the CI group, after the procedure. Additionally, there was acute improvement of LDP and NDT after the procedures, with no intergroup differences. Conclusion: The IC resulted in a greater temperature rise in the intervention área than the AS, and the interventions had significant results on the increase in LDP and NDE reported by the subjects immediately after the application of the therapeutic procedures, showing that the interventions can result in acute clinical improvement of individuals with SDM. The thermal alterations of IC and AS occur in different magnitudes and times, but may represent na indication of a path towards elucidation of the mechanisms of therapeutic action and dosage of the application of the techniques with implications for the improvement of treatments for musculoskeletal clinical conditions
  • Fecha: 31-ago-2022
  • Hora: 10:30
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  • Introduction: Synthetic hormones contained in oral contraceptive preparations can exert different effects from endogenous hormones and modify the body temperature profile of female users. Therefore, the measurement of temperature by the cutaneous route can investigate its variation throughout the menstrual cycle and help in the early detection of abnormalities. Objective: To monitor and compare the cutaneous thermal profile of young women users and non-users of combined oral contraceptives during the phases of the menstrual cycle. Method: This is a prospective observational study, with a quantitative approach, which was carried out at the Thermography Laboratory of the Federal University of Paraíba. The anthropometric and sociodemographic profile, the skin thermal image, the body composition and the Premenstrual Tension Syndrome (PMTS) of 30 volunteers, allocated in two groups, for convenience: Exogenous Hormone Group (EGH) and Menstrual Cycle Group were evaluated. Physiological (GCMF), which were submitted to four evaluations once a week, in a period of 28 days. The main outcome was the mean of the temperatures of specific regions (breasts, buttocks, lower back, abdomen, hamstrings and inner corner of the eyes) and the general mean of the areas, while the secondary outcome was the comparison of body composition with temperature and the STPM signals between the GHE and GCMF. ANOVA tests for repeated measures were performed with Bonferroni, Pearson's linear correlation and Student's t test, using SPSS Software, Version 21.0. Results: It was observed that the GHE and GCMF groups were similar at baseline in terms of anthropometric and body composition variables. Although it was verified in the intragroup analysis that the skin temperature of the volunteers did not vary significantly over the evaluation times, in the intergroup analysis it was observed that the GCMF presented higher temperatures (DIF= -0.44 ºC and P= 0.04 ) for the breast in relation to GHE in the luteal phase. With regard to body composition, a significant negative correlation was found between the fat of the analyzed segments and skin temperature (P<0.05). Finally, GHE women had more physical complaints of STPM, but there was no statistically significant difference (P>0.05) in the overall STPM score when comparing the study groups. Conclusion: The findings indicate that there was no interference of the action of physiological or exogenous hormones on the skin temperature of young women, and that the regions with the highest percentage of fat have lower temperatures and the use of combined hormones does not affect the symptoms of STPM.
  • Effectiveness of a cardiopulmonar rehabilitation protocol on respiratory muscle and pulmonar function of patients with post-covid-19 syndrome: a randomized clinical trial
  • Fecha: 31-ago-2022
  • Hora: 09:00
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  • Introduction:TheemergenceofCOVID-19hasdemandedquickandeffective responsesinthefieldofPublicHealth.Inadditiontosymptomsduringtheillness,peoplewho havebeeninfectedbythecoronaviruscanalsobeaffectedbythepost-COVID-19syndrome, whichconsistsofpersistentsymptomssuchasfatigueanddyspnea.Therefore,itisnecessary toprovidephysical-functionalrecoverystrategiesandthesocialreintegrationofthesepeople throughcardiopulmonaryrehabilitation.However,theliteratureisstillscarceregardingthe exercisesthatmostbenefitthispopulationandwhichprotocolandparametersaresuitablefor enhancingtheresults.Objective:toevaluatetheeffectivenessofarehabilitationprotocolon pulmonaryandrespiratorymusclefunctioninpatientswithpost-COVID-19syndrome.Methods: This is a randomized controlled clinicaltrialinvolving two groups ofparticipants:(1) cardiopulmonary rehabilitation; (2) control. The cardiopulmonary rehabilitation group participatedinarehabilitationprogram thatconsistedof:lungexpansiontherapy,respiratory muscletraining,upperlimbstrengtheningexerciseandaerobicexerciseonatreadmill.The controlgroupparticipatedinlecturesremotely.Thepulmonaryandrespiratorymusclefunction ofthesubjectsandthesensationofdyspneawereevaluated.Initially,descriptiveanalyzesand histogram inspectionswereperformedtodeterminedatanormalityorlackthereof.Differences betweengroupsandtheirrespective95% confidenceintervalswerecalculatedusingmixed linearmodelswithinteractionterms:groupandtime.Thecompositesymmetrycovariance matrixwasconsidered.SPSSsoftwareversion22.0(IBMSPSSCorp.,Armonk,NY)wasusedfor statisticalanalysis.Results:Anincreaseinrespiratorymusclefunctionandareductioninthe sensation ofdyspnea were observed afterthe cardiopulmonary rehabilitation protocol compared to the control.Afterintra-group analysis,rehabilitation participants achieved improvementinforcedvitalcapacity,forcedexpiratoryvolumeinonesecond,andpeak expiratory flow in lung function analysis.However,the rehabilitation protocolwas not associatedwithchangesinthethickeningfractionanddiaphragmaticmobilityduringbasal breathing in these patients.Conclusion:Cardiopulmonaryrehabilitation proved to be an importantalternativecomplementarytoexistingtreatments,asitprovidesimprovementin pulmonaryfunction,respiratorymusclestrengthandresistanceandinthesensationofdyspnea inpatientswithpost-COVID-19syndrome.
  • Fecha: 30-ago-2022
  • Hora: 10:00
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  • Abstract: Dual-task training associated with anodic tDCS appears to improve cognitive function in PD. Objective: To analyze the effects of dual-task training during treadmill gait associated with neuromodulation in improving executive function, functional mobility and motor function in people with Parkinson's disease. Method: This is a pilot, placebo-controlled, double-blind and randomized clinical trial, carried out at the NeuroMove laboratory at UFPB. For the primary outcome executive function, the following measurement measures will be used: Stroop Test (primary outcome), Trail construction test, Verbal fluency test, Montreal Cognitive Assessment Scale. For secondary outcomes, TUG (functional mobility) will be used; 10-meter walk test and MDS-UPDRS II and III (motor function). Assessments were performed at two times: before starting treatment (T0) and after the twelfth session (T1). The 12 intervention sessions were performed three times a week, followed by four weeks. The study was composed of two groups: (1) dual-task training associated with anodic tDCS; (2) simple gait training associated with anodic tDCS. Participants were also stratified according to the motor phenotype “dominant tremor” (TD) and “gait disorders/postural instability” (DMIP). The Statistical Package for Social Sciences - SPSS, Version 20.0 software was used and, considering a < 0.05 (chance of error) for the difference between the moments between the initial assessment and the post-intervention assessment. The results of the present dissertation produced two original scientific articles. The analysis by stratification of the phenotypes showed a significant difference between the phenotypes for TUG, and for the level of anxiety and depression. For the TD phenotype: there was a positive correlation between Stroop and TUG-DT and TMT; and the MoCA with the TFV. There was a negative correlation between TMT and TFV; Stroop with TFV and with MoCA. For the DMIP phenotype: there was a positive correlation between Stroop and MDS-UPDRS III and TMT; and of MDS-UPDRS III with TMT. There was a negative correlation between Stroop and MoCA and TFV; and the MoCA with the TUG and with the TMT. Preliminary data from the clinical trial showed that both groups (experimental and control) showed changes in Stroop NC (p=0.039), TMT (p=0.022), TFVA 5s, TFVP 5s (p=0.005), TFVP 60s (p= 0.001) and TUG (p=0.051). There was a significant difference between the groups for the 60s TFVP (p=0.020). Conclusion: The TD and DMIP phenotypes have different characteristics regarding functional mobility and levels of anxiety and depression. The improvement in semantic memory was more expressive in the group submitted to dual task training associated with tDCS.
  • Fecha: 29-ago-2022
  • Hora: 09:00
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  • INTRODUCTION: Menstrual cycle and menopause are female physiological events, marked by hormonal changes, capable of affecting body thermoregulation mechanism and, consequently, causing changes in basal temperature. OBJECTIVE: To evaluate skin temperature of women during physiological menstrual cycle and menopause by using infrared thermography. METHODOLOGY: This is an observational, longitudinal, prospective and quantitative study. The total sample consisted of 30 women, divided into two groups: physiological menstrual cycle - CMF (n=15) and menopause - MN (n=15). The protocol evaluated both groups for a month and consisted of four weekly assessments of skin temperature (face, upper and lower body regions in anterior and posterior views) through infrared thermography and also body composition by using a bioimpedance scale. Descriptive analysis were performed, using frequency counts and measures of central tendency, for all outcomes, as well as for description of the sociodemographic and health characteristics of the sample. An ANOVA test (repeated measures) with post hoc Bonferroni was also analyzed, aiming to perform intragroup and intergroup comparisons of skin temperature variations. Pearson's linear tests were used to assess correlation between skin temperature, core body temperature and body composition. Analyzes were performed using SPSS (version 21.0), adopting significance level of 5% (P≤ 0.05) and a confidence interval of 95%. RESULTS: There was no significant difference in mean relevance for both groups when performing intragroup and intergroup comparisons (P>0.05). It was observed that only CMF showed a positive correlation between the mean temperature of the buttocks and the inner corner of both eyes (r=0.530; P=0.042), specifically the right eye (r=0.522; P=0.046 ). Furthermore, for the CMF group, it was observed that the temperature of the breast, abdomen and posterior region of the trunk presented a significant negative correlation (P<0.05) with the fat of the trunk, upper and lower limbs. For the MN group, there was only a moderate negative correlation (r=-0.591; P=0.020) between mean trunk temperature and trunk fat. For both groups, quality of life was affected by the symptoms reported by the sample. CONCLUSION: There was no significant interference of the action of physiological hormones on the skin temperature of eumenorrhoeic and menopausal women in the study sample, which suggests that the phase of the physiological menstrual cycle and menopause do not significantly impact the results obtained through infrared thermography.
  • Association of frailty with diabetes mellitus and systemic arterial hypertension.
  • Fecha: 29-ago-2022
  • Hora: 09:00
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  • Abstract: Introduction: Frailty, diabetes mellitus and systemic arterial hypertension are frequent conditions in the elderly population and increasingly recognized as public health problems, however this association is still little explored in the Brazilian population. Objective: To analyze the relationship between Fried's frailty phenotype items with Diabetes Mellitus and Systemic Arterial Hypertension. Methodology: Data obtained by REDE FIBRA (Network of Studies on Frailty in Elderly Brazilians) were used, which consists of a cross-sectional, multicenter and multidisciplinary epidemiological study. It was carried out with elderly people aged 65 years or older, residents of 8 cities in different regions of the country. Sociodemographic characteristics, chronic diseases (Diabetes Mellitus and Systemic Arterial Hypertension) and the components of physical frailty were evaluated. Descriptive statistics were used for data analysis, followed by a Poisson Regression model and a Logistic Regression model. Results: The total sample consisted of 3390 elderly people and 2365 elderly people had at least 1 positive item. The prevalence of frailty was 16.4% and pre-frail was 53.4%. The reduction in the level of physical activity was the most prevalent item in the sample (57.3%). Elderly people diagnosed with diabetes and those with both comorbidities (diabetes and hypertension) had higher prevalences of a greater number of positive items in Fried's Phenotype. According to the logistic regression model, the elderly diagnosed with diabetes were more likely (OR = 2.34) to obtain the positive weight loss criterion and the hypertensive elderly were more likely (OR 1.62) to have the fatigue criterion. positive compared to those without any diagnosis. For the reduction of hand grip, those with both diseases were less likely to obtain the positive criterion. Regarding the reduction in the level of physical activity and slow gait, no association was observed with the diseases evaluated. Conclusions: It is important to assess and identify frailty in the routine care of patients with diabetes and hypertension, and specific action measures can be incorporated at different levels of health care for the management of frailty.
  • Impact of a functional training program for telerehabilitation on lung function, exercise capacity and quality of life in post-covid-19 patients: Randomized clinical trial
  • Fecha: 27-ene-2022
  • Hora: 09:00
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  • Introduction: 2020 was marked by the Covid-19 pandemic caused by SARS-CoV2. This viral disease can damage several systems, and the respiratory system becomes the main target to establish systemic sequelae and dysfunctions that, when associated, can predispose to intolerance to physical exertion. Face-to-face physical rehabilitation strategies to restore impaired functions in these patients is a challenge, mainly due to the restrictive measures of social isolation and in this sense, remote home strategies can contribute to the recovery of patients after COVID 19. Objective: to evaluate the effectiveness and feasibility of a program with functional training for telerehabilitation on lung function, exertion tolerance and quality of life in individuals post COVID-19. Methods: randomized clinical trial, with the participation of individuals recovered from COVID19 who were allocated to the functional training group with telerehabilitation and lectures (TG) and a control group with lectures (CG). Thirty individuals (60% women) with a mean age of 48.2 ± 12.8 years and mean BMI of 29.0 ± 6.3 kg/m2 were evaluated. The intervention protocol lasted for eight weeks, performed by video call during 3x/week. A total of eight lectures on health education themes were held with remote meetings every two weeks between researchers and participants. Lung function, exercise tolerance and quality of life were evaluated. Statistics were performed using Excel spreadsheets and the SPSS 20.0 program. Normality and homoscedasticity were assessed using the Shapiro-Wilk and Levene tests, respectively. For inferential analyses, the one-way ANOVA test with Post hoc Bonferroni, Student's t test or Mann-Whitney U test were used. It was considered as a statistical difference p < 0.05. Results: In the intragroup analysis, there is a significant increase in vital capacity (VC) and FEV1 for the TG (p = 0.000; p = 0.001), with an increase in VC for the CG (p = 0.006). There were no significant differences in forced VC for the TG and CG (p = 0.144; p = 0.383, respectively) and in the FEV1/FVC ratio (p = 0.275; p = 0.197, respectively). In the analysis of the mean difference between groups, it appears that VC and FEV1 presented better responses with functional training (p = 0.032; p = 0.018, respectively). No other statistical differences were found for FVC and FEV1/FVC (p = 0.167; p = 0.434, respectively). The TG had a significant increase in the distance covered (469.80 [429.43 - 510.16] vs 591.63 [560.04 - 623.23] meters; p = 0.003). In the analysis between groups, the TG had an increase of 121.84 meters and the CG was of 6.56 meters (p = 0.000). In the intragroup analysis, the CG showed a significant reduction in oxygen saturation (98.2 [97.9 - 98.5] vs 97.9 [97.5 - 98.2] %; p = 0.048), but with no statistical difference in the analysis between groups (p = 0.115). No significant differences were observed in the intragroup and between-group analyzes in the subjective perception of exertion and respiratory rate (p > 0.05, for all comparisons). In the intragroup analysis, the TG had an improvement in all domains of quality of life (p < 0.05). In the analysis of the mean difference between groups, it is observed that the TG showed improvement compared to the CG, in the domains of functional capacity (p = 0.015), physical limitations (p = 0.03), pain (p = 0.00), vitality (p = 0.04) and in the overall score (p = 0.04). Conclusion: Functional training supervised and performed remotely was able to improve pulmonary parameters, exercise tolerance and quality of life in patients who presented sequelae after COVID-19. The protocol for telerehabilitation with training functional was shown to be safe and effective in the recovery of the individuals' functionality. survivor of COVID-19.
  • Effects of functional training by telerehabilitation on physical fitness, muscle strength, and level of depression/anxiety in post-covid-19 individuals: Randomized controlled trial
  • Fecha: 26-ene-2022
  • Hora: 09:00
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  • Introduction: COVID-19 is a disease with a high mortality rate caused by the virus SARS-CoV-2, with symptomatic or asymptomatic variation, which attacks the system cardiorespiratory, neuromuscular and psychological. Individuals recovered from the disease need physical therapy monitoring, but access to physical rehabilitation, in this currently, it is hampered by measures of social distancing. The intervention with exercise has been an important ally in improving cardiorespiratory, motor and mental, but there are few studies related to the specific treatment of this population, mainly related to telerehabilitation adapted to the home environment. Objective: Evaluate the effects of a functional training program for telerehabilitation on fitness physical, muscle strength and level of depression/anxiety in post COVID-19 individuals. Methods: Randomized controlled trial, sample of 30 individuals recovered from COVID19, ≥ 18 years old, allocated in the Functional Training Group (GTF - functional training and health education lectures; n=15) and Control Group (CG - education lectures in health; n=15). They underwent physical fitness assessment (Rikli test battery and Jones), handgrip strength (handgrip dynamometer), and level of depression/anxiety (Beck Depression and Anxiety Inventory), before and 8th week after intervention. SPSS 20.0, Shapiro-Wilk test (normality of data) and Levene were used (homogeneity of variances), t Student (comparison between and within groups); with p<0.05. Results: In muscle strength, a significant improvement was found in both groups (p=0.00), but no difference between them (p=0.28). In physical fitness, the GTF obtained significant improvement in all tests (p=0.00), and when comparing with the CG there was an improvement in the indexes for all they: sit and stand, arm flexion, 6MWT (p=0.00) and stand up and go (p=0.02), no improvement for the CG indexes (sitting and standing up p=0.82; arm flexion p=0.09; getting up and going p=0.73; 6MWT p=0.75). With regard to mental health, the GTF showed a significant reduction in levels anxiety (p=0.03) and depression (p=0.01), and when compared to the CG, there was an improvement statistically significant only in depression levels (p=0.00), with no improvement in indices CG (anxiety p=0.10; depression p=0.67). Conclusion: The 8-week training demonstrated to be viable and safe for individuals after COVID-19, with positive repercussions on motor function and mental health.
  • Accuracy of Infrared Thermography in the Detection of Tendinopathy or Risk of Tendinous Injury: systematic review with meta-analysis
  • Fecha: 21-ene-2022
  • Hora: 14:00
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  • Introduction: It has been identified that the sympathetic nervous system (SNS) plays a role as a component of tendinopathy, increasing its innervation and intervening in local blood flow. This alteration can be directly portrayed by the skin temperature in the pathological tendon area. Due to its ability to detect variations in skin temperature, infrared thermography (IRT) can be a tool used to evaluate these alterations caused by tendinopathy processes. Objective: To systematically review the evidence on the use of IRT in the diagnosis of tendinopathy and in the detection of risk of tendon injury. Methods: This is a systematic review with meta-analysis carried out from January to December 2021, based on the PRISMA 2020 methodological guidelines. An extensive research was carried out in the PubMed, PEDro, SciELO, Embase, CENTRAL and CINAHL databases. Accuracy studies, randomized and controlled clinical trials, prospective longitudinal and cross-sectional studies, without language or time restrictions, were included in the research. The risk of bias analysis was performed according to QUADAS-2 and a quantitative synthesis was performed using the Meta-DiSc 1.4 software. The accuracy measures of IRT were analyzed using sensitivity, specificity, summary ROC curve (SROC) and diagnostic odds ratio (DOR). Results: Eight studies met the eligibility criteria for the review, but only seven studies were included for the meta-analysis. This review with meta-analysis suggests that IRT is accurate in detecting tendinopathy by calculating sensitivity (72%; CI 95%: 67% - 77%), specificity (95%; CI 95%: 92% - 98%), SROC (AUC=0.97) and DOR (75.94; CI 95%: 12.04 – 479.14). When performing a sensitivity analysis, this review suggests that for lateral epicondylitis, IRT has a detection capacity with a sensitivity of 93% (CI 95%: 86% - 97%), specificity of 97% (CI 95%: 93% - 99 %) and DOR of 221.38 (CI 95%: 21.09 – 2321.13). As for tendinopathies of the shoulder region, IRT also demonstrated accuracy with a sensitivity of 63% (CI 95%: 56% - 70%), 100% specificity (CI 95%: 91% - 100%) and DOR of 60.71 (CI 95%: 8.10 - 454.87). Conclusion: IRT has a high specificity power, with the absence of heterogeneity between studies, both in the evaluation of lateral epicondylitis and for tendinopathies of the shoulder region. Its power to diagnose tendinopathy was demonstrated through the results of the analysis of SROC and DOR, however the level of heterogeneity between studies was considered important, which can lead to inaccuracy in the estimation of its sensitivity.
  • Infrared thermography in the evaluation of osteomyoarticular overload by working postures: a systematic review
  • Fecha: 19-ene-2022
  • Hora: 09:00
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  • Introduction: The conditions of the work environment can predispose workers to work-related musculoskeletal disorders (CTD), compromising their productivity and safety. Osteomyoarticular overload can cause vascular, metabolic, electromyographic and inflammatory changes that are described by workers as pain, numbness, tingling and weakness, whichare related to changes in body temperature. Among the assessment instruments used in ergonomic analysis, Infrared Thermography (IT) appears as a tool that allows the visualization and quantification of temperature changes on the surface of the skin of a body segment in a non-invasive, painless way and without the need for contact with the inspected region, becoming a useful tool in the prevention and diagnosis of musculoskeletal diseases. Objective: To analyze the use of IT as an auxiliary tool in the assessment of musculoskeletal overload in workers of different categories.Methods: A systematic literature review was carried out using the PubMed, EMBASE, CENTRAL, CINAHL, PEDro and DITA databases, without using filters, without restrictions on language or publication period. Accuracy, randomized clinical trials, and observational case study, case-control, cohort and cross-sectional studies that used infrared thermography to assess musculoskeletal overload caused by working posture were included. Theoretical review studies (narrative, integrative, systematic or Scoping Review), studies that did not have a full text, book chapters, conference abstracts and duplicate studies were excluded from this review. The data obtained will be registered in a table and analyzed for the risk of bias. The heterogeneity of the data did not allow for the meta-analysis to be carried out.Results and Discussion: 6.609 articles were found, of which 2.165 were excluded due to duplicates; ; 4.392 excluded after reading the titles; and 17 were excluded after reading the abstracts. Thus, 35 articles were selected to be read in full and evaluated for eligibility. Of these, 25 were excluded for not presenting the full text and 01 for not using IT as a technology to assess overload. Thus, in the end, 09 articles were included in this review, which were extracted data and carried out qualitative analysis through QUADAS-2. In all researches, IT was used as a tool to assess osteomyoarticular overload by working postures. Although studies use this tool to assess workload in different ways, in all thermal readings were considered reliable. However, an uncertain risk of bias wasfound in the assessment of the methodological quality of most of the included studies.Conclusion: Although IT is already widely used as an aid in disease diagnosis processes, its applicability and effectiveness in the assessment and prediction of occupational health risks is still poorly studied. According to the literature analyzed, it is understood that IT can be used as an auxiliary resource in the assessment of musculoskeletal overload in workers. However, new studies with high methodological rigor should be encouraged so that the IT accuracy is truly proven.
  • Fecha: 18-ene-2022
  • Hora: 14:00
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  • Introduction: Chronic Ankle Instability (CAI) is characterized by recurrent sprains associated with self-reported joint instability. Studies show that sensorimotor deficits in CAI are related to the presence of Myofascial Trigger Points (MTPs). Dry needling of MTPs (DN-MTPs) promotes biochemical, mechanical and vascular effects, which can modify the neuromechanical disturbances of subjects with CAI. Objective: To evaluate the chronic effect of DN-MTP on Peroneus Longus (PL) and Brevis (PB) on the sensorimotor system of subjects with CAI. Method: The sample consisted of 15 subjects with CAI, with a history of at least one unilateral sprain for at least 12 months. All subjects performed neuromuscular control training, however they were randomized into 2 groups: 1) Real Dry Needle - RNg: 8 subjects and 2) Dry Sham Needle - NSg: 7 subjects. The subjects were evaluated by the Cumberland Ankle Instability Tool - CAIT and Visual Analogue Scale - VAS (primary outcome) and by Cutaneous Thermography, Pressure Pain Threshold - PPT, EMGs of the PL and PB, eversion force ankle and unipodal dynamic postural control (secondary outcomes), at baseline, endpoint (after 12 sessions) and after 1 week. Statistical analysis was performed using the Statistical Package for Social Sciences software (SPSS -20.0), applying the repeated measures ANOVA test. Results: An increase in the CAIT score and a decrease in the VAS score over time (P<0.001) were observed, with no difference between the groups, in addition to a decrease in the anteroposterior (AP) and mediolateral (ML) displacement in the RNg after the intervention and in one week (P<0.001); no significant differences were observed for PPT, EMG, muscle strength or skin temperature. Conclusion: the DN-MTPs of the PL and PB increased the postural control, in the AP and ML displacements, without changing the levels of PPT, EMG, muscle strength, pain perception and instability of the subjects with CAI. In addition, the MTPs of the investigated musculature did not show a thermal pattern and did not suffer temperature change over time in any of the proposed interventions.
  • Fecha: 17-ene-2022
  • Hora: 09:00
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  • Introduction: Altered alignment of the hip, knee, ankle and foot promotes articular misalignment of the knee, in particular dynamic knee valgus (VDJ). There are many injuries associated with the VDJ, which generate distances, including changes in the points of plantar pressure distribution, which are factors less studied in the literature, as well as their treatment through postural insoles that generate elevation of the medial longitudinal plantar arch (APLM) of the foot. Objective: To analyze the effect of using a postural insole in the correction of VDJ in amateur athletes in swing and jumping sports. Materials and Method: This is a randomized and controlled clinical trial, carried out with 16 male amateur athletes, age (12 - 23 years), height (1.81 - 1.57 m), body mass (44.1 - 70.3kg) and BMI (6.0 - 26%) with VDJ and excessive foot pronation, randomly distributed into 2 groups: Corrective Postural Insole Group (gPPC) and Placebo Postural Insole Group (gPPP). Anthropometric data collection, reflective markers were fixed on the lower limbs and the following were measured: the frontal plane projection angle (APPF) of the knee, by video capture during lateral descent (LSD) associated with the Center of Pressure Excursion Index (CPEI) of the foot, by Computerized Baropodometry (BPC). Results: Significant differences were observed between the means obtained in the APPF evaluations of the gPPP group (P=0.005) and the gPPC (P=0.049), whereas the means of the IECP evaluations in both groups were not significant (P>0, 05). Conclusions: Postural insoles show positive evidence in the treatment of the VDJ due to the gradual increase in the APPF, although this result does not guarantee that the APLM elevator foot parts are necessary for such correction.
  • Clinical Determinants for Cardiovascular Risk Stratification and Quality of Life Assessment of Type 2 Diabetes Patients
  • Fecha: 21-dic-2021
  • Hora: 08:00
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  • Introduction: Diseases and complications of the cardiovascular system are the most common conditions presented as a result of uncontrolled hyperglycemia in the population with type 2 diabetes (DM2), causing a great impact on their routine activities and negatively affecting their quality of life, in addition to being considered the most common cause of mortality for diabetics, especially for the elderly. Objectives: To identify the clinical determinants of cardiovascular risk and assess the quality of life of patients with type DM2. Methodology: This is a descriptive observational study, with a quantitative approach, which investigated the health profile of diabetic patients followed up in the following Locations: Department of Endocrinology at the University Hospital Lauro Wanderley (HULW) and at the Integrated Health Care Center of Jaguaribe, in João Pessoa, Paraíba. The sample was obtained by convenience and a total of 87 elderly and non-elderly diabetic patients (<60 years (n=34) and ≥60 years (n=53) were evaluated. The following evaluations were performed: Physical Therapy Assessment (prepared for this study), cardiovascular risk assessment (using the Framingham score), socioeconomic assessment (designed for this study) and Quality of Life assessment (using the WHOQOL-bref). Data were analyzed using the SPSS for Windows (Statistical program Package for the Social Sciences) version 23.0. Normality tests were initially used for inferential analysis, followed by comparison between groups by Student's T and Mann Whithey tests. The Chi-square test was used to verify the association between variables and significance p<0.05 for all analyses. Results: Most of the patients in this study were aged ≥ 60 years (n = 53; 60.9%) and of these, 69.8% (n=37) were women. Almost half of the study participants, regardless of age, had only completed elementary school (p = 0.988). The association between diabetes and hypertension was present in the ≥ 60-year-old group, affecting 88.7% of the participants (n=47; p<0.001). For patients < 60 years, the most prevalent complications were renal and ophthalmic (both with 26.5%), while for individuals ≥ 60 years, ophthalmic (34.0%) and cardiovascular (41.5%) complications were the most identified (p<0.001). Overweight was detected in both groups, (n = 19; 55.9%) and (n = 17; 32.1%), respectively, < 60 years and ≥ 60 years. The ≥ 60-year-old group had a high risk of developing cardiovascular episodes (p = 0.011). In the evaluation of Quality of Life, the group < 60 years old, the means of the physical (54.72±10.47), psychological (57.70±8.19) and environment (56.46±7.82) domains were higher, in relation to users aged ≥ 60 years. Conclusion: It was found that the elderly population is classified as high risk for the development of cardiovascular diseases, but has a good overall average in the assessment of Quality of Life when compared to the group <60 years old.
  • Fecha: 10-dic-2021
  • Hora: 09:00
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  • Introduction: Diabetes mellitus is a chronic disease that requires permanent monitoring and blood glucose control to avoid complications such as diabetic neuropathy. Objective: Tracing the epidemiological and functional profile to verify the risk factors for peripheral diabetic neuropathy in elderly people with type 2 diabetes. Method: A cross-sectional descriptive study of a quantitative nature was carried out data base collected in the initial assessment of the research participants, from the specialized services in care for people with diabetes: Specialized Health Care Center and the Endocrinology and Metabolism Service of the University Hospital Lauro Wanderley, located in the city of João Pessoa, Paraíba, from March to June of 2021. Participants were recruited by convenience and divided into two groups: Group without neuropathy (GSN) with n=44 and Group with neuropathy (NCG) with n=35. After formal consent, data were collected through physical therapy assessment, specially designed for the study. Then, the following instruments were applied: the Berg Balance Scale and the Tinetti Scale, in addition to the Functional Reach Test, the Timed Up and Go, the Mini Mental State Examination. Data were tabulated through double data entry. To present the frequency distribution of variables, measures of central tendency and the Chi-square test were used, for differences in proportions, and the Chi-square test and Fisher's exact test for linear trends between categorical variables. In all analyses, a confidence level of 95% (p < 0.05) was considered. The EPI-INFO software and the IBM SPSS Statistics Base 22.0 statistical package were used. Results: The sample consisted of 79 participants of both genders, aged between 60 and 82 years, with the most prevalent age group between 60-69 years (n=61; 77.2% - p < 0.001). The female gender was predominant (n=60; 75.9% - p < 0.001). As for education, (n=47; 59.5%) completed elementary school (p < 0.001). The presence of neuropathy was identified in (n=44; 55.7%) of this population (p < 0.001). Regarding the time since diabetes diagnosis (n=66; 83.5%) of the participants had been diagnosed with ≥ 24 months (p < 0.001). Overweight/obesity I was found in (n=61; 77.2%) of the sample (p < 0.001). The association of diabetes with arterial hypertension was observed in (n=67; 84.8%) of the participants (p < 0.001). The glycemic level of the participants (n=61; 77.2%) was between 127 and 199 mg/dL (p˂0.001). Conclusion: It was found that the epidemiological profile was consistent with that found in the literature and that the GCN showed greater impairment in balance and gait tests than the GSN, showing that the risk factors related to diabetic neuropathy are not restricted to sensitivity , but have greater clinical evidence in dynamic motor control.
  • Fecha: 30-nov-2021
  • Hora: 09:00
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  • Introduction: The pandemic caused by COVID-19 caused an increase in the demand for hospitalization and physical therapy assistance. However, after hospital discharge, these subjects may require continued physical therapy care, as this infection has a severe impact on the body. Given the demands for physical therapy care that the Sars-Cov-2 virus has caused, this study aims to: analyze the accessibility to physical therapy care by patients who had COVID-19. Methodology: this is a cross-sectional, quali-quantitative study, carried out at a university hospital, using information from 73 health records of individuals over 18 years of age who had COVID-19 and were discharged from the hospital. Data collection was carried out with document analysis, structured interview by telephone call and in-depth interview with the municipal health manager. The analysis of the findings in the medical records used the statistical model WoE and Odds Ratio, with a significance level of 0.05; Accessibility data were organized according to the flow of events proposed by Frenk (1992), submitted to Multiple Correspondence Analysis (ACM) and content analysis for the in-depth interview (manager). Results: The most common symptoms were fever, cough and dyspnea; the median length of stay was 14 days, males were more likely to remain hospitalized for more days, and 92% of participants required ventilatory support. The WoE Model showed that the classification of physical therapy, place of admission, number of days on ventilatory support, alveolar recruitment, airway aspiration and manual ventilation by positive pressure had greater weight compared to the length of hospital stay; 82.9% of the subjects reported some type of complaint or limitation after hospital discharge, however, only 20% managed to access physical therapy care. The ACM pointed out that there was a gap between patients with risk factors (greater severity) of the vector position of the subjects who were able to access, which suggests difficulty in accessibility. The interview with the manager explained the emphasis on guaranteeing hospital care, making it difficult for users to continue providing physical therapy care after hospital discharge. Conclusion: It was found that after hospital discharge, the subjects had difficulties to obtain access to physical therapy services, with the aggravating factor that most of them did not receive referrals at the time of discharge. It was evident that the variables related to the clinical profile showed a greater influence on the outcome length of stay than the physical therapy assistance provided during hospitalization.
  • Fecha: 19-nov-2021
  • Hora: 08:30
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  • Introduction: Transcranial Direct Current Stimulation (tDCS) associated with motor training appears to be an effective therapy for the symptomatic relief of Parkinson's Disease. Objectives: To analyze the influence of the association of tDCS with treadmill gait training on PD symptoms. Methods: People with idiopathic PD, aged 40-80 years, disease stage 1-3 on the Hoehn and Yahr modified scale were randomly allocated into two groups: 1) Experimental Group - application of tDCS for 20 minutes followed by 20 minutes of training treadmill gait and 2) Control Group - application of tDCS sham followed by the same gait training. Participants were evaluated at three times by the Timed Up and Go (TUG), Ten meter walk test (10MWT), 5x Sit to Stand test (5XSTS), Unified Parkinson's Disease Rating Scale part III (MDS-UPDRS-III), Mini Balance Evaluation Systems Test (Mini-BESTest), Activitiesspecific Balance Confidence (ABC) and Parkinson's disease questionnaire-39 (PDQ-39). The outcome measures were analyzed using repeated measures ANOVA (3x2) in the Statistical Package for Social Sciences – SPSS 20.0 statistical package and considered as significant P≤0.05. Results: The tDCs was able to enhance the treadmill gait training by improving the balance of people with PD (P=0.043). The treadmill, on the other hand, was able to improve all the outcomes assessed in both groups. Conclusions: The association of tDCS with gait training was superior to treadmill training alone for improving balance in people with PD.
  • Fecha: 04-nov-2021
  • Hora: 15:00
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  • Introduction. Neck pain is a highly prevalent health problem worldwide and there are several physical resources that aim to promote analgesia, including light therapy, such as low-intensity laser therapy and infrared therapy. Although these resources are widely used in physical therapy practice, superiority studies comparing their effects are scarce. Objective: To compare the acute effects of low-power 808nm laser and infrared radiation on pain intensity, pressure-induced pain and skin temperature of the trapezius muscle region in volunteers with subacute and chronic pain. Methods: A clinical trial of superiority, parallel with three arms, randomized, controlled by sham and blinded by the evaluator and the statistician. Pain intensity was evaluated by means of Visual Analogic Scale, pressure-induced pain threshold, with a pressure dynamometer, and skin temperature of the trapezius region, by IRR, of 91 subjects before (T0), immediately after ( T1), 10 minutes (T2), 20 minutes (T3) and 48 hours (T4) after a phototherapy treatment session. The subjects were randomly allocated into three groups: 1) Laser therapy (GLAS), with laser application in a punctual way (808nm, 0.5J/cm², output power of 10mW); two); Infrared (GINF), with application performed at a distance of 30 cm and an incidence angle of 90º from the trapezius region, for 30 minutes; and 3) Sham (GSHAM), where a punctual laser application was simulated. Currently, the study is in the data tabulation and analysis phase, considering that there was an interruption in data collection due to the COVID-19 pandemic. In this sense, in order to compare the mean differences in pain intensity, pressure-induced pain and skin temperature of the trapezius muscle region between groups, an analysis of mixed linear models was performed, using terms of group interaction, time and of group-versus-time, considering a first-order automatic covariance matrix. All analyzes were performed using SPSS Software, Version 21.0. Results: A significant reduction in intragroup pain intensity was observed in all evaluation times (p <0.05) being the highest reduction in gym after 20 min of intervention with a reduction of 2.38, however, there were no significant intergroup differences in to this outcome. As regards the intensity of pressure pain there was no statistically significant changes between the evaluation times and between the groups. Finally, regarding cutaneous temperature, there was a significant increase only for GINF immediately after the intervention with an average amendment of -2.35 degrees, and this group remained with higher temperature than the GSHAM up to 10 minutes after the intervention. Conclusion: Low-intensity and low-intensity laser therapies Infrared were not more effective than Sham in the treatment of subacute and chronic pain in the trapezius region, nor did they promote significant changes in the regional skin temperature.
  • Fecha: 06-oct-2021
  • Hora: 08:30
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  • Introduction: Fibromyalgia (FM) is a disease characterized by the presence of diffuse and chronic musculoskeletal pain, associated with symptoms such as fatigue, sleep changes, anxiety and depression. The practice of physical exercises has been recommended as one of the forms of treatment for patients with FM. In this context, the Pilates method can be considered an alternative for the treatment of FM. Objective: to investigate the effects of the Pilates method pain control in women with FM. Methods: This is a systematic review of randomized trials that use the Pilates method as an intervention protocol in the treatment of FM. The search was performed in LILACS, MedLine, PubMed, SciELO, CENTRAL and PEDro databases, including articles published from 2011 in English, Spanish and Portuguese. The sample consisted of women diagnosed with fibromyalgia and aged 18 years or over. The primary outcome was pain and as secondary outcomes the impact of FM, quality of life, anxiety and depression were obtained. Results: five studies were included, published between 2016 and 2020. All participants in the groups that used the Pilates method had decreased pain and improved quality of life. If compared to other therapies, it cannot be said that the Pilates method is more effective than other treatment modalities. Conclusion: it is possible to suggest that the Pilates method is an adjunctive alternative used in the treatment of FM, since the studies included in this review have shown good results in reducing symptoms in women with FM.
  • Fecha: 06-ago-2021
  • Hora: 14:00
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  • Introduction: The consolidation of Primary Health Care (PHC) in recent decades represents one of the most relevant advances of the Unified Health System as a public policy and universal health system in Brazil. This advance is largely due to the scope of the Family Health Strategy, its main care model. However, given the increase in demands and limitations, the Support Center for Family Health and Primary Care (NASF-AB) was created to expand the scope of actions in primary care, through teams formed by different professions. The study of the Team Work Climate allows the evaluation of teams to monitor the effectiveness of teamwork, in the production of results in the care of users and population. Objective: To analyze the NASF-AB teamwork climate. Methods: This is a cross-sectional quantitative study of multiple cases (João Pessoa/PB and Campo Grande/MS). The sample consisted of 182 professionals from the NASF-AB in these two capitals. In order to obtain the data, from January to March 2020, a structured questionnaire with questions that characterized the participants and their work process and the Team Climate Scale (ECE) was applied. For storage, processing and analysis, using the Excel program and the R statistical package. Respondents were grouped by teams and their total score was calculated (mean of the individual scores of the ECE). From this, teams were classified into 4 types. Results: The NASF-AB consisted of 10 different professions, with physical therapists being the most prevalent. Young adult professionals, women, specialists, who wanted to work at NASF-AB, graduated about 9 years ago, with an average of 4 years of experience in PHC and with an average of 2 years of relationship with their current teams, predominated. The professionals were satisfied with their own work and with that of their team, with the relationship and communication with other team members, with the unit manager and with how much their work was centered on the users' needs, but dissatisfied with the infrastructure of the units. The services provided were predominantly individual and with curative actions. An analytical model of the characteristics of physiotherapists and their work process at NASF-AB was developed, showing that it is centered on the needs of users. It was seen that teams that support new ideas, are clear about the team's objectives, have adequate task orientation and that develop fewer activities with other professionals from the NASF-AB and the ESF, are those that had the best teamwork climate. Conclusions: In order for there to be a good teamwork climate and for interprofessional collaboration to take place in practice, the involvement of professionals is paramount. Thus, permanent education is fundamental for the transformation of professional practice, in an integrated and collaborative way. Furthermore, the development of dialogic spaces, the implementation of strategies, institutional support, the meeting of teams, the exchange of knowledge, the sharing of practices and the definition of action plans with a functioning counter-referral system must be promoted.
  • Physiotherapists from the extended Family Health and Primary Care Center: what do they have to say about workers' health in primary health care?
  • Fecha: 04-ago-2021
  • Hora: 14:00
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  • Occupational Health (OT) in the field of public health whose object of study and intervention is the production-consumption relations and the health-disease process of workers. The institution of the National Occupational Health Policy (PNSTT) affirmed the need for comprehensive care to workers' health and shaped principles, guidelines and strategies within the scope of the Unified Health System (SUS). With regard to primary health care (PHC), the Expanded Center for Family Health and Primary Care (NASFAB), in which the physiotherapist professional is inserted, presents itself as matrix support and specialized support for the teams of Family Health. The aim of the study was to analyze the reports of professional physiotherapists inserted in the NASF-AB about occupational health, with emphasis on their care practices developed for user-workers present in the territory of primary health care. This is qualitative and exploratory research, guided by the general theory of discourse and having Content Analysis as its fundamental analytical basis. The research was conducted in the city of João Pessoa-PB, from June 24 to July 7, 2020. For the composition of the corpus, interviews were conducted through Google Meet®, guided by a semi-structured interview script. The final sample was established by criteria of the convenience of access and theoretical saturation. Seven physical therapists inserted in the NASF-AB who had at least one year of exercise in the function took part in the study. The analytical categories were mainly organized by the concepts of field actions and core actions, generating subcategories that included assessment actions and physical therapy intervention in occupational health in PHC. We highlight the physiotherapy assessment in OT in PHC, referral of users-workers to the city's reference services, care actions carried out by the physiotherapist and the tools used in health, health promotion and prevention actions in OT, territorialization and surveillance in OT in APS. It is noticed that physiotherapists are increasingly approaching the field of OT, but they need the help of continuing health education to improve their care practices in relation to the user-worker, especially through the incorporation of tools that help them in the territorialization and in the approximation of the situational strategic planning in order to further solidify its health responsibility within the scope of the PHC.