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  • Creation of an educational video for primary health care dentists about biopsy in the elderly
  • Date: Nov 1, 2024
  • Time: 13:30
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  • Introduction: Older people face oral injuries due to aging and the use of medications, which makes primary care crucial to prevent, detect and control their conditions. This attention should include periodic assessments, preventative education and diversions when necessary. Oral health is directly related to general health, affecting aspects such as nutrition and quality of life, highlighting the crucial role of dentists in promoting this integration. Objective: To identify and analyze the scientific production on the main evidence on the performance of biopsies by dentists in primary health care, as well as to develop an educational video on biopsies and oral lesions in the elderly. Method: This is a multi-method study, carried out in three stages: scoping review, field research and video resource development. The scoping review was carried out based on the guiding question: “What are the challenges related to the clinical practice of performing biopsies by dental surgeons in primary health care?” A survey was also carried out with dental surgeons working in primary health care in the city of Mamanguape-PB, the results of which were entered into the Iramuteq Software and interpreted through content analysis. For product development, data from the scoping review and field research were considered. The proposal of material for the training of dental surgeons has as a priority renewing knowledge, encouraging biopsies with primary care and, consequently, enabling an improvement in the quality of life and a favorable prognosis for the population. Result: The research involved 17 participants (9 men and 8 women, between 24 and 35 years old). The similarity analysis of the interviews revealed "Biopsy", "Perform" and "Primary Health Care" as central terms, reflecting the challenges faced in performing biopsies in PHC. Note a strong association between lack of experience and failure to perform the procedure, in addition to the absence of specific materials. There was a tendency to refer patients to specialized dental centers. Discussion: The results highlight that performing biopsies in PHC is hampered by lack of experience, lack of knowledge about the procedure and lack of appropriate materials. There is a clear need for continued training to train dentists in the diagnosis and management of oral lesions, increasing their safety when performing biopsies. The tendency to refer patients to secondary care levels reflects a lack of trust in the profession. Final considerations: The challenges faced by dental surgeons when performing biopsies in PHC are complex and are linked to a lack of training, adequate materials and professional confidence. To overcome these barriers, it is essential to invest in continuing education programs and improving infrastructure in health units. By addressing these gaps, it is expected to increase the competence of professionals in performing biopsies, contributing to earlier diagnoses and quality of life for the population.
  • Educational video on rheumatic diseases for elderly people in Secondary Health Care
  • Date: Oct 16, 2024
  • Time: 09:30
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  • Introduction: The longevity achieved worldwide has led to a certain urgency in making health actions aimed at the physiological and pathological repercussions of human aging, such as rheumatic diseases, which in recent years have become the target of studies that could understand the observed phenomena and thus develop therapeutic and technological tools capable of managing and preventing damage to the health of this population. Objectives: to investigate, through the scientific evidence, through an integrative literature review, which are the current physiotherapeutic interventions applied to elderly people with rheumatic diseases; to evaluate the functional performance of elderly people with rheumatic diseases in Secondary Health Care; to develop an educational video on rheumatic diseases in the elderly. Method: This is a methodological study carried out in three stages. The first was an integrative literature review; the second was a descriptive research with a quantitative approach with the objective of verifying the functional performance of elderly people with rheumatic diseases in Secondary Health Care; The third stage was the creation of an educational video about rheumatic diseases, with the elderly as the main target audience. Results: In the first stage, it was shown that physical activity centered on the person and combined with health education through educational technological support does not worsen symptoms, provides greater adherence to treatment and increases functional performance among the elderly. In the second stage, the data showed that the elderly in this context were mostly women (82.1%), had incomplete elementary education (33.3%); were mixed race (48.7%); lived in rural areas (56.4%); were married (61.5%), earned one minimum wage (69.2%); were Catholic (71.8%); self-declared their health as fair or poor (71.8%); were physically inactive (56.4%); had high blood pressure (33.3%) or high blood pressure and diabetes (33.3%); spondyloarthrosis (35.9%) and osteoarthritis of the knees (25.3%) and no annual hospitalization (79.5%). In functional performance through the WHODAS 2.0 36 items, they presented greater impairments in the domains of social participation (12±7.1), mobility (8.68±4.6), domestic activities (8.5±9.8) and total score of (37.7±18.9). Conclusion: It was possible to verify that the use of the educational audiovisual technological resource in video format can expand assistance to the elderly who seek physiotherapeutic assistance at this level of health care.
  • Educational video for the elderly undergoing cardiac catheterization.
  • Date: Sep 25, 2024
  • Time: 14:00
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  • This study explores the importance of cardiovascular diseases, with an emphasis on coronary artery disease, the leading cause of mortality worldwide. This disease has an impact on the quality of life of the elderly and places a heavy burden on health services. Diagnosis is made through cardiac catheterization, an invasive procedure that presents risks and can cause anxiety in patients. In this context, hemodynamics nurses play an important role, offering educational and emotional support to patients before, during and after the procedure. The objectives of the research were to map the evidence in the literature on the effects of using educational technologies for elderly people undergoing cardiac catheterization and to identify the main feelings of these patients in the face of the procedure, as well as to recognize the expectations arising from the educational process. In addition, the aim was to produce an educational video on the appropriate care for preparation, presentation of the procedure and post-examination care. The study's methodological approach included a scoping review, field research with elderly people undergoing the procedure and the production of an educational video. The first phase followed the traditional stages of this type of study. The sample consisted of 20 studies, mostly published in 2021, from Iran, carried out by nurses and with a randomized experimental design. The technologies used were predominantly educational videos, with implications for psychological and physiological aspects, the level of knowledge and the quality of care. The field research consisted of a descriptive and exploratory approach, with semi-structured interviews carried out during the admission of users to the hemodynamics department of the Lauro Wanderley University Hospital. The population consisted of elderly people with cardiac pathology to be clarified who had undergone cardiac catheterization. The non-probabilistic convenience sample consisted of 25 participants. The data collected was analyzed qualitatively and processed using the IRaMuTeQ software. Multivariate textual analysis using Descending Hierarchical Classification enabled the identification of four main classes: Positive conceptions about the test; Opinions about taking part in the research; Guidelines about the procedure to be carried out; and Feelings about the procedure. The results showed that many patients experience feelings of fear, anxiety and uncertainty. However, patients' expectations of the educational process are positive. It not only provided clear and accessible information, but was also well received by patients, who reported greater understanding and safety in relation to the procedure. Finally, an audiovisual resource was developed, with 43 scenes, which stood out as an important educational tool, enabling greater information security for these individuals and reducing the possibility of complications during or after the procedure. It is an educational technological resource, interactive, with accessible language and which provides enlightening, objective and dynamic information on the subject.
  • Date: Aug 30, 2024
  • Time: 13:00
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  • Progressive human aging results in changes in physiological systems, bringing vulnerabilities and fragilities to the elderly, which leads to compromised physical and functional fitness. There are many changes that occur in the aging organism, bringing with it physiological changes. All of these changes have the natural consequence of malnutrition, which can be caused by food deprivation, disease, old age, alone or in combination. This condition is often found in a hospital setting. Objectives: evaluate the nutritional risk status of elderly trauma victims during hospitalization; seek scientific evidence on the impact of hospital malnutrition on elderly people, based on a scoping review study; build a Homepage as a nutritional assessment tool for elderly victims of trauma and show health and well-being content through the website to the elderly population and caregivers. Method: A study carried out in three phases: the scoping review to identify the impact of hospital malnutrition on the elderly. In the second phase, a study characterized by a descriptive and exploratory approach with fifty elderly people in a traumatology hospital in the city, which evaluated the associations between a set of attributes related to nutritional disorders, Fisher's exact test and the V correlation coefficient were used. by Cramer. The age between participants from different groups defined by these attributes were compared using the Mann-Whitney test. The third stage, a public tool built, Home Page, of the Website type, stored on the web in a regional datacenter (PB), developed with technologies: HTML, CCS, Javascript and PHP, with domain: Results and Discussion: In the scoping review, 45 studies were found, which corroborate the importance of admission screening and monitoring in the elderly, hospitalized, in order to stratify and identify the nutritional risk or malnutrition already present, correlated with the unfavorable impact on the results of the hospitalized elderly person. In the second stage, from the research, it was identified that the average of the elderly people studied was 76.22 ± 9.25 years old, with the most prevalent being female (74%) and having low education (78%). Among the elderly hospitalized, 74% had some comorbidity, with a higher prevalence of SAH (68%). When nutritional risk is assessed, it was found that 58% of elderly people were at high risk of malnutrition. Nutritional risk showed significant associations with dentition, sex, and the ability to walk. A moderate correlation was observed between nutritional risk and dentition (V=0.63) and regularity of the gastrointestinal tract (V=0.51). Third phase, the construction of the HOME PAGE,, with aspects for the professional nutritionist, with and access to geriatric nutritional assessment tools and visitors, interested in the health and well-being of the elderly with content of public utility and good be . Final considerations: the scoping review identified that the tools used to detect the most widespread nutritional risk and malnutrition corroborate to assist in measurements and contribute to tracing the nutritional status of the elderly population studied and identifying the impacts of malnutrition in the elderly in the hospital environment. In field research, it can be inferred that there was an association between nutritional risk and functional capacity in hospitalized elderly people. On the Home Page, it was identified as an efficient and rapid strategy for nutritional risk interventions for hospitalized elderly people, optimizing more assertive nutritional behaviors.
  • Pharmacotherapeutic Monitoring Protocol aimed at hospitalized elderly Persons.
  • Date: Apr 29, 2024
  • Time: 15:00
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  • The use of medications is a complex process, especially in the hospital setting, which requires integrated actions from the multidisciplinary healthcare team to optimize pharmacotherapy. Pharmacotherapeutic monitoring promotes the clinical management of pharmacotherapy with the aim of improving patients' quality of life and achieving treatment effectiveness. The high number of hospitalizations and advancements in healthcare technologies have led to the implementation of evidence-based interventions that support the achievement of therapeutic goals. Clinical pharmaceutical services are embedded in this context, with evidence of the impact of pharmaceutical care on clinical and economic outcomes. Hospitalized elderly patients are considered vulnerable to medication errors, with a high risk of medication-related harm. Clinical protocols are essential for the prevention and reduction of these errors. Objectives: In this context, the objectives of this study are: 1) To investigate the scientific evidence on pharmacotherapeutic monitoring practices in hospitalized elderly patients through a scoping review of the literature; 2) To develop a protocol for pharmacotherapeutic monitoring targeted at hospitalized elderly individuals. Method: This is a methodological study of content development, with the first step consisting of a scoping review to synthesize the main scientific evidence related to the topic “Tracking pharmacotherapeutic monitoring practices targeted at hospitalized elderly ”individuals”; the second step was the development of the technological product: Protocol for pharmacotherapeutic monitoring targeted at hospitalized elderly individuals. Results: A scoping review protocol article and a complete scoping review “article titled “Tracking pharmacotherapeutic monitoring practices targeted at hospitalized elderly individuals: a scoping review” were produced, along with a protocol that included approaches such as medical history, medication reconciliation, evaluation of pharmacotherapy (pharmaceutical analysis, laboratory parameters, identification of medication-related problems, and pharmaceutical intervention), and therapeutic plan (pillars for appropriate pharmacotherapy in the elderly, strategies for prescribing and safe use of medications in the elderly, and pharmaceutical evolution). Final considerations: The scoping review showed that medication therapy was optimized after the implementation of pharmacotherapeutic monitoring practices in elderly patients. The product of this dissertation and the importance of its content address the need for the systematization of clinical pharmacist actions through a protocol for pharmacotherapeutic monitoring targeted at elderly individuals, aiming to prevent and resolve problems in pharmacotherapy in order to achieve good clinical outcomes, reduce risks, contribute to the improvement of healthcare quality, and serve as an instrument for good management practices, applicable in hospital institutions.
  • Nascimento. Instrument for assessing satisfaction of elderly people assisted by the Mobile Emergency Care Service (SAMU).
  • Date: Feb 29, 2024
  • Time: 14:00
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  • Introduction: The Mobile Emergency Care Service (SAMU) is a component of the National Emergency Care Policy. Regarding the care provided to elderly people, evaluating the user's perception is an important quality indicator, which can help in designing strategies for analyzing and improving the service. Objective: To analyze satisfaction with the care provided to elderly people by the Mobile Emergency Care Service (SAMU). Method: This was a bibliometric and methodological study carried out in four stages and application of an instrument via an online application aimed at collecting data. The sample was composed of the Committee of Judges who collaborated and validated the instrument and the elderly people/requesters served by SAMU in the municipality of São Sebastião de Lagoa de Roça, in the state of Paraíba. Data collection occurred through the application of a research instrument, in the format of a questionnaire. Results: the satisfaction assessment instrument for elderly people assisted by SAMU provides support to professionals in planning care and interventions, improving the development of strategies to improve the quality of the service provided.
  • Educational guide for caregivers of elderly people with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease.
  • Date: Feb 29, 2024
  • Time: 14:00
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  • Introduction: Population ageing is currently becoming a reality in several countries around the world. In Brazil, this reality is no different, where the vast majority of the population living in the country may reach the age of 60 or more. However, this condition of living longer does not mean being healthier or living better, but rather living with the various social changes, housing and social individualism, which directly influence the population's way of living, starting to live longer, but with Chronic Non-Communicable Diseases. Where Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease is a chronic, progressive and debilitating respiratory illness. Objectives: To build and validate an educational guide for caregivers of elderly people on the protection and prevention of complications from Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease. To validate the content of the educational guide by means of a committee of expert judges; and to validate the semantics of the educational guide with a sample of informal caregivers of elderly people. Method: This is a methodological study involving the evaluation and validation of tools and methods for organizing and obtaining data, in 5 stages: 1) Construction of the protocol for the preparation of a Scoping Review, 2) Scoping Review on the scientific evidence regarding the care of elderly people with Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease; 3) Construction of educational technology, such as a guide for informal caregivers of elderly people on the protection and prevention of complications of the disease based on scientific evidence; 4) Validation of the first version of the educational guide by the committee of judges; 5) Semantic evaluation of a sample of informal caregivers of elderly people. Results and discussion: Of the nine expert judges, 78% (n=7) who assessed the proposal as good, easy to apply, had no difficulty understanding the questions and considered the information in the guide important for guiding the care provided to the elderly person with Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease; 44% (n=4) of the judges said that the information is coherent and easy to understand, these activities being thought-provoking for the user and caregivers; 67% (n=6) of the judges reported that the guidelines contained in the material are efficient for stimulating the development of the patient's autonomy and independence. Conclusions: This study enabled the creation and production of a guide-type Educational Technology, which will help the caregiver to better plan the management strategies of the elderly person with Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease in the home environment, being statistically considered valid by the expert judges and by the caregivers in the semantic evaluation where 78% (n=7) of the judges considered the information in the guide important to guide the care provided to the elderly person with Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease; and 12 of the caregivers considered it good, giving it full marks for language, illustrations, guidance and its importance for preventing complications from the disease. It was evident from the scientific findings that the use of this type of educational technology, in a structured way and validated by specialists and the community, has been the main means used to transform the population's health-disease process, being facilitating and auxiliary methods in the process of care, promotion and prevention of health problems for the elderly and caregivers.
  • Influence of polypharmacy on the oral health of the elderly and care in the prevention of oral diseases: production and validation of an educational video.
  • Date: Feb 29, 2024
  • Time: 14:00
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  • Introduction: In the routine of elderly people, the concomitant use of multiple medications is common, as aging increases the need to control several coexisting chronic diseases. Polypharmacy becomes necessary but exposes the patient to a risky situation, as there are many adverse effects. Among these effects, oral alterations are the least mentioned and the most neglected, unlike the systemic effects which are well documented in the literature. Changes in the mouth can develop into oral diseases that affect the quality of life of elderly patients, which is why it is extremely important to prevent them. Feeling pain makes it difficult for elderly patients to eat properly and maintain their oral hygiene, predisposing them to malnutrition and infections. Knowledge about the influence of polypharmacy on the oral health of the elderly can prevent the occurrence of oral diseases. Objective: To investigate the scientific evidence on the influence of polypharmacy on the oral health of the elderly; to produce and validate an educational video on the influence of polypharmacy on the oral health of the elderly and care in preventing oral diseases. Method: This is a methodological study with a qualitative approach carried out in three stages. The first stage refers to an integrative review in which searches were carried out in portals and databases: Virtual Health Library, SciELO, Web of Science, Scopus and PubMed/MEDLINE. To construct the guiding question, the PICO strategy was used so that the letter P corresponds to the population (elderly), I to the intervention (polypharmacy), C to the comparison (no comparison) and O to the outcome (oral health). The descriptors used in English and Portuguese were: aged, polypharmacy, oral health, elderly, polypharmacy and oral health. The second stage included the production of an educational video on the influence of polypharmacy on the oral health of the elderly and care in the prevention of oral diseases. Finally, in the third stage, the content of the video was validated by a committee of experts on the subject using the Content Validity Index. Results and discussion: The integrative review included 22 studies that addressed the influence of polypharmacy on the oral health of the elderly and the main associated oral alterations and diseases. The main negative outcomes found in the studies were xerostomia and hyposalivation. The educational video was created using a clinical case in which the elderly patient came to the dental office with oral symptoms associated with the use of polypharmacy and was then instructed by a dentist on how to prevent oral diseases. This video was validated by a committee of judges with a content validation index of 0.97. In order to meet the judges' considerations, adjustments and additions were made to the production of the final educational video. Final considerations: The video will serve as an educational tool for elderly patients, their caregivers, family members and health professionals, who will have clear guidelines on how to prevent oral diseases caused by the concomitant use of multiple medications, ensuring a better quality of life for the patient.
  • Lucena. Construction of Educational Video for Elderly People with Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease: contributing to Quality of Life.
  • Date: Feb 29, 2024
  • Time: 14:00
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  • Introduction: The decrease in the fertility rate and the increase in life expectancy have directly interfered with a worldwide phenomenon: population ageing. Although this is considered an important achievement for humanity, it is associated with major challenges, leading to changes in the demographic structure and an increase in chronic diseases. Among these is Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD), a progressive respiratory disease characterized by airflow limitation, which is not completely reversible and compromises quality of life and activities of daily living in most cases. Objectives: To develop a technological resource to help with the quality of life of elderly people with COPD; to seek, through a scoping review, information on the quality of life of elderly people undergoing treatment for COPD; to assess the impact of COPD on the quality of life of elderly patients with COPD treated at an outpatient clinic at a university hospital in Paraíba; to construct an educational video with practical guidelines for improving their quality of life. Method: This is a multi-method study, conducted in three stages: a scoping review conducted according to the methodology of the Joanna Briggs Institute, research and development of the video. A scoping review was carried out, based on the guiding question "What dimensions of the quality of life of older people are impacted by COPD? A survey was carried out with elderly people with COPD treated at a university hospital in Paraiba, the results of which were entered into the Iramuteq software and then interpreted using content analysis. For the development of the product, data from the scoping review and field research were taken into account. Results and Discussion: In the first stage of the study, the search returned 395 articles, of which 17 were chosen. From the studies analyzed, a consensus emerged that COPD negatively impacts multiple dimensions of the quality of life of the elderly. Physical capacity, social life and mental health are particularly affected. In the next step, the report produced by IRAMUTEQ categorized the material as significant in 77.06%. The software divided the material examined into two subcorpus and each subcorpus generated 2 classes, totaling 4. Class 4 highlights the "Representations of the diagnosis", revealing that patients face a profound emotional and psychosocial dimension after receiving the diagnosis. Class 3, entitled "Old age and COPD", addresses patients' daily difficulties related to the disease and ageing. Class 2, "Maintaining quality of life", emphasizes patients' perspectives on practices they consider crucial to improving or maintaining their quality of life. Class 1, called "Limitations", highlights the elderly's perception of the restrictions imposed by COPD. Finally, a video was developed as a health education tool to improve guidance on the quality of life of elderly people with COPD. Final considerations: The data obtained in the initial phases of the research was used to develop a video that aims to guide elderly people with COPD on treatment strategies that minimize the effects of the disease and improve their quality of life.
  • Infographic for the Prevention of Minor Mental Disorders in the Nursing Team of the Emergency Care Unit Before and During the Professional Deceleration Phase.
  • Date: Feb 29, 2024
  • Time: 13:00
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  • Introduction: Nursing has different phases that can be directly related to their behavior towards the profession, considered as before (up to 50 years) the professional slowdown, during the professional slowdown (51 to 60 years) and retirement (61 years or more). The penultimate stage is characterized by the selective search to remain in activities, work and jobs that ensure the worker's retirement, a stage in which many nursing professionals verbalize feelings such as insecurity, anxiety and fear of withdrawing from the world of work, as well as from the social interaction provided by the work environment, factors that can contribute to mental illness. Objective: To create an infographic for the prevention of minor mental disorders among nursing staff before and during the professional slowdown phase. Methodological procedures: This is a methodological study, focusing on nursing workers in an Emergency Care Unit (UPA) who are before and during the professional deceleration phase. The study was carried out in three different stages, namely: 1st an integrative review to identify the scientific evidence related to educational technologies used to promote the mental health of nursing professionals; 2nd a survey of personal and occupational factors associated with Minor Mental Disorders (MMD) among the UPA nursing team before and during the professional deceleration phase; and 3rd the construction of an educational technology, of the infographic type, for the prevention of MMD among the nursing team. The quantitative data was analyzed using the SPSS 25.0 program, using descriptive analysis and the Chi-square/Fisher's exact test, considering p=<0.05. The risk was estimated using the Odds Ratio. Content analysis was applied to the data from the production of the infographic. Results: The integrative review resulted in 1,901 articles, eight of which made up the final sample and revealed the use of auriculotherapy, yoga, art therapy, psychoeducation and a stress reduction program as strategies applied to promote mental health in nursing professionals. The field research revealed that 43% of the nursing professionals had MDT. With regard to the personal, psychosocial and occupational factors associated with MSDs among nursing staff (n=35), it is worth noting that having a high school education, having a religious background, having a good perception of their health (physical and mental), having social support, being in a phase of professional deceleration, having taken vacation in the last 12 months and perceiving themselves as motivated at work contributed to reducing the chances of MSDs by 32.3%, 48.4%, 59.9%, 17.2%, 7.7%, 26.6% and 39.1% respectively. On the other hand, being male, white, having an income of up to 4 minimum wages, having children, having anxiety, having suffered psychological and emotional violence at work and working the day shift increased the chances of developing MMR by 17.9%, 27.8%, 80.6%, 62.5%, 80.6%, 4.3% and 26.3% respectively. A one-page illustrated infographic was created using the Canva program, containing tips/suggestions for the prevention of minor mental disorders among nursing staff. Final considerations: The nursing team presented factors that can contribute to mental illness, which reveals the need for strategies aimed at caring for the health of this work profile. The infographic developed, as an educational technological product in health, proved to be valid for use in this population, containing playful information, focused on self-care and which can contribute to the prevention of MMD in the nursing team.
  • Orofacial Myofunctional Therapy Application for Elderly Users of Dental Prostheses.
  • Date: Feb 29, 2024
  • Time: 10:00
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  • Introduction: The global demographic landscape has shown a significant increase in the elderly population, and the physiological, psychological, physical, morphological, and biochemical changes in this age group pose a significant challenge. The loss of dental elements resulting from inappropriate habits and limitations over the years leads to anatomical, aesthetic, and functional alterations in individuals. Orofacial myofunctional therapy can contribute to dental rehabilitation by facilitating the adaptation of prostheses and developing appropriate structural patterns to avoid inadequate compensatory mechanisms. Objectives: – Identify, in the literature, scientific evidence regarding the impact of prosthetic rehabilitation on the orofacial myofunctional condition of complete and/or partial edentulous individuals; Construct a mobile application for orofacial myofunctional therapy targeting elderly denture users; Validate the content of the application through expert judges; Method: This study consists of three methodological stages: The first involves a systematic review to identify the orofacial myofunctional condition in denture users in the scientific literature. In the second stage, a mobile application with orofacial myofunctional exercises based on scientific evidence found in the first phase was developed, targeting elderly individuals using dentures. Finally, in the third stage, the application’s content was validated through the assessment of experts, who are professionals with qualifications in Speech-Language Pathology and a minimum master’s and/or specialization degree in Orofacial Myofunctional Therapy. Results and Discussion: The following were produced: 1) A systematic review article titled “Orofacial Myofunctional Condition in Denture Users,” which demonstrates the structural and functional changes resulting from edentulism and the possibility of restoring the balance of the Stomatognathic System through orofacial myofunctional therapy; 2) An application developed based on the systematic review and literature findings, emphasizing the importance of performing myofunctional exercises that promote the mobility of lips, tongue, and cheeks, in addition to the rehabilitation of functional activities in elderly individuals with dentures; 3) Validation of the TREINAFACE application’s content by eight experts, using the content validation method (CVM). Final Considerations: The systematic literature review allowed for the consolidation of knowledge about orofacial myofunctional conditions in denture users and the structural alterations resulting from tooth loss, affecting the pattern and execution of chewing, swallowing, and speech functions. The validation of the application’s content by experts provided greater reliability in the development of this dissertation’s technological product, highlighting its relevance for speech therapists in planning the best orofacial myofunctional therapy strategies for elderly individuals with dentures, promoting parameters of comfort, well- being, autonomy, and quality of life.
  • Date: Feb 29, 2024
  • Time: 10:00
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  • Introduction: Chronic kidney disease has a prolonged and silent course, whose symptoms usually appear in its more advanced stages. It is one of the main responsible for the reduction of productive years of life, in addition to being related to a higher risk of premature mortality due to cardiovascular disease. At a global level, it is considered a public health problem and since 2014 the Brazilian Ministry of Health has published an ordinance in order to promote a line of comprehensive care for people with chronic kidney disease, one of whose objectives is to avoid the need for renal replacement therapy. The prevalence of this pathology continues to increase and one of the factors linked to it is the longevity associated with chronic diseases that are not so well controlled, such as systemic arterial hypertension and diabetes mellitus. Becoming old in an abysmal country like Brazil is naturally challenging, since aging has not progressed with the effectiveness of public health policies aimed at this portion of the population. What is the perception of being elderly and chronically needing dialysis? Objective: Contribute to the improvement of health care measures for elderly people on dialysis through the social representations constructed by them. Method: The research had a quantitative and qualitative approach, in lucid patients aged 60 or over, applied to all genders, who underwent dialysis in satellite dialysis units aimed at chronic kidney patients in the city of João Pessoa-Paraíba. The study had as its theoretical-methodological basis the structural approach to social representations. The inclusion criteria were patients aged 60 years or over, lucid, with stage 5 chronic kidney disease who required dialysis for more than three months and who underwent this modality through the Unified Health System. The exclusion criteria were patients under 60 years of age, or who had been on dialysis for less than three months, or who had dementia. Results: The results of this research were submitted for publication in the form of a master's thesis within the Professional Master's Program in Gerontology in the year 2024. Conclusions: With the construction of social representations of elderly people on dialysis in relation to the topic of dialysis, this research contributed in improving the comprehensive care offered to these individuals and through these results, a product was created in the form of an informative Cordel on prevention, care and challenges faced by elderly people on dialysis, serving as guidance and support for these patients and the community.
  • Date: Feb 29, 2024
  • Time: 10:00
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  • Introduction: Loneliness is defined as something painful and distressing, being subjective and difficult for elderly people to express and related to isolation. There is a relationship between negative feelings and isolating oneself, giving the elderly person verbal and non-verbal signs that express depressive and aggressive behaviors. Objectives: To understand the scientific evidence on loneliness in elderly people; identify the factors that influence loneliness in elderly people; propose pedagogical workshops on preventing loneliness for elderly people. Methods: This is a methodological study, with a qualitative and descriptive approach to provide pedagogical workshops on the prevention of loneliness for elderly people. Developed in three stages: (1) Scope review, (2) field research, (3) Construction of a Pedagogical Workshop Plan on the Prevention of Loneliness for Elderly People. Regarding ethical aspects, the research was submitted and approved by the Ethics and Research Committee under number 6.525.134, CAAE: 74101023.0.0000.5188. The sample consisted of 63 elderly people from the Instituto Paraibano de Envelhecimento. The collected data were organized into a corpus, then processed with the aid of the IRaMuTeQ software and discussed according to the literature. Results and Discussion: In the scope review, 10 articles were selected that identified the main causes that promote loneliness in elderly people, including: economic level, low education, advanced age, lack of company, chronic diseases and the loss of emotional ties . Furthermore, issues such as widowhood, childlessness, retirement and the transition to long-term care facilities can promote or worsen loneliness. In field research, carried out with 63 elderly people from the Paraibando Institute for Aging, located in João Pessoa- PB, terms such as sadness, depression, isolation, anxiety, anguish and abandonment were observed. After these findings, pedagogical workshops on preventing loneliness for elderly people were proposed. Final considerations: In this way, it was possible to understand that loneliness has multifactorial aspects and that the presence of sadness and depression indicate a deep negative emotional state, while isolation and abandonment point to the lack of social connections and helplessness faced by the elderly. Anxiety and anguish highlight the constant worry and emotional discomfort associated with loneliness. However, pedagogical workshops can be an intervention focused on consolidating social support networks, promoting and encouraging meaningful relationships, becoming a strategy with great potential for preventing loneliness in older people.
  • Nursing discharge plan for the elderly with renal failure in transition to home.
  • Date: Feb 29, 2024
  • Time: 09:00
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  • Objective: To build a nursing discharge plan for elderly people with kidney failure in transition to home care. Method: This is a methodological study with a quantitative approach to building a technological health product, such as a hospital discharge plan, for elderly people with kidney failure who are transitioning home. This study was divided into two stages: an integrative review of the literature on the subject in the first stage and the development of the hospital discharge plan for the elderly with kidney failure in transition to the home in the second stage. Results: The integrative literature review initially identified 5,031 studies, of which 1,957 were eliminated, including duplicates. Of the remaining 3,074, 3,050 were excluded because they did not meet the inclusion criteria, and 24 studies were eligible for full reading. Of these, after detailed analysis, 14 were discarded because they were review texts or had incomplete populations and results. In the end, only 9 articles on the subject met all the pre-established criteria and were included in the final sample. The nursing discharge plan adapted for elderly people with kidney failure was based on Meleis' Transition of Care Theory and addressed specific domains such as patient assessment, effective communication of information and coordination of care. Discussion: The importance of these domains to ensure a safe transition from hospital discharge is highlighted, with an emphasis on active patient participation, clear communication between healthcare professionals and family members, and effective coordination between teams. Effective implementation of this plan not only improves patient and caregiver satisfaction, but also benefits the hospital institution by reducing length of stay, readmission rates and promoting more efficient management of available resources. This approach in line with clinical and government guidelines highlights the relevance of discharge planning as an essential practice in the provision of healthcare. Conclusion: The research highlights the contribution of the plan in offering a structured guide that addresses not only clinical needs, but also social and emotional aspects, aiming to prevent readmissions and improve quality of life post-discharge. Limitations include the exclusion of some studies due to specific criteria and the lack of clinical validation of the plan. Future perspectives involve carrying out this validation, with the evaluation of effectiveness, continuous adaptation and the expansion of research to investigate the experience of the patient and family members in implementing the plan.
  • Date: Feb 29, 2024
  • Time: 09:00
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  • Introduction: During the climacteric period, women are exposed to a series of variations in the biopsychosocial context, and in some women fear and anxiety about the loss of the reproductive cycle stand out. The presence of these signs and symptoms result from the gradual decrease in hormones produced by the ovaries, which is known as climacteric syndrome, causing mild to intense symptoms in women, making the climacteric a period of individual experience for each woman. These changes can lead to changes in sleep, depression, irritability, impairment in daily activities and changes in the woman's quality of life. Therefore, attention to climacteric and menopause has required more comprehensive and humanized assistance, with interest from professionals and women who experience this female life cycle. Therefore, Integrative and Complementary Health Practices (PICS) emerge as a form of relevant therapeutic approach in the construction of an educational technology that helps women during climacteric and menopause periods. Objective: Create an educational video about integrative and complementary practices used by women during climacteric and menopause; Validate, with expert judges, the content and appearance of the educational video; - Carry out semantic evaluation of the educational video with a sample of climacteric and menopausal women. Method: This is an exploratory, descriptive, methodological study for the development of educational technology, which will be developed in the women's health outpatient clinic of the Hospital Universitário Lauro Wanderley, João Pessoa, Paraíba, according to the following steps: construction of a video proposal educational based on scientific evidence through a scoping review regarding integrative and complementary practices used by women during menopause and menopause; Validation of educational video content by a committee of judges; and verification of the semantic validation of the educational video with a sample of climacteric and menopausal women. The final production of the educational video will be carried out with the assistance of professionals experienced in audiovisual production after the edits, finalization and organization of the construct have been carried out. The research will comply with the ethical and legal aspects of research involving human beings, recommended by Resolution 466/2012 of the National Health Council, research participants will sign the Free and Informed Commitment Term. Conclusion: This research will provide support to apply natural, non- pharmacological therapeutic care practices, which can alleviate the symptoms of climacteric and menopause, since it is essential to have a holistic quality of life, promoting high individualized care for each woman .
  • Construction and validation game related to affective themes to elderly.
  • Date: Feb 29, 2024
  • Time: 09:00
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  • Introduction: There is a growing concern with the healthy and active vehicle. This is due to the phenomenon of population aging, increasingly growing in society. Therefore, for the construction of a successful aging, it is understood that the functional capacity or functionality of the elderly is fundamental in an expanded concept of health, which understands that people are and do what they value. However, for the elderly to maintain functionality in their daily lives, the cognitive component is an essential factor, since problems of this order started with a decline in functional capacity and quality of life. Memory is among the cognitive components that are stimulated in the elderly patient, realizing that there is a more consistent response when this stimulus is associated with affections, loaded with feelings. Objective: To build and validate a cognitive stimulation resource for the elderly that associates memory with affective themes. Method: This is a methodological study, consisting of a scope review; search; game development and content validation. For the identification of relevant studies, the scope review will carry out searches in databases about the resources used by occupational therapy for the cognitive stimulation of elderly people. Regarding the development of the product, data from the integrative review will be considered. It is intended to develop a card game associating information with affective memories of their sociocultural context. Content validation will be carried out by expert geriatric judges and occupational therapists, applying the Content Validation Index (CVI).
  • Ebook as an allied technology for the palliative care of elderly surgical patients.
  • Date: Feb 28, 2024
  • Time: 14:00
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  • Introduction: The ageing population has led to significant demographic and epidemiological changes, such as an increase in the incidence of diseases with no prospect of cure. In this context, the number of hospitalizations and surgical interventions exposes the elderly population to a disruptive experience that demands individualized understanding and resilience from the individual, in a scenario of reserved diagnosis. In this environment, palliative care emerges, an approach that, together with virtual learning tools, can help nurses to provide a continuum of living and dying well for the elderly, helping to transform the threatening experience into a source of meaning. Objective: To develop an ebook-type educational technology as a resource for implementing palliative care for elderly surgical patients. Method: A methodological study developed in three stages. In the first, a scoping review was carried out on Scopus, CINAHL, Web of Science, Embase, Lilacs, Medline, Google Scholar and ProQuest Dissertations, using the Joanna Briggs Institute method. The search returned 509 articles, of which 13 were chosen and processed in three stages, compiled in Rayyan® software and registered in the Open Science Framework (OSF). In the second stage, a qualitative study was carried out in a reference surgical hospitalization service with 16 nursing professionals, whose data was submitted to Bardin's content analysis. Finally, an ebook and a website were produced from the results obtained. Results: The most frequently encountered nursing actions concern the physical dimension, such as symptom control; the cultural dimension, with the challenges of palliative care in an environment with a high expectation of cure, as well as the dimension of communication as a basic tool of this approach. As for the qualitative findings, four categories emerged: 1) Communication as a link between nursing and the eligible elderly; 2) Barriers of the surgical routine; 3) Collective representations of palliative care and their implications and 4) The ideal of palliative care: suggestions for assistance. Conclusion: Palliative nursing care takes place empirically, focusing on physical and environmental aspects. Challenges arise in terms of care planning, the ethical dilemmas inherent in the surgical environment, as well as nurses' reluctance to be more open about the dying process. The technological product developed is an innovative and effective strategy, with animated elements, hyperlinks, web lessons and gamification strategies, in its digital book and webpage formats, which encourage the dissemination of information to professionals, a change in thinking and the promotion of a culture of compassionate, humanized and person-centred care.
  • Nursing protocol for management of delirium in the elderly in intensive care.
  • Date: Feb 28, 2024
  • Time: 13:30
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  • Introduction: The vulnerability caused by aging associated with an unhealthy lifestyle exposes the elderly to the emergence of chronic non-communicable diseases, which increases the likelihood of hospital admissions, a large proportion of which are in Intensive Care Units (ICUs). One of the main complications of ICU admissions for the elderly is delirium, which is a mental alteration secondary to a general medical condition, drug intoxication or drug withdrawal characterized by disturbances in cognition and consciousness that develops over a short period, hours or days, and has a fluctuating course. Nurses' knowledge of delirium is necessary in order to quickly detect any signs or symptoms, and carry out care management for this patient. Objectives: To identify nursing care for older people with delirium in an intensive care unit based on scientific evidence; to draw up a nursing protocol for managing delirium in older people with delirium in an intensive care unit; and to validate the content of the proposed protocol. Method: This is a methodological study, structured in three stages. The first stage consisted of a scoping review with a search for articles in the indexed databases and libraries: Latin American and Caribbean Literature in Health Sciences (LILACS and BDENF), Medical Literature Analysis and Retrieval System Online (MEDLINE), SciVerse Scopus, CINAHL and Embase, and Google Scholar's grey literature, using the following descriptors: Elderly; Delirium; Intensive Care Unit; Nursing; Nursing Care; Nursing Care for the Hospitalized Elderly. The second stage was the construction of the protocol based on the evidence collected in the integrative review. The third and final stage was content validation of the protocol by nurse judges. Results: The scoping review consisted of 13 studies related to nursing care for elderly patients with delirium in intensive care. The main interventions identified were related to time and space orientation, early mobilization and the inclusion of the family in the intensive care environment. The review led to the development of a nursing protocol for the management of delirium in elderly intensive care patients. The content of the protocol was validated by 7 nurse judges, achieving a concordance index of 0.98, above what is recommended in the literature. Final considerations: the construction of this protocol is an important contribution to the systematization of nursing care, promoting quality care through actions to prevent, detect and manage delirium in the elderly in intensive care. It reinforces the importance of thoroughly assessing all elderly people admitted to intensive care units, and carrying out periodic assessments of the possibility of delirium due to the high risk of its incidence.
  • Flowchart of the therapeutic itinerary to support health professionals in caring for elderly women with late complications after breast cancer treatment.
  • Date: Feb 28, 2024
  • Time: 09:00
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  • Objective: To build a therapeutic itinerary flowchart to support health professionals in caring for elderly women with late complications after breast cancer treatment. METHODOLOGICAL APPROACH: This study was carried out in three stages: Stage 1: is part of the scientific evidence topic of this study. It is an integrative review of the literature on the most common late complications after breast cancer treatment, in the Scielo, Lilacs, Pubmed/Medline, BDENF and Web of Science databases, where the following descriptors were used: Breast Neoplasms; Elderly; Postoperative Complications; Breast Cancer. Stage 2: Documentary, exploratory, descriptive and observational research, whose sample consisted of records from the last ten years (released) from the Datasus, Siscan and Inca websites, to extract data on breast cancer (diagnosis, examinations and mortality) in Brazil, Mato Grosso and Barra do Garças/MT. Stage 3: Drawing up a flowchart to support health professionals in caring for elderly women with late complications following breast cancer treatment in Barra do Garças/MT. The flowchart was drawn up in two stages (prevention and treatment), digitally using the Canva application from November 2023 to January 2024.Results: The integrative review resulted in 163 studies, of which four were part of the review, revealing that the main late complications after breast cancer treatment were related to depressive symptoms, arm lymphedema, cognitive problems, fatigue, pain or difficulty in climbing or moving sideways, impaired total range of motion (ROM), sexual health and impaired body image. The findings of secondary data from the last 10 years (2013 to 2023) revealed that the number of diagnoses of breast cancer in Brazil in women aged 60 or over was 188,313. In Mato Grosso this total was 1,814 and in Barra do Garças it was 16 women. Mortality among women with breast cancer aged 60 or over accounted for 53% of deaths in Brazil, 43% in Mato Grosso and 41% in Barra do Garças/MT. As for the health technology product developed, the flowchart created in two stages in this study contains information for health professionals to support the care of elderly women with late complications following breast cancer treatment. The first stage contains information related to the prevention of late complications, namely: obesity, physical activity, nutrition and tobacco cessation; and the second stage contains information focused on the treatment/monitoring/referral of elderly women with late complications, namely: emotional aspects, lymphedema, cognitive impairment, neuropathy, sexual health and body image. Conclusion: The technological health product developed, of the flowchart type, aims to support health professionals in caring for this profile of elderly women, consequently improving their quality of life, since healthy lifestyle behaviors are fundamental to reducing the risk of recurrence of the disease, its possible complications and the damage left by the disease and treatment. These factors can contribute to improving the well-being of elderly women.
  • Audiobook as a tool for intercultural mediation and communication between nurses and the elderly population of the Xavante ethnic group
  • Date: Feb 28, 2024
  • Time: 09:00
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  • Introduction: When providing nursing care to the elderly indigenous population, nurses are constantly faced with limitations, such as communication difficulties, lack of knowledge of the language spoken, and lack of courses or training to provide humanized and qualified hospital care to the indigenous population. The finding of communication gaps between nursing professionals and Xavante patients led us to propose and carry out this research with the main purpose of creating a product and/or instrument, an audiobook, as a facilitator of linguistic and intercultural communication between nurses and hospitalized elderly Xavante indigenous patients. Objective: To build an audiobook as a tool for intercultural mediation and communication between nurses and the hospitalized Xavante elderly population. Methodological route: This is a descriptive and exploratory study, qualitative in nature, with technological production, to be carried out with nurses working at the Municipal Hospital of Barra do Garças, Mato Grosso - Brazil. The study will be carried out in three stages. The first is a scope review, with the purpose of synthesizing the scientific evidence, seeking to identify how the difficulty of communication between the nurse and the indigenous elderly patient can interfere with the provision of qualified care; The 2nd is a field research that aims to identify the facilitators and complicating factors of the communication process of nurses during the assistance to hospitalized Xavante indigenous elders; and the 3rd is the construction of a technological product, an audiobook to be used by nurses who provide integral health care to the elderly hospitalized indigenous Xavante population, with the objective of facilitating communication between them and improving the quality of care provided by nurses to this population. Results: The result highlights seven categories of analysis: Linguistic Barrier; Nurse and user interaction; Team interaction – CASAI; Intercultural mediation; Team-companion relationship; Inter and multidisciplinary team relationships and sociocultural barriers. Conclusion: These data are important to understand the work method that is carried out among native peoples. It is expected that this study and the Technological Product developed will help in understanding the work currently carried out with the Xavante indigenous elderly population and support the adoption of new practices and procedures that provide efficiency in the care of these subjects.
  • Educational technology to guide the elderly on alcohol consumption: construction of a booklet
  • Date: Feb 27, 2024
  • Time: 14:00
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  • Introduction: Life expectancy and the number of elderly people have increased exponentially, coupled with an increase in chronic non-communicable diseases related to lifestyle and the adoption of unhealthy habits, especially alcohol consumption.Objective: To build an educational health technology, like a booklet, to guide the elderly about alcohol consumption. Methods: This is a methodological study structured in four stages: 1st, an integrative review that aims to identify scientific evidence on the prevalence of alcohol consumption among the elderly and the risk and protective factors associated with this consumption, based on consultations in four databases from the last 10 years (2013 to 2023), using the terms "Aged; prevalence, alcoholism, binge drinking, risk factors"; 2nd and 3rd, documentary research: which aims to identify the elderly who use alcohol registered in primary health care, from the individual registration report of the e-SUS APS system, in the period from 2017 to 2023; and which aims to identify the seizures of alcoholic beverages carried out by the professionals of the Health Surveillance VISA, through the consultation of the seizure terms, in the period from 2013 to 2023, both referring to the municipality of Barra do Garças/MT; and the 4th from the construction of an educational technology applied to health to guide the elderly about the health risks of alcoholic beverage consumption.The data was analyzed descriptively. Results: The integrative review resulted in 1,938 articles, so six studies were part of the final sample, revealing a prevalence of alcohol consumption among the elderly ranging from 14% to 88.3%. Risk factors included being male, having a low level of education and not practicing physical activity. The protective factors were related to the fact that the elderly person had a chronic illness, had more schooling and was female. The documentary research found that 2,540 registered elderly people in primary health care in Barra do Garças/MT consumed alcoholic beverages, which corresponds to 13% of people who use this substance.The data also revealed a continuous increase in alcohol consumption among the elderly, which rose by 23%. In a survey of health surveillance records from 2013 to 2023, 1,738 alcoholic beverages were seized, the majority for reasons of expired shelf life (n=1,556). The booklet was created using the adobe illustration program and vectorized adobe photoshop images. It contains 14 illustrated pages in arial font, size 24, containing concepts about alcohol consumption in the elderly and measures aimed at reducing the harm caused by alcohol consumption in this population. Final considerations: the booklet developed as an educational technological product in health aims to inform, in a playful way, about alcohol consumption among the elderly and also offers three tips aimed at reducing the harm of alcohol consumption in this population, which makes this product possible for use in health education actions for the elderly population.
  • Nursing discharge plan for the elderly after a stroke from hospital to home.
  • Date: Feb 27, 2024
  • Time: 14:00
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  • Introduction: Stroke is the second leading cause of death in the world and the leading cause of disability; one in four people will suffer this complication in their lifetime, and it is more prevalent in older people who require hospitalisation. Readmissions are costly and undesirable and older people are more vulnerable to hospitalisation and transitional care is needed to maintain continuity of care, so the Transition of Care Model is urgently needed for continuity from hospital to home. Objective: To describe the transition of care for the elderly after a stroke from hospital to home. Method: Built in three stages: The first is a scoping plan that followed the method recommended by the Joanna Briggs Institute. The Population, Concept and Context strategy was used to search the databases. The second stage is a methodological study to produce a nursing discharge plan for the transition of care of elderly people after stroke from hospital to home and the third stage is the validation of the discharge plan. The analysis will be descriptive and similarity, word cloud and Content Validity Ratio index. Results: Of 1,378 studies, 30 were selected for reading in full, resulting in 12 articles published between 2013 and 2023, three of which were qualitative, eight quantitative and one mixed study. Two book chapters from the grey literature were included in the sample, giving a total of 14 studies on the subject. The result of the scoping review served as a theoretical reference for the construction of the discharge plan, which, after signing the consent form via Google form, was sent via email to a panel of 13 judges who are specialists in the field of gerontology/neurology nursing and who assessed the clarity, theoretical relevance and practical pertinence of the 60 items in the content assessment, using the Iramuteq software. Descriptive evaluation and the Content Validity Ratio index were used. In terms of clarity, 44 of the 60 items ranged from 0.538 to 1.00 and 16 items were below 0.538; in terms of theoretical relevance and practical pertinence, all the items had Content Validity Ratio values above 0.538, which means they were adequate. Conclusion: The scoping review highlights the scarcity of knowledge about discharge protocols for individuals affected by stroke. There is a lack of detailed approaches, highlighting the need to establish discharge plans and individualised care. The content analysis of the scoping review, using Iramuteq software, showed five categories, whose data was validated by 13 expert judges, with a Content Validity Ratio of over 0.538. The development of the instrument showed that only the clarity indicator had 16 items below the analysis value and a new version is being processed. The study showed that the transition of care for elderly people after strokes is urgent in the country and it is up to nurses and their team to develop this practice, with a view to improving care and prompt rehabilitation. The importance of these practices is evidenced in the continuity of care at home, in order to reduce or remedy possible sequelae. We hope to contribute to the development and application at hospital level of a plan for discharging elderly people after a stroke from hospital to home.
  • Date: Feb 27, 2024
  • Time: 10:00
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  • Introduction: Population ageing is a worldwide phenomenon, especially in developing countries such as Brazil. In this context, the importance of legal provisions to ensure the rights of the elderly population is highlighted, given the physical, property and psychological limitations that come with human ageing. Objective: To validate an educational video for multidisciplinary staff about the rights of the elderly during hospitalization. Methodology: The aim of this methodological study was to develop an educational video for multidisciplinary staff. It was developed in three stages, namely: a scoping review in June 2023 in the following databases: Lilacs, Medline, Scopus, and Web off Science, using the following descriptors (DeCS/MeSH): Patient Rights; Aged; Hospitals, using the Boolean operator AND. Results: The research sample consisted of 8 articles that were classified and analyzed in four categories: the rights of the elderly, lack of knowledge of the elderly person and/or companion and/or professional, difficulties of organizational problems and challenges in the process of care for the elderly. the second will consist of empirical procedures (content validation), where the video validation process was attended by 13 content judges, all health professionals with experience in geriatrics, gerontology and care for the elderly. The video had 25 scenes that addressed the issue of the rights of the elderly in hospital and, finally, the third phase involved analytical procedures (checking the reliability of the info-product). The judges' assessment of the content was based on a content validation index, which quantified the suitability of the video in relation to seven aspects assessed, such as: objective, content, language, relevance, illustration, layout and motivation. In general, the video scored above average for most of the items assessed, indicating good quality in the content covered, with a final validation index of 0.90. Conclusion: The use of educational videos as a form of training and guidance for multidisciplinary teams can be an effective and accessible alternative. By validating the video, the aim was to ensure that the content was correctly transmitted and understood, contributing to the provision of quality care to elderly patients.
  • Educational video for nursing care when bathing dependent elderly people at home.
  • Date: Feb 27, 2024
  • Time: 09:00
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  • Introduction: The dependent elderly population often faces challenges in carrying out daily activities at home, requiring assistance with crucial activities such as bathing, dressing and eating. Objective: To create an educational video for nursing care when bathing dependent elderly people at home. Method: The research was conducted in two stages. In the first stage, a scoping review was carried out according to the methodology proposed by the Joanna Briggs Institute Collaboration. Nine databases were searched, as well as sources of gray literature. Rayyan software was used to select the studies by two reviewers and a third for final validation. In the second stage, a methodological study was carried out with the construction and validation of an educational video. Expert judges were selected according to criteria for assessing the clarity, objectivity, relevance and general aspects of the video's content, using the Content Validity Ratio index. The study was approved by the Research Ethics Committee of the Federal University of Paraíba - UFPB. Results: 24 studies were selected. The results of the studies were processed using the IRAMUTEQ software (Interface de R pour les analyses multidimensionnelles de textes et de questionnaires) and five classes emerged: Planning of actions before and after bathing; Steps and sequence for carrying out body hygiene; Care of ageing skin; Care during bathing in bed and Care during bathing in the shower, with the help of others. In terms of bathing aids, the following stand out: communication, considering the elderly person's preference for bathing, considering conflict resolution, safety, comfort and privacy, planning the necessary materials and actions, paying attention to the temperature of the water and the environment, cleaning and tidying the bed, as well as hygiene care such as trichotomy and nail clipping. The result of the scoping review served as a theoretical reference for the construction of the storyboard, which, after signing the Consent Form via Google form, was sent via e-mail to a panel of 13 judges who were experts in the field and who checked the degree of clarity, theoretical relevance and practical pertinence of the 18 scenes of the storyboard, using the Content Validity Ratio index. The construction of the video covered in detail bathing procedures and materials, skin care, body and oral hygiene, as well as specific considerations for bed baths and showers. Conclusion: Essential care during bathing of dependent elderly people includes actions before, during and after bathing, specific care for aging skin, and proper planning. The individuality of the elderly person and the caregiver is fundamental, highlighting the importance of the nursing professional's guidance. The evaluation by the 13 judges showed that the 18 scenes of the storyboard were confirmed by the Content Validity Ratio analysis, which ranged from 0.538 to 1.00 in all three indicators, i.e. clarity, theoretical relevance and practical pertinence. The content of the video, presented in an action/animation format, emphasizes the importance of interaction between the nurse, family caregiver and dependent elderly person, with the aim of providing a didactic and informative approach to essential care during bathing.
  • Validation of video on the elderly’s vaccination shedule: educational tool for guidance for health professionals.
  • Date: Feb 27, 2024
  • Time: 08:00
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  • Objective: to validate an educational technology in video format aimed at health professionals about the vaccination schedule for elderly people. Method: this a methodological study, to develop and validate an educational techhnology in video format. In the first stage of the study, an integrative literature review was carried out on the topic addressed to support the preparation of the script, the narration and the creation of illustrations. The searches were carried out in databases and electronic libraries, in the period from june 2023, focusing on the national vaccination calendar for elderly people. The second stage, in turn, consisted of the construction of a technological product, that is, the development of the video, based on data acquired in the literature. Subsequently, its content was validated by expert judges. The research was submitted for consideration by the research ethics committe of the Federal University of Paraíba, complying with the ethical precepts recommended by resolution n° 466/12, wich regulates research involving human beings. Results and discussion: the validation process involved the participation of 11 content judges, all health professionals. The video created presents 21 scenes that portrayed the benefits of immunization, the vaccination schedule for elderly people, as well as their dose schedules, indications, contraindications and possible adverse events. The expert’s evaluation was based on a content validation index, wich allowed quantifying the adequacy of the video in relation to the seven aspects evaluated, namely: objectives, layout and motivation. In general, the educational video obtained above average scores for most of the items evaluated, indicating good quality in the content covered, with a final validation index of 0.93. Final considerations: the technological product produced and validated in this study was characterized as an appropriate strategy for guiding health professionals on vaccinating the elderly. When it comes to literature, it addresses an existing gap when proposing the validation of an audiovisual resource, as much of the existing research is based on conventional materials.
  • Educational video for the elderly on nursing care in therapeutic bloodletting.
  • Date: Feb 21, 2024
  • Time: 14:00
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  • Introduction: Population aging is a worldwide occurrence with progressive growth, beginning in Western European countries at the end of the 19th century, increasing in developed countries and, in recent decades, has also reached developing countries. Ageing is complex and, although getting old and getting sick are not synonymous, it is a biopsychosocial process made up of anatomical, psychological and physiological changes that make the elderly person more vulnerable to the onset of various diseases. Certain hematological disorders such as hemochromatosis, polycythemia vera and cutaneous porphyria can develop in the elderly population and their treatment of choice is therapeutic bloodletting. Bloodletting, also known as phlebotomy, is a hemotherapy procedure that consists of drawing blood in order to treat and prevent various toxic conditions in the body. Objectives: To build and validate an educational video for the elderly on nursing care in therapeutic bloodletting. Method: This is a methodological study that will be carried out in three stages. 1) It consisted of the preparation of a scoping review on nursing care before, during and after therapeutic bloodletting in the elderly; 2) construction of the video guided by the evidence resulting from the scoping review; 3) validation by judges and the elderly. Results: the first version of the video was constructed based on the scientific evidence from the literature review, containing the script with the illustrative and organized scenes related to nursing care in bloodletting with the elderly; after validation by the judges and the elderly, the final version of the video was classified by the Content Validation Index as greater than 80% relevant. Discussion: Therapeutic bloodletting is a form of treatment that brings benefits by increasing the patient's life expectancy and quality of life by alleviating signs and symptoms. Polycythemia vera, hemochromatosis and porphyria cutanea tarda are hematological diseases whose treatment of choice is bloodletting. The nursing care listed in this study aims to mitigate possible side effects during and after bloodletting, ensuring greater patient safety. Aging brings with it a series of changes and is considered a phase of greater vulnerability, requiring a differentiated look at every procedure. Final considerations: The video developed will provide elderly people with knowledge about therapeutic bloodletting and its care before, during and after, making it possible to provide greater safety for these individuals by reducing the possibility of developing some kind of adverse reaction during or after blood collection, thereby guaranteeing continuity of treatment. It is an educational, interactive technological resource with accessible language that provides clarifying, objective and dynamic information on the therapy covered.
  • educational video with guidelines for seniors with sleep disorders.
  • Date: Feb 9, 2024
  • Time: 10:00
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  • Introduction: Aging is characterized by the combination of physiological transformations in the body, irreversible and inevitable. Elderly people show more changes in their sleep patterns every day. This occurs due to several factors and etiologies. The best way to minimize these abnormalities is to practice sleep hygiene, as it contributes positively to improving sleep quality. Objective: Identify in scientific evidence the factors that influence sleep changes in the elderly, forms of treatment and sleep hygiene; Analyze the quality of sleep, eating habits and physical activity from the perspective of the elderly. Present an educational video that addresses the topic of sleep hygiene for the elderly. Material and Method: The research was developed in three stages: 1. Preparation of an integrative review, addressing the factors that affect the quality of sleep of the elderly; 2. Field research with a quantitative-qualitative approach, in which an interview was carried out with the elderly, based on a semi-structured script with questions related to sleep changes and treatment and prevention measures, later transcribed and analyzed with the help of the software IRAMUTEQ, version 0.7. R. 3. Production of the educational video regarding sleep hygiene for the elderly, based on the results obtained from the integrative review and field research. Results: In the first stage, evidence indicates that there are several factors that contribute to sleep disorders in the elderly. In the second stage, elderly people were interviewed. The content analysis originated five categories that supported the development of the research: physical activity, external factors, use of medication, practices and nutrition and nighttime eating. In the third stage, based on the demands highlighted in the previous phases, an educational video was developed in graphic animation format, with the aim of offering the elderly a message with guidance on sleep hygiene. Conclusion: The video provides simple guidance with the aim of facilitating communication with elderly people of any level of education. It also presents subsidies for health professionals, to work on sleep hygiene in the elderly in a playful way, through planning the necessary care and interventions, thus improving the quality of the service offered to the elderly.
  • Teledentistry for Mouth Cancer Screening
  • Date: Dec 7, 2023
  • Time: 10:00
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  • Introduction: Cancer is a major public health problem and one of the four leading causes of death before the age of 70. Currently, cancer incidence and mortality are on the rise, both due to ageing and population growth, and due to changes in the population's habits, especially those related to socioeconomic development. Among the various types of cancer, oral cancer accounts for 3% of all cases worldwide, with Brazil being one of the countries with the highest prevalence. Although the initial lesions of oral cancer are easily detectable, they are still diagnosed late. This highlights the need to adopt screening measures so that the pathology can be diagnosed early. Objective: to apply Teleodontology in the screening of oral cancer in the elderly, carrying out a systematic review for theoretical basis, developing an Action Plan to implement a mobile application for screening oral cancer in the elderly and using Teleodontology in this process. Method: The study consisted of three stages. In the first stage, a systematic review was carried out following the recommendations of the Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis (PRISMA). In the second stage, an Action Plan was drawn up for the implementation of a mobile application for screening mouth cancer in the elderly. The third stage involved training community health workers to use teleodontology. Results and Discussion: The following were produced: 1) Systematic review article entitled “Teleodontology in oral cancer screening: a systematic review”. 2) Action Plan for implementing teleodontology in oral cancer screening in the municipality of Pedras de Fogo-PB. 3) Training for the health team that will operate the screening tool. 4) Instructional video presenting the application's interfaces, as well as how to use it in the community. 5) Data processing policy. 6) Questionnaire administered to community agents. Final considerations: The systematic review showed that Teleodontology contributes to oral cancer screening, since by overcoming physical distance and the unequal distribution of dental surgeons, it makes it possible for users to have greater access to the health system in a shorter space of time, making it a viable tool from an economic and ethical point of view for achieving early diagnosis. In turn, the Action Plan made it possible to materialize the knowledge previously acquired, using the screening tool and relying on the integration of other professionals in order to change the local reality with regard to mouth cancer.
  • Preparation of a video about the adverse effects of the COVID-19 vaccine in elderly patients on hemodialysis
  • Date: Oct 31, 2023
  • Time: 09:00
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  • Introduction: The pandemic caused by the new coronavirus affected the population disproportionatly, causing a greater impact on the elderly, especially those with kidney failure on dialysis, and the vaccination is the most efficient strategy for controlling it and improving clinical outcomes. One of the obstacles to vaccination is hesitancy, the main motivation for which is concernIing about safety and the appearance of adverse reactions. Objectives: Prepare an educational video addressing vaccination against COVID-19 and its adverse effects, based on what was gathered through the literature review and field research, aiming for greater adherence and encouragement of immunization. Methods: A systematic review of the literature was performed on adverse effects related to vaccination in the hemodialysis population, in accordance with PRISMA recommendations. Subsequently, a case-control study was carried out, comparing groups of individuals over 60 years of age on dialysis and those without advanced chronic kidney disease, to evaluate the occurrence of adverse effects after the four doses of vaccine, using a questionnaire containing sample characterization. and questions regarding the presence and characterization of local and systemic symptoms occurring 7 days after vaccination. The field research was authorized by the Research Ethics Committee of the Health Sciences Center, under opinion number 5,659,359. To prepare the video script, as a health education tool, the ASPIRE methodology was used. Results: After systematic review of the literature, 11 studies met the eligibility criteria, demonstrating that there was no significant difference in the occurrence of local or systemic adverse effects after vaccination against COVID-19 in people on dialysis compared to the healthy population. The field research evaluated 70 elderly people on hemodialysis and 67 elderly people without a history of chronic kidney disease, showing a lower occurrence of adverse effects after vaccination in the hemodialysis group. The most frequent were pain at the application site, muscle pain and headache, most of which were mild to moderate. A video was created addressing vaccination against COVID-19, its impact and adverse effects aimed at the elderly population on hemodialysis. Conclusion: Vaccines against the SARS-COV-2 virus present a lower occurrence of adverse effects in the elderly population on dialysis, when compared to the elderly population without chronic kidney disease, and adherence should be encouraged in this group, given their greater susceptibility and vulnerability to severe forms of the disease.
  • Construção De Um Vídeo Sobre Síndrome de Burnout em Trabalhadores Idosos
  • Date: Aug 31, 2023
  • Time: 13:30
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  • Introduction: Studies indicate that there is an increase in life expectancy, in the number of people aged 60 or over who remain active in the work environment, especially in the hospital context, an environment prone to the development of burnout. Objective: to develop an educational video as a means of information and prevention regarding Burnout Syndrome (BS) in elderly workers. Method: This is a methodological study structured in two stages: 1- bibliographical survey about the causes and prevention of Burnout in elderly workers and 2- construction of an educational video about Burnout Syndrome in elderly workers, in order to favor the understanding of elderly workers on the subject, especially when working in a hospital environment. Results and Discussion: From the survey carried out, it was identified in the literature that elderly health workers are susceptible to burnout and that the risks for the development of this syndrome in this public are related to the coexistence of injuries, such as: chronic diseases, time of professional practice, prolonged exposure to stress and lack of treatment related to mental health. Likewise, the consequences are: mental fatigue, low productivity, mental and physical disorders, poor job satisfaction and low self-esteem. Given these results, it was possible to build an educational video about Burnout Syndrome in elderly workers to offer the general population, especially this public in the hospital environment, about the causes and prevention of this syndrome. Final considerations: The development of educational resources can help prevent BS in elderly health workers, as it provides professionals with greater knowledge about the symptoms and factors that can lead to the onset of the syndrome. It is expected that from the dissemination of the video, after validation of the content, this educational resource will contribute so that the elderly who are still active in the work environment are able to identify signs, symptoms and ways of preventing burnout. In the case of institutions, especially hospitals, may this video serve as a guideline in the implementation of actions that favor the well-being of elderly workers, improving their performance in a healthy and balanced way.
  • Safety in the administration of medication via tube in the elderly: construction and validation of an educational video.
  • Date: Aug 31, 2023
  • Time: 13:00
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  • Introduction: The aging process occurs gradually and is associated with a global decrease in the individual's functional capacity. At this stage of life, difficulty eating autonomously, inability to move and the presence of illnesses increase the likelihood of using tubes as a form of nutritional assistance. Individuals belonging to this age group show an increase in the prevalence of non-transmissible chronic diseases, requiring the use of pharmacological therapy for control. Therefore, the use of medication by tube becomes a common practice, but it faces several challenges related to its administration. To overcome these obstacles, it is necessary to adopt an interprofessional approach to ensure the proper administration of tube medications in the elderly. Objectives: To investigate the scientific evidence on the administration of medication by tube in the elderly; build and validate an educational video on the safety of administering medication through a tube in the elderly. Method: This is a methodological study, structured in three stages: the first stage was a scope review with a search for scientific articles in the databases and virtual libraries Cochrane, Medical Literature Analysis and Retrieval System On-line (MEDLINE/PubMed), Scielo and Scopus. To construct the guiding question, the Population, Concept and Context (PCC) strategy was used, being P for population (elderly person), C for concept (administration of medication) C for context (using enteral nutrition). Having as descriptors in Portuguese and English: elderly, enteral nutrition, drug use, food-drug interactions, drug interactions, pharmacokinetics, pharmacological actions and catheter obstruction. In the second stage, a video was produced on safety in the administration of medication by tube in the elderly. And in the last step, this educational technology was validated by a committee of judges. Results and discussion: In the scope review, 15 studies were selected that addressed successful experiences, problems associated with the administration of medication through a tube in the elderly and training that generated uniformity in clinical practice. Only one article was produced in Brazil, between the years 2018 to 2022. The educational video was constructed, bringing the hospital discharge of the elderly person using a probe, seeking to reach nursing professionals, the elderly person, caregivers and family members, in order to raise awareness of the correct practices in the administration of medication through this route, ensuring patient safety. This video was validated by a panel of judges with a content validation index of 1,00. To meet the judges' considerations, adjustments and additions were made in the production of the final educational video. Final considerations: The construction of an educational video on safety in the administration of medication by tube in the elderly, whose target audience are nursing professionals, the elderly, caregivers and family members, contributed to bring more scientific knowledge related to this theme, in addition to promoting a transition from hospital care to home care ensuring the safety of medication administration via tube in the elderly.
  • Training Proposal for Doctors of the Family Health Strategy in the city of Campina Grande-PB on the rational prescription of medicines for the elderly
  • Date: Aug 31, 2023
  • Time: 10:00
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  • Introduction: considering that older people are more vulnerable to negative outcomes related to medications, it is extremely important to adopt strategies aimed at greater medication safety. Studies in several countries have demonstrated that the educational processes aimed at physicians have been translated into a reduction in the prescription of the so-called Potentially Inappropriate Medications for the older adult, based on Primary Health Care. Objectives: to verify the level of understanding of a sample of doctors about the rational prescription of medicines for the elderly; to develop training on the rational prescription of medicines for the elderly, aimed at doctors of the Estrategia Salud de la Familia, in the municipality of Campina Grande-PB. Method: this is a descriptive study and field investigation, where in a first phase an integrative review of the literature was carried out on the strategies used by Primary Health Care to reduce the prescription of these medications. In the second phase, a cross-sectional, exploratory study was carried out, through the application of a form by the Community Health Agents to older adults, with the aim of obtaining demographic data such as age group and gender, in addition to the list of medications received and in use. In the third phase, a cross-sectional, exploratory study was carried out, whose sample group was composed of 20 doctors from the Estrategia Salud de la Familia, who were interviewed and obtained sociodemographic information, in addition to aspects that encompassed their knowledge about the rational prescription of medicines for the older adult. Based on these previous steps, the fourth phase of the investigation was elaborated: the proposal for the training of doctors on the rational prescription of medicines for the elderly. Results: in the survey with Community Health Agents, data analysis showed that the prescription of Potentially Inappropriate Medications is high, especially in the 60-69 age group, being more prevalent in women. The psychotropic class was the most prescribed. In the survey carried out with the doctors, it was verified that the majority were female, 60% of them had between 1 and 10 years of graduation, 40% had some medical residency. According to their opinion: the medication adherence of the elderly was satisfactory in 65% of the cases; 55% noted a higher frequency of adverse reactions in the elderly than in other age groups; 85% did not observe discussions about criteria for Potentially Inappropriate Medications for Seniors among their peers. Regarding carrying out a continuing education program to improve the rational prescription of medications for the elderly, 100% of them considered it necessary. Final considerations: the final product of this master's degree is a conversation circle about Potentially Inappropriate Medications for the elderly, aimed at physicians from the Family Health Strategy. It is expected to raise awareness about the rational prescription of medicines for this age group, through the improvement of the theoretical contribution of physicians on the subject, thus enabling better health care for the elderly in Primary Health Care.
  • Validation of Educational Video on Palliative Care for Elderly Caregivers
  • Date: Aug 30, 2023
  • Time: 15:00
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  • Population aging has been noticed in developing countries for a few decades now, and as a result of this phenomenon, everything related to human aging assumes a role that deserves special attention. The relevant increase in the number of people over sixty raises in an exponential way another concern, which is: who will take care of this elderly person? With the increasing prevalence of chronic and incapacitating diseases, associated with the growing demand of elderly patients, who seek health institutions and are referred to the hospital environment, there is a greater need for services that offer palliative care, thus creating a need for caregivers. Starting from the perception of the difficulty and the knowledge deficit of most caregivers about the care of eligible elderly patients or patients under palliative care, this scenario justifies the need of deepening the knowledge about this theme in order to subsidize the construction of an updated educational video for this group of professionals. The relevance of this study is to keep the caregivers updated in the field of theory and practice in the area of palliative care in order to provide quality care, ensuring dignity to the elderly in the process of terminality. This is a methodological study, which aims to develop an educational video directed to caregivers of elderly people in palliative care in the medical clinic of the Hospital Universitário Lauro Wanderley, in the city of João Pessoa. The study will be developed in three stages, namely: integrative review of the literature on the subject under study to support the development of the script, narration and creation of illustrations for the proposed video; development of the video; and validation of video content by expert judges. All participants will be informed about the objectives of the study and, if they agree to participate in the research, they will sign the Free and Informed Consent Form.
  • Date: Aug 30, 2023
  • Time: 14:00
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  • Introduction: Women's health care presumes help in all stages of their lives. Senescence briefly discusses the changes experienced, such as the typical specificities of the climacteric and the various physiological changes in the female body, such as muscle atrophy and the replacement of muscle tissue by adipose tissue. Such changes cause chronic dysfunctions of the pelvic floor muscles, decreasing muscle contraction strength, which leads to changes such as female sexual dysfunction and urinary incontinence Objective: To validate an educational video for the control of urinary incontinence in elderly women.Method: This is a methodological study, which was developed in three stages: integrative literature review on the subject under study; elaboration of the educational video with script, narration and creation of illustrations and validation of the storyboard, using the guiding question: What is the scientific evidence presented in the national and international literature on conservative measures in the treatment of urinary incontinence in elderly women? The search in the databases was carried out in October 2022, the terms used for the search, in the databases Web off Science, Cochrane Library, Cinahl, Medline and Lincas belong to the Descriptors in Health Sciences and the Medical Subject Headings (DeCS /MeSH): and its crosses, “urinary incontinence”, urinary incontinence, “education in health/health education”, “elderly/aged” and non-pharmacological method non-pharmacological method, using the Boolean AND operator.Results: The research sample consisted of 18 articles that were classified and analyzed into three categories, pelvic, behavioral and pharmacological strengthening. A relevant data observed was that 100% of the sample showed positive evidence of conservative treatment, regardless of category. As for validation, all items obtained ideal agreement, not requiring a second round of expert evaluation. The educational video was validated by the expert committee and was considered adequate to be tested in further research with a total CVI of 0.94. Conclusion: Scientific evidence shows that conservative treatment is considered the initial treatment for urinary incontinence, with positive responses in all analyzed studies, emphasizing the need for changes in lifestyle to achieve better results.
  • Application to support patients and caregivers/relatives of elderly people with cancer on palliative care
  • Date: Aug 25, 2023
  • Time: 09:00
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  • Introduction: Cancer is a disease related to aging, which has a great impact on the lives of patients and their families. In addition to its treatment, palliative care emerges as an important approach, carried out by a multidisciplinary team, improving the quality of life, but the low knowledge of the population is a barrier to access. Objectives: To characterize the bibliometric indicators of scientific production on the importance of cancer patients' knowledge about palliative care; identify the knowledge of elderly patients undergoing cancer treatment and caregivers/relatives about palliative care; to produce a guidance application for the elderly and caregivers/family members about palliative care. Method: This is a methodological, quantitative and qualitative study, divided into three stages: the first stage comprised a bibliometric review with the search for articles in the Scopus and Web of Sciente (WOS) databases, using the indexed descriptors patient, palliative care, knowledhe and neoplasm, Boolean operator AND and article selection strategy by Preferred Reporting Items For Systematic Reviews and Meta-analysis (PRISMA). The identified articles were imported into Biblioshiny (bibliometrix package in R 4.2.0) for analysis of bibliometric information.; The second stage consisted of a field survey with 26 elderly patients with cancer and 16 caregivers/relatives, treated at an oncology unit in the city of João Pessoa/PB, through a semi-structured interview whose transcribed data were processed by the IRaMuTeQ Software and analyzed in Excel spreadsheets.; In the third stage, an application on palliative care for elderly people with cancer was developed. Results and Discussion: The data obtained in the first stage comprised the analysis of 13 articles, showing a low publication rate, a limited connection network between authors and a low level of knowledge, making a strong association with end-of-life care. In the field research stage, 26 patients and 16 caregivers/relatives were interviewed. The analysis of the interviews pointed to three categories: Lack of knowledge about palliative care; Medical assistance and support; and care for patients and caregivers. The level of knowledge of caregivers/relatives is higher, it is directly related to education and most patients do not know or have not heard about the subject. The results supported the creation of the Palliative for All application – Palli4All, containing texts and videos with guidance on palliative care and its benefits. Final considerations: The study sought to identify the knowledge of cancer patients about palliative care, with a noticeable heterogeneity in the literature, varying according to the country and especially the level of education. Elderly cancer patients have misconceptions and knowledge, relating palliative care to medical care or medication use. The construction of the application is in line with this evidence, favoring the dissemination of knowledge about palliative care, reducing misconceptions and stigmas, favoring its implementation in the health care network, and in the care of patients who need this approach.
  • Application for alternative communication between the elderly person and the health team in the hospital environment.
  • Date: Aug 24, 2023
  • Time: 09:00
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  • Introduction: In the health area and more specifically in the hospital environment, communication is essential for quality and effective care, being essential to meet the will and autonomy of the elderly in decision-making regarding the course of their treatment and care. Objectives : to map in the literature the use of alternative communication in the communication process between the elderly and health professionals in the hospital environment; develop an alternative communication application between the elderly person and the health team in the hospital environment; validate the application by expert judges. Method: This is a methodological study structured in three stages: The first stage consists of investigating the scientific literature on the subject under study . At this stage, a bibliometric study was carried out, where the articles with the greatest impact and the most relevant authors on the subject were highlighted. The second step was the creation of an application for alternative communication aimed at elderly people in hospitalization. In the third stage, the application content was validated by expert judges. Results and discussion: The following were produced: 1 – A bibliometric review article “ Alternative communication between the elderly and the health team in the hospital environment: a bibliometric analysis”, whose result was the mapping of the articles with the greatest impact in the scientific literature on the subject, the most relevant authors and the journals with the greatest representation on the subject. 2 – An application called VÔVOZ, an alternative communication technology that aims to help the elderly in the process of communicating with the health team in the hospital environment. The application was validated by 17 judges, all health professionals, with experience in gerontology, six of them doctors and eleven masters in the health area. It reached a high degree of agreement and Content Validation Index (CVI) above 0.88 in all analyzed items. Final considerations: The production of an application for alternative communication between the elderly and health professionals in the hospital environment can be very useful to improve communication and the quality of life of the elderly during the hospitalization period. The app was developed taking into account the specific needs of older people and the variety of health conditions they may have.
  • Aplicación para la identificación precoz de sepsis en personas mayores en servicios de urgencias y emergencias
  • Date: Aug 23, 2023
  • Time: 14:00
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  • Introduction: Population aging is about to become one of the most significant social transformations of this century, with transversal implications at all levels of society. Changes in the morbidity and mortality profile of the world's population have shown an increase in chronic diseases and complications, including sepsis, considered an important socioeconomic problem for global public health. Objectives: To develop and validate a mobile application for the early identification of sepsis in elderly people in urgent and emergency services. Method: This is a methodological study carried out in three stages: scope review , development of an application prototype for early identification of sepsis in elderly people in urgent and emergency services . based on information from the review of scope and validation of its content by a committee of judges. The content validation step was performed remotely. The population consisted of fifteen judges who were specialists in urgency and emergency and/or who had experience in care for elderly people with sepsis and graduated in nursing or medicine. The project was evaluated by the Research Ethics Committee of the Center for Health Sciences, Federal University of Paraíba CAAE: 62851022.0.0000.5188. Results and Discussion : A scope review article “Clinical interventions aimed at the elderly with suspected sepsis in urgent and emergency services” was produced, whose findings identified the main interventions and existing clinical tools to assist in the early identification of sepsis in the elderly which subsidize the construction of the Alerta Sepse application, aimed at nurses and doctors who work with the elderly in urgent and emergency services. The application was validated by judges who composed the sample of this study and met the criteria that guarantee expertise with the object of study, in order to make the instrument reliable. Thus, it obtained a high proportion of agreement regarding the components: content, illustration, semantics and applicability. for all analyzed items of technology, reaching Content Validity Index above 0.80. Final considerations: The scope review identified the interventions and main tools for identifying sepsis in the elderly in emergency services, with emphasis on the Quick Sequential Organ Failure Assessment adopted in the construction of the application. Therefore, the application for early identification of sepsis in the elderly will be relevant for urgent and emergency services, optimizing the detection of sepsis in the elderly, and this early diagnosis will contribute to increasing the survival of elderly patients.
  • Instrument for collecting nursing data on bedridden elderly in the context of home care.
  • Date: Apr 28, 2023
  • Time: 15:30
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  • Introduction: Population aging is a worldwide phenomenon that has been occurring in both developed and developing countries. Health care for this public must be specialized, since their needs tend to be impacted due to their condition. Objectives: To build a nursing data collection instrument for bedridden elderly assisted by a Home Care service, based on the theory of Basic Human Needs. Structuring a nursing data collection instrument aimed at bedridden elderly people in the context of Home Care, based on the identified empirical indicators. Method: This is a methodological study of the construction of an instrument for the collection of data/Nursing history of bedridden elderly, divided into two stages: Integrative Literature Review, carried out in 07 databases: Pubmed, Embase, Scopus, Web of Science, Lilacs, Bdenf, Cinahl; and construction of a data collection instrument. Results: The main empirical indicators included in the instrument showed that the main and most frequent were those related to the psychobiological spheres (oxygenation, nutrition, elimination and mobility), followed by the psychosocial ones (love and acceptance, self-realization, self-esteem and self-image). Discussion: After performing the raw flowchart, a total of 340 articles were identified. The corpus of analysis consisted of 14 scientific articles that discussed the empirical indicators present in bedridden elderly. It is observed that the fundamental needs of human nature were predominantly related to the psychobiological level 91.5%. In second place, came the empirical indicators related to psychosocial needs with 7.3% and, lastly, those framed in psychospiritual needs, with 1.2%. Final Considerations: This research achieved its objective of structuring a nursing data collection instrument aimed at bedridden elderly in the context of Home Care in the light of the NHB supported by scientific evidence. Boosting new projects and scientific research and thus contributing to the strengthening of nurses' professional practice, bearing in mind that the instrument will enable, from data collection, a greater appropriation for the implementation of the NP not only in the data collection stage, but in the continuity of an increasingly autonomous and scientifically structured care.
  • Date: Apr 28, 2023
  • Time: 14:00
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  • The growing world population aging reveals a prevalence of chronic diseases, especially neoplasms. It is estimated that the demand for palliative care will increase significantly worldwide, affecting not only patients, but also caregivers, who face challenges and assume significant roles. Therefore, caregivers need knowledge and support from health professionals in instrumentalizing care for the elderly in palliative care. This research aimed to develop an application on oncological palliative care performed by the informal caregiver to the elderly. This is a methodological research developed in three stages: integrative literature review, development of the application prototype based on the information from the integrative review and validation of its content through a committee of judges. As a result of the integrative review, it was possible to extract that caregivers can help the elderly in welcoming through physical/therapeutic touch in the form of massages, administration of analgesics for pain relief, activities of daily living, mediation of family conflicts, in the planning of pleasurable activities, in emotional and spiritual support, in monitoring extra-domiciliary treatment, in addition to seeking help when necessary. After building the application prototype, the content was validated by eleven judges who met the criteria that guarantee expertise with the object of study, allowing a safe analysis with convergence of results in the options 'appropriate' and 'very adequate' for the users. analyzed items, reaching CVI above 0.80. The research resulted in an educational technology for mobile devices, which can be used by nurses in health education actions to instruct informal caregivers in providing safe and quality care to the elderly in palliative care in order to minimize suffering and improve your quality of life.
  • Nursing consultation in the prevention and treatment of diabetic foot ulcer in the elderly: An instrument for an outpatient service
  • Date: Apr 28, 2023
  • Time: 12:00
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  • Introduction: The increase in the incidence of Diabetes Mellitus has had consequences for public health due to the consequences that it can cause in the lives of affected people. Many individuals with diabetes lose sensation and may develop foot deformities, leading to diabetic foot. Objective: To elaborate a nursing consultation instrument for elderly people with Diabetes Melittus in the perspective of the prevention and treatment of Diabetic Foot Ulcers assisted in an outpatient service, based on Orem's theory of self-care. Method: This is a methodological research, as it focuses on the development of research tools and methods, with the aim of building solid, motivated and accurate instruments that can be used by other people. The study stages included: an integrative review aimed at identifying self-care deficits in elderly people with Diabetes Mellitus and the development of an instrument based on scientific evidence found in the literature, with the main self-care deficits identified in elderly people with Diabetic Foot Ulcers. The construction of the review culminated in the selection of 38 articles. From these findings, a synthesis was presented, with a description of the main results and self-care deficits according to Orem's self-care theory. Results: From the survey carried out, it was identified in the literature a low level of knowledge of health professionals on the subject and limitation regarding the self-care of the individual with diabetic foot and in the long term, in the elderly. After identifying the self-care deficits, it was possible to construct the first version of the instrument for the consultation, prevention and treatment of Diabetic Foot Ulcers in the elderly in an outpatient service at the University Hospital Lauro Wanderley. Conclusion: Based on the elaboration of the instrument, it was possible to reaffirm the importance of elaborating and implementing tools that can systematize and qualify the nursing care practice in the context of self-care of the elderly with Diabetes Mellitus.
  • Osteoarthritis in the elderly and social isolation by COVID-19 pandemic: an educational video
  • Date: Apr 28, 2023
  • Time: 10:00
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  • Introduction: Due to social isolation by the pandemic of COVID-19, the general population and especially the elderly, considered more vulnerable to infection, underwent abrupt changes in the routine of their activities. Patients with osteoarthritis of the knees and hips have had consequences on the clinical presentation of their disease, impairing regular treatment and quality of life. Objectives: To evidence in the literature the modifiable variables that impact on the progression of knee and hip osteoarthritis; to analyze the impact of social isolation by Covid-19 in elderly people with knee and hip osteoarthritis, and to prepare an educational video for guidance on the disease. Method: This is a methodological study with the elaboration of an audiovisual information resource, based on scientific evidence, structured in three stages. In the first a scoping review was carried out, and in the second a field research of observational, exploratory nature, with a quantitative and qualitative approach in a nonprobabilistic convenience sample composed of 24 patients with knee and hip OA seen at the Policlínica Municipal de Jaguaribe, in the municipality of João Pessoa/PB. A semi-structured interview and the Western Ontario and McMaster Universities Osteoarthritis Index (WOMAC) were used. Descriptive statistics of the sociodemographic data and of the WOMAC were performed, and the qualitative data were analyzed by descending hierarchical classification, with grouping of semantic classes. The third stage was composed of the elaboration of the video with guidelines on osteoarthritis and educational measures on how to deal with the disease, especially in periods of social isolation. Results: In the first stage a scoping review was conducted that allowed mapping the variables that impact the progression of osteoarthritis of knees and hips, with emphasis on overweight and low rates of physical activity. In the second stage, the research data showed that most of the elderly people with OA who participated in the study presented, due to the pandemic and social isolation, interruption of physical activities, physical therapy and treatment, worsening of movement limitation and increased need for painkillers. Final Considerations: This dissertation and its product are presented as an educational material for elderly people with osteoarthritis, reinforcing the importance of knowing their disease and staying active even in periods that require isolation and reclusion, contributing to their functional health and less clinical symptoms.
  • Educational video about self-care activities to prevent complications in the feet of elderly people with diabetes.
  • Date: Apr 28, 2023
  • Time: 09:00
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  • Introduction: Population growth and changes resulting from the aging process contribute to the increase of non-communicable chronic diseases such as diabetes. Diabetes mellitus is a condition that can result in consequences such as complications to the diabetic foot, hospitalizations and even amputation of lower limbs, which increases morbidity and mortality among the elderly. For this reason, nurses play a relevant role in health education actions aimed at promoting health, preventing disease and its consequences. Objective: To build an educational video about self-care activities to prevent complications in the feet of elderly people with diabetes. Method: This is a methodological study, carried out in two stages – an integrative review of daily self-care activities that can prevent complications in the feet of elderly people living with diabetes; - construction and content validation of the educational video by a committee of judges. Results: The literature review resulted in 16 articles, which pointed out as main evidence in the prevention of complications in the feet of elderly people with diabetes, the periodic evaluation of the feet by health professionals, the early detection of lesions, the use of shoes and suitable insoles and the correct drying of the feet. This evidence was the framework for the production of the educational video, which was submitted to content validation by nine judges, obtaining a general average of the CVI equal to 0.9, which resulted in an educational technology elaborated with accessible language for elderly people with diabetes , without losing the technical quality of the information. Conclusion: The educational video is an audiovisual resource that can be used in health education activities by professionals, especially nurses. It consists of an easily accessible tool that will support elderly people with diabetes in the practice of self-care, preventing foot complications, providing comfort, safety and well-being, improving their quality of life.
  • Technological resource for nursing professionals: systematization of care to the elderly hemotransfused.
  • Date: Apr 28, 2023
  • Time: 09:00
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  • Introduction: Population aging is part of everyday life in most societies. As the years of life go by, it is common for the body to present disorders, causing an increase in hospitalizations of the elderly. It is known that anemia is a common problem in long-term care facilities for the elderly, affecting about 25 to 63% of hospitalized elderly, where transfusion of blood and blood components is one of the recommended therapies for treatment. However, despite the numerous benefits, there are still risks, represented mainly by the occurrence of transfusion reactions. By managing the transfusion process, nursing professionals can significantly minimize the risks to the recipient, although studies show that they lack knowledge on the subject. Objectives: To develop a technological resource to assist the nursing staff in the Systematization of Nursing Care (SNC) to elderly transfused patients; to perform an integrative review about the nursing care provided to hospitalized elderly transfused patients; to identify the difficulties and weaknesses of the nursing staff regarding the care provided to the elderly in the process of blood transfusion in an emergency and trauma hospital in the western region of Paraiba; to develop and validate an application to assist in the Systematization of Nursing Care to the elderly public mentioned. Method: This is a multi- methods study, conducted in four stages: integrative review; research; application development; content validation. An integrative review was carried out, based on the guiding question "What complications does blood transfusion cause to hospitalized elderly patients?" The PICo strategy, acronym for population, phenomena of interest, was used to develop the search strategy for the articles, which was carried out in the following databases: Lilacs, MEDLINE/PubMed, Cinahl, Scopus and Web of Science. For this, we used the controlled descriptors from Medical Subject Headings (MeSH), CINAHL Headings and Health Sciences Descriptors (DeCS), delimited according to each database, whose main descriptors were: "Blood Transfusion", "Transfusion Reaction", "Aged" and "Hospitalization", combined using the Boolean operators "AND" and "OR". For the development of the product, the data from the integrative review and from the application of a semi-structured questionnaire to the nurses and nursing technicians who work at the research site and are directly involved in the care of the hemotransfused elderly will be considered. It is intended to develop a progressive web software, with the use of open source technologies. The content validation will be performed by nurse specialist judges, through the Likert scale instrument, applying the calculation of the Content Validation Index (CVI) to verify the level of agreement among professionals.
  • Educational video for resilience in elderly people in the face of the COVID-19 pandemic
  • Date: Apr 27, 2023
  • Time: 10:00
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  • Objective: To build an educational video for the elderly about resilience strategies in the face of the COVID-19 pandemic. Method: It consisted of two stages: integrative literature review with primary studies published in full, in Portuguese, English and/or Spanish, between 2020 and 2022 in PubMed, EMBASE, LILACS, Web of Science and PsycINFO-APA databases. The articles were exported to the Rayyan system, the selected studies were read and entered into an instrument whose extracted data were: authors and year, objective, type of study, sample, mean age, resilience, main results and conclusion. In the critical evaluation, validated instruments were used to determine the methodological quality and level of evidence. The second stage was a methodological study for the construction of the video, in which a storyboard was made based on the results of the first stage. Results: correspond to the final analysis of nine published articles. Regarding coping strategies, physical activities, use of technology, leisure activities and lifestyle stand out. The video about the resilience of older people was entitled “Proposals for activities that promote resilience for older people”. The final version consisted of animations and audio narration, with nine minutes and 50 seconds, in MP4 format, and stored on a drive. Contents included: opening; presentation of the target audience; brief context on resilience; purpose of the video; stages of resilient proposals. Conclusion: in the literature review, it is highlighted that the elderly used promising coping strategies during the pandemic. From the construction of the educational video for the resilience of elderly people in the face of the COVID-19 pandemic, it is concluded that the scientific and methodological basis for the development of the script and storyboard enables the reliability of the educational product, making it safe for the public target and an important professional tool that can be used as a health education activity.
  • Nursing care protocol for the elderly affected by covid-19 in primary care
  • Date: Apr 27, 2023
  • Time: 10:00
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  • Introduction: Covid-19 consists of an acute infection in which there is no chronic state of infection and humans are not its natural hosts. The elderly are more vulnerable to the incidence of the new Covid-19 pandemic, and they need specialized nursing care to minimize disastrous effects on the health system and society. Objectives: to know the scientific evidence on post-Covid-19 nursing care; identify the nursing care offered to the elderly post-Covid-19 in Primary Health Care; propose a nursing care protocol for the elderly affected by covid-19 in primary care. Method: this is a methodological study with a qualitative approach, with the following steps: research in national and international databases enabling a situational survey in scientific publications on nursing care for the elderly affected by covid-19 treated in primary care health, to carry out an integrative review on the topic addressed; and the development of a Nursing Assistance Protocol for the Elderly Affected by Covid-19. Results: the first stage, 19 articles on the subject were evidenced, highlighting the researchers' concern about the training of nursing care professionals for the elderly affected by covid-19, in view of the transformations of the elderly population in the world. In the second stage, in view of the information obtained from the collection instrument, through interviews with the elderly, it was observed in this study that the highest incidences of nursing diagnoses in the care of the elderly affected by covid-19 were: 41 (41%) elderly with chronic pain and 27 (27%) feel with Decreased Hearing Acuity; 23(23%) were identified with Hypertension; 20(20%) with Impaired Urinary Elimination; 26(26%) with Imbalanced Nutrition more than Body Needs, Risk of Obesity; 34(34%); Sensory Perception: Gustatory, Disturbed; 75(75%); Lifestyle, Sedentary; 31(31%); Anxiety; 67(67%); Knowledge, deficient; 39(39%); Insomnia; 75(75%); Fear; 35(35%); Sleep Pattern, Impaired and finally, 100(100%) Religiosity, increased disposition. Conclusion: The Covid-19 pandemic brought substantial damage to most elderly people, highlighting in this study the consequences of social isolation, anxiety, forgetting memory, joint pain and depression, with a decrease in their quality of life. This study proposes to implement the Nursing Care Protocol for the elderly affected by covid-19, considering the use of Nursing Care Systematization in the professional practice of nurses in the context of Primary Health Care.
  • Orientation guide on cardiac complications of Post-COVID- 19 Syndrome in the elderly.
  • Date: Apr 27, 2023
  • Time: 09:00
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  • Introduction: COVID-19 (coronavirus disease 2019) is an acute respiratory infection caused by the SARS-CoV-2 virus (severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2) that presents clinical manifestations ranging from asymptomatic, mild and moderate cases to severe and critical cases. After recovery from the acute phase of the disease many patients develop the Post-COVID-19 syndrome. This syndrome occurs when symptoms of the disease persist or potential sequelae appear after the acute phase of COVID-19. Various systems can be affected including the cardiovascular system, and the elderly population, as in the acute phase of the disease, is more vulnerable to complications of the Post-COVID-19 syndrome. Thus, awareness on the subject encourages screening for these complications after the acute phase of the disease. Objectives: To investigate the scientific evidence on cardiac complications of Post-COVID-19 syndrome in the elderly; to identify cardiac complications of Post-COVID-19 syndrome in elderly patients assisted in a hospital in the state of Pernambuco; to build an orientation guide on cardiac complications of Post-COVID-19 syndrome in the elderly. Method: This is a methodological study structured in three stages. In the first stage an integrative review was performed in the portals and electronic databases: National Library of Medicine and National Institutes of Health - via Pubmed, Web of Science and Virtual Health Library, in Portuguese, English or Spanish languages, with articles published between January 2020 to August 2022. In the second step, a research was conducted to identify Post-COVID-19 cardiac complications in elderly patients assisted in a hospital in the state of Pernambuco with search conducted in electronic medical records. Finally, a technological product was built based on the previous stages for guidance on cardiac complications of Post-COVID-19 syndrome in the elderly. Results and discussion: The integrative review resulted, after analysis, in the inclusion of 06 articles that showed the vulnerability of the elderly population to cardiac complications of Post- COVID-19 Syndrome, pointing out the risk of Major Adverse Cardiovascular Events (MACE) after the acute phase of the disease in the elderly. The field research included 303 survivors of COVID-19 assisted in a hospital in the state of Pernambuco, of which 105 (34.7%) had Post- COVID-19 cardiac complications. The mean age was 73 years and the main symptoms were dyspnea (60%), chest pain (22.9%) and palpitations (21%), with findings of changes in the electrogardiogram (72%), echocardiogram (61.4%) and biomarkers: troponin T (78.8%), CKMB (30.4%). 13.3% of the patients included in the study died. From the results obtained in the two previous steps, a guide was built for the elderly, caregivers, professionals in the area, and everyone interested in the subject about the cardiac complications of Post-COVID-19 Syndrome in the elderly. Final considerations: The study and the built product, besides generating knowledge to the area, alert about the importance of awareness and screening of cardiac complications of Post-COVID-19 Syndrome in the elderly, contributing to public health.
  • Construction and Validation of an Educational Video for the Elderly on Colonoscopy Preparation.
  • Date: Apr 19, 2023
  • Time: 14:00
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  • Colonoscopy is the definitive exam for the detection of pre-cancerous adenomatous polyps and colorectal cancer, with high sensitivity and good specificity. Regardless of the indication, the success of colonoscopy is intimately linked to adequate pre-procedure bowel cleansing. For its cleaning, it is necessary to adopt a dietary regimen and the use of medications and solutions that will act to promote intestinal emptying. In this context, the educational actions performed by the nursing team contribute to improve the quality of colon cleansing and enable relevant colonoscopy results, reducing the rate of inadequate preparation. The objective of this study was to develop and validate an educational video about the preparation for performing the colonoscopy exam in the elderly. This is a methodological study, which was developed at the Hospital Universitário Lauro Wanderley, at the Universidade Federal da Paraíba. The sample was composed of nurses and physicians with experience in endoscopic exams, media and design professionals and the elderly that use the service of the ambulatory and endoscopic surgery center. The stages of the study comprised: integrative review on which nursing care is given to the elderly patient in bowel preparation for colonoscopy; construction of the video based on evidence identified in the literature, content validation of the video by expert judges, and semantic validation of the educational video by the elderly users of the service. After analyzing all the considerations made during the validations, it was possible to build a solid instrument capable of meeting the demands in the creation of the educational video with the consensus of the judges with CVI ≥ 0.96. The constructed and validated animation vídeo, with a duration of 6'43", has the potential to contribute to the quality of colonoscopy preparation, and presents itself as an educational technology to be used by the nursing team and other healthcare professionals, contributing to the promotion, functioning, and quality of life of the elderly, besides generating subsidies for new studies in the field of Gerontology.
  • Thomaz Pires dos Santos Neto
  • Digital Media Training Program for the Elderly during the Covid 19 Pandemic.
  • Date: Mar 31, 2023
  • Time: 13:00
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  • In the context of the COVID-19 pandemic, the use of digital technologies favors the reduction of loneliness among elderly people who needed to stay in quarantine. However, they can also be a tool of exclusion for those elderly who do not know how to use them, emphasizing the importance of projects aimed at teaching the use of technology to the elderly. Therefore, this study aims to identify the use of digital platforms used by elderly people during the COVID-19 pandemic. This is a qualitative study, which had a sample of 29 elderly people who are part of the Paraibano Institute of Aging at UFPB. For data collection, a structured interview was used, covering sociodemographic data and the use of digital technology by the elderly, analyzed through content analysis. The sample was mostly composed of women (n=28), aged between 65 and 69 years old (n=10), and retired. Among the most used applications by the elderly are WhatsApp (n=25) and Facebook (n=12), for the purpose of interacting with family and friends (n=19), having fun (n=05), as well as a source of news (n=02). Regarding the level of difficulty in using the applications, most of the elderly reported needing some help with handling them, requesting assistance from their children. Regarding financial transactions, the elderly stated that they do not perform them (n=17), due to fear of being scammed. Therefore, the creation of a training program was proposed to assist elderly people in adapting to digital technologies. The COVID-19 pandemic highlighted the deficiencies of existing technologies and the challenges in their use. Thus, it is necessary to insert the elderly into the digital world, expanding their sources of information and knowledge for this purpose.
  • Law, Health and Citizenship of the Elderly in Times of Covid-19. 2022.
  • Date: Feb 9, 2023
  • Time: 09:00
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  • Objectives: the available epidemiological data state that it was the population over 60 years of age that suffered the highest mortality rate among all age groups. Thus, the general objective of the study was: to know the perception of their quality of life and their satisfaction with theirhealth during the pandemic period. Specific objective: To know more deeply what it was like to live in confinement in terms of their psychological health and social relationships. Methodology: Quantitative and qualitative research conducted in a Brazilian city in the State of Minas Gerais (Poços de Caldas) in Brazil, composed of 30 participants (15 institutionalized and 15 non-institutionalized) of both sexes, over 60 years of age and without cognitive deficit. The abbreviated WHO quality of life questionnaire WHOQOL-Bref was applied. Results: Theresults of the study allowed us to conclude that institutionalized elderly people survived the period of confinement caused by the pandemic more successfully. With higher indices of perception of their quality of life and satisfaction with their general health. The most surprising aspect of this research is that the institutionalized elderly showed greater psychological resilience and preservation of their social relationships, since the fact of being in a community isolated from the outside environment allowed a relationship between them. This was unthinkable for those who lived at home. The latter showed a worse satisfaction with their health and social relationships. Conclusion: long-stay institutions functioned as a protective factor for our elderly.
  • Proposal to create nucleus attention to citizenship for the elderly.
  • Date: Jan 30, 2023
  • Time: 14:00
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  • Introduction: the judicialization of health for the elderly is a relevant and complex issue that involves the search for rights in the legal sphere related to health, with scientific evidence on different legal aspects of health. Objectives: to learn about scientific evidence on the judicialization of health care for the elderly; to identify the importance of a legal assistance service for the elderly people who participate in activities at the Paraibano Institute of Aging; to propose the create nucleus attention to citizenship for the elderly. Method: this is a methodological study with a qualitative approach carried out at the Paraibano Institute of Ageing at Universidade Federal da Paraiba (UFPB), developed in three stages: in the first, an integrative literature review was carried out to find out about scientific evidence on the judicialization of health for the elderly; the second stage: a survey was carried out with forty elderly people, in which the results of the interviews were submitted to the content analysis technique; the third stage, a product was proposed for the Paraibano Institute of Ageing at UFPB. Results and Discussion: the data were captured using the categorical thematic content analysis technique, which identified the following categories: opinions about socio-educational activities; second category - types of activities offered to elderly people; third - requests for legal assistance; fourth category: descriptions of important legal guidelines for elderly people. The data gathered from the content analysis points to a request for a legal service to be incorporated into the activities offered to the elderly at the IPE/UFPB. Based on the data obtained from the research, a proposal is presented for the propose the create nucleus attention to citizenship for the elderly, as another strategy to be added to the care provided to elderly people who take part in activities at the Instituto Paraibano de Envelhecimento. Final considerations: this study sought to find out about scientific evidence on the judicialization of health care for the elderly; to identify the importance of a legal care service for elderly people who take part in activities at the Paraibano Institute of Ageing; Paraibano Institute of Ageing for legal advice on health and how to contact them, pointing out their contribution to the promotion of active and healthy ageing.
  • Educational Video on Physical Exercises to Prevent Frailty in the Elderly.
  • Date: Dec 22, 2022
  • Time: 14:00
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  • Introduction: In the aging process, there is a decline in the body's vital functions, which leads to the emergence of diseases, reflecting in chronic conditions, vulnerability, and consequently fragility. Considered as a geriatric clinical syndrome, frailty can be defined as a state of age-related physiological vulnerability, produced by diminished homeostatic reserve, reduced ability to face negative health outcomes. Objective: To build and validate an educational video on physical exercise to prevent frailty in the elderly. Method: This is a methodological study, which developed an educational video about physical exercise to prevent frailty in the elderly. The study was carried out in three stages: 1) elaboration of an Integrative Review of the literature on physical exercises related to the prevention of frailty in the elderly; 2) construction of the video based on evidence and the researcher's professional experiences; 3) validation of the video by expert judges with expertise in content and method. Results: From the scientific evidence of the literature review, the first version of the video was built, containing illustrative scenes and organized with a script accompanied by a Likert scale composed of four items, assigning the degrees of relevance. After validation by the judges, the second version of the video was prepared, featuring scenes related to physical exercises, for the prevention of frailty in the elderly, which were judged by the judges and classified as 100% relevant. Discussion: Physical exercise for the elderly is seen in many studies as a health promotion tool related to benefits such as: increased muscle mass and strength, balance development, strengthening of important muscle groups for stabilization, improvement in gait and still acts on the fight and prevention of endocrine-metabolic, cardiovascular, respiratory and neuromuscular diseases, and exercises are considered as a preventive and/or therapeutic measure for the frailty of the elderly. Final Considerations: The video developed provides information about the importance of physical exercise to prevent frailty in the elderly, as an educational, interactive technological resource, with accessible language, which can support the elderly to practice physical exercises in a safe and didactic way , allowing better conditions for their quality of life.
  • Protocol for adequacy of enteral nutritional therapy of elderly people hospitalized in intensive care unit
  • Date: Dec 22, 2022
  • Time: 09:00
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  • Introduction: Population aging has been the biggest demographic trend around the world. This phenomenon has been occurring at an accelerated pace, which contributes to the growth in the rates of hospitalized elderly people, demanding beds in the Intensive Care Unit. It is known that the ideal supply of enteral nutrition can improve clinical outcomes in critically ill patients, denoting the importance of developing enteral nutrition protocols. Objectives: To carry out an integrative review of the literature on the use of protocols in enteral nutritional therapy in critically ill elderly people; develop a nutritional protocol for hospitalized elderly in critical condition and using Enteral Nutritional Therapy; validate the content of the protocol by expert judges. Method: This is a methodological study of content construction and validation, whose first stage consisted of an integrative literature review to synthesize the main scientific evidence related to the theme; the second phase involved the elaboration of an enteral nutrition protocol; the third and final step was content validation by expert judges. This was possible through the Appraisal of Guidelines for Research and Evolution II (AGREE II) instrument. Results: An integrative review article “Use of enteral nutrition protocols in critically ill elderly patients: an integrative review” was produced; a protocol with approaches that involved diagnosis (nutritional screening, nutritional assessment and nutrition diagnoses), therapeutic plan (pillars for nutritional initiation and progression, and management of intercurrences) and follow-up (nutritional reassessment, nitrogen balance and updating of nutritional goals). Validation was carried out by 6 expert judges, obtaining percentages of 99.07% for Domain 1 (scope and purpose); 93.51% for Domain 2 (stakeholder engagement); 93.75% for Domain 3 (development rigor); 96.29% for Domain 4 (clarity of presentation); 95.13% for Domain 5 (applicability); and 100% for Domain 6 (editorial independence). In the global assessment, the judges judged the protocol with a maximum score (7) or submaximal (6), recommending the use of the guideline. In order to meet the judges' considerations and improve the quality of the guideline, adjustments and additions were made to the protocol regarding the items: use of systematic methods to search for evidence (item 7), evidence selection criteria (item 8), recommendations specific and unambiguous instructions (item 15), description of facilitating factors and barriers to the application of the protocol (item 18), as well as a general revision of the spelling and wording of the contents and an increase in the font of the flowcharts. Final considerations: The integrative review identified that nutritional therapy was optimized after the implementation of nutritional protocols in the ICU. The validation of the protocol's content by expert judges provided greater reliability in the dissemination of the product of this dissertation, highlighting the importance of its content to optimize nutritional practices for elderly people using enteral nutrition in the ICU, promoting improvement in their general condition. The importance of periodic updates of the document is emphasized and it is suggested that research be carried out with the implementation, monitoring and evaluation of the impact of the protocol, in order to provide the best practices in enteral nutritional therapy for critically ill elderly people.
  • Informational video about the influence of spirituality on the well-being of the elderly.
  • Date: Dec 16, 2022
  • Time: 10:00
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  • It is known that religion and spirituality have a relevant contribution to the wellbeing of the individual, being a tool to help face crisis situations. Thus, it is important to study strategies to mitigate the damage caused, especially to the elderly population, by the situation caused by the pandemic of COVID-19. Objectives: To extract from the literature scientific evidence about the influence of spirituality/religiosity on the elderly population in crisis situations. To investigate the influence of spirituality/religiosity on the well-being of the elderly in crisis situations. To make an informative video about the influence of spirituality/religiosity on the well-being of the elderly in times of crisis such as the Covid-19 pandemic. Material and Methods: This is an exploratory study with a qualitative approach. A survey was conducted with elderly people registered at CRAS and CENTROCOR. Data were collected through clinical evaluation and semi-structured interviews, whose answers were recorded for later analysis, in addition to socio-demographic data of the participants (age, education, monthly income, religion). The data were evaluated by content analysis, to apprehend the contribution of religion/spirituality during the COVID-19 pandemic to the well-being of the elderly assessed, previously processed in the IRAMUTEQ software.
  • Date: Dec 15, 2022
  • Time: 15:00
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  • During the aging process, it is possible to observe complaints of severe pain in elderly people, this pain being defined as an unpleasant sensation resulting from the excitation of nerve endings, intense because it is identified as the highest score on the identification scale. Pain sometimes compromises the quality of life of the elderly, their family and social life, and even keeps them away from daily activities. In the elderly population, Partial Nerve Block has been quite effective, has a lower rate of side effects, allowing a decrease in the use of anesthetics, in addition to maintaining long-term pain control. This is an exploratory study based on documents, carried out in three stages, the first being a bibliographical survey implemented in accordance with the JBI guidelines for scoping reviews. To access these databases, the Journal Portal of the Coordination for the Improvement of Higher Education Personnel was used, accessed through the Federated Academic Community (cafe) of the Higher Education Institution. The electronic databases, Medical Literature Analysis and Retrieval System Online via PubMed, SciVerseScopus Latin American and Caribbean Literature in Health Sciences via the Virtual Health Library and Web of Science were used for the selection of studies. searched using ProQuest. The second stage refers to documentary research, data were collected virtually, on the DATASUS portal of the IT department of the Brazilian Unified Health System, on regional anesthesia performed in Paraíba, however, despite the benefits identified in the literature of the Peripheral Nerve Block procedure, we observed that Paraíba followed a different path from that presented nationally, reducing the achievements of this procedure over the years. The results suggest that peripheral nerve blocks can be identified in the literature on pain control in the elderly, emphasizing that the choice of anesthetic agent affects mortality in elderly patients. Therefore, the application of anesthesia outside the operating room, although extensive and widespread, requires greater vigilance and skill, this is considered a means of achieving this goal, mainly through good pain control. In addition, ultrasound-guided regional anesthesia has shown benefits in scientific publications and may serve as technical support for the performance of this procedure by anesthesiologists in Paraíba. The third stage consists of the elaboration of the proposed product, which refers to a care protocol aimed at the elderly for pain control in an Aging Institute, consisting of the items: presentation; introduction; recommendations and materials used. Therefore, it constitutes a guiding instrument for performing peripheral nerve blocks in the elderly, with the aim of providing studies and research on pain and functionality in this population. Finally, this protocol aims to provide care strategies aimed at elderly people who present with pain, which can be treated using the procedure of Peripheral Nerve Block guided by ultrasound, this procedure can be performed on an outpatient basis, by a professional trained anesthetist.
  • Nutrition app for elderly people in palliative care.
  • Date: Dec 7, 2022
  • Time: 09:00
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  • Introduction: The accelerated aging of the population collaborates with the increased incidence of chronic non-communicable diseases that can lead to a reduction in the functional capacity of the elderly, leading to the need for palliative care. The nutritionist is an important member of the multiprofessional team in the care of the elderly person in palliative care, acting in the management of symptoms and improving the quality of life of this population, being of utmost relevance to spread the knowledge about the nutritional interventions directed to the elderly person in palliative care. Objectives: To identify the main nutritional interventions for the elderly in palliative care; to elaborate a protocol with the nutritional interventions identified; to validate the protocol by expert judges; to propose and validate an application with nutritional interventions for the elderly in palliative care. Method: This is a methodological study conducted in four stages. The first stage consisted of a scope review to identify the main nutritional interventions for the elderly in palliative care; in the second stage, a protocol of nutritional interventions for the elderly in palliative care was constructed; in the third stage, the protocol was validated by expert judges; finally, in the fourth stage, an application with nutritional interventions for the elderly in palliative care was developed and validated. Results and Discussion: The following were produced: 1- A review article with the scope "Nutritional interventions for the elderly in palliative care", whose findings identified interventions focused on quality of life, symptom management and improvement of nutritional status. 2- A protocol resulting from the scoping review research, also considering recommendations from guides for protocol development; government publications; and scientific studies in common with the topic. Validation was performed by 6 expert judges, through 23 items distributed in 6 domains, and two items of general classification, described in the Appraisal of Guidelines for Research and Evaluation II (AGREE II) instrument. 3- Based on the validated protocol, an application named NutriCP was developed, directed to nutritionists who work with palliative care elderly patients, and validated by 13 expert judges using the content validation method (CVI). Final considerations: The scoping review identified the nutritional interventions adopted in the elderly in palliative care, which mostly comprise: nutritional counseling, oral nutritional supplementation and artificial nutrition by means of enteral and parenteral nutrition. The validation of the protocol and application content by expert judges provided greater reliability in the development of the products of this dissertation, the protocol and the application, highlighting the importance of its content to optimize the conduct of the nutritionist regarding the best strategies of nutritional interventions for the elderly in palliative care, promoting relief to their suffering, comfort, well-being and consequently, better quality of life.
  • Application with myofunctional orofacial exercices for elderly people with dental prostheses.
  • Date: Dec 6, 2022
  • Time: 15:00
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  • Introduction: With aging, the body goes through some transformations, and the mouth often reflects the conditions these people have lived in over the years. The loss of dental elements triggers anatomical, aesthetic and functional. Within this context, orofacial motricity can contribute to the process of dental rehabilitation through orofacial myofunctional therapy. This intervention has as objective to promote the adequate adaptation of the prostheses by developing patterns structural and functional compatible for its use, avoiding inadequate compensatory mechanisms. Objectives: 1 – Review the scientific production in the literature on intervention with orofacial myofunctional therapy in elderly users of prostheses dental. 2 – Develop an application with orofacial myofunctional exercises to patients rehabilitated with dental prostheses. 3 – Validate the application content by expert judges. Method: It is a methodological study, divided into two phases. In the first stage, a bibliometric research of a character was developed, with. exploratory and descriptive elements, this stage was focused on a search in the databases addressing the issue of scientific production of interventions with therapy orofacial myofunctional. In the second stage, an application with exercises was developed orofacial myofunctional devices for elderly people validated by expert judges in prosthesis dental and orofacial motricity. Results and Discussion: In the search was produced: 1 – A bibliometric review article “Intervention with orofacial myofunctional therapy in elderly: a bibliometric study”, whose findings showed that the intervention with orofacial myofunctional therapy enables the balance of the Stomatognathic System of the elderly population facing the structural and functional changes resulting from the use of dental prosthetics. 2- From these results, an application, developed to elderly people was elaborated, evidencing the performance of isotonic exercises, that is, those that allow mobility for lips, tongue and cheek, such as therapy intervention orofacial myofunctional. Final considerations: The search in the literature enabled the knowledge about the types of exercises performed by the speech therapist in which refers to orofacial motricity, and allowed associating these exercises with elderly users of dental prostheses. However, the research showed a shortage of scientific works addressing the therapeutic process directed to users of dental prostheses and seniors. Furthermore, the development of the SuperMyo application, structured in an easy interface perspective, it is an educational tool that stimulates the elderly to carry out the exercises and also allows monitoring by the professionals involved.
  • Date: Oct 31, 2022
  • Time: 08:30
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  • Introduction: Infections related to health care is a major challenge in health care worldwide, among these infections, stands out in the context of intensive care, the Pneumonia Associated with Mechanical Ventilation, one of the main and most common infections that run in Intensive Care Units. As much as this infection is a therapeutic challenge, its prevention can be carried out through simple and effective measures, developed mainly by the nursing team. Objective: To develop and validate a protocol for the prevention of Pneumonia Associated with Mechanical Ventilation in the elderly, in the light of the Theory of Functional Consequences for the Promotion of Well-Being in Elderly Adults. Method: This is a methodological research, which proposes to build and validate a care protocol for the prevention of ventilator-associated pneumonia in elderly patients. The study will be carried out in an Intensive Care Unit in a public hospital, linked to the Unified Health System. In the 1st stage, the construction of the protocol will be based on a review of the scientific literature in line with the Theory of Functional Consequences for the Promotion of Well-Being in the Elderly. The 2nd stage will consist of the validation of the protocol content through the analysis performed by the judges (experts in the area) and semantic evaluation by nurses who make up the team of the Intensive Care Unit. Results: From the findings of the literature review, the first version of the protocol was built, containing 18 nursing interventions aimed at the prevention of Pneumonia Associated with mechanical ventilation for the elderly, after the validation of the judges and nurses, the final version of the protocol had of 14 interventions, which considered changes related to the aging process. Discussion: With the nursing actions/interventions listed in this protocol, care will be more directed towards anatomical, physiological, immunological and structural changes, in addition to a greater focus on risk factors that affect the elderly, especially with regard to the elderly who need intensive care, providing care directed to the particularities of this public. Conclusion: In this way, the creation of the protocol for the Prevention of Pneumonia Associated with mechanical ventilation for the elderly, will be able to provide a more qualified and safe assistance to these individuals, in addition to reducing the morbidity and mortality rates in the Intensive Care Units in this age group, with consequent reduction of length of stay in the service and reduction of hospital expenses.
  • Care performed by elderly patients in their homes during breaks in hemodialysis therapy.
  • Date: Oct 28, 2022
  • Time: 14:00
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  • Introduction: Elderly patients undergoing hemodialysis require a differentiated assistance, which should contain guidance on the main care they should have at home between hemodialysis sessions. However, when they return for hemodialysis procedures, they usually present worsening of the clinical condition, comparing vital signs, weight control and identification of signs and symptoms at the discharge from the hemodialysis session and on their return to the clinic for a new session, confirming that they do not follow the guidelines to be followed at home. Objective: to analyze the care performed by elderly patients in their homes during the intervals of hemodialysis therapy. Method: research divided into two stages. In the first, a descriptive and cross-sectional study was conducted in a hemodialysis clinic, in which the main problems reported by elderly patients upon returning for hemodialysis procedures and the nursing orientations given to them were identified. After that, a nursing care plan was prepared, involving all the necessary orientations during the hemodialysis sections and at home. In the second stage of the study, a technological product directed to elderly patients on hemodialysis treatment was elaborated, to guide them in relation to their home care; it was an applied research of technological production in which the User-Centered Design Method was adopted. Results: it was identified that the patients presented inadequate and recurrent behaviors during their stay at home, such as inappropriate feeding, physical work, lack of rest, excessive fluid intake, carelessness regarding the Arteriovenous Fistula and the catheter, edema in the face, legs and eyes, among others. The nursing orientations given during hemodialysis were verbal and indicated to the patient to avoid drinking too much water, to apply cold compresses on the fistula on the day of the hemodialysis session and warm compresses on the fistula, and to notify the clinic in case of absences. The care plan elaborated was anchored on the professional experience of the author and on the support of the consulted literature and involved several stages of procedures to be performed by nurses in the Hemodialysis Clinic, considering a series of initial procedures, those during hemodialysis and those after hemodialysis, including the recommendations to be followed at home. As for the technological product, a prototype of an infographic was built, to be made available on the web, with guidelines for the patient on hemodialysis treatment on how to proceed at home, between the hemodialysis intervals. It contains, essentially, information related to the care of the arteriovenous fistula, with the catheter, with dietary care, with hydric control, with attention in cases of bleeding, with blood pressure measurement, with the need for rest, with the performance of ludic activities, among others. Conclusion: the care performed by the elderly at home was inadequate and the information provided to them was incomplete. A prototype Infographic was prepared with clear colors and the drawing of a nurse providing guidance on how this care should be. The final version will later be made available to elderly patients, recommending that they follow the proposed guidelines in their homes.
  • Multidisciplinary guidelines for the health care team for elderly patients with COVID-19 at hospital discharge
  • Date: Oct 27, 2022
  • Time: 14:00
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  • Introduction: In the context of the COVID-19 pandemic, the elderly population has become prominent for presenting potential risk, due to changes resulting from aging and the need for hospitalization. Thus, prevention and health promotion strategies can be especially useful, with the objective of favoring these people in the post-discharge stage, through multidisciplinary guidelines, important for the elderly patient and/or their family/caregivers to feel feel safe and welcomed at the time of post-COVID-19 discharge. Objective: To analyze the multidisciplinary guidelines provided by the health care team to elderly patients with COVID-19, from the perspective of hospital discharge. Method: Methodological study, with a qualitative approach and the use of technological development, carried out in three stages: 1. review of the scientific literature on the subject, data collection with health professionals at the hospital and also with family members/ elderly caregivers to identify the main multidisciplinary guidelines offered at the time of hospital discharge after COVID-19; 2. analysis of the contents obtained with the compilation of the main multidisciplinary guidelines and 3. construction of the technological product. Results: The comparison of the information obtained was analyzed and, later, an educational technological product was planned and built, based on the principles of health education and public guidelines regarding COVID-19, an interactive E-book entitled "Multidisciplinary Guidelines Post High Hospital for the Elderly with COVID-19”, containing multidisciplinary guidelines from professionals in Nursing, Pharmacy, Physiotherapy, Speech Therapy, Medicine, Nutrition, Dentistry, Psychology, Social Work and Occupational Therapy. Final Considerations: The scarcity of publications on the subject of multidisciplinary guidelines for the elderly patient after COVID-19 in the hospital discharge process was evidenced and the recommendations mentioned by the consulted professionals were more complete than those in the literature. Educational materials are important devices in the prevention and health promotion for post-COVID-19 elderly patients and it is hoped that the interactive E-book will help the elderly and their families/caregivers feel instructed to continue care, after hospital discharge.
  • Video with Guidelines on Low Impact and Functional Exercises for the Elderly Person to Perform at Home.
  • Date: Oct 24, 2022
  • Time: 09:00
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  • Introduction: For the elderly, well-being and functionality are equivalent, and these were identified as the most vulnerable to becoming infected with Covid-19, the threat of the pandemic to the maintenance of functional capacity, can have consequences for the quality of life of these people in a post-pandemic context. Objectives: Map the evidence about the impact of the Covid-19 pandemic on the functional status of the elderly, through a scope review; identify the functional status of older people in the context of the Covid-19 pandemic and create a video with guidelines on low-impact and functional exercises for older people to perform at home. Method: This is a methodological study of the construction of an audiovisual information resource, based on scientific evidence, structured in three stages. The first step was a scoping review, the second a descriptive field research, with a quantitative approach with elderly people, aged 60 years or over. The third was composed by the elaboration of the video with guidelines on low-impact and functional exercises for the elderly to perform at home. Results: In the first stage, 22 studies were included, mostly, as the journals were specialized in the health of the elderly, as well as public health, general medicine and nutrition. The studies were cohort, randomized clinical trials, clinical observations, exploratory, retrospective and prospective. A total of 8741 people participated in these studies and this review allowed us to map the main impacts of the Covid-19 pandemic on the functional status of the elderly. In the second stage, the research data showed that the elderly people who participated in the study were frail or at risk of frailty, with a predominance of impaired mobility, mood changes and negative self-perception of health, in addition to revealing a sedentary behavior in this area. Population, since more than half did not practice regular physical activity in their daily routine. Final Considerations: The present dissertation and its product are presented as a contribution to the functional health of the elderly, as was elucidated throughout the research results, this population is the most vulnerable to the effects of the Covid-19 Pandemic that impacted the world.
  • Infecciones de transmisión sexual en adultos mayores: pasado, presente y futuro.
  • Date: Sep 8, 2022
  • Time: 09:30
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  • Sexually transmitted infections (STIs) have increased significantly among the elderly in recent years, making it important to assess knowledge about STIs in order to promote sexual health education for this population. Objectives: To identify, in the scientific literature, the risk factors for STIs among the elderly population, their prevalence in this age group resident in the municipality of João Pessoa/PB and to know the perception of these citizens regarding STIs, in order to preventively disseminate knowledge about these pathologies among this age group through a Good Practice Manual or educational booklet. Methodology: This is a qualitative analysis study, based on content analysis. Initially, a systematic review was carried out, followed by field work with in-depth semi-structured interviews of the population aged 60 years or more, of both sexes, diagnosed with STIs, users of the Specialized Care Service (SAE) in STD/AIDS in the municipality of João Pessoa/PB. The research was submitted to the Ethics Committee of the Health Sciences Center and approved under number 5.117.462, CAAE-51597121.1.0000.5188. The sample was composed of elderly people who agreed to participate in the research and who signed the Informed Consent Form. After data collection, the questionnaire responses were organized and processed in IRAMUTEQ software for content analysis and preparation of the last phase of the research, the preparation of the educational booklet. Results: Analyzing the results of the systematic review, the main risk factors associated with STIs refer to unprotected sex, multiple sexual partnerships, younger partnerships, knowledge deficit about STIs, failure in early detection due to stigma of the sexuality of the elderly person, failure of the health team to document risk factors associated with STIs, early initiation of sexual activity and physiological changes due to aging, such as menopause. In total, 20 elderly people participated in the field research, 55% male and 45% female, with a mean sample age of 67.75 years. Most of the interviewees did not know what an STI was (55%), and the others, although they knew that it was possible to prevent an STI by using condoms (85%), reported that they did not use condoms (65%), indicating that the general knowledge about STIs among the elderly is limited. Conclusion: The educational booklet directed to the elderly population may represent an instrument in the field of preventive medicine, a practical and useful guide to provide education addressing safer sexual practices and contribute to improving the understanding of risk factors related to STIs, stimulating the change of risk behaviors for a healthy sexual active life.
  • An instrument to manage the care of the frail elderly at home: training caregivers and family members.
  • Date: Jul 29, 2022
  • Time: 14:00
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  • Introduction: The process of caring for the frail elderly patient transits between the support of caregivers and/or family members, in addition to the support of the multiprofessional home care team, which aims at offering integral care, based on technical, interdisciplinary and affective knowledge, in the search for enhancing the quality of life of the elderly person. Objectives: To search for scientific evidence on the care of the frail elderly; to analyze the complaints of family members and/or caregivers regarding the care of frail elderly people and to build a care training program for family members and/or caregivers of frail elderly people. Method: This was a quanti-qualitative study, divided into three stages: construction of a systematic review, field research, and construction of a technological product. Results and Discussion: The research was carried out with 30 caregivers and 30 professionals from the SAD-JP. The caregivers pointed out difficulties in the mobilization of the elderly restricted to the bed, handling and hygiene in general, reporting the need of receiving orientations, capacitation and training by the health professionals of SAD-JP. It was noticed the prevalence of the female gender in the caregivers' profile, most of them inserted in the double workday, for having other jobs, which can facilitate the mental illness rate in this public. In the questionnaire applied with professionals from the SAD-JP, the research involved the multiprofessional team. The professionals pointed out the difficulty of the caregiver to promote the integral care to the elderly, due to work overload, because besides the care assistance there are household chores that need to be performed, also highlighting the insufficiency of inputs offered by public health services for the elderly, but also the effectiveness of the work of professionals and caregivers, enhancing the rehabilitation of the frail elderly. Finally, the professionals pointed out that the prevalent pathologies in the frail elderly are in the cardiovascular (heart diseases), osteomuscular (fractures and trauma in general), and neurological (stroke and Alzheimer's disease) systems. Realizing the need to promote, through the continuing education strategy, knowledge about caring for the frail elderly, the technological product was consolidated in video lessons, in a didactic and playful way, with the following themes Drug administration; Positioning and mobilizations in bed; Guidelines how to prevent skin lesions caused by the elderly's stay in bed; Hygiene and body care; Oral feeding, special diets and use of probes; Care of the tracheostomy; Social relations of the frail elderly and Mental health of the frail elderly and the caregiver: self-care. Final Considerations: It is hoped that this work will contribute to the quality of life of the frail elder as well as to the daily dealings with the caregiver and/or family members, providing them with health education tools, thus promoting integral and humanized care.
  • Educational video on the safety of the elderly person in the hospital environment.
  • Date: Jun 28, 2022
  • Time: 09:00
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  • Introduction: The safety of the elderly person in the hospital environment can reduce the risk of unnecessary damage associated with the health care process to an acceptable minimum. In the context of hospital care, innovations and advances are needed to improve processes and services offered to the elderly population. Objectives: To present the scientific evidence on the safety of the elderly in the hospital environment; assess the safety of hospitalized elderly people based on the six International Patient Safety Goals of the World Health Organization and the Statute of the Elderly; and build an educational video on the safety of the elderly in the hospital environment. Method: A multi-method study, developed in three stages: 1. Bibliometric study on the topic addressed; 2. Field research with a qualitative approach, developed with 20 elderly people and 20 health professionals. The data were processed in the IRAMUTEQ software and analyzed in the light of the World Health Organization's International Patient Safety Goals and the Elderly Statute; 3. Methodological study for the production of an educational video on the safety of the elderly in the hospital environment. Results: In the bibliometric study, 172 records of publications were located, in 59 different journals, written by 218 authors who have links with 200 institutions, located in 113 countries. In the field research, the results were presented in the dendrogram with 5 classes, namely: 4. Risk of falls and infection in the hospital environment; 1. Safe hospital environment for the elderly; 5. Prevention of infection in the hospital environment; 2. Communication in the hospital environment; 3. Elderly health and safety. In the methodological study, the educational video entitled: The safety of the elderly in the hospital environment was created. Discussion: Scientific evidence shows a more specific relationship, in order of priority, with Goals 3- Improve the safety of high surveillance drugs, which represented 40% of the studies; Goal 1- Correct identification of the patient, Goal 2- Improve communication between health professionals and Goal 5- Reducing the risk of infections associated with health care related to food safety, with 13.2% of the studies, each. Field research showed that health professionals and the elderly represented a safe hospital environment for the elderly, with emphasis on the prevention of the risks of falls and hospital infection control. The final version of the video was composed of animations and audio narration, with 5 minutes and 10 seconds, in MP4 format. Content included: opening; presentation of the purpose of the video; questions about how a safe hospital environment should be based on the six International Patient Safety Goals of the World Health Organization and the Statute of the Elderly. Conclusion: The use of educational video on the safety of the elderly in the hospital environment can contribute to increase the perception of the elderly about the adverse risks or incidents that affect the elderly during the provision of health care in the hospital environment, resulting in damage or injury , which may represent a temporary or permanent damage.
  • Mobile application in the construction of knowledge in English language for elderly people.
  • Date: Nov 30, 2021
  • Time: 09:30
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  • Introduction: technological advancement has assumed an important role in the daily life of the globalized world, and this importance becomes more evident with the development of new technologies. The elderly population resisted for some time without using the devices, but with the advance of the facilities that they promote for the population, they began to become familiar with some digital technologies, such as: cell phones, tablets, and therefore their ap- plications. Objectives: to analyze the opinions of elderly people about learning the English language through an application; to identify the scientific evidence on the use of digital technologies by the elderly for learning the English language; to build an English language mobile application for learning by the elderly. Method: this is a descriptive study with a qua- litative approach, organized in three stages: the first investigated the scientific evidence on the use of digital technologies by the elderly for learning the English language; the second stage included a survey about the opinions of the elderly about learning English through an applica- tion; the third stage was to build a technological application for teaching English to the elder- ly. Results and Discussion: The data obtained from the 32 articles seized in the last ten years, in which it was observed that the elderly had a satisfactory interaction with respect to digital technologies and expressed the need for further guidance for better knowledge and handling of these tools. The research was carried out by means of an online questionnaire applied to 53 elderly people in the city of João Pessoa/Paraíba/Brazil. The data were analyzed from a sim- ple thematic categorization that pointed out three thematic categories contemplating the opi- nions of elderly people about learning English through an application: a) positive dimensions for the use of technologies in English language learning according to elderly people; b) nega- tive dimensions for the use of technologies in English language learning and, c) neutral di- mensions according to the elderly people of the study. Final Considerations: from the results it was observed an emphasis in the elderly people's speeches about the use of a specific appli- cation for learning English, with a positive predominance. Thus, based on these results, an application was developed that will corroborate the education of the English language for the elderly. This application can be used in the classroom as a complementary resource in the intellectual performance and teaching strategies for the elderly in the face of digital techno- logy.
  • Instrument for assessing immobility and immobility syndrome in the elderly.
  • Date: Nov 29, 2021
  • Time: 14:30
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  • Introduction: The world population aging is one of the phenomena of great impact of the 21st century, it has repercussions for the lives of the elderly that can be effected by the presence of fragilities, arising from the interaction between biological, psychological and social factors. Thus, immobility it is characterized by changes that occur in all body systems and one of its most serious consequences is the Immobility Syndrome, which affects individuals with disabling diseases, being capable of causing damage to the health of the elderly or even death. Objectives: To build an instrument to assess immobility and immobility syndrome in the elderly; describe the scientific evidence about the factors that can cause immobility or immobility syndrome in the elderly; verify the instrument's content validity through a committee of judges; perform the semantic assessment of the instrument by a sample of health professionals; identify the main physiological and functional changes related to immobility and immobility syndrome in an elderly sample. Method: Methodological, descriptive study, developed in six stages: an integrative literature review on the factors that can cause immobility or immobility syndrome in the elderly; development of a proposal for an instrument to assess immobility and immobility syndrome in the elderly; instrument content validation by a committee of six judges; semantic evaluation of the instrument by 13 health professionals, resulting in the final version of the technological product, and identification of the main physiological and functional changes related to immobility and immobility syndrome in the sample of elderly participants in the study. Results: In the integrative review, 10 studies were evidenced that addressed the factors that can cause immobility or immobility syndrome in the elderly; most of them were produced in Brazil and the rest in Spain, Portugal, Australia and the United States, between 2000 and 2019. Studies have shown that the causes that compromise the mobility of the elderly are multifactorial. In the validation steps, there was agreement of at least 80% of the evaluators, considering the instrument to be good, easy to apply, suitable for use by any health professional and important to assess immobility and immobility syndrome in the elderly. for Assessment of Immobility and Immobility Syndrome in the Elderly (IAISII) resulted in 46.1% of the elderly considered to have the immobility syndrome. Discussion: In order to meet the considerations of the judges and health professionals, adjustments and additions were made to the respective items of the instrument: demographic data, general assessment and systems (musculoskeletal, cardiovascular, respiratory, gastrointestinal, genitourinary and integumentary). Final Considerations: The importance of further studies on this topic is highlighted, as well as the need for health professionals to understand the physiological changes caused by aging, and thus, assess the presence of immobility and immobility syndrome, in order to guide the care of the elderly in an agile and efficient way, especially for those with impaired mobility.
  • Date: Nov 26, 2021
  • Time: 14:00
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  • El envejecimiento conduce a cambios en la velocidad del procesamiento de la información, lo que brinda más tiempo para procesar los datos. Esta reducción de la capacidad cognitiva de los ancianos puede representar una de las principales causas del deterioro de la independencia y la autonomía. Este estudio tuvo como objetivo identificar la evidencia científica publicada sobre prácticas para la promoción de la salud mental en personas mayores en atención primaria en el período de 2009 a 2019; analizar la asociación entre los datos profesionales de los entrevistados y la realización de acciones generales con el desarrollo de acciones preventivas en la salud mental de las personas mayores y desarrollar una guía para estos profesionales sobre estimulación de la memoria para promover la salud mental de las personas mayores. Fue un estudio metodológico que se desarrolló en tres etapas: revisión integradora de la literatura; investigación de campo exploratoria y elaboración del producto tecnológico. En la revisión integradora, se seleccionaron 13 estudios. En el estudio de campo participaron 171 profesionales de atención primaria de la ciudad de João Pessoa. La recolección de datos se realizó con un cuestionario. Y los datos recolectados se agruparon en Excel y se enviaron a SPSS, versión 26.0, y se aplicaron las pruebas de Chi-cuadrado de Pearson y de asociación exacta de Fisher. Los datos apoyaron la elaboración de una guía educativa con la ayuda del programa Coreldraw. En la revisión integradora, mostró que las prácticas de promoción de la salud mental dirigidas a la población anciana son instrumentos rectores para mejorar la calidad de vida, brindando a las personas mayores socialización, independencia, autonomía, estimulación de la memoria y mejora de la autoestima. En el estudio de campo, se encontró que el 84,2% de los encuestados realiza acciones de promoción de la salud para las personas mayores, siendo el 81,3% de las acciones de prevención de enfermedades crónicas no transmisibles y orientación sobre alimentación saludable. %). La mayoría de los profesionales (50,9%) no realiza acciones de salud mental, pero entre los que lo hacen, el 32,2% realiza acciones de actividad física. El 71,3% no realiza un taller de memoria, el 69,6% no se siente capaz de desarrollar acciones de memoria, el 62,6% indicó que los ancianos se quejan de olvido en la evaluación. Hubo una asociación estadísticamente significativa entre las variables. Finalmente, se elaboró una guía práctica para la estimulación de la memoria. El estudio señala las dificultades de los profesionales en las actividades laborales relacionadas con la memoria, ya que tienen debilidades por falta de formación y la mayoría se refiere al profesional médico. Se pudo identificar la debilidad de los profesionales de AB en la formación continua, notando que los profesionales con formación son los que realizan más actividades. Con base en estos hallazgos, el instrumento construido ayudará a los profesionales en las actividades de evaluación y estimulación de la memoria para las personas mayores.
  • Socio-recreational actions for the elderly: an activity protocol for the game of Exchange.
  • Date: Nov 24, 2021
  • Time: 14:00
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  • Introduction: Aging is an irreversible process, accompanied by several changes in the individual's life, it is necessary to encourage the practice of physical activities as strategies to promote the health of the elderly, preserving their autonomy and independence. Objective: To investigate scientific evidence on socio-recreational actions to promote the health of the elderly; analyze the sports modalities aimed at the elderly at the level of João Pessoa and elaborate a Pedagogical Strategy Protocol for the basic fundamentals of the exchange game for possible rules of this modality. Methods: This is a methodological study, developed in three stages: integrative literature review; an exploratory and descriptive field research, with a quantitative and qualitative approach to the data, with a sample of 19 sports federations, and the elaboration and validation of an activities protocol for the exchange game. A semi- structured interview script was used to collect research data. The collected data were entered into an Excel spreadsheet and transported for statistical analysis in the SPSS for Windows version 26.0 program and were analyzed using descriptive statistics and presented in tables and graphs. Data of qualitative origin were organized according to the thematic content contained in the speeches of the participants. Results and Discussion: In the integrative review, 17 articles were selected that identified socio-recreational actions aimed at the elderly. In the field research, it was observed that all representatives of the federative units were the presidents (100%), predominantly male (89.4%). Most federations were founded after the 1990s (52.6%), composed of eight members (42.1%), with a four-year term (84.2%) and the election is carried out through voting between the associates (84.2%). Most sports federations presented a quantity between 1 to 10 elderly athletes (42.1%), the demand of this public for sports modalities was (68%), generally composed of former athletes (63.1%), regarding existence of specific category for the elderly corresponded to (89.4%), it also indicated that there are specific events for the elderly (63.1%), but there is a shortage of innovations aimed at this audience (84.2%), presented only in three sports, as the requirement to use protective equipment. The sports modalities were grouped into land, water, fighting and air sports. Only four sports indicated specific rules for the elderly, such as reducing the time spent playing or fighting and a greater number of substitutions during the match. Finally, a protocol was elaborated and validated that organizes in its content the step by step to standardize the possible rules for the foreign exchange game. Final Considerations: According to the research findings, it was found that the insertion of the elderly in sports is fragile. The protocol developed provides information on the importance of standardizing the rules of the exchange game, as an educational resource that can support professionals to organize and prepare the elderly according to their physical performance, making it possible to turn it into a sport.
  • Nursing data collection instrument for to elderly people in situations of violence.
  • Date: Nov 23, 2021
  • Time: 09:00
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  • Violence against elderly people grows every day. These are often exposed to the most varied types of abuse, including in the home environment. Nursing has a fundamental role in serving this population. In this sense, nursing care must occur in order to address individualized needs, seeking to provide quality care. Thus, a nursing data collection instrument based on scientific evidence may contribute to subsidize and systematize care for the elderly in situations of violence. Therefore, the use of an instrument allows not only the identification and meeting of the needs of this individual, but also establishes a more effective communication between the category of nurses. The aim of this study is to identify in the literature empirical indicators that can be used in nursing consultations related to elderly people in situations of violence, with elaboration and content validation of the data collection instrument by expert judges. It is only the first of the stage, which consists of an integrative literature review, carried out in 05 databases: Web of Science, MEDLINE / PubMed, Scopus, Cumulative Index to Nursing and Allied Health Literature and Nursing Databases. The results identified some empirical indicators for nursing consultation to elderly people in situations of violence, the main ones being: abrasion, laceration, fractures, burns, bruises, fear, confusion or apathy, sadness, passivity, isolation, helplessness, vaginal bleeding or unexplained anal, recurrent genital infections and wounds around the breasts. From the perspective of contemplating nursing consultation with the elderly on issues related to violence, it is noted that knowledge about the subject is essential, which enables nurses to organize care strategies aimed specifically at this situation. This will certainly enable individualized nursing care and contribute to the well-being of the elderly.
  • Nursing data collection instrument for to elderly people in situations of violence.
  • Date: Nov 23, 2021
  • Time: 09:00
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  • Violence against elderly people grows every day. These are often exposed to the most varied types of abuse, including in the home environment. Nursing has a fundamental role in serving this population. In this sense, nursing care must occur in order to address individualized needs, seeking to provide quality care. Thus, a nursing data collection instrument based on scientific evidence may contribute to subsidize and systematize care for the elderly in situations of violence. Therefore, the use of an instrument allows not only the identification and meeting of the needs of this individual, but also establishes a more effective communication between the category of nurses. The aim of this study is to identify in the literature empirical indicators that can be used in nursing consultations related to elderly people in situations of violence, with elaboration and content validation of the data collection instrument by expert judges. It is only the first of the stage, which consists of an integrative literature review, carried out in 05 databases: Web of Science, MEDLINE / PubMed, Scopus, Cumulative Index to Nursing and Allied Health Literature and Nursing Databases. The results identified some empirical indicators for nursing consultation to elderly people in situations of violence, the main ones being: abrasion, laceration, fractures, burns, bruises, fear, confusion or apathy, sadness, passivity, isolation, helplessness, vaginal bleeding or unexplained anal, recurrent genital infections and wounds around the breasts. From the perspective of contemplating nursing consultation with the elderly on issues related to violence, it is noted that knowledge about the subject is essential, which enables nurses to organize care strategies aimed specifically at this situation. This will certainly enable individualized nursing care and contribute to the well-being of the elderly.
  • Medical protocol for hospital care for elderly people in situations of violence
  • Date: Nov 12, 2021
  • Time: 10:00
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  • Introduction: the absolute and relative growth of the elderly population, associated with changes in the structure and functions of the family and social changes, has led to an increase in violence against the elderly. Hospital service physicians are in a privileged position to detect and monitor cases. However, there are few studies evaluating the competencies of hospital doctors in face of this phenomenon, and there are no national protocols on hospital care for the hospital care of elderly people in situations of violence. Objectives: to assess the competences of hospital doctors facing elderly victims of violence; to propose and validate the content of a medical-hospital clinical protocol aimed at assisting elderly people in situations of violence. Method: a scope review was carried out and then a methodological study was carried out for the development and validation of a clinical protocol for medical care. The scope review involved research in databases/libraries/searchers and in gray literature on the competences of hospital services physicians in cases of violence against the elderly people. For the elaboration of the clinical protocol, in addition to the studies obtained in the review, guidelines for the elaboration of protocols were used; as well as published protocols and guidelines, scientific studies and publications by government and professional entities on the subject. The protocol validation followed the Appraisal of Guidelines for Research and Evaluation II (AGREE II) guide, involving 23 items distributed in 6 domains and a final global evaluation, with the recommendation or not of the protocol. The grades obtained were converted into adequacy percentages according to the instrument's formula. Seven specialist judges (geriatricians working in hospitals) performed the assessment in September 2021. Results: the scope review revealed a lack of knowledge, with direct effects on the skills and attitudes of these professionals, resulting in non-perception or omission in situations of violence against the elderly. The medical practice focused on clinical issues and on unprepared services without working protocols accentuate this problem, which motivated the development of a protocol to support this confrontation. In validation, the percentages obtained in each domain were higher than the cutoff point to consider valid, high-quality content. All evaluators recommended the use of this protocol. Discussion: aiming to meet the judges' requests and improve the protocol, modifications were made in the items: objectives (item 1), search for evidence (item 7), evidence limitations (item 9), protocol update (item 14), easy access to key recommendations (item 17). Final considerations: the developed protocol had content considered valid by the expert judges, who recommended its practical application. It is intended that this protocol helps professionals and services by establishing organized processes and standardized evidence-based approaches, contributing to an effective reduction of this serious public health problem.
  • Guide for the Prevention of Pressure Injury in the Elderly.
  • Date: Oct 29, 2021
  • Time: 09:00
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  • Introduction: In the natural aging process, the elderly may have physical or cognitive limitations that lead to dependence. In addition, they can develop chronic diseases that require constant attention and the need to stay in hospital. One of the aggravating factors of the long stay is the possibility of developing pressure injuries. In order to prevent and treat, a multidisciplinary team prepared, together with the family caregiver, is of utmost importance to assist in the necessary care. Objectives: To analyze the scientific production about the prevention of pressure injuries in the elderly, identifying the predisposing factors for its appearance; Understand the perception of family caregivers in the prevention of pressure injuries in the elderly and Build an educational guide for the prevention of pressure injuries in the elderly. Method: This is a methodological study, structured in three stages: in the first one, an attempt was made to identify scientific evidence from an integrative review with the search for scientific articles in the month of September 2019 in the LILACS, MEDLINE, CINAHL, Scopus and Web of Science databases. In the second stage, an exploratory, descriptive research was carried out with a qualitative approach on the perception of family caregivers in the prevention of pressure injuries in the elderly, with the sample consisting of 50 family caregivers of elderly patients who were hospitalized in the medical clinic sector of the Hospital University student Lauro Wanderley, from October 2020 to February 2021. They responded to a semi- structured interview whose transcribed data were analyzed using the software IRAMUTEQ. In the third stage, a guide for the prevention of pressure injuries in the elderly was developed with guidance for family members. Results and Discussion: In the first stage, 15 articles were selected from a universe of 618 publications. The analysis made it possible to identify that advanced age, presence of comorbidities, malnutrition, immobility, and prolonged hospital stay are configured as risk factors. In the second stage, the content from the textual corpus was analyzed and organized into classes, observing the representativeness: Class 1- “Understanding the cause of LPP”; Class 2- “Difficulties in the care of the LPP”; Class 3- “Experiences acquired with LPP”; “Class 4- “Care for LPP”; Class 5- "Guidelines received in the management of LPP". For the construction of the guide, the results of the qualitative study with family caregivers was used as a basis. Final Considerations: The results of this research allowed the identification of several gaps in caregivers in their daily lives regarding care with the elderly. It is expected that the guide can contribute to learning, serving as a facilitator, promoting the necessary knowledge in the care provided by caregivers, encouraging behavior change and reinforcing prevention, improving the quality and life of the elderly.
  • Guide for the Prevention of Pressure Injury in the Elderly.
  • Date: Oct 29, 2021
  • Time: 09:00
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  • Introduction: In the natural aging process, the elderly may have physical or cognitive limitations that lead to dependence. In addition, they can develop chronic diseases that require constant attention and the need to stay in hospital. One of the aggravating factors of the long stay is the possibility of developing pressure injuries. In order to prevent and treat, a multidisciplinary team prepared, together with the family caregiver, is of utmost importance to assist in the necessary care. Objectives: To analyze the scientific production about the prevention of pressure injuries in the elderly, identifying the predisposing factors for its appearance; Understand the perception of family caregivers in the prevention of pressure injuries in the elderly and Build an educational guide for the prevention of pressure injuries in the elderly. Method: This is a methodological study, structured in three stages: in the first one, an attempt was made to identify scientific evidence from an integrative review with the search for scientific articles in the month of September 2019 in the LILACS, MEDLINE, CINAHL, Scopus and Web of Science databases. In the second stage, an exploratory, descriptive research was carried out with a qualitative approach on the perception of family caregivers in the prevention of pressure injuries in the elderly, with the sample consisting of 50 family caregivers of elderly patients who were hospitalized in the medical clinic sector of the Hospital University student Lauro Wanderley, from October 2020 to February 2021. They responded to a semi- structured interview whose transcribed data were analyzed using the software IRAMUTEQ. In the third stage, a guide for the prevention of pressure injuries in the elderly was developed with guidance for family members. Results and Discussion: In the first stage, 15 articles were selected from a universe of 618 publications. The analysis made it possible to identify that advanced age, presence of comorbidities, malnutrition, immobility, and prolonged hospital stay are configured as risk factors. In the second stage, the content from the textual corpus was analyzed and organized into classes, observing the representativeness: Class 1- “Understanding the cause of LPP”; Class 2- “Difficulties in the care of the LPP”; Class 3- “Experiences acquired with LPP”; “Class 4- “Care for LPP”; Class 5- "Guidelines received in the management of LPP". For the construction of the guide, the results of the qualitative study with family caregivers was used as a basis. Final Considerations: The results of this research allowed the identification of several gaps in caregivers in their daily lives regarding care with the elderly. It is expected that the guide can contribute to learning, serving as a facilitator, promoting the necessary knowledge in the care provided by caregivers, encouraging behavior change and reinforcing prevention, improving the quality and life of the elderly.
  • Strategies guide for health professionals in the context of care for the sexuality of the elderly
  • Date: Sep 29, 2021
  • Time: 09:30
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  • Introduction: The aging process is marked by numerous biological, psychological and sociocultural changes in the individual, sexuality is linked to all stages of life, being considered an indicator of the quality of life in the elderly. Objectives: to identify in the scientific literature about the biological, psychosocial and cultural factors experienced by the elderly in the context of sexuality; verify the experiences of the elderly related to sexuality in the aging process considering biological, psychosocial and cultural aspects; verify the strategies used by health professionals in the context of care for the sexuality of the elderly, considering biological, psychosocial and cultural aspects; and develop a guide to strategies for health professionals in the context of care for the sexuality of the elderly. Methodology: methodological study consisting of three stages: integrative literature review, field research and product development. In the first stage, a search was carried out on the CAPES portal in the LILACS, WEB OF SCIENCE, PUBMED and SCIELO databases, using descriptors in DECS (Sexuality AND Elderly AND Aging) and MESHTERMS (Sexuality AND Elderly AND Aging), with the identified articles inserted in Rayyan criq review software for full reading and application of inclusion criteria; the second stage followed with field research with the participation of health professionals working in Basic Health Units and elderly people in the city of Queimadas-PB. Data collection was performed using a questionnaire and a semi-structured interview script. Quantitative data were analyzed using Microsoft Excel and qualitative data using the Iramutec program. The third step is the elaboration of an educational guide based on integrative review and field research with the help of the Coreldraw program. Results and discussion: 16 articles were selected, from a total of 316 studies, and listed 3 categories:1- Biological aspects that influence the sexuality of the elderly; 2-Psychological aspects that influence the sexuality of the elderly; and 3-Cultural Aspects that influence the sexuality of the elderly. Twenty-three health professionals and 12 elderly people participated in the research. It was obtained through the CHD retention of 71.2%, the lexographic content generated five classes described here: Understanding of sexuality (17.5%); Experience of Sexuality (25.5%); Difficulty in addressing sexuality (15.8%); Strategies to address sexuality (21%); and Defining sexuality (20.2%). Final considerations: health professionals find it difficult to address the issue with the elderly, it is necessary to expand the qualification of professionals on the subject, aiming to improve care in the context of the elderly's sexuality, reducing prejudices and taboos. It also emphasizes the importance of awareness and information of the elderly population about their anxieties and needs related to sexuality.
  • Manual of ludic activities for health promotion groups for the elderly
  • Date: May 31, 2021
  • Time: 14:00
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  • Introduction: Over the years we observe an increase in longevity and this phenomenon brings challenges in the search for a better quality of life. Playfulness presents itself as a proposal capable of creating networks of affection in senescence through educational activities, sports, health, culture and leisure, contributing to the promotion of health. Objectives: To analyze in the scientific productions which playful activities and actions are applied in coexistence groups and long-stay institutions for the elderly in the context of health; To identify the facilities and difficulties encountered by health professionals from Family Health Units in the applicability of playfulness in health promotion activities carried out in coexistence groups for the elderly; To prepare a manual of playful activities for health professionals in the context of primary care for the applicability of playful actions in coexistence groups and other spaces aimed at the elderly. Method: This is a methodological research, structured in the following steps: integrative literature review on playful activities and actions performed in the context of coexistence groups and long-stay institutions for the elderly; exploratory study with the participation of 28 primary care health professionals who answered a semistructured questionnaire about the facilities and difficulties in applying playful activities in health promotion actions performed in coexistence groups for the elderly and; preparation of a manual for primary care health professionals on the applicability of playful activities in coexistence groups and other spaces aimed at the elderly. Results and Discussion: The results of the integrative review included the analysis of 13 articles, classified into three thematic categories: 1) playfulness in senescence; 2) electronic games for the elderly; and 3) actions to develop cognition and memory. In the second stage, the data obtained pointed out that there are 9 coexistence groups in the city of JoãoPessoa/PB, whose activities were suspended due to the COVID-19 pandemic, but before, the activities were varied and there was no pattern among the groups. Most of the health professionals were community health agents and the sample reported benefits and difficulties in the implementation of the coexistence groups for the elderly; they have knowledge about playful activities, but few groups apply playfulness in the coexistence group for the elderly. The results achieved in the first two stageshelped in the development of a manual "Playful activities for the elderly", containing 8 low-cost activities that can help health professionals in planning playful activities for the elderly. Final considerations: This study pointed out the importance of playfulness in senescence; the professionalswho work in socialization groups recognize the benefits of playful activities for the elderly; however, these groups need support and resources from the management, adequate physical spaces, and greater commitment from the healthcare team. The manual "Playful activities for the elderly" can significantly help health professionals in the planning and implementation of playful actions offered to the elderly assisted by the coexistence groups, contributing to the promotion of their health.
  • Construction of Cordel Literature for food health education for community-dwelling elderly
  • Date: May 28, 2021
  • Time: 14:00
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  • INTRODUCTION: The aging process has been occurring in an accelerated and unequal way, which makes the development of articulated assistance and encouragement actions for the social insertion of elderly people pressing for the promotion of active aging. Adequate food is a strong ally for decreasing the vulnerability of the elderly and an indispensable item for maintaining health. The nutritional recommendations need a view, on the part of the professionals, with regard to the food choices that are part of the daily life of germs, aiming at the prevention of diseases. Thus, care with food, from the perspective of nutrition, has become increasingly routine and necessary. The importance of health education is vast and can help the elderly to change their life habits, given that eating behaviors have a major impact on the health / disease situation. OBJECTIVE: Analyze scientific production that addresses the meaning of healthy eating for the elderly; understand the social representations of food for elderly community members; build, based on the findings, a health education instrument with guidelines aimed at adopting a healthy diet based on accessible foods for the geron. METHOD: This is a methodological study structured in three stages: conducting an integrative literature review; empirical investigation with elderly people from a community accompanied by a team from the Family Health Unit and, finally, construction of an instrument in the Cordel Literature format about the possibilities of adopting healthier eating practices by elderly people. The integrative review consisted of 22 carefully selected articles. The sample of the empirical study was composed of 150 elderly community members of both sexes. After collection, the data were processed in the SPSS and IRAMUTEQ software, in addition to organizing the Collective Subject Discourse for content analysis and preparation of the last phase of the research, the educational Cordel. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION: In the results of the Integrative Review, references were made to the social context in which the elderly are inserted and their relationship with food; the eating patterns established as a daily practice and the food barriers faced by the elderly, with health service professionals playing a fundamental role in overcoming such obstacles. The interviewed elderly people represented food as being guided by three core meanings: Eating habits of elderly people; Food as a basis for family reunions; and Healthy eating as a necessary health care. FINAL CONSIDERATIONS: It is expected that the development of actions of food and nutrition education for elderly people will assist in the adequate supply of nutrients, stimulate social interaction and, thus, improve their quality of life. The importance of the nutritionist in primary care is emphasized to allow favorable adaptations to the physiological needs of the elderly, understanding the social context and their life history. Based on these findings, the built instrument deals with guidelines for the adoption of a healthy diet, taking into account the pleasure of eating and the accessible foods for the elderly.
  • Guidance script: Psychosocial conditions that women need to know to better live the climate transition
  • Date: May 28, 2021
  • Time: 09:00
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  • Objectives: To identify the relationship between climacteric expression and psychosocial factors. To present means that can improve coping with this phase of the woman's life. Method: An integrative review was carried out, which provided an understanding of how factors of menopause and climacteric could influence the woman's quality of life. Based on this, an observational, retrospective study with a quantitative approach was carried out with elderly women, where the most prevalent symptoms during climacteric/menopause were investigated. The association of these symptoms with perceptions of symptoms and quality of life was analyzed through inferential statistics. Based on the results found, the production of a website was designed as a space for information and exchange of experiences. Results: In the integrative review, 12 primary studies were selected that pointed to somato-vegetative and urogenital symptoms and anxiety/depression disorders as most frequently reported in menopause. In the field study, the profile of the sample was characterized by women aged 55 to 64 years (50.5%), white (64.9%), Catholic (63.1%), married (59.5%), with children (84.7%), with higher education level (87.4%), retired (57.7%), menopause for more than five years (73.0%). Hypertension was the most prevalent chronic disease (33.3%), and although elderly women have chronic diseases, 64% do not use medication. The most used medication, among those who use medication, is the hormone 22.7%. Of the 111 participants, 27.0% developed anxiety. Also, 85.6% received information before Climacteric / Menopause. In 50.5% of them, the perception of menopause/menopause is negative. The most common symptoms in perimenopause were: irritability (83, 8%), loss of sexual interest (83.8%), physical tiredness or lack of energy (83.8%), tension or nervousness (82.9%), hot flashes (82.9%), pain in the muscles and joints (82.0%) difficulty sleeping (73.0%), difficulty concentrating (72.1%), excitability (71.2%), loss of interest in many things (70.3%). During menopause, symptoms of shortness of breath and heat were more frequent, 73.9%, sleep problems 79.3%, muscle and joint problems 79.3%, physical and mental exhaustion and decreased performance 78.4%, irritability 76.6%, sexual problems 82.9%, and vaginal dryness 73%. Regarding the quality of life, it was noticed that the domains most affected during the climacteric/menopause period were environmental (73.28%) and social relationships (66.52%). Finally, a website was built whose format includes spaces for information, support, and social interaction on climacteric, menopause, aging, and quality of life. Conclusion: Climacteric and menopausal symptoms impact the woman's quality of life. The lack of preparation to face this phase of life can intensify the adverse effects that interfere in the female psychosocial context, expressed in the development of mental pathologies, dysfunction in the family and social system, and sexual satisfaction. With this in mind, the construction of a website presents itself as an instrument to promote information and social interaction around this theme, focusing on facilitating support for better coping with the climacteric and the female aging process.
  • Constructionofaneducational vídeo ofguidelines for theelderlyaboutthe use ofdrugs
  • Date: May 28, 2021
  • Time: 09:00
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  • Introduction: With the increasing number of elderly people, there is a greater need for health services, especially the use of medicines. The aging process is accompanied by chronic diseases, comorbidities and polypharmacy, and, therefore, attention should be paid to the proper use of these drugs in the elderly. Objectives: To develop an integrative literature review on the use of medications in the elderly in Primary Health Care; to analyze the factors that interfere in the adherence of medications used in the elderly in a Basic Health Unit in the municipality of Bayeux, and to build an educational video with guidelines for the use of medications in the elderly. Method: qualitative study with elderly people, of both sexes, using various medications, members of the coverage area of a Basic Family Health Unit, between January of 2021 to march of 2021, in the municipality of Bayeux- Paraíba, the sample included 50 elderly people. To analyze the profile of the sample, a sociodemographic questionnaire and guiding questions about the drugs consumed was used. The information obtained was processed with the aid of the IRAMUTEQ 0.7 alpha 2 software. Results: regarding the sociodemographic profile, the majority were 80% women, between 60 and 69 years old, also had incomplete elementary education and a 36% higher education level, each; income of 1 to 3 minimum wages, Catholic, married, with their own home and living with their spouse. Regarding medication consumption, the average was 3.4 per day and the regulators of the cardiovascular system were the majority. Conclusion: after checking the literature and the profile of the elderly population, an educational video was prepared with information about the guidelines for the proper use of medication by the elderly. In the production of the media, the Adobe Photoshop version 2021 program was used, already to develop the art and to make and all graphic animation the Adobe After Effects version 2020 program was applied. With this research it was possible to observe the need to expand the guidelines regarding the use of medicines in the elderly population and educational videos can help in this process, but not only this type of technology, more effort is needed on the part of health promoters to expand the scope of educational actions in health for the third age.
  • Informative computer Application on violence against the elderly
  • Date: May 26, 2021
  • Time: 14:00
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  • Introduction: Financial violence, also known as patrimonial violence, is one of the frequent forms of violence against the elderly, causing them financial loss as well as psychological damage. The defense and notification systems have registered an increase in this type of violence. For this reason, we idealized the construction of an informative computer Application that could provide previous Knowledge and possible forms of prevention. Objectives: Analyze the financial violence reported in police investigations launched by the Specialized Police Station for the Elderly in João Pessoa – Paraiba, between 2014 and 2018, as the basis to create an instrument containing pertinent information on the types of violence, as well as how to prevent, identify and report them. Methodology: It is a documental and transversal retrospective study with a quantitative approach, developed at Specialized Police Station for the Elderly in João Pessoa – Paraiba in three phases: in the first, we carried out an analysis of the scientific production on violence against the elderly; in the second, we researched police archives and in the third, we created a computer application to inform about that type of violence. against the elderly .Results: During the literature review, seven articles published in the last five years on the Scientific Library Online (SciELO) database were found, with higher incidence during the years of 2015 through 2017. The field research consisted of 403 police inquiries. The data revealed that 59, 31% of the violence were committed by people in the household or someone close to the victims, 28, 03% of those happened along with other types of violence. Final Considerations: The computer application developed as the result of this study provides information on the types of violence practiced against the elderly, as well as makes it possible for their relatives and the society in general to identify and report it. The app can be shared and spread through WhatsApp groups, lectures, remotely or not, providing previous knowledge and possible forms of prevention.
  • Educational video on the prevention of suicidal behavior in the elderly
  • Date: May 26, 2021
  • Time: 09:30
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  • Introduction: Suicidal behavior in the elderly has become, worldwide, a serious public health problem, and it is essential that primary care health professionals who maintain a closer contact with the elderly person, their family and community, pay attention to the factors risk factors for suicide, to create effective and effective prevention strategies. Objectives: to know scientific evidence about suicidal behavior in elderly people; to verify what health professionals think about suicidal behavior in elderly people assisted in Primary Care; develop an educational video for health professionals on the prevention of suicidal behavior in the elderly. Method: this is a methodological study with a qualitative approach, involving primary care health professionals, carried out in three stages: in the first, there was an integrative literature review, searching the databases: CINAHL, MEDLINE, Scopus, Web of Science, VHL and Cochrane Library. Using the descriptors: Suicide, Suicide Attempt, Suicidal Ideation, Long-Term Institutions for the Elderly. The inclusion criteria were: scientific articles from primary data, which addressed some type of suicidal behavior in institutionalized elderly; the second stage was the field research, which conducted an interview with health professionals, through a semi-structured script on suicidal behavior in the elderly, the data being processed by Iramuteq; and in the third stage, an educational video was constructed for health professionals on prevention of suicidal behavior in the elderly. Results: in the integrative review, after reading the 16 filtered articles, three themes emerged: a) risk factors; b) protective factors; and c) organizational factors; in the field research, 50 health professionals were interviewed, aged between 26 and 65 years old, 90% of whom were female, with professional experience ranging from 2 to 41 years of experience in the profession; the video was built using a video creation program called Adobe Photoshop, in version 2021 and Adobe After Effects, in version 2020, and has a duration of 06 minutes and 22 seconds. Discussion: in the field research, the analysis of the textual corpus by Iramuteq resulted in 623 forms, 21606 occurrences, 1663 active forms, with frequency> = 3.63 of active forms and an average of 34.68 words, defining 71.91% segments analyzed, distributed in three semantic classes; the video then has scenes about suicidal behavior, suicidal risk factors, actions with the elderly with suicidal behavior, support networks, to assist health professionals in prevention. Final Considerations: It is clear that depression was the main risk factor associated with disabling diseases; religion and a confidant can act as protective factors and a trained team acts to prevent suicide. It appears that health professionals are aware of suicidal behavior in the elderly, but do not identify much in practice. It is hoped that the video on suicide prevention in the elderly can contribute to the practices of health professionals, in order to promote a better perception of the theme and provide a better welcome to this suffering public..
  • Professional training in palliative care for the elderly: video construction.
  • Date: May 25, 2021
  • Time: 14:00
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  • The rise of health-related technology has led to a growing advance in the search for the cure and treatment of various chronic incurable diseases. This directly impacts the increase in life expectancy, as the elderly population tends to live longer. Progressive population aging, associated with the exponential increase in cancer cases and slow-evolving chronic degenerative diseases, generates greater impairment and functional dependence in the elderly population. In this scenario, Palliative Care is an extremely important specialty in professional practice to promote quality of life, prevention and relief of suffering of individuals and their families in this phase of life finitude. The aim of this study is to create a video for methodological support in professional training aimed at palliative care, based on empirical indicators raised in the literature and with the validation of professionals. In the first stage, it is only the first step, integrative literature review conducted in 05 databases: Bvs, Bdenf, Lilacs, Web Of Science and Scopus. In the second stage, a script with 6 scenes was created and the speeches were supported by the results of the previous phase. Subsequently, this script was validated by specialist professionals according to the Content Validation Index (CVI). The results were described and analyzed in five thematic categories: concepts and purposes, communication, linked to specialities, difficulties and challenges and directives preceded by will. The scenes created from these results were validated with an index higher than 91.66%, confirming the feasibility of building the video. The knowledge of professionals is still very limited. Despite recognizing the need, professionals do not know when or how to approach the elderly and their families about the terminality of life. Ineffective communication and the lack of vocational training stood out as the biggest challenges for palliative care, hence the importance of investing in vocational training to change this scenario. In Palliative Care there are no right or wrong behaviors, as the decision of the elderly and / or family is always legitimate and must be respected. When preferences about death discuss more naturally, discussions will no longer be taboo and it will become less frightening. From then on it will be easier to respect the will of the human being in the face of the finite process of his life.
  • Application to identify frailty in the elderly in Primary Health Care.
  • Date: May 18, 2021
  • Time: 14:00
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  • Introduction: Primary Health Care is the gateway to the Health Care Network, being considered the originator of care and promoting access to other health services. It is important to understand that the elderly attended at the primary level, may have autonomy with preserved functional capacity or impaired functions. Faced with functional impairment and when identifying vulnerable elderly people, professionals have a greater chance of tracking frail elderly people with compromised functions. Objective: Identify appropriate instruments for screening frailty in the elderly in Primary Health Care; Validate with professionals from the Family Health Strategy variables that will compose the application; to build an application for screening frailty in elderly people registered in Primary Health Care. Method: This is a methodological study, developed in three stages: The first was an integrative review about adequate instruments for screening frailty in elderly people in Health Care Primary to Health; second stage: field research with professionals from the Family Health Strategy and the third stage: construction of an application for screening frailty in elderly people registered in Primary Health Care. Results: In the integrative review, the investigations identified 23 studies with 12 different instruments for screening frailty in elderly people living in the community, in which all were used by PHC professionals and proved to be adequate in their practices. In the validation of the application's content, by the 119 professionals of the minimum Basic care team, an average agreement of 80% was reached. Then, after the validation process, consolidated from the evaluators' professional experience and scientific knowledge, the product was considered appropriate for use. Conclusion: Identifying frail elderly people in a community, understanding them in their entirety with multidimensional assessment, brings several benefits to professionals, the elderly and the health system, since the early diagnosis of this syndrome provides the possibility of stabilizing or reversing the clinical condition, decreasing the risk of hospitalization, death and unnecessary referrals to specialized care. In addition, screening instruments can be considered indicators of referrals from primary to secondary care.
  • Educational video on guidance and care for the elderly after COVID-19.
  • Date: May 17, 2021
  • Time: 14:00
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  • Introduction: Chronic non-communicable diseases (NCDs) have stood out as an important public health challenge worldwide for many years, mainly due to the morbidity and mortality they cause. As these are more prevalent diseases in the elderly and, given the growth of the elderly Brazilian population, the need for research and analysis of prevention and health promotion actions is evident. With the emergence of the pandemic, caused by SarsCov-2, COVID 19 has become the main problem worldwide. The disease is known to be more severe in the elderly and in conditions with chronic diseases, which can cause death. Regarding the severe course of the disease in disease, the elderly scientific studies emphasize that the reason for the high mortality in the elderly can be attributed to the high comorbidity; high prevalence of dementia and geriatric syndromes (especially among institutionalized ones); higher prevalence of frailty and vulnerability to adverse events, disability and dependence, linked to the reduction of the physiological reserve, less intrinsic capacity and less resilience. This situation favors the greater frequency of serious manifestations, the need for admission to the ICU and lethality in elderly patients. Objectives: To investigate the repercussions of COVID19 and its possible sequelae in elderly people with chronic respiratory disease and the construction of an educational video and guidelines after COVID-19. Method: Initially, it was sought to show how scientific productions that addressed the repercussions of COVID-19 on the respiratory system of elderly people with chronic respiratory disease. For this, studies were compiled, published in 2020. As researched bases were: CINAHL (Cumulative Index of Nursing Literature and Associated Health), EMBASE, SCOPUS, MEDLINE / Pubmed (via National Library of Medicine) and Web of Science. Descriptors indexed in the Decs and their crossings “new coronavirus”, “Sars Cov 2”, “elderly”, “elderly”, “chronic lung diseases”, “noncommunicable diseases” and “respiratory system manifestations” were used with the use of the Boolean operators E and OR. Following, there is a need to investigate and identify possible sequelae by elderly people affected by COVID-19. A second integrative review was carried out in order to compile the main studies that address post-Covid respiratory sequelae 19 in elderly patients with chronic respiratory disease. Online (MEDLINE / PubMed), using the indexed keywords “after Covid-19”, “coronavirus”, “elderly”, “elderly”, “elderly”, “sequel”, “persistent symptoms”, “respiratory system mptoms” with the use of the Boolean operator “e” and the strategy Population, Interest and Context (PICo) with search without time frame. And anchoring the data collected previously, an educational video was built with post-COVID-19 care and guidance. Results: Regarding the mortality rate of patients aged 80 and over with COVID-19, it was high and the majority of elderly patients with COVID-19 had atypical symptoms; some manifested minor clinical clinicians and atypical changes in chest computed tomography images. Infected elderly people dissipated a high proportion of severe cases and comorbidities, a higher probability of presenting low immune function and a higher proportion of complications indicated during the course of the infection. The evaluation of lung function showed that a characteristic attributed, at different scales of severity, of the participants had an abnormality of pulmonary diffusion 6 months after the onset of symptoms. Most cases recovered from COVID-19 have varying degrees of restrictive restrictions that can range from insignificant to a grave. These restrictions are influenced by several factors such as: age, sex, presence of coexisting comorbidities, periodic influenza vaccination, smoking, need for admission to the ICU and the use of oxygen in addition to the time the symptoms persist. Disease-related fatigue and shortness of breath were commonly reported with a higher prevalence in those who need an ICU compared to those treated with sicknesses. These factors represent a decrease in quality of life in many mandatory decreases. Conclusion: The educational video providing guidance to the elderly regarding chronic respiratory diseases is an important educational and technological tool. Providing knowledge and information, it can be used with the objective of promoting health and preventing complications, favoring the autonomy and trust of patients, as well as a vehicle for the transmission of new knowledge.
  • Construction of an Educational Video to Promote SelfCare for the Elderly with Diabetes
  • Date: Apr 29, 2021
  • Time: 09:00
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  • Introduction: the accelerated growth of the elderly population in Brazil establishes the need for greater attention to the most prevalent diseases in this population. This demographic transition is accompanied by a significant increase in Chronic Noncommunicable Diseases (NCDs). Diabetes mellitus, one of the four main NCDs, can cause early death, complications and disability. The management of the disease is still a challenge. Diabetes treatment aims to achieve good glycemic control and needs to be accompanied by continuing education to raise awareness and prepare the individual for self-care. Health education enables the elderly to change lifestyle habits and to overcome problems with diabetes, considering that health behaviors are related to the knowledge acquired. Objectives: to carry out a bibliographic survey regarding health education and prevention of diabetes complications in the elderly; conduct field study with elderly diabetic patients, users of a teaching hospital to assess their knowledge of diabetes; build an educational video to promote self-care and prevent diabetes complications in the elderly. Methodology: this is a methodological study. Initially, an integrative literature review was carried out and then a field research. The research was submitted to the Ethics Committee of the Health Sciences Center and approved under nº 2,190,153, CAAE67103917.6.0000.5188. The research had the participation of 40 elderly diabetics, of both genders, users of the Endocrinology Outpatient Clinic and hospitalized in the sectors of Medical and Surgical at Hospital Universitário Lauro Wanderley-UFPB. The sample was selected randomly, composed of elderly people who agreed to participate in the research. After data collection, the texts were organized and processed in the IRAMUTEQ software for content analysis and elaboration of the last phase of the research, the construction of the educational video. Results: the results of the integrative review showed that appropriate health education enables the elderly to self-manage the disease, promotes self-care and changes in lifestyle through knowledge of nutrition, physical activity, proper use of medications and risk-reducing behavior, considered essential for glycemic control and prevention of complications resulting from the disease. The interviewed elderly people had moderate knowledge about diabetes, difficulty following health professionals' recommendations and little knowledge about screening for diabetic retinopathy and diabetic foot. Final considerations: it is expected that the educational video will achieve its main objective, which is to provide information to the elderly and their families about diabetes, to contribute to health promotion and to prevent complications of diabetes in the elderly. This video can be used comprehensively in health institutions and communities and contribute to stimulate new research related to diabetes and gerontology.
  • Emulsion based on carvacrol in a D-galactose-induced aging model
  • Date: Mar 25, 2021
  • Time: 09:00
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  • Introduction: Aging is a process characterized by a gradual decline in cellular, molecular and tissue functions. Evidence suggests that the accumulation of senescent cells associated with oxidative stress has been implicated in the promotion of various diseases in the elderly, including cardiovascular diseases, which are considered the greatest cause of morbidity and mortality in the world. In this sense, in order to delay or mitigate the effects of aging, the search for new natural sources with antioxidant activity has aroused a lot of interest. Objectives: To identify scientific evidence on the effect of plants and their metabolites on cardiovascular aging in an animal model induced by D-galactose; evaluate the cardioprotective effect of carvacrol in an aging model induced by D-galactose, and propose the deposition of a patent, being an emulsion based on carvacrol, which has cardioprotective properties in an animal aging model induced by D-galactose. Method: This is a pre-clinical experimental study, structured in three stages: in the first, an attempt was made to identify scientific evidence from an integrative review with search for scientific articles in the Web of Science, Scopus and Medical Literature databases Analysis and Retrievel System On-line (MEDLINE / PubMed), using the indexed descriptors aging, D-galactose cardiovascular diseases, Boolean operator and strategy Population, Interest and Context (PICo), from February to July 2020, with period of publication from 2012 to 2019. The second stage was a pre-clinical experimental study in which the cardioprotective effect of carvacrol was evaluated in an animal D-galactose-induced aging model. For this, 8-9 week old rats were divided into four experimental groups: vehicle-treated control group (CTL), 250mg / kg Dgalactose group (Dgal) and 50mg / kg D-galactose + carvacrol groups. and 100mg / kg (Dgal + C50 and Dgal + C100), respectively, being submitted to daily administrations, intraperitoneal (D-galactose) and oral (carvacrol), during eight weeks of treatment. The third stage involved filing a patent, characterized as an emulsion based on carvacrol. Results and Discussion: the data obtained in the first stage included the analysis of 8 articles that demonstrated beneficial effects of plants and their metabolites on cardiovascular aging in a Dgalactose-induced aging model. In step two, the data obtained in the research demonstrated that carvacrol was able to promote a cardioprotective effect on oxidative stress and arterial hypertension in rats aged by D-galactose, but did not promote changes related to vascular reactivity. The results obtained in the first two stages of the study supported the patent filing proposal, presented as a carvacrol-based emulsion, with the following composition: carvacrol oil, solubilized in cremofor® and diluted in physiological saline, in order to be the desired doses were obtained for each experimental protocol. Final considerations: After demonstrating the cardioprotective effects in a preclinical study against D-galactose-induced aging model, it was proposed to construct a patent, characterized as an emulsion based on carvacrol, to be deposited, and which presents a strong potential for therapeutic use to be tested including in clinical studies.
  • Infographic about oral cancer for the elderly
  • Date: Mar 12, 2021
  • Time: 09:00
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  • Introduction: The increasing increase in life expectancy results in longer periods of exposure of people to chronic diseases and carcinogenic factors. Among these, oral cancer stands out, which represents a public health problem as a result of high rates of morbidity and mortality, as well as due to high clinical-care costs. The late diagnosis of this pathology has an impact on the quality and survival rates of patients, due to complications resulting from treatment with aesthetic and functional mutilating results. Objectives: 1- To identify educational technologies for the promotion of health for the elderly. 2- Identify the causes of delay in the diagnosis of oral cancer in the elderly in developed and developing countries. 3- Develop an educational technology with information on oral cancer for the elderly. Method: This is a methodological study, divided into three stages, the first stage consisted of a search of the databases, addressing the theme of educational technologies in promoting the health of the elderly; in the second stage, a systematic review research was carried out to identify the causes of the delay in the diagnosis of oral cancer in the elderly in developed and developing countries, and in the third stage, an animated infographic was prepared with information on oral cancer for the elderly. Results and Discussion: The following were produced: 1- An integrative review article “Educational technologies in promoting the health of the elderly”, whose findings showed a diversity of types of educational technologies, and it is essential to know the profile of the target audience so that it is adequate and achieve your purpose. 2- An article resulting from a systematic review research on the causes of delay in the diagnosis of oral cancer in the elderly, whose results pointed out the little knowledge of the population about oral cancer as the main cause of the delay in the diagnosis of oral cancer in the elderly. 3- Based on these results, an animated infographic, aimed at the elderly, was elaborated, showing the prevention and early diagnosis of oral cancer. Final considerations: The literature search made it possible to expand knowledge and identify educational technologies to promote the health of the elderly. The research showed the need to expand knowledge about oral cancer in the elderly population, constituting the animated infographic, with audiovisual resources, an attractive and dynamic educational tool, contributing to health promotion by motivating the search for knowledge and encouraging behavioral changes related to oral health care, with an emphasis on prevention and early diagnosis of oral cancer.
  • Mobile Application for Information on Medicines for the Elderly.
  • Date: Feb 25, 2021
  • Time: 09:30
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  • Introduction: Population aging accompanies challenges to ensure comprehensive health care and quality of life for the elderly. The multiple pathologies and chronicity of comorbidities that affect this age group increase medicines' consumption by this population. In addition to senescence's natural physiological changes, they make the elderly individual more vulnerable to adverse events, drug interactions, and toxicity. Pharmacotherapy is the central part of the therapeutic guidelines for the elderly, which becomes a public health problem when it is not followed correctly, given its association with morbidity and mortality. Given the increase in the use of smartphones by the elderly, technological resources constitute an innovative device to encourage the elderly population to take care of their own health, encourage healthy lifestyle habits, and promote the autonomy and quality of life of this age group. Objectives: To develop a mobile application for cell phones that helps regulate, practically and interactively, the use of medicines by the elderly, with the previous investigation in the literature on the inappropriate prescription of drugs for the elderly. Method: This is experimental development research for a prototype that was divided into two stages. The first stage consisted of a literature review that involved searches in databases such as the Online Medical Literature Analysis and Recovery System (Medline / Pubmed), Health Sciences of Latin America and the Caribbean (LILACS), Scientific Eletronic Library Online ( Scielo), SCOPUS and Web of Science in the period between 2014 and 2019. It aimed to address the issue of inappropriate medication prescriptions for the elderly. The second stage consisted of developing the application and used the bibliographic reference collected to identify the current scientific evidence on the use of medicines by the elderly and their adherence to pharmacological treatment to study the possibilities of software performance in promoting the correct use of drugs by the elderly. Results and Discussion: The application was developed to be compatible with smartphones that have Android or iOS operating system; the choice of name (Medicativo) considered terms that portrayed the software content and at the same time were easy to pronounce and to be remembered; personalization sought to make the application more interactive, humanized and attractive to the target audience. Through the main menu screen, it is possible to have quick and uncomplicated access to the central functionalities of the application: registration of medicines used by the elderly (My Medicines), consultation with current pharmacotherapy (My Recipe), information about drugs in use (Guidelines), consultation with data of prescribers (My Doctors) and registration of all medications already registered in the application (History). Final considerations: It is hoped that this application can contribute to health promotion, helping the elderly to organize and monitor information about their medications, thus favoring the rational use of therapeutic adherence.
  • Date: Dec 21, 2020
  • Time: 14:00
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  • Introduction: chronic non-communicable degenerative diseases of the spine result from the aging process and wear and tear of bones and soft tissues, providing muscle tension and pain. Guidance provided by trained professionals on how to relieve pain contributes to health promotion, disease prevention and consequent quality of life. Objectives: to identify scientific evidence on chronic low back pain in the elderly; to analyze the main complaints of low back pain and its implications in the daily activities of the elderly and to propose the construction of an application of guidelines for the relief of low back pain in the elderly. Method: this is a methodological, quantitative and qualitative study, structured in three stages: in the first, an attempt was made to identify scientific evidence from an integrative review with search for scientific articles in the Cumulative Index to Nursing and Allied Health Literature databases ( CINAHL), Scopus, Cochrane, Web of Science, Medical Literature Analysis and Retrievel System On-line (MEDLINE / PubMed) and in the Science Direct virtual library, using the indexed descriptors chronic pain, low back pain, aged, aged, 80 and over , Boolean operator and and Population, Interest and Context (PICo) strategy, from May to July 2020, with publication period from 2016 to 2020. The second stage was a field survey of 40 elderly people: 20 elderly people living in the area rural of Guarabira / PB and 20 from the urban area of João Pessoa / PB, who answered a semi-structured interview whose transcribed data were processed by the IRaMuTeQ software. In the third stage, it comprised the construction of a technological application of guidelines for the relief of low back pain in the elderly. Results and Discussion: the data obtained in the first stage comprised the analysis of 15 articles, classified into three thematic categories: a) descriptions of the aging process for the elderly; b) definitions of chronic low back pain and, c) highlight the influence of biopsychosocial aspects on low back pain in the elderly; such evidence demonstrates that the elderly recognize their functional limitations and value the treatment of the interdisciplinary team. In step two, the data obtained from the interviews and submitted to processing by the referred software indicated four categories: 1) Descriptions of access to technology; 2) They talk about digital inclusion in the elderly's daily life; 3) They point to the activities predisposing to low back pain and, 4) They deal with resources for the relief of pain, stressing that the elderly with a higher level of education handle the technological tools of guidance on prevention and health promotion more easily. The results apprehended in the first two stages of the study supported the proposal to create the application Live without pain in the spine, in different languages, containing music, stretching and relaxation exercises, types of compresses and postural orientations. Final considerations: the results learned from this research supported the construction of an application containing audiovisual resources, facilitating the learning of the content and understanding of the guidelines, to be used as a tool in the relief of low back pain.
  • Não informado.
  • Date: Nov 25, 2020
  • Time: 10:00
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  • Introduction: Violence against the elderly is a worldwide phenomenon that develops in the context of the vulnerability of social and interpersonal relationships, permeating all social classes. Health professionals are able to trigger effective protection and prevention mechanisms, and they must be trained for such functions. Among these professionals, the physiotherapist has the potential to intervene in all the dynamics of the situation, as it establishes a physical, psychological, intimate and prolonged bond with elderly people, integrating into their family environment, where the likely aggressors are usually found. However, no physical therapy service has a protocol to assist elderly people in situations of violence. Objectives: To identify physical therapy interventions in the face of an elderly person in a situation of violence; propose a physical therapy protocol aimed at the elderly in situations of violence; and validate the content of the proposed protocol. Method: This is a methodological study, conducted in three stages: scope review, elaboration and validation of a protocol. The scope review involved research in databases / libraries / search engines and gray literature about physical therapy interventions in the face of an elderly person in a situation of violence. For the preparation and structuring of the document, in addition to the knowledge obtained in the review, the recommendations of guides for the elaboration of protocols were followed, including the Appraisal of Guidelines for Research and Evalution II (AGREE II), also used as a methodological strategy for the stage validation; government publications and professional associations; and scientific studies in common with the theme. Results: The validation evaluated the content of the protocol through 23 items, distributed in 6 domains, and a general classification. This stage involved 6 expert judges selected by pre-defined criteria, in the period from August 2020. For each of the six domains of AGREE II, a percentage of quality was calculated, according to the formula determined in the tool. The percentages obtained in each Domain were: 97.2% for Domain 1 (scope and purpose); 88.9% related to Domain 2 (stakeholder involvement); 94.1% for Domain 3 (development rigor); 97.2% referring to Domain 4 (clarity of presentation); 93.1% equivalent to Domain 5 (applicability); and 93.1% related to Domain 6 (editorial independence). In the global assessment and recommendation regarding the use of the Protocol, 83.3% of the experts judged it to have a maximum score, thus recommending the use of this guideline. Discussion: In order to meet the considerations of all the judges and improve the quality of the guidelines, adjustments and additions were made to the elaborated protocol, with respect to the following items: development team (item 4); knowledge of the opinions and preferences of the target population (item 5); target users (item 6); benefits, side effects and health risks (item 11); external review (item 13); description of the facilitating factors and barriers to the application of the protocols (item 18). Final Considerations: It is expected that this protocol can contribute to the Physiotherapy services regarding the organization and standardization of their conduct, in addition to subsidizing the practice of professionals who work with elderly people in situations of violence, making it possible to reduce the impacts caused by this problem.
  • Date: Oct 30, 2019
  • Time: 09:00
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  • Introdução: No processo de envelhecimento as alterações dos órgãos sensoriais são parâmetros considerados importantes na avaliação da vida da (o) idosa (o), os quais se destacam a acuidade visual. Objetivo: Construir um cenário sobre as alterações fisiológicas da visão do idoso no processo de envelhecimento. Método: Estudo desenvolvido em três etapas: a primeira, revisão integrativa da literatura; a segunda, trabalho de campo com idosos e profissionais; e a terceira, construção do cenário de simulação sobre a acuidade visual. O projeto foi aprovado pelo Comitê de Ética da Universidade Federal da Paraíba. Resultados: A Revisão Integrativa da Literatura foi realizada nos idiomas inglês, português e espanhol, nas bases de dados National Library of Medicine National Institutes of Health, Cumulative Index to Nursing and Allied Health Literature, Embase Indexing and EMTREE e Scopus. Foram listados um total de 778 artigos, sendo incluídos cinco artigos na fase final do estudo. Evidenciaram-se as alterações e as causas da acuidade visual. Nos Grupos Focais houve predomínio do sexo feminino, 95% no Grupo de Idosos e 66,6% no grupo dos profissioanis. Em relação ao trabalho de campo, na avaliação da nuvem de palavras, dos dois Grupos Focais se sobressaíram visão (f=24); dificuldade (f=23); enxergar (f=22); catarata (f=22); óculos (f=19); cirurgia (f=17); mais (f=14); idade (f=13); olho (f=12) e não (f=11) e na árvore máxima destaca-se a formação dos nós (núcleos), visual e deficiência. Na construção do cenário foi proposto um modelo de simulação de média fidelidade que contará com quatro participantes no processo de ensinoaprendizagem. Considerações do estudo: A construção de um cenário simulado sobre as alterações fisiológicas da visão no idoso proporciona aos aprendizes a oportunidade de se interagirem com os idosos e ao mesmo tempo a experiência de vivenciar a dificuldade da acuidade visual no envelhecimento por meio de simulador da velhice.
  • Date: Apr 30, 2019
  • Time: 14:00
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  • Introdução: o idoso necessita de uma atenção especial nos serviços de saúde e o enfermeiro, precisa estar qualificado para atender essa população e suas demandas. Objetivos: analisar as evidências disponíveis na literatura sobre a utilização dos diagnósticos e intervenções de enfermagem para a população idosa com doenças transmissíveis e parasitárias. Identificar os diagnósticos e intervenções de enfermagem, utilizados pelos enfermeiros na Clínica de Doença Infecto Parasitária do Hospital Universitário Lauro Wanderley, da Universidade Federal da Paraíba, que são relevantes para o atendimento das necessidades específicas da pessoa idosa hospitalizada. Elaborar um instrumento contendo os diagnósticos e intervenções de enfermagem, tipo check list, para o idoso com doenças infecciosas e parasitárias, hospitalizado na Clínica de Doença Infecto Parasitária/Hospital Universitário Lauro Wanderley, no sentido de subsidiar a prática clínica do enfermeiro. Método: trata-se de um estudo metodológico desenvolvido em três etapas: a primeira é uma revisão integrativa, a segunda abrange a identificação dos diagnósticos e intervenções de enfermagem considerados ou não relevantes para a população idosa pelas enfermeiras da clínica e a terceira etapa refere-se à construção do Instrumento com Diagnósticos e Intervenções de Enfermagem para o idoso (produto), a ser utilizado na Sistematização da Assistência de Enfermagem pelas enfermeiras. Os dados foram analisados considerando o Índice de Concordância de ≥ 0,9 %. O estudo foi aprovado de acordo com CAAE: 67103917.6.0000.5188 e do Parecer nº: 2.190.153. Resultados e discussão: dos quatro estudos selecionados da literatura científica sobre os Diagnósticos de Enfermagem à pessoa idosa com Doenças Transmissíveis e Parasitárias, verifica-se que os artigos foram publicados, em sua maioria, no ano de 2015, no Brasil, e no idioma português. Os resultados mostram o interesse dos estudos no contexto das pessoas vivendo com o Vírus da Imunodeficiência Humana e a Síndrome da Imunodeficiência Adquirida, com destaque para as mulheres, além da identificação e classificação de termos, da construção de enunciados de diagnósticos de enfermagem. Participaram da pesquisa 13 enfermeiras, sendo duas coordenadoras da clínica e 11 enfermeiras assistenciais, com idade entre 29 e 53 anos, experiência profissional de 4 meses a 16 anos e todas já cursaram pós-graduação lato sensu e três cursaram pós-graduação strictu sensu. Dos 59 Diagnósticos de Enfermagem e suas 451 Intervenções de Enfermagem do instrumento utilizado, 50 diagnósticos alcançaram o Índice de Concordância ≥ 0,9 %, sendo nove diagnósticos não relevantes para o idoso. Das 451 Intervenções de Enfermagem, 290 atenderam ao Índice de Concordância ≥ 0,9%, portanto, 161 intervenções foram excluídas pelas enfermeiras. Com 50 Diagnósticos de Enfermagem e 290 Intervenções de Enfermagem consideradas relevantes, estabeleceu-se um corte para a construção do produto utilizar Diagnósticos e Intervenções de Enfermagem com Índice de Concordância igual a 1,0%, ficando ainda 36 Diagnósticos e 102 Intervenções de Enfermagem. Considerações finais: a construção de um instrumento para atender às demandas específicas da população idosa hospitalizada por doenças infecciosas parasitárias vai contribuir com uma assistência de enfermagem mais humanizada e contribua para a implementação do processo de enfermagem para idoso hospitalizado, trazendo melhorias para aprimorar o cuidado de enfermagem.
  • Date: Apr 30, 2019
  • Time: 09:00
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  • Introdução: A depressão em idosos é um grave problema de saúde, podendo estar associado com outras morbidades, afetando a qualidade de vida dessa população. Alguns sintomas são confundidos com os sinais evidenciados no processo de envelhecimento o que dificulta, para alguns profissionais, o diagnóstico levando o tratamento a ser tardio. O papel do enfermeiro na Atenção Básica concerne aos desafios no seu cotidiano na construção de relações interpessoais, pautadas no diálogo, escuta, humanização e respeito. Destaca-se, como ferramenta de sistematização da assistência de enfermagem, a utilização do Modelo de Análise do Processo Interativo que contempla o processo de enfermagem por meio de interações com a pessoa que precisa de ajuda para facilitar o diagnóstico da situação, tendo em vista o planejamento de ações de saúde. Sendo assim é importante a construção de um protocolo de assistência de enfermagem ao idoso com depressão, tendo-se como base o Modelo de Análise do Processo Interativo, visando o conhecimento das necessidades de saúde do idoso com depressão, o desenvolvimento de uma ferramenta que facilite o processo de trabalho do enfermeiro e, consequentemente, a melhoria da qualidade de vida do idoso com depressão. Objetivos: evidenciar a produção científicas sobre a depressão em idosos atendidos na atenção primária à saúde; aplicar o Modelo de Análise do Processo Interativo em idosos com depressão atendidos na atenção básica; propor a Implantação do Modelo de Análise do Processo Interativo na Atenção Básica para Idosos com Depressão. Método: trata-se de um estudo metodológico, com as seguintes etapas: pesquisa nas bases de dados nacionais e internacionais possibilitando um levantamento situacional nas publicações cientificas sobre a depressão em idosos atendidos na atenção primária à saúde, para a realização de uma Revisão Integrativa sobre a temática abordada; uma investigação empírica com dez idosos com depressão atendidos na atenção primária à saúde, utilizando o Modelo de Análise do Processo Interativo para diagnósticos de enfermagem e elaboração de um Protocolo de Assistência de Enfermagem à Pessoa Idosa com depressão. Resultados e Discussão: na primeira etapa, foram evidenciados 19 artigos sobre a temática, destacando a preocupação dos pesquisadores sobre a capacitação dos profissionais, tendo em vista as transformações da população de idosos no mundo. Por conseguinte, na segunda etapa foi realizada uma pesquisa com dez idosos diagnosticados com depressão, utilizando-se o modelo interativo a partir de três momentos, que possibilitou a identificação dos diagnósticos de enfermagem e propôs-se intervenções para cada um deles; entre esses momentos realizou-se a avaliação de enfermagem, visando um feedback das propostas terapêuticas anteriores. Na terceira etapa foi proposto a implantação do Modelo Interativo durante o atendimento de enfermagem ao idoso com depressão, atendido nas Unidades Básicas de Saúde. Conclusão: Este estudo subsidiou a implantação do Modelo de Análise do Processo Interativo na atenção básica, para idosos com depressão, considerando o uso da Sistematização da Assistência de Enfermagem na prática profissional do enfermeiro no contexto da Atenção Primária à Saúde.
  • Electronic Records of Nursing Assistance to the Elderly Person Using Alcohol and Drugs
  • Date: Apr 30, 2019
  • Time: 09:00
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  • Introduction: The execution of nursing care practice is extremely important for the elderly person with chemical dependence, in which they end up suffering with stereotypes and with prejudice, this can interfere with the act of caring. Given the information gathered, this project has as guiding questions: What are the scientific evidence on the use of alcohol by the elderly in primary health care? How many elderly people use alcohol and drugs residing in condominiums for the elderly? What is the profile of the elderly who use alcohol and drugs residing in condominiums for the elderly? What nursing diagnoses are evidenced in the elderly who use alcohol and drugs residing in condominiums for the elderly? Objectives: evidence the scientific production on the use of alcohol by the elderly in primary health care; to identify the use of alcohol and drugs in elderly residents in condominiums for the elderly; propose an electronic medical record of nursing care to the elderly person using alcohol and drugs. Method: This is an exploratory and methodological study, with a quantitative approach. followed the steps: research in the national and international databases on the use of alcohol by the elderly in primary health care; later an empirical investigation was carried out on the chosen theme in a condominium for elderly person; Finally, the elaboration of the Electronic Record of nursing care provided to the elderly user of alcohol and other drugs in a condominium for the elderly. In the first step, five databases were defined: PubMed, Web of Science, Scopus, Cinahl and Cochrane. Indexed descriptors were used in Medical Subject Headings: "Alcoholism"; "Elderly"; "Primary Health Care", the review was composed of 16 articles. In the second stage, the research field was the five condominiums Cidade Madura of the State of Paraíba, a social questionnaire and the Alcohol Smoking And Substance Involvement Screening Test were used. Results and discussion: 96 elderly people were interviewed: Cajazeiras (26); Souza (21); Guarabira (18); João Pessoa (16), Campina Grande (15). It was identified that the elderly mainly use tobacco derivatives and alcoholic beverages, as well as 13 nursing diagnoses. In the electronic medical record of nursing care for the elderly person using alcohol and drugs, the following information is observed: full name, residence number, gender, date of birth, age, marital status, telephone, education, profession, religion, information family members, emergency contact, major health complaints, health history, family health history, other health problems, physical examination, and nursing diagnoses and interventions. Conclusion: Alcohol and other drug addiction in the elderly can lead to problems of health, social and emotional, thus the elderly not receiving adequate treatment, compromises their quality of life. The proposal of Electronic Records has in its proposal a layout of nursing care in elderly patients who use drugs in the five condominiums Cidade Madura, with the purpose of facilitating and expediting the care of the elderly resident of these condominiums, also making it possible to standardize care and to unify the necessary information of the elderly.
  • Sexuality of the elderly: a guide to nursing diagnoses and interventions in primary health care
  • Date: Apr 29, 2019
  • Time: 14:00
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  • Introduction: Human integration is composed of many biopsychosocial facets, among which one that has an important impact is sexuality and understanding how to maintain it throughout life is crucial for maintaining health as a whole, given the repercussions it can cause when experienced in a senseless or inscious way. For elderly people, in most cases, sexuality does not have a reproductive aspect, a characteristic that has to be seen with special peculiarity for the proportion of comprehensive care in order to promote quality of life, well-being and autonomy that this vital ingredient lives up to. . For Nursing to receive such clientele in the aspect of sexuality, it needs to invest in the nursing process and its elements of practice, diagnoses / interventions, in order to achieve comprehensive and effective care for the elderly. Objectives: To verify the focus on the sexuality of the elderly in scientific publications; Identify Nursing Diagnoses and Interventions in the context of the sexuality of the elderly considered relevant or not by nurses in Primary Health Care; Structure a guide with Diagnostics and Nursing Interventions for the management of sexuality of the elderly by nurses in Primary Health Care. Method: this is a study carried out in the biennium 2018 to 2019 of the methodological type carried out in three stages: integrative review; identify Nursing Diagnostics and Interventions considered relevant or not by nurses and structure a guide with Nursing Diagnostics and Interventions for the management of elderly sexuality by nurses in Primary Health Care. For data collection, an instrument was developed in two parts, being : the first constructed with sociodemographic data of the participants and the second composed of 04 Nursing Diagnoses about sexuality with their respective 27 Nursing Interventions, already validated in the country. Nursing diagnoses and interventions with an agreement index of ≥ 0.80 were considered relevant for the guide. Results: The study included 17 nurses from 07 USF integrated in a neighborhood in the great João Pessoa, Paraíba, with ages ranging from 28 to 59 years, professional experience from 06 to 32 years and most (82%) with post-graduate latu sensu . Of the total number of diagnoses and interventions, 03 diagnoses and 13 nursing interventions were considered to be relevant (IC≥0.80) and, thus, making it possible to prepare the guide. Final considerations: This research finds its importance in the sense of proposing a special contemplation on the experience of the sexuality of the elderly and aims to cooperate to stimulate considerations and discussions that promote the cultural deconstruction of judgments deeply present in the social imaginary in relation to the person's sexuality elderly, from the interdisciplinary critical-reflective knowledge of nursing professionals for this theme.
  • TRADUÇÃO DO SELF-CARE OF DIABETES INVENTORY (SCODI) PARA O IDIOMA PORTUGUÊS: instrumento para avaliação do autocuidado na diabetes
  • Date: Apr 25, 2019
  • Time: 08:30
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  • Introdução: A diabetes é uma das doenças crônicas não transmissíveis, considerada pela Organização Mundial de Saúde como grave. Tento em vista, as consequências físicas, emocionais e sociais, que de certa forma pode afetar drasticamente a qualidade de vida do indivíduo. Em paralelo com o aumento da expectativa de vida, ocorreu a transição epidemiológica nas doenças emergentes: a partir de uma situação em que eram prevalentes as doenças infecciosas, evoluímos para uma preponderância das doenças crônicas não transmissíveis, tanto nos países em desenvolvimento quanto nos desenvolvidos, espera-se que o número de pessoas idosas com doenças não transmissíveis aumentará em proporção ao crescimento da população, com uma percentagem mais elevada exatamente nas classes de idade mais avançada. Objetivos: evidenciar produção científica sobre os instrumentos para avaliação do autocuidado a diabetes utilizados no Brasil e traduzir o Self-Care of Diabetes Inventory do idioma italiano para o português. Método: Trata-se de um estudo metodológico, cuja proposta foi o processo de tradução do instrumento - Self-Care Of Diabetes Index, um instrumento que se baseia em uma teoria de médio alcance que consta de quatros partes por um total de 40 questões, avaliando alimentação saudável, exercício físico, monitoramento, adesão ao tratamento, capacidade de resolver problemas, capacidade de coping, e capacidade de monitorar e prevenir as complicações em adultos com Diabetes Mellitus Tipo 1 e 2. O estudo foi conduzido em João Pessoa/Paraíba/Brasil, na Universidade Federal da Paraíba e as traduções foram em colaboração com o Departamento de Ciência e Saúde da Università degli Studi de Milão – Bicocca na Itália, em colaboração com a Universidade de Pensilvânia nos Estados Unidos da América. Desenvolveu-se nas seguintes etapas: revisão integrativa com o objetivo de evidenciar a produção de conhecimento cientifico sobre os instrumentos adaptados e validados relacionados ao autocuidado no diabetes na realidade internacional e no Brasil; em seguida o processo de tradução do instrumento; afinal a elaboração do produto final, ou seja, a tradução final em português brasileiro do Self-Care Of Diabetes Index. Resultados e Discussão: A tradução do instrumento, passou por cinco etapas, junto com o questionário dos dados psicométricos, tendo como base a versão original em idioma italiano. O instrumento final se encontra disponível no site da Self Care Measures, vinculado ao projeto da Universidade de Pensilvânia nos Estados Unidos da América. Conclusão: Esperase que o produto final desse estudo, o instrumento traduzido possa contribuir de maneira positiva no âmbito da Enfermagem e da Gerontologia brasileira, permitindo aos idosos uma maior consciência da própria doença crônica, e clareza sobre possíveis complicações, seus métodos de enfrentamentos e uma plena interiorização da importância dos hábitos de vida, além das suas necessárias mudanças. Por fim anela-se que esse instrumento possa ser uma base de linguagem comum na avaliação do autocuidado no diabetes, e que seja a nível nacional e internacional.
  • Date: Apr 3, 2019
  • Time: 09:00
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  • Introdução: O envelhecimento da população é um fenômeno mundial. No Brasil, é considerada idosa a pessoa com idade cronológica de 60 anos ou mais, o que está amparado pela Lei 8.842/94, além de dipor sobre a Política Nacional do Idoso. A Política Nacional de Saúde do Idoso tem como finalidade recuperar, manter e promover a autonomia e a independência dos indivíduos idosos, direcionando medidas coletivas e individuais de saúde para esse fim, em consonância com os princípios e diretrizes do Sistema Único de Saúde. Nesta perspectiva, acredita-se que a Estratégia Saúde da Família constitui-se em espaço de grande privilégio para a atenção integral à saúde da pessoa idosa, por ser a porta de entrada do sistema de saúde, bem como pela sua proximidade com a comunidade e a atenção domiciliária, possibilitando uma atuação profissional multidisciplinar contextualizada na realidade vivenciada pela pessoa idosa na família. Nesse cenário, destaca-se o papel fundamental do enfermeiro, enquanto membro da equipe mínima, que desenvolve, nesse nível de atenção, ações de gerência e planejamento, além do cuidado direto e práticas educativas. Metodologia: Trata-se de um estudo metodológico, realizado com 26 enfermeiros vinculados às Unidades de Saúde da Família do Distrito Sanitário V, da cidade de João Pessoa - Paraíba, com idade entre 34 e 66 anos, que responderam a um questionário semiestruturado. Objetivos: Identificar na literatura evidências sobre sistematização da assistência de enfermagem ao idoso na atenção básica à saúde; verificar a experiência de enfermeiros com relação à avaliação multidimensional do idoso na atenção básica à saúde e propor uma capacitação pedagógica para enfermeiros com base nos princípios da avaliação multidimensional do idoso na atenção básica à saúde como forma de implementar a consulta de enfermagem e qualificar a assistência de enfermagem a pessoa idosa. Resultados e Discussão: A faixa etária predominante foi de 56-66 anos, com 38,5%, e 100% eram do sexo feminino. A partir das falas das participantes, três categorias emergiram: Categoria 1 - Desconhecimento sobre a avaliação multidimensional da pessoa idosa devido à fragilidade na formação acadêmica/profissional; Categoria 2 - Falta de tempo devido à elevada demanda da unidad de de saúde; e Categoria 3 - Falta de treinamento na área de atenção ao idoso. Considerações Finais: Esse estudo propõe-se a trazer grandes contribuições para a área da enfermagem, uma vez que fomenta o pensamento crítico-reflexivo das práticas cotidianas da atenção ao idoso e a família nos membros da equipe de saúde da família, bem como proporciona uma reflexão por parte dos enfermeiros acerca da necessidade de buscar a todo tempo aprimorar conhecimentos, habilidades e atitudes no atendimento ao idoso por meio da educação permanente, visando a uma atenção básica competente, humanizada e resolutiva.
  • Date: Mar 30, 2019
  • Time: 14:00
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  • INTRODUÇÃO: A qualidade de vida possui um conceito multidimensional por envolver aspectos físicos, sociais e emocionais associando-a ao envelhecimento e a aposentadoria tornase uma realidade importante para o presbítero idoso com a singularidade de uma população dedicada ao exercício ministerial, com redução significativa da convivência com os familiares. OBJETIVOS: evidenciar a produção cientifica sobre a influência da moradia na qualidade de vida do idoso; medir a qualidade de vida de presbíteros idosos; conhecer a opinião de presbíteros idosos sobre a aposentadoria; propor um programa de apoio para presbíteros idosos. PERCURSO METODOLÓGICO: trata-se de um estudo metodológico com abordagem quantitativa e qualitativa, realizado em três etapas: a primeira, diz respeito a uma revisão integrativa da literatura com pesquisa; a segunda etapa compreendeu uma pesquisa com 14 presbíteros idosos, escolhidos aleatoriamente que aceitaram participar da pesquisa, residentes em João Pessoa/Paraiba. Os dados foram coletados no período de novembro de 2018 a fevereiro de 2019, utilizando-se o WHOQOL - BREF e o WHOQOL – OLD, a partir de uma entrevista semiestruturada contendo os dados sociodemográfico e questões sobre aposentadoria. Os dados coletados foram analisados a partir da estatística descritiva e da técnica de análise de conteúdo temática. A terceira etapa compreendeu da elaboração de um programa de apoio ao presbítero idoso subsidiado na opinião dos padres idosos. RESULTADOS: a média ± desvio-padrão de idade dos presbíteros foi de 71,0 ± 6,6 anos. Todos os presbíteros incluídos no estudo são aposentados. O escore médio de qualidade de vida foi de 4,2 ±0,4 e 4,1 ± 0,4 para WHOQOL BREF e WHOQOL OLD, respectivamente. A satisfação com a saúde, com escore médio 4,3 (±0,6), o domínio físico com escore 4,0 (±0,5), psicológico com 4,2 (±0,3), e as relações sociais com 4,2 (±0,4). Em relação ao meio ambiente, o escore médio foi 3,8 (±0,5). A primeira faceta correspondente ao funcionamento do sensório teve escore médio de 4,1 (±0,8); a autonomia, com escore médio 3,6 (±0,6); as demais facetas, obtiveram seguintes escores médios: atividades passadas, presentes e futuras com escore 4,4 (±0,5), participação social com 4,2 (±0,3), morte e morrer com 4,3 (±0,8), e intimidade com escore médio 4,1 (±0,8). A análise de conteúdo do corpus formado pelas 14 entrevistas apontou quatro categorias empíricas: 1- Descrições sobre aposentadoria para os presbíteros idosos; 2 - Descrições sobre atividades realizadas após aposentadoria; 3 - Descrições sobre os suportes oferecidos pela arquidiocese aos presbíteros idosos e 4 - Descrições de necessidades para os presbíteros idosos, com diferentes unidades de registros agrupadas em temas, segundo os conteúdos semânticos. CONSIDERAÇÕES FINAIS: verificou-se uma boa qualidade de vida dos presbíteros idosos, com satisfação regular no domínio meio ambiente e na faceta autonomia. Os presbíteros idosos consideram a aposentadoria uma premiação pelos anos de trabalho, refletida em estados de descanso e tranquilidade, embora continuem exercendo seu ministério presbiteral. Verifica-se que ao termino do ministério, não há suporte da igreja. Subsidiada nos dados apreendidos da pesquisa após análise foi proposto a um Programa de Apoio ao Presbítero Idoso, com indicações de suportes averiguados a partir da medida dos dados sobre qualidade de vida capaz de suprir suas necessidades em diferentes dimensões de vida como: saúde, apoio psicológico e social, laser e cultura com um espaço físico especial para os presbíteros para uma melhor qualidade de vida.
  • Date: Mar 29, 2019
  • Time: 14:00
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  • Introdução: O prolongamento da vida é um desejo de qualquer sociedade, principalmente diante do fenômeno do envelhecimento, em razão da redução da capacidade dos idosos decorrente de alterações físicas, bioquímicas e funcionais. Essa alteração torna-os mais propensos a desenvolver doenças crônicas, eis que um dos fatores de risco é a própria idade, em que pese isso não significar um impedimento para o envelhecimento saudável. Doenças crônicas são afecções de saúde que se prolongam no tempo, alternando-se entre melhora e piora do quadro, sendo um problema de saúde mundial, evidenciado em países de baixa e média renda, consubstanciando-se na principal causa de mortalidade e morbidade no Brasil. Há comprovadas repercussões das doenças crônicas na saúde bucal, motivo pelo qual a saúde bucal ganha destaque no processo de cuidado sistêmico. Nessa perspectiva, a relação entre doenças crônicas e saúde bucal dos idosos faz com que seja necessária a construção de ações voltadas à saúde dessa população. Objetivos: 1) Evidenciar as publicações científicas sobre as doenças crônicas e a saúde bucal da pessoa idosa. 2) Verificar o impacto das doenças crônicas na saúde bucal da pessoa idosa. 3) Propor um Infográfico animado para pessoas idosas com doenças crônicas e o impacto na saúde bucal. Percurso Metodológico: Trata-se de um estudo exploratório, de abordagem quantitativa, conjugado com uma pesquisa metodológica, com apresentação, em sua fase final, de um instrumento tecnológico com dados sobre saúde bucal dos idosos e sua relação com as doenças crônicas, sob a forma de um Infográfico animado. Resultados e Discussão: Foram produzidos: A) Um artigo de Revisão Integrativa “Doenças crônicas e saúde bucal do idoso: uma revisão integrativa”, com análise de 9 artigos na amostra final, contexto em que ficou esclarecida a relação entre as doenças crônicas e a saúde bucal do idoso, bem como a existência de condições insatisfatórias da cavidade oral dessa população. B) Um segundo artigo como resultado de uma pesquisa num Centro de Práticas Integrativas do Município de João Pessoa/PB, sobre o impacto das doenças crônicas na saúde bucal do idoso. Os resultados obtidos apontaram para a compreensão de que o cuidado com a saúde bucal é um dos pilares para a manutenção da saúde sistêmica. C) Um Infográfico animado elaborado a partir dos resultados obtidos, direcionado ao idoso com doenças crônicas, com a finalidade de evidenciar a correlação das doenças crônicas no idoso e o impacto na saúde bucal. Conclusão: A revisão integrativa evidenciou a correlação entre as doenças crônicas e a saúde bucal do idoso. De acordo com a pesquisa, os idosos com doenças crônicas afirmam ter recebido orientação sobre saúde bucal, no entanto, elevado percentual não compareceu a nenhuma consulta odontológica no último ano. Espera-se que, com o uso do Infográfico animado correlacionando as doenças crônicas com a saúde bucal, o idoso seja motivado ao autocuidado com a saúde bucal e estimulado ao acompanhamento adequado com o odontogeriatra.
  • Date: Mar 29, 2019
  • Time: 14:00
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  • Introdução: as modificações decorrentes da transição demográfica e epidemiológica, associadas à estrutura familiar da pessoa idosa, impulsionaram a crescente procura por instituições de longa permanência para idosos. Diante dessa realidade, surgiu a necessidade de repensar o cuidado ao idoso institucionalizado, com vista à promoção da sua saúde. Objetivos: identificar, com base na literatura, os indicadores relacionados ao diagnóstico de solidão em idosos institucionalizados, construir e validar as intervenções de enfermagem para idosos institucionalizados com diagnóstico de solidão e propor um protocolo de intervenções de enfermagem para idosos com diagnóstico de solidão em Instituição de Longa Permanência. Método: trata-se de um estudo metodológico desenvolvido em três etapas: na primeira foi realizada uma revisão integrativa da literatura sobre as intervenções relacionadas à solidão em idosos institucionalizados; a segunda etapa foi a construção e validação das intervenções de enfermagem para o diagnóstico de enfermagem “solidão” e a terceira a elaboração do protocolo de intervenções de enfermagem ao idoso com diagnóstico de Solidão em Instituição de Longa Permanência. Resultados: a revisão integrativa foi composta de 22 estudos primários que demonstraram uma produção de estudos relacionados ao idoso institucionalizado com solidão. As principais intervenções identificadas foram as abordagens terapêuticas não farmacológicas, que contribuíam para a diminuição do isolamento social entre idosos residentes. Para a construção e a validação das intervenções de enfermagem para o diagnóstico de enfermagem de “solidão”, foi realizada uma pesquisa aplicada, desenvolvida com base nas diretrizes do Conselho Internacional de Enfermeiros-CIE, o Modelo de Sete Eixos da CIPE®, o Modelo de Terminologia de Referência da ISO 18.104:2014 e a Classificação das Intervenções de Enfermagem – NIC. As intervenções de enfermagem correspondentes ao diagnóstico de enfermagem “solidão” foram incluídas em um instrumento para serem submetidos ao processo de validação por especialistas. Para a efetivação desta validação, foram selecionados seis juízes,alcançando um índice de concordância entre esses de 0,92, acima do que está preconizado na literatura. Após as sugestões dos juízes, buscou-se adequar os itens que formavam o protocolo,tornando-o um instrumento claro e exequível. Conclusões: a construção do protocolo de intervenções de enfermagem para o idoso com diagnóstico de solidão em Instituição de Longa Permanência a partir da abordagem utilizada é uma importante contribuição na sistematização do cuidado ao idoso institucionalizado, pois apresenta instrumento que subsidiará a assistência de enfermagem de forma eficaz e fidedigna, contribuindo, sobretudo, com a promoção da qualidade de vida dessa clientela.
  • Date: Mar 29, 2019
  • Time: 10:00
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  • Introdução: o processo de envelhecimento da população ocorre em todo o mundo e acarreta em modificações morfológicas, funcionais, psicológicas e sociais que resultam na redução da capacidade funcional. A prática da atividade física moderada e regular contribui para preservar a capacidade funcional, o bem-estar físico e mental e aumentar o contato social, sendo assim, é de fundamental importância à participação do educador físico para estimulação funcional, mediante a elaboração de um guia de orientação da prática de exercício físico. Objetivos: analisar a produção científica sobre atividade física para pessoas idosas realizada em espaços públicos em periódicos online de 2008 a 2018; conhecer os benefícios e as dificuldades vivenciadas por pessoas idosas que realizam atividade física em espaços públicos; e elaborar um guia de orientação à prática de exercício físico por idosos em espaços públicos. Metodologia: trata-se de uma pesquisa metodológica, estruturada nas seguintes fases: revisão integrativa da literatura acerca da prática de atividade física realizada em espaços públicos por pessoas idosas; estudo exploratório que contou com uma amostra de 30 pessoas idosas que responderam um questionário semi-estruturado com questões sobre a realização de exercício físico em espaços públicos, benefícios e dificuldades relatadas para sua realização. E posteriormente a elaboração de um guia para orientação à prática de atividade física por idosos em espaços públicos. Resultados e discussão: houve predomínio de idosos do sexo feminino (53,3%), casado (a) (53,3%), residente em casa própria (83,3%), convivendo com cônjuge (30%). Quanto à renda individual, 50% dos idosos declaram entre 2 a 3 salários mínimos. Quanto às morbidades referidas, a hipertensão arterial foi a mais relata (50%), seguida por diabetes (20%), osteoporose (15%), problemas na coluna vertebral (10%) e problemas cardiovasculares (5%). Quanto ao uso de medicação, 60% dos idosos utilizam de duas a três medicações. Há predominância de 43,3% de idosos que realizam exercício físico em espaços públicos de duas a três vezes por semana, com duração de 30 a 60 minutos (63,3%), há mais de seis meses (76,7%). Com relação à estrutura do espaço físico, a maioria (40%) dos idosos considera a infraestrutura das praças em que realizam atividade física como boa e com boa segurança (53,3%), todavia, com manutenção de equipamentos ruim (60%). No que se refere à dificuldade para realização de exercício físico em espaços públicos, houve predomínio da falta de orientação profissional, relatada por 70% dos idosos. Conclusões: foi possível observar vários benefícios para os idosos relacionados à prática de atividade física regular e algumas dificuldades enfrentadas por eles para sua realização. Os idosos são motivados a realizar a atividade física em busca de melhoria em sua qualidade de vida, no entanto, apesar da boa infraestrutura das praças públicas, estas não possuem manutenção de seus equipamentos e falta orientação de um profissional de saúde, para a realização correta dos exercícios nos equipamentos existentes nas praças, evidenciando assim a importância de um produto tecnológico que vise contribuir para a melhoria da autonomia, segurança na realização do exercício físico e qualidade de vida da pessoa idosa.
  • Date: Mar 29, 2019
  • Time: 09:00
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  • Introdução: o processo de envelhecimento pode causar sentimentos de medo e insegurança, gerando isolamento da sociedade; deste modo é importante incentivar o relacionamento entre gerações. Esse relacionamento pode trazer benefícios para ambas as gerações, em especial entre avós e netos. Por conseguinte, denota-se a necessidade de novas práticas e novos instrumentos voltados à saúde da pessoa idosa e de acordo com o objeto de estudo desta dissertação questiona-se: quais são as evidências científicas sobre a relação intergeracional entre avós e netos no período de 2007 a 2017? Quais as representações sociais das crianças sobre a pessoa idosa? Objetivos: conhecer as evidências científicas sobre a relação intergeracional avós e netos; apreender as representações sociais de crianças sobre a pessoa idosa e avós; propor um programa socioeducativo e intergeracional para as escolas. Abordagem Metodológica: trata-se de um estudo exploratório de abordagem qualitativa, subsidiado no aporte teórico das representações sociais seguindo as etapas: pesquisa nas bases de dados nacionais e internacionais para se conhecer as evidências científicas sobre a relação intergeracional entre avós e netos; investigação empírica com crianças nas escolas sobre o tema escolhido e, por fim, a elaboração de um Programa Socioeducativo Intergeracional para as escolas. Resultados e Discussão: na revisão sistemática foram definidas cinco bases de dados: Cinahl, Web of Science, Scorpus e Lilacs. Também, foram utilizados os descritores indexados no Medical Subject Headings: Elderly; Intergenerational Relations; Grandparents; preschool children e os Descritores em Ciências da Saúde: Idoso; Relação Intergeracional; avós; escolares, resultando em 23 trabalhos incluídos na revisão. Em seguida foi realizada uma pesquisa com a participação de 46 alunos: 24 meninos e 22 meninas, com uma média de idade de 10 anos. Os dados coletados dos desenhos com tema foram submetidos à técnica de análise de conteúdo temática apontando três categorias: descrições psicossociais sobre os avós; aspectos biológicos/físicos e interações socioeducativas crianças – avós. Conclusão: Os dados obtidos da pesquisa subsidiaram a construção de um Programa Socioeducativo e Intergeracional para Escolas, para direcionar o processo educativo e interativo entre idosos e crianças a ser desenvolvido com o auxílio dos professores, membros da comunidade e ou familiares, constando de 10 atividades, como: jogos de tabuleiro; contação de histórias; dança; musicalização; dia de visita; lanches coletivos; passeios em pontos turísticos; horta; relato pessoal e arteterapia. Neste sentido vale salientar a importância da relação da pessoa idosa e a criança como um aspecto positivo tanto para manutenção da autonomia e independência quanto para manter o nível cognitivo e motor, influenciando a socialização. Daí esta relação envolve sentimentos complexos e marcantes para ambas as gerações refletindo na qualidade da relação entre os idosos, os filhos e os netos associada à situação física e mental nas diferentes fases da vida.
  • Date: Mar 29, 2019
  • Time: 08:30
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  • Os Sistemas de Informação em Saúde (SIS) constituem um conjunto de componentes que atuam de forma integrada, capazes de estruturar, operacionalizar, fiscalizar, monitorar e avaliar o desempenho e a qualidade dos serviços. Objetivos: Identificar os achados na literatura que abordem o monitoramento de informações em relação à saúde do idoso; conhecer a concepção de gestores da atenção básica sobre software de informação da saúde da pessoa idosa; e construir um Software de informação para o monitoramento da saúde da pessoa idosa; Método: Estudo de revisão: estudo do tipo Revisão Integrativa. A pesquisa foi realizada nas bases de dados da (BDENF), (LILACS), (WEB OF SCIENCE), (CINAHL) e (SCIELO), selecionando artigos no período de 2009 a 2018, nos idiomas Português, Inglês e Espanhol. Foram elencadas estratégias de busca utilizando o operador booleano AND e selecionados os seguintes filtros: texto completo disponível, assunto principal, limite, idioma, ano e tipo de documento. A pesquisa foi realizada nos meses de maio e junho de 2018. Pesquisa de Campo - Elaborou-se um questionário semiestruturado contendo 27 identificações quantitativas e 08 questões discursivas, sendo aplicado aos gestores dos Sistemas de Informação dos Distritos Sanitários do município de João Pessoa. Resultados: No estudo de revisão, evidenciou-se que os artigos encontrados abordaram o sistema de informação e monitoramento em saúde, porém não se direcionam à saúde da população idosa. Já os dados oriundos da Pesquisa de Campo foram analisados e apresentados, emergindo da opinião dos gestores do sistema de informação para AB. Todos responderam que não existe um sistema específico que traga informações quanto à saúde do idoso. O Produto Tecnológico foi construído através dos formulários do Google, contém a equipe a que pertence, o mês de referências e as 27 questões contendo a produção relacionada a saúde da população idosa de cada território. Conclusão: Com relação à qualidade das informações, se faz necessário realizar um trabalho desejando à conscientização e consequentemente o compromisso do profissional de saúde com o registro de suas atividades diárias e percebe-se ainda uma escassez de trabalhos publicados com esse tema. Contudo, este software será de fundamental importância para a gestão e para os profissionais que compõem as equipes de saúde da família do município de João Pessoa, na medida que, através dele e com sua atualização mensal, o município terá dados atualizados para uma melhor compreensão de sua alimentação para análise e monitoramento da saúde do idoso.
  • Date: Mar 29, 2019
  • Time: 08:00
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  • INTRODUÇÃO: O processo de envelhecimento ocasiona, por sua vez, mudanças nas demandas de saúde. Sendo assim, a partir desta conjuntura, observa-se a necessidade de cuidados prolongados em pacientes, muitas vezes também, devido à insuficiência de suporte familiar. Considerada como uma síndrome geriátrica, a depressão está relacionada ao comprometimento da saúde e da qualidade de vida, além das altas taxas de morbidade e mortalidade, que consiste em um problema de saúde pública. A depressão em idosos apresenta alta prevalência e é considerado um fator associado ao suicídio e a morte precoce. As mudanças estruturais das famílias, no desempenho de seus papéis, na redução do seu tamanho e dos arranjos familiares, interferem na disponibilidade de pessoas para os cuidados aos idosos dependentes em casa, ocasionando a transferência de responsabilidade desses cuidados para as Instituições de Longa Permanência para Idosos. Muitos idosos negam a existência da doença e não procuram o acompanhamento profissional adequado. Os profissionais enfrentam dificuldades diante do diagnóstico e do tratamento da depressão. OBJETIVO: Propor um histórico de enfermagem para idosos institucionalizados com depressão subsidiado no modelo teórico das NHB; identificar, com base na revisão de literatura, indicadores empíricos em idosos institucionalizados com depressão; classificar os indicadores empíricos identificados com base na Teoria das Necessidades Humanas Básicas de Wanda Horta; confirmar a utilidade dos indicadores empíricos para a prática profissional e construir, com base nos indicadores validados, um histórico de enfermagem para idosos institucionalizados com depressão. MÉTODO: Trata-se de uma pesquisa metodológica desenvolvida em Instituições de Longa Permanência nas cidades de Recife/PE e João Pessoa /PB com a participação de cinco enfermeiras, utilizando o modelo teórico das Necessidades Humanas Básicas de Wanda Horta entre os meses de julho e novembro de 2018. A pesquisa foi desenvolvida nas seguintes etapas: 1- Revisão integrativa da literatura para identificação de indicadores empíricos na avaliação de idosos com depressão em ILPI. Estes indicadores foram classificados de acordo com as Necessidades Humanas Básicas de Horta; 2- Confirmação da utilidade para a prática profissional dos indicadores empíricos com enfermeiros. Para cada indicador, foi calculado o Índice de Validade de Conteúdo. 3 – Estruturação do histórico de enfermagem com os indicadores empíricos que obtiveram um Índice de Validade de Conteúdo ≥ 0,80 entre enfermeiros, seguindo os princípios éticos preconizados pelo Conselho Nacional de Saúde para pesquisa com seres humanos. Foi construído o histórico de enfermagem para idosos institucionalizados com depressão e, por fim, a realização de validação do conteúdo do instrumento. RESULTADOS: Desenvolveu-se neste trabalho, a partir de indicadores empíricos, um instrumento de histórico de enfermagem, a fim de auxiliar e construir o saber técnico com a autonomia do profissional de enfermagem para idosos institucionalizados com depressão. CONSIDERAÇÕES FINAIS: a partir da pesquisa aqui empreendida e do desenvolvimento do histórico de enfermagem, pode-se confirmar a necessidade de atenção dos profissionais de enfermagem junto aos idosos em estado depressivo, pois por meio da utilização dos instrumentos diagnósticos e de um Histórico de Enfermagem é possível obter informações da doença, podendo auxiliar no tratamento adequado de modo que possa evitar que chegue ao último estágio da doença: o suicídio.
  • Date: Mar 28, 2019
  • Time: 08:00
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  • Introdução: A saúde bucal é componente inseparável do sistema de saúde corporal, capaz de afetar o bem-estar físico e psicossocial das pessoas. No contexto da pessoa idosa, especialmente em condição de dependência funcional, esses cuidados têm relação com a preservação da saúde geral, ficando sob responsabilidade dos cuidadores a execução das ações de cuidado. Embora orientações sobre higiene corporal e bucal sejam referidas em manuais e cartilhas para cuidadores, sabe-se da dificuldade de acesso e da baixa motivação para a busca de novos conhecimentos. Objetivos: 1- Identificar as publicações acerca do conhecimento dos cuidadores sobre saúde bucal da pessoa idosa dependente. 2- Identificar como os cuidadores atuam com relação à saúde bucal de idosos dependentes. 3- Elaborar uma tecnologia educativa para cuidadores, abordando aspectos da saúde e higiene bucal da pessoa idosa. Percurso Metodológico: trata-se de um estudo metodológico, que teve como proposta construir um vídeo educativo com orientações sobre saúde bucal para cuidadores de idosos dependentes. Resultados e Discussão: Foram produzidos dois artigos: 1- “Saúde bucal de idosos dependentes e conhecimentos do cuidador: revisão integrativa”, cujos achados do estudo mostraram as dificuldades enfrentadas pelos cuidadores no provimento das ações de saúde bucal aos idosos, bem como a formação deficiente, déficit de conhecimentos, sobrecarga de trabalho, crenças negativas em saúde e influência do processo de trabalho na execução dessas atividades. 2- “Vídeo educativo para o cuidador de idosos: aspectos da saúde e higiene bucal”, que foi realizado por meio da aplicação de um questionário estruturado aos cuidadores de idosos em institutos de longa permanência. A partir destes resultados, elaborou-se o script do vídeo, o qual foi submetido à avaliação por um comitê composto por três experts, os quais sugeriram alterações textuais, a fim de facilitar a compreensão dos cuidadores ao utilizarem o produto tecnológico educativo. Considerações finais: A literatura mostrou que o cuidador de idosos apresenta dificuldades na execução dos cuidados relacionados com a saúde bucal do idoso, o que influencia na prestação da assistência ao idoso dependente. A pesquisa mostrou a necessidade do uso da tecnologia educativa para a orientação de cuidadores, constituindo o vídeo uma estratégia que auxilia na apreensão do conteúdo, pela dinâmica de recursos audiovisuais, com demonstração prática das condutas assistenciais.
  • Date: Mar 27, 2019
  • Time: 16:00
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  • Introdução: na atualidade são estimuladas estratégias que vêm fortalecer a inserção social e econômica do idoso na sociedade com o uso da arteterapia enquanto atividade terapêutica voltada para a população idosa não se limita em registrar comportamentos ou sintomas próprios da velhice, ao contrário, resgata propostas, estudos e ideias para que se alcancem meios em defesa de um envelhecimento saudável. Objetivos: apreender as evidencias cientificas sobre a arteterapia para pessoas idosas; conhecer a opinião de pessoas idosas sobre a prática da arteterapia e propor um programa de ações de arteterapia para pessoas idosas. Método: trata-se de um estudo metodológico desenvolvido em três etapas: a primeira compreendeu uma revisão sistemática; a segunda realizou-se uma entrevista semiestruturada com 13 mulheres idosas atendidas em um serviço de Atenção Básica e a terceira elaboração do produto. Resultados e Discussão: os resultados apreendidos da revisão sistemática a partir de buscas nas bases de dados: Medline, Scopus, Web of Science, Cochrane e Lilacs, de forma abrangente e irrestrita ao ano ou idioma de publicação. Identificou-se 5 artigos para amostra final, de um total de 1.297 artigos iniciais. Dos artigos analisados todos responderam à questão de que a arteterapia traz benefícios e melhora a qualidade de vida da pessoa idosa por trabalhar aspectos da socialização para o fortalecimento da autoimagem propiciando novas habilidades manuais. Os dados coletados foram submetidos a técnica de análise de conteúdo apontando as classes ou categorias: 1: Descrições da terapia como aprendizagem, contemplando as unidades de análise ou textos em que as idosas descrevem a terapia como formas de aprendizagem, correspondendo 28% das falas; 2: Descrições sobre os efeitos psicológicos da terapia, formada pelas unidades de análises ou textos em que as mulheres idosas falam sobre o impacto da terapia na saúde física e metal, com 34% das falas e a 3: Descrições da terapia na saúde física e a mental, formada por 38% das respostas. Conclusão: verificou-se que a arteterapia enquanto estratégia para vencer dificuldades internas e externas estimula a superação de seus limites pessoais, ou praticando o que já sabem ou pelo desejo de aprender artes novas que vão desde a busca social à comunicação via rede social como um modo de ressignificar a vida. A proposta do programa para pessoas idosas é uma atividade importante a ser utilizada em diferentes serviços. Assim espera-se que o referido programa contribua, em particular para estimular os participantes, atraí-los aos grupos de convivências, após a aposentadoria para melhor qualidade de vida da pessoa idosa.
  • Date: Mar 27, 2019
  • Time: 14:00
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  • Introdução: o estado de saúde bucal dos idosos é parte indispensável e integrante da saúde geral, sendo necessária sua manutenção e prevenção, pois uma vez afetada, pode interferir na alimentação dificultando a absorção dos nutrientes, na satisfação física e mental, e assim, diminuindo o contentamento de uma vida social ativa. Objetivos: buscar na literatura evidencias cientificas sobre a relação da saúde bucal dos idosos com a qualidade de vida e a depressão; avaliar a condição de saúde bucal e sua relação com a qualidade de vida e depressão dos idosos, elaborar um guia de orientação diante da realidade que os idosos se apresentam. Metodologia: trata-se de um estudo metodológico, com as seguintes etapas: revisão sistemática da literatura para averiguar a correlação entre saúde bucal, depressão e qualidade de vida e realizado com 120 idosos de ambos os sexos, residentes no município de João Pessoa/Paraíba. Para coleta de dados utilizou-se um instrumento elaborado para este estudo contendo dados sobre a saúde bucal; saúde geral e dados sócio demográfico. Para medir a qualidade de vida foram aplicadas as escalas: Whoquol Breef, Whoquol old e GDS-15 para avaliar a sintomatologia da depressão. Os resultados foram analisados a partir da estatística descritiva. Resultados e Discussão: na primeira etapa, foram utilizadas as bibliotecas e bases de dados: Medline, Scopus, Web of Science, Lilacs e Cochrane Library, de forma abrangente e irrestrita ao ano ou idioma de publicação, usando os termos para pesquisa: Elderly; Dental care for aged, Health services for the aged, (resultado) Depression, Quality of life. Foram incluídos, após a triagem, seis estudos, que constataram que as alterações bucais interferem na qualidade de vida e na depressão de idosos independentes. Na segunda etapa foi realizada a pesquisa com os idosos, avaliados pelo o modelo de regressão logística binária (α=5%) e o teste de correlação de Spearman. Verificou-se relação significativa entre o número de dentes perdidos e os domínios: de auto-percepção sobre a saúde (r= −0,263), do meio ambiente (r= −0,244), físico (r= −0,180) e em relação ao escore total do WHOQOL-Breef (r= −0,200). Não constatou relação entre a Escala de Depressão Geriátrica e a condição bucal. O pior escore do WHOQOL-Breef (<75%) (RP=1,07, IC95%=1,01-1,13) está relacionado ao maior número de dentes perdidos. Além disso, os idosos que possuem melhor escore de WHOQOL-Old (>75%) (RP=0,54, IC95%=0,33-0,88) são aqueles que se consultaram no setor público. A maior prevalência de depressão (GDS>5) (RP=1,64, IC95%=1,05-2,59) foram encontradas nas mulheres. A perda dentária não apresenta correlação com a depressão em idosos, entretanto ela tem influência na qualidade de vida relacionada à saúde. A terceira etapa elaborou-se o Guia de Orientação para Saúde Bucal para idosos com a finalidade de implementar e consolidar hábitos saudáveis de higiene bucal que contribuem no envelhecimento saudável e na obtenção de uma boa qualidade de vida. Conclusão: este estudo propôs elaborar um guia para o programa de controle e prevenção voltados a saúde bucal dos idosos, contribuindo para a manutenção de uma boa qualidade de vida proporcionando um envelhecimento saudável.
  • Date: Mar 27, 2019
  • Time: 13:30
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  • Introdução: O envelhecimento da população é um fenômeno que vem sendo observado a nível mundial, principalmente nos países em desenvolvimento. Constatam-se mudanças nas demandas de saúde da população brasileira, na direção das necessidades da população geriátrica representadas por problemas crônicos, que requerem intervenções mais sofisticadas e onerosas. Nesse contexto, a depressão emerge como um importante agravo entre essa população. É dever de todo o profissional de saúde – e nesse contexto o enfermeiro está inserido, implantar metodologias estratégicas de assistência referentes a um acompanhamento holístico do paciente. Para auxiliar nos questionamentos relatados, o enfermeiro utiliza a Sistematização da Assistência de Enfermagem (SAE), que é um espaço destinado para expressar/captar as necessidades, colaborando através da solução dos problemas privativos do enfermeiro e articulação com outros segmentos, profissionais ou estruturas de suporte. A consulta de enfermagem caracteriza-se por ser uma ferramenta tecnológica de fundamental importância nesse processo. Neste estudo, optou-se pela Teoria das Necessidades Humanas Básicas de Wanda Horta, além de ser uma das teorias mais utilizadas em todo o país, se ajusta ao atendimento do perfil da clientela escolhida, além de ser o referencial teórico implementado no Hospital Universitário Lauro Wanderley (HULW). Objetivos: Realizar uma revisão integrativa, por meio de artigos publicados em periódicos, em relação ao instrumento sobre a consulta de enfermagem em idosos com depressão; identificar os indicadores empíricos das Necessidades Humanas Básicas, correlacionando com a nomenclatura de diagnósticos, resultados e intervenções; construir um instrumento para a consulta de enfermagem para a pessoa idosa com depressão. Método: Trata-se de um estudo do tipo metodológico, implementado no atendimento do ambulatório de psiquiatria do Hospital Universitário Lauro Wanderley, na cidade de João Pessoa – PB. O mesmo foi desenvolvido em três etapas: identificação dos indicadores empíricos, ancorado na teoria das Necessidades Humanas Básicas, em idosos com depressão; desenvolvimento dos enunciados de diagnósticos/resultados e intervenções, a partir dos indicadores identificados; elaboração de um instrumento para a Sistematização da Assistência de Enfermagem. Resultados: Realizada uma ampla revisão na literatura para verificar as necessidades dos idosos com depressão, usando como pressuposto por Horta, ocasionando na obtenção de indicadores específicos. Em seguida, foram desenvolvidos enunciados de diagnósticos/resultados e intervenções de enfermagem, que posteriormente foram utilizados na elaboração da construção do instrumento. Após essa etapa, foi desenvolvida versão final do produto, considerando a sua importância para a prática assistencial. Considerações finais: Espera-se que a utilização deste instrumento seja um avanço na implementação da SAE, que possa subsidiar a equipe para orientar o paciente, família, cuidador, para tratar as necessidades afetadas e minimizar as dificuldades que já estiverem instaladas, favorecer o ensino, facilitar a comunicação e registro da assistência de enfermagem. Conclui-se afirmando que este instrumento pode ser utilizado no ensino e na pesquisa em enfermagem, tornando-os mais efetivos e promovem visibilidade dessa assistência para a clientela e outros profissionais da enfermagem.
  • Date: Mar 26, 2019
  • Time: 14:00
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  • Introdução: a dor crônica é um grande desafio para a saúde pública, associada a processos patológicos de longa duração, que se aprazam por meses e muitas vezes por anos, principalmente a população idosa. Diante disto, se faz necessária uma adequada avaliação e diagnósticos assertivos por parte da equipe multiprofissional, para evitar tratamentos ineficazes. Nesse contexto, ressalta-se a importância do cuidado sistematizado de enfermagem direcionado ao idoso com dor crônica, no sentido de contribuir para minimizar ou resolver esse sintoma. Objetivos: buscar evidências científicas sobre as estratégias terapêuticas para pessoa idosa com dor crônica; realizar diagnósticos e intervenções de enfermagem para pessoas idosas com dor crônica e propor um roteiro para consulta de enfermagem para pessoa idosa com dor crônica. Método: trata-se de um estudo metodológico desenvolvido em três etapas: na primeira foi realizada uma revisão integrativa da literatura sobre as estratégias terapêuticas para pessoa idosa com dor crônica; a segunda etapa foi realizada uma pesquisa para construção de diagnósticos e de intervenções de enfermagem para pessoas idosas com dor crônica e na terceira foi construído um roteiro para consulta de enfermagem para pessoa idosa com dor crônica. O estudo teve a participação de 96 idosos residentes nos condomínios Cidade Madura, situados em cinco Municípios do Estado da Paraíba. Foram realizadas entrevistas semiestruturadas, no período de novembro de 2018 a janeiro de 2019. Os dados foram analisados subsidiados no aporte teórico das Necessidades Humanas Básicas para construção de um roteiro de consulta de enfermagem voltado à pessoa idosa com dor crônica residente nos referidos condomínios. Resultados e discussão: participaram do estudo 96 idosos residentes nos Condomínios Cidade Madura do Estado da Paraíba: 26 idosos em Cajazeiras; 21 Souza, 18 Guarabira; 16 João Pessoa e 15 idosos Campina Grande. A prevalência de dor crônica no momento da entrevista o condomínio de Cajazeiras 38,5%(10) informaram sentir dor; em Souza 57,1% (12) referiram dor; Guarabira, metade dos entrevistados relataram sentir dor e a outra metade não sentiam dor, perfazendo 50% (9) respectivamente; em João Pessoa, 37,5%(6) relataram dor 42,9% (6) na região anterior dos membros inferiores joelho e 40% na região posterior do tronco; Campina Grande, 73,3%(11) estavam com dor. Os dados coletados subsidiaram a construção diagnósticos de enfermagem e intervenções no Modelo Teórico das Necessidades Humanas Básicas levando-se em consideração as dimensões: psicobiologicas, psicossociais e Psicoespirituais na construção de um roteiro para consulta de enfermagem dos moradores idosos dos cinco Condomínios Cidade Madura. Considerações finais: O instrumento proposto para consulta de enfermagem irá auxiliar a equipe de enfermagem nas intervenções de enfermagem frente a dor crônica a partir da identificação de diagnósticos para possíveis intervenções de enfermagem, contribuindo assim, na assistência à pessoa idosa com queixas dolorosas, colaborando no acompanhamento desses pacientes e com pesquisa futuras.
  • Date: Mar 25, 2019
  • Time: 08:30
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  • O envelhecimento populacional ocorre em todo o mundo e traz consigo algumas preocupacoes por ocasionar consequencias sociais e biologicas para a sociedade. Os estudos evidenciam que a comunicacao intergeracional entre jovens e idosos favorece a construcao de vinculos, desfaz barreiras de estereotipos e preconceitos sociais e culturais. Esta pesquisa teve por objetivo Estabelecer a Comunicacao Intergeracional entre Jovens e Idosos por meio de Oficinas Pedagogicas. Trata-se de um estudo descritivo com abordagem qualitativa, que utilizou como opcao pedagogica a problematizacao. Na primeira etapa da pesquisa foi realizada uma revisao integrativa e na segunda etapa foram construidas e aplicadas cinco oficinas pedagogicas com 18 idosos e 18 jovens. As oficinas foram baseadas na metodologia da problematizacao, na investigacao dos dados utilizou-se a analise de conteudo e o software Iramuteq na analise estatisticas dos elementos textuais. Os resultados apontam que atividades de intervencoes por meio das oficinas pedagogicas acarretam mudancas de atitudes e comportamentos nos idosos e nos jovens e promove a comunicacao intergeracional entre jovens e idosos.
  • Date: Mar 22, 2019
  • Time: 09:00
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  • Introdução: toda interferência na formação psicológica da criança ou do adolescente, pode ser considerada alienação parental, está prática é observada nas relações familiares, sendo vítima das atitudes de um genitor alienador. O conceito do instituto em análise trata-se da prática do guardião alienador ou de qualquer outra pessoa de seu convívio social que dissemine falsas memórias e atinja a integridade do genitor que não possui a guarda do menor alienado, gerando consequentemente o afastamento do genitor do menor alienado. Objetivos: evidenciar as produções científicas sobre a alienação parental associada ao processo de envelhecimento; conhecer a concepção de pessoas idosas sobre a alienação parental; propor um Blogue Informativo sobre alienação parental para pessoa idosa. Abordagem metodológica: estudo de natureza metodológica de abordagem quali-quantitativa distribuído em etapas fundamentais para alcançar a elaboração de produto tecnológico voltado para orientação aos idosos sobre alienação parental: a primeira compreendeu uma revisão integrativa da literatura sobre a alienação parental na velhice; a segunda etapa foi caracterizada pela pesquisa com pessoas idosas sobre a alienação parental; a terceira etapa compreendeu a produção de um blogue informativo subsidiado pelo aparato legal vigente e as considerações feitas pelos idosos entrevistados. Resultados e discussão: a partir de um corpus constituído por 50 entrevistas, os dados apreendidos pelas entrevistas, foram formadas duas classes, denominadas a partir do discurso apresentado, sendo a Categoria 1 - Dimensões conceituais da alienação parental na velhice; Categoria 2 - Imagens atribuidas por idosos à alienação parental. Elas traduzem, em sua integralidade sobre o modo de pensar e de agir de como os idosos repercutem o reconhecimento sobre a alienação parental. Destaca-se a falta de conhecimento dos idosos sobre o instituto da alienação parental, no sentido que durante a pesquisa aplicada, na qual se verificou que quase a totalidade dos entrevistados não detém conhecimento sobre alienação parental em desfavor dos idosos. Baseado nos argumentos expostos, constuiu-se o blogue nele constando postagens sobre as leis virgentes relacionado ao idoso, perguntas com intuito de informar, esclarecer e proteger os direitos das pessoas idosas que estão sendo vítimas de atitudes existentes no âmbito do convívio social/familiar, informações e esclarecimentos no sentido de orientar os idosos, familiares e cuidadores sobre a alienação parental. Considerações finais: As abordagens da alienação parental a partir das dimensões conceituais estão previstas na legislação e doutrina, mesmo sendo constatado que há pouca doutrina no que tange a proteção do idoso neste instituto pode ser utilizado interpretação análoga. Por fim, uma das maiores dificuldades é a falta de conhecimento dos idosos sobre este tema. Nesse contexto, dependendo da realidade na qual o idoso esta inserido, torna-se vunerável a situação de vítima da alienação parental, considerando as condições de saúde, psíquico e/ou afetivo, os direitos da pessoa idosa de ter uma qualidade de convivencia familiar podem ser privados, resultando em agravamento ao estado fisico e mental.
  • JOGO DIGITAL PARA INTERAÇÃO ENTRE CRIANÇAS E IDOSOS: construindo laços intergeracionais
  • Date: Mar 22, 2019
  • Time: 08:00
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  • Introdução: O envelhecimento populacional compreende uma realidade desafiadora para todas as sociedades. Frente a esta problemática evidenciam-se muitas dificuldades, como a tendência de fragmentação da família com distanciamento entre as gerações, que impacta nos relacionamentos familiares e nas funções domiciliares do idoso, refletindo negativamente nas relações intergeracionais. Neste contexto, a educação intergeracional se destaca como uma estratégia poderosa para a promoção do envelhecimento ativo, por meio da melhoria da qualidade de vida e das relações entre as pessoas, contribuindo para a construção de uma sociedade com laços de solidariedade mais fortalecidos. Assim, considerando os desafios e as pressões sociais que podem surgir a partir do processo de envelhecimento populacional, os jogos digitais não só constituem uma estratégia para conectar diferentes gerações, mas também proporcionam benefícios a todos os envolvidos, como a facilitação para a comunicação, a cooperação, e o aprendizado compartilhado. Objetivos: Evidenciar a produção científica sobre os benefícios dos Programas Intergeracionais na promoção das relações entre crianças e idosos; identificar a opinião dos idosos sobre atividades interativas com as crianças; elaborar um jogo digital para crianças e idosos. Método: Trata-se de uma pesquisa exploratória de abordagem qualitativa desenvolvida em três etapas: na primeira, foi realizada uma revisão integrativa, utilizando os descritores: Idoso; Criança; Relação entre Gerações e Educação, considerando o termo booleano AND; e as palavras-chaves: Intergeracionalidade, Educação Gerontológica e Programas Intergeracionais, com seus correspondentes na língua inglesa e espanhola. Na segunda etapa foi realizada uma pesquisa com trinta crianças, em uma escola pública, e trinta pessoas idosas, em uma instituição de atendimento, no município de João Pessoa - Paraíba. Os dados foram coletados a partir de entrevistas semiestruturadas submetidas à técnica de análise de conteúdo temática, emergindo, assim, quatro categorias: opiniões de crianças e idosos sobre interação intergeracional; opinião dos idosos sobre a participação em atividade com crianças; tipos de atividades sugeridas pelos idosos para interagir com crianças; posicionamento de crianças e idosos sobre o uso de um jogo digital intergeracional. Na terceira etapa, os resultados obtidos pela pesquisa subsidiaram o desenvolvimento de um jogo digital para promover a interação recreativa entre crianças e idosos e facilitar a comunicação intergeracional. Resultados: Verificou-se uma boa aceitação das crianças e dos idosos para uso de um jogo digital e que as crianças costumam utilizar essa forma de entretenimento, na maioria das vezes por meio do celular, e veem na referida ferramenta uma oportunidade para explorar e interagir em conjunto. Conclusão: Espera-se que o jogo proposto estimule maior interação, reforçando sentimentos positivos, para um convívio intergeracional saudável e estimulador do ponto de vista social e afetivo.
  • Date: Mar 21, 2019
  • Time: 14:00
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  • Introdução: O crescimento da população de idosos é mundial e tem acontecido tanto em números absolutos quanto relativos, trazendo o envelhecimento como uma realidade. Neste contexto, a presbiacusia refere-se à diminuição auditiva relacionada ao envelhecimento, e se apresenta como sendo uma das maiores privações sensoriais. Pode trazer consigo o isolamento do indivíduo, levando-o ao rompimento da comunicação. A linguagem, seja ela oral ou escrita, é considerada um mecanismo do pensamento e, por meio dele, o indivíduo recompõe-se, programa suas ações, entende, aprende, apresenta sua opinião e se constrói como sujeito. Os aspectos de audição e linguagem estão relacionados com a forma como os indivíduos comunicam-se, exercendo seu papel social, fator este de muita relevância para uma melhor qualidade de vida desta população. Sendo assim, a construção do checklist que vai rastrear alterações da audição e linguagem em idosos por profissionais de saúde não-fonoaudiólogos torna-se relevante. Objetivo: Construir um checklist para identificar as alterações de audição e linguagem em idosos. Metodologia: Trata-se de uma pesquisa metodológica de abordagem quantitativa, estruturada em duas etapas: 1. Revisão integrativa da literatura sobre as alterações de audição e linguagem do idoso para subsidiar a elaboração da primeira versão do checklist, realizada nos meses de fevereiro e março de 2018; 2. Construção do checklist para rastreamento das alterações de audição e de linguagem, após avaliação e contribuição dos participantes. Os participantes iniciaram o processo de validação de conteúdo do instrumento, compondo dois grupos: GE (grupo de experts), e GP (grupo de profissionais de saúde). Os dados foram organizados em planilha digital e as variáveis foram analisadas de forma descritiva utilizando o índice de validação do conteúdo (IVC). Resultados: Apresenta-se como produto um checklist para rastreamento das alterações de audição e linguagem em idosos, que poderá ser preenchido por profissionais de saúde não-fonoaudiólogos que atuem junto à pessoa idosa em unidades de saúde. A partir disso, constatar a necessidade de encaminhamento para o fonoaudiólogo para avaliação específica. Conclusão: A avaliação de experts e profissionais de saúde não-fonoaudiólogos confirmou a elaboração adequada do checklist para ser aplicado por profissionais de saúde, encaminhando, se necessário, ao fonoaudiólogo. O rastreamento através de uma folha de verificação (checklist) detecta possíveis falhas/dificuldades de audição e de linguagem do idoso, servindo de instrumento para tomada de decisão.
  • Date: Mar 21, 2019
  • Time: 10:00
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  • Introdução: as arboviroses têm sido uma temática debatida nos diversos espaços de saúde, em busca da conscientização, prevenção dos riscos e melhor atendimento, principalmente na população idosa, por serem indivíduos mais vulneráveis aos arbovírus. Doenças emergentes e de apresentação cíclica, com manifestações atípicas e graves na população idosa, Dengue, Chikungunya e Zika promovem alterações orgânicas, sendo a Chikungunya responsável por mais óbitos em idosos, por alterações cardíacas, com possibilidade de diagnóstico na fase aguda. Objetivos: evidenciar produção cientifica sobre as alterações cardíacas nos idosos com Chikungunya; conhecer o que pensam os profissionais da saúde e idosos sobre as arboviroses; propor um fluxograma eletrônico sobre as arboviroses com orientação para os idosos e os profissionais da saúde. Método: Trata-se de uma pesquisa metodológica, iniciando pela revisão integrativa abordando o tema alterações cardíacas em idosos por Chikungunya; em seguida, entrevista com 50 profissionais da saúde e 50 idosos sobre o conhecimento das arboviroses e o atendimento à população idosa, as entrevistas foram semiestruturadas, gravadas, com questionário social, nos serviços de Doenças Infecto-Parasitarias do Hospital Universitário Lauro Wanderley e no Complexo Hospitalar Clementino Fraga em João Pessoa-PB. Os textos foram processados no software IRaMuTeQ, posteriormente analisou-se as falas, que auxiliou na elaboração do fluxograma eletrônico sobre arboviroses com orientações para idosos e profissionais da saúde. Resultados e Discussão: foi observado na revisão da literatura que as alterações cardíacas provocadas pela Chikungunya nos idosos ocasionam lesões cardíacas que podem ser diagnosticadas na fase aguda da infecção ou se prolongar por meses por ausência de exames cardiológicos, reduzindo a capacidade física pelo grau de insuficiência grave ou mesmo evoluindo para o óbito, justificando a necessidade de um maior esclarecimento sobre os exames, os sintomas, e os fatores que podem agravar com arbovirose. Identificou-se que a maioria dos profissionais conhece pouco sobre a política, sobre os direitos no atendimento da pessoa idosa nos serviços de saúde e sobre as manifestações de gravidade nos idosos. No entanto os idosos, falaram mais sobre os sintomas das arboviroses e menos sobre seus direitos no atendimento e a gravidade dessas doenças; mas, analisando os textos descritos e comparando-os com a literatura nota-se que os idosos não gozam dos seus direitos no atendimento. Os serviços não estão planejados para recebê-los e sobre a sintomatologia e a gravidade das infecções; eles confundem as diferenças clínicas entre as arboviroses e as manifestações graves mais citadas foram as doenças reumáticas, ligadas à Chikungunya e as hemorragias ligadas à Dengue. Quanto a prevenção das arboviroses, os profissionais da saúde e os idosos conhecem as medidas preventivas básicas. Considerações finais: espera-se que este fluxograma traga benefícios para o que concerne ao cuidado a pessoa idosa por meio da divulgação das condutas e práticas abordadas, as quais poderão proporcionar bem-estar e qualidade de vida no processo de envelhecimento saudável, promovendo o fortalecimento das políticas públicas para pessoa idosa no Sistema Único de Saúde.
  • Date: Mar 21, 2019
  • Time: 08:00
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  • Introdução: As repercussões do envelhecimento para a sociedade são consideráveis e geram a necessidade de um olhar mais dinâmico sobre os idosos e suas consequências naturais, como também sobre as morbidades mais frequentes. Dentre estas, tem-se o Acidente vascular cerebral (AVC), que se encontra entre os fatores de risco da velhice e cujas sequelas configuram-se como um agravo à saúde, evidenciando a necessidade do cuidado à pessoa idosa. Objetivos: Identificar, nas produções científicas, as alterações de deglutição em idosos pós Acidente vascular cerebral; conhecer a prevalência das alterações de deglutição pós-AVC em idosos assistidos em um serviço de atenção domiciliar; e construir um fluxograma para o manejo de pessoas idosas com alterações de deglutição pós-Acidente vascular cerebral. Metodologia: Tratou-se de uma pesquisa metodológica de abordagem quantitativa, que foi realizada em dezembro de 2018, estruturada nas seguintes fases: realização de uma revisão integrativa da literatura sobre as alterações na deglutição de idosos pós-AVC; estudo documental em prontuários, onde foram observadas variáveis sociodemográficos, clínicas e prevalência de alterações de deglutição de idosos pós AVC atendidos no serviço de atenção domiciliar, no ano de 2017, e posterior construção do fluxograma para o manejo de idosos com alterações da deglutição pós AVC. Os dados foram categorizados e alocados em planilha digital no Microsoft Excel. Posteriormente, submetidos à análise estatística descritiva (frequência absoluta e percentual), utilizando o programa estatístico software R. Resultados: Foram analisados 139 prontuários de pessoas idosas assistidas pelo serviço de atenção domiciliar do município de João Pessoa no período do ano de 2017. Após a aplicação dos critérios de inclusão e exclusão, a amostra foi constituída por 38 prontuários, onde foi possível observar dados relacionados às características dos idosos, que subsidiaram a construção do fluxograma como ferramenta tecnológica de cuidado a pessoa idosa. Achados preponderantes quanto à prevalência do sexo masculino no acometimento do AVC, idosos na faixa etária entre 71-80 anos, e quanto aos aspectos pulmonares encontram-se estáveis, nutricional regular e alimentares com deglutição por via oral e em todas as consistências alimentares e quanto à deglutição com dificuldade ao deglutir. Conclusão: A partir dos dados alcançados com a pesquisa, observou-se que existem várias alterações na deglutição de pessoas idosas pós-AVC, que comprometem a saúde e a qualidade de vida dos indivíduos acometidos. O fluxograma apresentado neste estudo pode auxiliar os profissionais de saúde que assistem esta demanda, proporcionando um melhor direcionamento, o mais precoce possível, ao profissional fonoaudiólogo, bem como à equipe multidisciplinar.
  • Date: Mar 19, 2019
  • Time: 09:00
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  • Introdução: o avanço da tecnologia, por meio da disponibilização de cirurgias menos invasivas e mais rápidas, associado ao aperfeiçoamento técnico dos profissionais, possibilitou um aumento da confiança nos procedimentos cirúrgicos, implicando em um menor índice de complicações pós-operatórias e consequente aumento da população cirúrgica mais idosa. O posicionamento cirúrgico dos pacientes é fundamental para proporcionar condições de cirurgia favoráveis e evitar complicações devido a permanência em posições não fisiológicas por períodos prolongados. Nesse contexto, a criação de um protocolo que englobe medidas perioperatórias torna-se uma estratégia eficaz para implementação da Sistematização da Assistência de Enfermagem por meio da utilização de instrumentos que direcionem o enfermeiro na tomada de decisão, visando reduzir os riscos de lesões decorrentes da posição cirúrgica inadequada. Objetivo: propor um protocolo de avaliação de risco para lesões decorrentes do posicionamento em idosos submetidos a cirurgias eletivas. Método: constituiu-se de um estudo metodológico de elaboração do protocolo e validação de conteúdo por especialistas, realizada com a participação de 10 juízes, sendo seis enfermeiros de um Hospital Universitário de uma capital do Nordeste, e quatro docentes e pesquisadores de algumas universidades brasileiras. O Índice de Validade de Conteúdo foi utilizado para quantificar o grau de concordância entre os juízes. Resultados: foi realizada a caracterização dos juízes e a descrição da validação de conteúdo, onde obteve-se índice de concordância de 0,95. As sugestões dos juízes consideradas pertinentes foram acatadas, o que resultou no produto tecnológico: Protocolo de avaliação de risco para desenvolvimento de lesões decorrentes do posicionamento cirúrgico em idosos (Versão 2). Conclusão: a validação do protocolo mostrou-se válida para detectar/minimizar os riscos de complicações por posicionamento cirúrgico, possibilitando seu uso como uma importante estratégia para padronização do cuidado e segurança do procedimento, representando um avanço nas áreas de gerontologia e enfermagem perioperatória.
  • Date: Mar 18, 2019
  • Time: 14:00
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  • Introdução: Nas últimas décadas, o Brasil acompanha o cenário mundial no que concerne ao processo de transição demográfica, com consequente envelhecimento populacional, o que tem demandado a necessidade de transformação das práticas de cuidado em saúde. Observa-se que muitos idosos apresentam alterações miofuncionais e vocais decorrentes da senescência, o que passa desapercebido por muitos profissionais que acabam não identificando tais alterações. Vale destacar que estas necessitam de intervenção fonoaudiológica. Objetivos: Identificar, na literatura, publicações que tratem das principais alterações vocais e miofuncionais em idosos; construir um instrumento para identificação de alterações miofuncionais e vocais em idosos por profissionais de saúde da atenção básica; ofertar para os profissionais de saúde um guia de orientação que favoreça a identificação de tais modificações em idosos. Metodologia: Trata-se de um estudo metodológico, elaborado através de três etapas: a primeira, realizada através de revisão integrativa de literatura sobre as alterações de comunicação da pessoa idosa no que se refere à motricidade orofacial e vocal em idosos; a segunda, que consistiu na construção do Guia de orientação a partir dos dados adquiridos na literatura; e a terceira etapa, que foi a validação de conteúdo do Guia de orientação por oito juízes experts na temática. A pesquisa foi aprovada pelo comitê de ética em pesquisa da Universidade Federal da Paraíba, sob o parecer 2.190.153 e seguiu todos os aspectos éticos legais envolvendo seres humanos, de acordo com a Resolução 466/2012. Para análise dos dados, foi utilizado o Índice de Validade de Conteúdo. Resultados: Na revisão integrativa de literatura, após aplicação dos critérios de exclusão e inclusão, permaneceram nove artigos, apresentando maior número de publicações no ano de 2015, tendo a revista CEFAC como a que mais tratou sobre o assunto por meio de artigos publicados. Os estudos apontam que há alterações vocais e oromiofuncionais decorrentes da senescência, sendo elas: rouquidão, tremor e diminuição da intensidade vocal; diminuição de tônus e força da língua e da musculatura mastigatória. Na validação do Guia de Orientação, no tocante aos objetivos, estrutura, apresentação e relevância, obteve média geral do Índice de Validade de Conteúdo de 0,90, dessa forma, os Juízes aprovaram sua aplicabilidade, sendo todas as sugestões acatadas para a versão final. Considerações Finais: O instrumento proposto foi validado pelos juízes e proporcionará aos profissionais de saúde a possibilidade de identificar alterações vocais e oromiofuncionais em idosos precocemente, realizando encaminhamento ao fonoaudiólogo e minimizando possíveis prejuízos à saúde do idoso.
  • Date: Mar 18, 2019
  • Time: 08:00
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  • Introdução: Com o crescente envelhecimento da população idosa, necessita-se o olhar de gestores e profissionais da saúde que compreendam suas especificidades para o cuidado diário e promoção da sua qualidade de vida. Ademais o processo do envelhecimento associado às dificuldades socioeconómicas, pode estar exposto às adversidades como abandono, negligências e maus-tratos; que geram a violência sofrida por esta população e constitui-se como um grande problema imperceptível à sociedade. Objetivos: Levantar evidências na literatura para orientar e fortalecer a discussão sobre a violência contra a pessoa idosa; conhecer o que pensam os profissionais de saúde sobre a violência e maus-tratos contra pessoa idosa no âmbito hospitalar e propor um fluxograma para orientações de profissionais de saúde realizarem a identificação e notificação de casos de violência e maus-tratos contra pessoa idosa no contexto hospitalar. Método: Estudo metodológico com abordagem mista (quantitativa e qualitativa), estruturado em três etapas: revisão integrativa da literatura; estudo de campo e o produto tecnológico. Participaram do estudo de campo, 42 profissionais de saúde de um hospital, em um município do Estado do Ceará, selecionados por conveniência, considerando os critérios de inclusão que aceitaram participar da pesquisa. Para coleta de dados utilizou-se uma entrevista semiestruturada. Os dados foram processados por meio do software IRaMuTeQ® e a técnica da análise de conteúdo temática categorial. Resultados: Os resultados apontaram quatro categorias: (1) Desconhecimento sobre a identificação e notificação da violência; (2) Compreensão sobre a prioridade de assistência; (3) Reconhecimento das necessidades da assistência específicas ao idoso; (4) Conhecimentos sobre a violência à pessoa idosa pelos profissionais de saúde. Discussão: Verificou-se que os profissionais de saúde do ambiente hospitalar, mesmo diante dos casos de violência, não conseguem identificá-los e, consequentemente, não os notificam, daí ressalta-se, a importância para que os profissionais utilizem um instrumento que possa nortear a identificação dos casos de violência para notificar e encaminhar aos órgãos competentes de proteção aos direitos da pessoa idosa disponíveis no município. Considerações finais: Observa-se que os idosos frente a violência em diferentes contextos, em particular, no hospitalar ainda não é notificada por falta de preparo dos profissionais de saúde. Neste sentido, procurou-se construir um instrumento a partir de um fluxograma de identificação, notificação e encaminhamento, para pessoas idosas vítimas de violências e maus-tratos, a ser utilizado pelos profissionais do hospital.
  • Date: Mar 14, 2019
  • Time: 09:00
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  • Introdução: A assistência de enfermagem ao idoso institucionalizado com declínio cognitivo deve acontecer de forma a contemplar todas as suas necessidades, buscando proporcionar qualidade e individualidade na prestação do cuidado. Objetivo: Construir um instrumento para a coleta de dados da consulta de enfermagem voltado ao idoso institucionalizado com declínio cognitivo fundamentado na Teoria de Wanda Horta. Método: Tratou-se de uma pesquisa metodológica realizada em duas Instituições de Longa Permanência para Idosos Vila Vicentina Júlia Freire e Lar da Providência, em três etapas: 1) Identificação dos indicadores empíricos de necessidades humanas básicas dos idosos institucionalizados com declínio cognitivo, por meio de uma pesquisa com métodos mistos do tipo sequencial explanatória. Inicialmente, foi realizada uma pesquisa quantitativa com 90 idosos, que permitiu o rastreamento de 62 idosos com declínio cognitivo, por meio da aplicação do Mini Exame do Estado Mental. Em seguida, foi aplicada a pesquisa qualitativa, conduzida por meio de três grupos focais, constituídos da seguinte forma: um grupo, por sete idosos com declínio cognitivo, e os outros dois grupos, com 11 profissionais prestadores de cuidados aos idosos com declínio cognitivo, distribuídos da seguinte forma: um enfermeiro; três técnicos de enfermagem e sete cuidadores formais, para a detecção dos indicadores de necessidades humanas básicas dos idosos com declínio cognitivo. Na etapa 2, foi elaborado o instrumento de coleta de dados e na etapa 3, foi realizada a validação do conteúdo e aparência do instrumento de coleta de dados por oito enfermeiros especialistas na área postulada. Resultados: Foram identificados 91 indicadores de necessidades humanas básicas, dos quais, 67 pertencem às necessidades psicobiológicas, 22 às necessidades psicossociais e dois pertencentes à necessidade psicoespiritual. Os enfermeiros especialistas realizaram a validação de 85 indicadores de necessidades humanas básicas; 25 itens de validação do conteúdo, relacionados ao aspecto sociodemográfico, dados do serviço e prestação do cuidado e validação da aparência. Todos os itens validados obtiveram índice de validade de concordância acima de 0.80. Considerações Finais: Espera-se que a construção do instrumento de consulta de enfermagem ao idoso institucionalizado com declínio cognitivo permita promover um avanço na implementação da Sistematização da Assistência de Enfermagem nas instituições de longa permanência, proporcionando maior qualidade deste cuidado.
  • VÍDEO EDUCATIVO SOBRE SEXUALIDADE NO ENVELHECIMENTO: um caminho para o diálogo com a equipe de saúde
  • Date: Mar 8, 2019
  • Time: 08:00
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  • Introdução: a sexualidade é uma dimensão relacionada à saúde humana, sendo um componente fundamental da vida. Reconhecida como uma necessidade básica, está associada com qualidade de vida. A sua expressão não deixa de existir no envelhecimento e a sua compreensão torna-se essencial para o sucesso de uma atenção abrangente nessa faixa etária.Objetivos: identificar na literatura evidências científicas que influenciam a abordagem da sexualidade na pessoa idosa pelos profissionais de saúde; conhecer a abordagem da sexualidade no envelhecimento segundo os profissionais de saúde da atenção básica e construir um vídeo educativo sobre sexualidade no envelhecimento que possa favorecer a assistência à sexualidade dos idosos. Método: trata-se de um estudo metodológico de abordagem qualitativa realizado em três etapas: a primeira referente à pesquisa de revisão integrativa, por meio de busca de artigos científicos nas bases de dados, com enfoque sobre profissionais de saúde e sexualidade em idosos ou envelhecimento; a segunda etapa foi um estudo transversal, de abordagem qualitativa realizado nas Unidades Básicas de Saúde no município de João Pessoa/PB, com uma amostra não probabilística por conveniência composta por 40 profissionais de saúde, médicos e enfermeiros, a partir de uma entrevista semiestruturada utilizando-se para análise dos dados a técnica de análise de contéudo temática e a terceira etapa envolveu a construção de um vídeo educativo sobre sexualidade no envelhecimento, direcionado aos idosos para ser transmitido pelos profissionais de saúde. Resultados: na primeira etapa, as evidências apontam que a maioria dos profissionais de saúde possuem conhecimento limitado com atitudes, que variavam de menos permissivas a positivas, cuja abordagem do assunto, na maioria das vezes, não é realizada proativamente. Na segunda etapa, foram entrevistados os profissionais de saúde, sendo a amostra constituída equitativamente por médicos e enfermeiros. A análise de conteúdo originou cinco categorias: tipos de abordagens sobre sexualidade; dificuldades para abordagem; importância da abordagem; profissional indicado para abordar a sexualidade e opinião dos idosos sobre a sexualidade segundo os profissionais de saúde. A abordagem da sexualidade é ocasional, ocorrendo, prioritariamente, durante o procedimento de coleta citológica, especialmente no grupo da enfermagem, não se verificando na fala dos médicos. Grande parte dos médicos não aborda o assunto proativamente, surgindo uma abordagem eventual iniciada pelos idosos durante as consultas. A maioria dos profissionais revela dificuldades nessa conversa, sendo as principais referidas o desconforto por parte dos idosos e a falta de treinamento, material e capacitação sobre o assunto, na terceira etapa, a partir das demandas evidenciadas nas fases anteriores, foi construído um vídeo educativo em formato de animação gráfica versando sobre o que é sexualidade, sua importância, os mitos e as verdades acerca da sexualidade no envelhecimento, com a pretensão de fornecer aos idosos a mensagem de que os profissionais de saúde estão abertos para conversar sobre o tema. Considerações Finais: o vídeo traz informações e orientações de forma simples com o próposito de viabilizar a comunicação com os idosos respeitando qualquer grau de instrução. Tenta-se reduzir a falta de diálogo que favorece a aceitação do estereótipo assexuado da pessoa idosa, condição que aumenta as limitações da sexualidade no envelhecimento.
  • Date: Jan 31, 2018
  • Time: 14:00
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  • Os idosos que têm a saúde bucal prejudicada, apresentam muitas limitações para se alimentar, principalmente se eles utilizam prótese total cujos requisitos de retenção e estabilidade são insatisfatórios, fazendo com que sua alimentação apresente um baixo teor nutricional. Dentro dessa perspectiva, a presente investigação justifica-se pela escassez de estudos que versem sobre a saúde bucal do idoso do ponto de vista do cuidador, bem como a sua na conservação da saúde geral do idoso e o autocuidado com a sua manutenção, sendo delegado ao cuidador tornar a sua atuação de extrema importância. Assim sendo questiona-se: Qual o impacto da atuação do cuidador na saúde bucal do idoso? Para responder a esse questionamento o referido estudo tem como objetivo, evidenciar na literatura científica a atuação do cuidador na atenção à saúde bucal do idoso. Trata-se de uma Revisão Integrativa, na qual utilizou-se os seguintes descritores: idoso AND cuidador AND saúde bucal AND gerodontologia, bem como seus correspondentes inglês: elderly AND caregiver AND oral health AND gerodontology. Realizou-se a pesquisa nas bases de dados e bibliotecas virtuais internacionais e nacionais: Scopus, CINAHL, PubMed, Web of Science, Biblioteca Virtual em Saúde e o Portal de Periódicos da Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior, no período de julho a dezembro de 2017. Os critérios de inclusão foram: artigos completos disponíveis nas bases e nas bibliotecas anteriormente citadas, publicados em inglês ou português, no período de 2012 a 2017, que estivessem de acordo com os descritores e a pergunta norteadora. Foram excluídas as revisões de literatura, os editoriais, os relatos de experiência, as cartas, os capítulos de livros e os artigos duplicados. Obteve-se 12 artigos na sua totalidade. De acordo com os resultados obtidos é possível concluir que os cuidadores de idosos institucionalizados ou os que são assistidos em domicílio, apresentam uma deficiência quanto à prática e ao conhecimento, acerca da higiene e da saúde bucal do idoso, prejudicando, dessa forma, a assistência e, consequentemente, podendo desencadear doenças bucais e/ou sistêmicas, como por exemplo, doenças periodontais, edentulismo, pneumonia por aspiração, endocardite bacteriana, dentre outras, entendendo que a saúde bucal e a saúde geral estão interligadas. Os cuidadores, na sua grande maioria, relatam que têm conhecimento dos métodos de higiene oral, mas na prática, isso não é efetivado, por não apresentarem habilidade para tal. Associam à esta desabilidade a sobrecarga de trabalho e o quantitativo grande de idosos sob sua supervisão, tanto no caso dos institucionalizados como em relação aos que moram em suas próprias casas. Torna-se, então, para esses cuidadores difícil prestar um cuidado mais efetivo e continuo no que diz respeito a atenção a saúde bucal do idoso, que também apresentam resistência para a higiene oral, fatores esses que são determinantes para uma assistência e higienização precárias. Entende-se que a saúde geral está interligada à saúde bucal e tornou-se o objeto de pesquisa para muitos estudos, tendo em vista as modificações no sistema estomatognático, que acontecem no idoso e refletem na qualidade de vida.
  • Date: Jan 31, 2018
  • Time: 11:00
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  • Introdução: O envelhecimento da população é um fenômeno mundial que, recentemente, vem ganhando uma maior importância nos países em desenvolvimento. O aumento desta população tem provocado efeitos que já são percebidos nas demandas sociais, nas áreas de saúde e na previdência. O acolhimento à pessoa idosa deve ser compreendido pelos profissionais de saúde, como uma questão do processo de envelhecimento, buscando facilitar o acesso aos diversos níveis de atenção nos serviços de saúde. Objetivos: Identificar os fatores associados ao acolhimento humanizado à pessoa idosa em unidade ambulatorial, a partir da literatura da área e elaborar um fluxograma de acolhimento humanizado no cuidado à pessoa idosa para o setor Ambulatorial do Hospital Universitário Lauro Wanderley/ Empresa Brasileira de Serviços Hospitalares. Método: Trata-se de um estudo metodológico desenvolvido em duas etapas: a primeira foi uma revisão integrativa da literatura sobre o acolhimento humanizado no cuidado à pessoa idosa em unidade ambulatorial e a segunda à a elaboração de um Fluxograma de Acolhimento Humanizado no Cuidado à Pessoa Idosa para o Setor Ambulatorial. A partir das categorias temáticas identificadas na revisão integrativa foi elaborado o fluxograma de atendimento à pessoa idosa para o setor Ambulatorial da mencionada instituição enfatizando o acolhimento humanizado à pessoa idosa. Resultados: Foram identificados os fatores associados ao acolhimento humanizado à pessoa idosa, os quais se constituem nas categorias temáticas identificadas no estudo: Diálogo, Escuta, Confiança, Vínculos, Classificação de Risco, Orientação, Encaminhamento, Resolutividade e Melhoria dos Serviços. As categorias temáticas serviram de base para a elaboração do Fluxograma de Acolhimento Humanizado no Cuidado à Pessoa Idosa para o Setor Ambulatorial, enfatizando o acolhimento humanizado à pessoa idosa. Considerações finais: Considera-se que os fatores associados ao acolhimento humanizado à pessoa idosa identificados no estudo permitiram a elaboração do Fluxograma de Acolhimento Humanizado no Cuidado à Pessoa Idosa para o Setor Ambulatorial, e espera-se que possa ser utilizado pelos profissionais do hospital, pelos docentes e discentes durante o processo de ensino e aprendizagem no ambulatório, contribuindo para a assistência de enfermagem qualificada e em futuras pesquisas em enfermagem.
  • Date: Jan 31, 2018
  • Time: 11:00
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  • O envelhecimento tem se caracterizado por um campo amplo no cenário das pesquisas. Durante o envelhecimento a vida saudável é resultante da manutenção da autonomia e da independência, sendo a primeira como a capacidade de decisão do indivíduo, e a segunda como a aptidão de realizar algo por meios próprios. Hoje, para muitos, o idoso não passa de um “objeto” velho, sem graça e que ficou obsoleto. A falta de um suporte durante o processo de aposentadoria e do próprio amparo familiar, gera neste idoso o sentimento de inutilidade. A pessoa idosa quando se vê frente ao processo de aposentadoria por vezes pode se sentir desmotivada, sem ânimo para o futuro, sem novas perspectivas, postergando, inclusive este acontecimento em sua vida. Objetivos: identificar os trabalhadores que já possuam tempo de serviço para aposentadoria ou que estejam em fase de pré-aposentadoria de um Tribunal de Justiça; caracterizar o perfil ocupacional dessas pessoas e propor a elaboração de um guia de orientação para os servidores em situação de aposentadoria do Tribunal de Justiça do Estado da Paraíba. Método: Trata-se de um estudo metodológico, dentro da abordagem qualitativa e quantitativa. Em vista disso, o estudo foi dividido em 6 etapas. A primeira delas consistiu na seleção dos participantes para as rodas de conversas, formando grupos. A segunda se referiu à aplicação do roteiro com questões semiestruturadas, com uso do gravador, aos participantes selecionados. Em seguida, analisaram-se as informações para propor um guia de orientação preliminar. Conseguinte, foi realizada a validação da proposta do guia preliminar por meio das rodas de conversas com os participantes dos grupos selecionados para assim passar para a quinta etapa: a construção definitiva do guia e por fim, sua confecção e divulgação. Resultados e Discussão: Como primeiro resultado, foi produzido uma revisão integrativa sobre o programa para servidores em situação de aposentadoria, bem como a confecção e disponibilização do guia, de forma virtual, no site do Tribunal de Justiça. Consistiu na seleção dos participantes para as rodas de conversas e formação de grupos. Em seguida, houve a aplicação do roteiro com questões semiestruturadas, para assim analisar os dados e propor um guia de orientação preliminar. Conseguinte, foi realizada a validação da proposta do guia preliminar por meio das rodas de conversas com os participantes dos grupos selecionados para assim passar para a quinta etapa: a construção definitiva do guia e por fim, sua confecção e divulgação no site do Tribunal de Justiça da Paraíba. Conclusão: a partir da pesquisa, é possível notar a importância desse grupo sentir-se amparado, por meio de informativos e palestras. Assim, o presente estudo tem importância acadêmica tanto para a área de pesquisa de Gerontologia quanto para o Direito, uma vez que trata de uma etapa tão importante para a vida do ser humano e buscou contribuir com os trabalhos da área. Além disso, contribui para essa parcela da população que se encontra no momento de pré-aposentadoria, transformando essa etapa algo mais consciente e célere, desmistificando a dificuldade no processo de aposentadoria.
  • Date: Jan 31, 2018
  • Time: 10:00
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  • A pessoa idosa tem direito a pleitear e reivindicar tratamento médico e/ou hospitalar ao Poder Público para assegurar seu direito à saúde de imediata eficácia aplicado sempre que for necessário enquanto direito social fundamental. Objeto de relevância, o direito à saúde da pessoa idosa tem merecido ser explorado tanto, na prática profissional quanto, acadêmica pelo expressivo número de ações judiciais que reivindicam próteses, órteses, medicamentos e tratamentos médicos em que seus familiares ou cuidadores tem se valido do Poder Judiciário para coagir a Administração a cumprir o que contempla a Constituição e o Estatuto do Idoso, caracterizando a judicialização da saúde. Objetivos: identificar as produções científicas sobre o processo de judicialização da saúde às pessoas idosas; evidenciar as solicitações administrativas para realização de cirurgias de fraturas em pessoas idosas junto ao Ministério Público e propor um Blogue Informativo sobre Judicialização da Saúde à Pessoa Idosa, a ser disponibilizado junto à Comissão em Defesa dos Direitos dos Idosos da Ordem dos Advogados do Brasil/Paraíba. Método: Trata-se de um estudo retrospectivo, transversal e documental de abordagem quantitativa, desenvolvido no Ministério Público da Paraíba, localizado no Município de João Pessoa, gerando dois artigos científicos e uma proposta de blogue para orientação da pessoa idosa. Resultados: O primeiro artigo identificou um total de 22 artigos nas três bases de dados escolhidas, que apresentavam possíveis respostas para a questão norteadora saber: 11 artigos foram encontrados na SCIELO; Portal de Periódicos da Capes, 8 artigos e na Revista dos Tribunais on-line, apenas 3 artigos. No tocante aos periódicos de maior propensão às publicações sobre a judicialização da saúde, destaca-se a Revista ConJur (n=1) e a Revista Saúde Pública (n=2). Entretanto, os periódicos com escopo científico direcionado às publicações relacionadas à saúde pública (n=7) mostram-se mais numerosos do que os relacionados com as ciências jurídicas. O segundo artigo procurou evidenciar as solicitações administrativas para realização de cirurgias de fraturas em pessoas idosas junto ao Ministério Público correspondendo 35 processos, em que o demandante era uma pessoa física; destes, 22 autores eram do sexo feminino; maioria mulheres solteiras, com 14 casos. Ressalta-se que em 04 processos, essa informação não foi encontrada, com uma média de idade de 73,4 anos. A terceira etapa apresenta conteúdo de um blogue informativo sobre Judicialização da Saúde à Pessoa Idosa a ser disponibilizado na Comissão Permanente dos Direitos das Pessoas Idosas na OAB/PB. Conclusão: Portanto, apresenta um painel sobre o fenômeno da judicialização do direito à saúde, mostrando evidências que esse processo está consolidado e tendencioso ao crescimento frente ao atual cenário de crise social, política e econômica que assola o Brasil. Salienta-se a importância desta temática sobre judicialização da saúde para orientação da população, em especial da pessoa idosa e dos profissionais de saúde que, por muitas vezes, não sabem a quem recorrer quando se depara com um desrespeito a um direito ou descumprimento da lei.
  • Date: Jan 31, 2018
  • Time: 10:00
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  • A presbiacusia consiste no processo de desgaste e deteriorização natural das estruturas relacionadas à audição humana. Necessita de intervenção que amenize seus efeitos pois caracteriza-se como processo progressivo e irreversível. Não possui tratamento curativo, apenas reabilitativo. Através da utilização de auxiliar auditivo é possível diminuir a defasagem do órgão sensorial, melhorando sua funcionalidade. Porém o processo de uso e adaptação requer uma série de cuidados e assistência para lograr êxito. E, apesar do avanço tecnológico que qualifica cada vez mais esses dispositivos eletrônicos de amplificação para atender a todas necessidades, observa-se que a prevalência de idosos que o rejeitam ou estão inadaptados é elevado. Objetivos: 1. Identificar na literatura as dificuldades encontradas no uso do auxiliar auditivo por idosos; 2. Construir um checklist (produto) para rastrear as dificuldades dos idosos no manuseio do aparelho auditivo e 3.Validar o checklist (produto) para rastrear as dificuldades dos idosos no manuseio do aparelho auditivo . Método: Trata-se de um estudo metodológico de abordagem quantitativa. A pesquisa foi realizada em um hospital que concede aparelhos auditivos, pelo programa de Autorização de Procedimentos de Alta Complexidade (APAC) auditiva em João Pessoa, Paraiba (PB) e em clínicas particulares que realizam indicação e adaptação de auxiliar auditivo. A amostra foi constituída por 20 idosos que aceitaram participar da pesquisa, usuários primários de aparelho auditivo que estavam realizando o primeiro retorno ao serviço do SUS e por 9 Fonoaudiólogos especialistas em Audiologia e com expertise em aparelho auditivo por, no mínimo, um ano. Os instrumentos utilizados foram um questionário, contendo 15 perguntas sobre a manipulação do aparelho, respondido pelos idosos e um checklist, pelos especialistas avaliando o instrumento construído para reconhecer os entraves no manuseio do recurso de amplificação auditiva. As análises dos resultados foram realizadas pela estatística descritiva. O projeto foi submetido ao Comitê de Ética em Pesquisa do Centro de Ciências da Saúde da Universidade Federal da Paraíba e aprovado em 27 de julho de 2017, sob o CAAE; 67103917.6.0000.5188. Resultados e Discussões: Deste estudo foram originados dois artigos: o primeiro de revisão da literatura, identificou as dificuldades enfrentadas pelos idosos para utilizar o recurso de amplificação auditiva. Os entraves foram de diversas naturezas, preponderando a carência da fase de orientação/acompanhamento/manuseio, principalmente para os idosos que são atendidos na rede pública. O segundo artigo (original) deu subsidios para a construção de um checklist a fim de identificar as dificuldades dos idosos para manipular o aparelho de amplificação. Conclusões: A análise da literatura permitiu identificar os principais motivos que causam dificuldades na utilização do aparelho auditivo pelos idosos. Algumas desses entraves foram confirmados com os idosos usuários de aparelho auditivo, pela aplicação do questionário; esses achados geraram um instrumento que tem o objetivo de rastrear os obstáculos vividos pelos idosos na fase de aclimatização ao aparelho para que o Fonoaudiólogo possa orientá-lo e assim reduzir ou eliminar essas dificuldades.
  • Date: Jan 31, 2018
  • Time: 10:00
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  • Introdução: O Agente Comunitário de Saúde (ACS) possui um importante papel no cuidado à saúde do idoso, pois suas atribuições possibilitam o conhecimento das condições de vida dessa pessoa no contexto familiar e da comunidade. O seu processo de trabalho é complexo e requer capacitação permanente, na perspectiva de qualificar a sua atenção à saúde do idoso. Este estudo tem como objeto a capacitação e a valorização deste profissional na perspectiva de contribuir para a efetivação de uma atenção à saúde do integral da pessoa idosa, como preconizada pelas diretrizes da Política Nacional de Saúde da Pessoa Idosa (PNSPI). Objetivos: Identificar na literatura científica a percepção do ACS acerca da atenção à saúde do idoso na atenção primária; Desenvolver um Curso de capacitação sobre a atenção a saúde do idoso para os ACS de uma Unidade Saúde da Família e Elaborar um plano de curso de capacitação sobre a atenção à saúde do idoso para os ACS. Método: Trata-se de um estudo descritivo, qualitativo do tipo investigação-ação em uma Unidade Saúde da Família. Quanto aos aspectos éticos o projeto foi submetido à avaliação do Comitê de Ética do Centro de Ciências da Saúde (CCS) e aprovado sob o parecer nº 2.190 de 27 de julho de 2017 e CAAE: 67103917.6.0000.5188. Os participantes da pesquisa foram oito ACS de uma Unidade Saúde da Família. Para a realização da pesquisa foram obedecidas as quatro fases da investigação-ação: fase 1: Planejamento da capacitação; fase 2: Agir para implantar a melhora planejada: esta fase diz respeito à execução da capacitação dos ACS; fase 3: Monitorar a ação e fase 4: Avaliação. A análise dos dados foi realizada de forma descritiva em todas as fases da pesquisa. Resultados e Discussão: Obteve-se como resultado desta pesquisa a produção de dois artigos e um produto, sendo o primeiro um artigo de revisão integrativa da literatura, o qual demonstrou que a assistência ao idoso no Brasil, possui lacunas e falhas na qualificação dos ACS bem como, aponta que as ações de atenção à saúde da pessoa idosa e ao envelhecimento não estão sendo efetivadas nos serviços de Atenção Primária. A partir desta revisão, foi elaborado um curso de capacitação sobre atenção à saúde do idoso para os ACS, na perspectiva dialógica, buscando compreender as lacunas da formação do ACS e permitindo a reflexão do seu processo de trabalho (Artigo 2) e o produto foi a capacitação para os ACS, resultando como importante momento de mudança de prática cotidiana do ACS junto ao idoso. Conclusões: A capacitação desenvolvida contribuiu com a formação desse profissional, na medida em que levantou necessidades, desenvolveu ações de educação permanente, possibilitando reflexões sobre seu processo de trabalho, oferecendo elementos novos para o planejamento e execução das suas ações e atividades junto ao idoso, numa perspectiva positiva e integral. Desta pesquisa resulta a elaboração de uma capacitação para ACS sobre atenção à saúde do idoso.
  • Date: Jan 31, 2018
  • Time: 09:00
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  • Introdução. Nos dias atuais, no cenário mundial e no Brasil, vem acontecendo um controle mais incisivo das Infeções Sexualmente Transmissíveis (IST) e do Vírus da Imunodeficiência Humana (HIV)/ Síndrome da Imunodeficiência Adquirida (AIDS) em idosos. O rápido envelhecimento populacional, bem como a ausência de um olhar mais atento às ações e estratégias educativas e preventivas, voltadas à saúde do idoso no contexto da sexualidade e, o desconhecimento e a atenção à estas doenças, são fatores do aumento da sua ocorrência, e foram alvos da problematização deste estudo. Objetivos Geral. Construir uma cartilha direcionada para os idosos sobre IST e HIV/ AIDS, como estratégia educativa de conhecimento e prevenção; Objetivos Específicos: Identificar os aspectos da produção científica sobre o conhecimento da pessoa idosa quanto as infecções pelo Vírus da Imunodeficiência Humana e as Infecções Sexualmente Transmissíveis. Método: Trata-se de uma pesquisa exploratória, descritiva e analítica, de abordagens quantitativa. Quanto aos aspectos éticos o projeto foi submetido à avaliação do Comitê de Ética do Centro de Ciências da Saúde (CCS) e aprovado sob o parecer de nº 2.190.153 de 27, e CAAE; 67103917.6.0000.5188. A amostra foi intencional e por conveniência constituída por 84 pessoas idosas, atendidas nas USF do Distrito Sanitário II, que responderam a um roteiro de pesquisa semiestruturado. Os dados coletados foram digitados e codificados no formulário digital do gmail. As variáveis do perfil sociodemográficos e as respostas obtidas por meio do roteiro foram avaliadas a partir da frequência simples, gerada pelo próprio formulário digital. Resultados e Discussão: Obteve-se como resultado desta pesquisa três produtos, sendo o primeiro um artigo de revisão integrativa da literatura sobre o olhar do idoso acerca das IST e HIV/AIDS; o segundo um artigo que aborda sobre o que a população idosa conhece quanto as generalidades e as especificidades da IST e HIV/AIDS e o terceiro produto que é a cartilha educativa direcionada aos idosos que aborda de forma ilustrativa e didática, os conceitos, as formas de prevenção e as particularidades sobre IST e HIV/AIDS. Conclusões: Pela análise dos resultados, considera-se que os estigmas e preconceitos vinculados às IST e HIV/AIDS, bem como a falta de proteção no ato sexual na população idosa, mostram-se como fatores que comprovam a fragilidade de conhecimento sobre a temática. A discussão sobre esses aspectos deve compor as ações de formação em saúde nas unidades e, também, a iniciativa por novas estratégias e ações educativas voltadas aos idosos, bem como a necessidade evidenciada da prioridade na elaboração de políticas públicas voltadas a esse público específico, para que as práticas preventivas sejam efetivamente incorporadas nas representações desses idosos. Da pesquisa nasce a cartilha educativa para ser usada junto aos idosos, o que vai contribuir no controle do acometimento e da exposição dessas pessoas às IST e HIV/AIDS.
  • Date: Jan 31, 2018
  • Time: 08:00
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  • O mundo vivencia a era do envelhecimento e a gerontologia é uma área beneficiada pela inserção de uma tecnologia educacional inovadora. Material importante para vida e o estilo de ser das pessoas idosas, favorece o cuidar de si e o empoderamento pelo bem-estar. Reconhecendo a importância do uso das tecnologias educativas com enfoque na promoção do autocuidado sobre a saúde vocal, este estudo teve como objetivo: analisar as publicações científicas acerca da relação voz e pessoa idosa; desenvolver e validar um guia educativo sobre a promoção da saúde vocal para a pessoa idosa. Método: Trata-se de um estudo de desenvolvimento metodológico, elaborado e dividido em duas fases: a primeira inclui um estudo bibliométrico para analisar as publicações científicas acerca da relação voz e pessoa idosa; a segunda consiste na construção e validação de conteúdo e de aparência do guia junto aos 13juízes e 10 idosos (público-alvo). A pesquisa seguiu os aspectos ético-legais envolvendo seres humanos de acordo com a Resolução 466/2012 e foi aprovada pelo Comitê de Ética em Pesquisa da Universidade Federal da Paraíba, sob Parecer n.º 2.190.153. Para a análise estatística, a validação dos juízes ocorreu por meio do índice de validade de conteúdo, assim como para o público-alvo. Resultados e Discussão: No primeiro artigo, dos estudos selecionados restaram 37 elegíveis, após a aplicação dos critérios de inclusão e exclusão. Nos últimos dez anos foram constatados avanços nos estudos sobre o envelhecimento vocal, principalmente no ano de 2015. Houve predomínio dos descritores voz e idoso, assim como o descritor qualidade de vida mostrou-se bem presente. Houve relevância ao sexo feminino, para os estudos com pessoas idosas. No Brasil, a Revista CEFAC, publicou maior número de artigos com a temática da voz do idoso e nas abordagens fonoaudiológicas apenas três pesquisas evidenciam a promoção da saúde. O segundo artigo foi validado de acordo com o conteúdo, a aparência e a adequabilidade com média aproximada de 0,93. O público-alvo considerou a avaliação positiva. As sugestões foram acatadas e modificadas para a versão final do guia educativo. Conclusão: O guia educativo foi construído, validado e poderá ser utilizado para promoção da saúde vocal das pessoas idosas. Acredita-se
  • Date: Jan 30, 2018
  • Time: 16:00
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  • Introdução: O envelhecimento populacional contribuiu com o aumento de morbidades e diminuição da capacidade funcional, crescendo assim o número de idosos com algum grau de dependência que necessitam de cuidados domiciliares. Cuidar de um idoso em ambiente doméstico pode gerar sobrecarga no familiar cuidador, o que lhe ocasiona desordens emocionais, físicas, econômicas e sociais. Devido ao despreparo deste cuidador sua saúde pode ser colocada em risco, podendo assim apresentar alterações osteomusculares. Objetivos: Identificar a produção científica sobre promoção da saúde de cuidadores de idosos; elaborar uma tecnologia educativa do tipo guia sobre autocuidado em relação a saúde ocupacional para cuidadores de idosos; verificar as equivalências semânticas, idiomáticas, culturais e conceituais do guia para cuidadores de idosos por meio de um comitê de juízes e realizar a validação semântica do guia por um grupo de cuidadores de idosos. Método: Trata-se de um estudo metodológico, cuja proposta foi construir e validar semanticamente uma tecnologia educativa do tipo guia para a promoção da saúde de cuidadores de idosos. Resultados: Dos resultados obtidos após análise delineou-se dois artigos o primeiro, uma revisão integrativa sobre as tecnologias educativas para promoção da saúde de cuidadores de idosos em que os artigos resgatados mostraram que as tecnologias educativas foram centradas na promoção da saúde mental do cuidador no intuito de garantir uma melhor assistência ao idoso, possibilitando assim identificar uma importante lacuna científica acerca das tecnologias educativas utilizadas para a promoção da saúde musculoesquelética de cuidadores de idosos, pois não foram localizados estudos acerca desse cuidado. O segundo artigo tratou-se da elaboração e validação de uma tecnologia educacional para promoção da saúde de cuidadores de idosos. Conclusão: Considera-se que a tecnologia educacional do tipo guia “Promoção da saúde de cuidadores de idosos: tecnologia educacional sobre saúde ocupacional”, poderá contribuir com a saúde física dos cuidadores de idosos no seu ato de cuidar, subsidiar os profissionais de saúde durante as atividades de educação em saúde com os cuidadores de idosos e preencher um importante lacuna científica no que diz respeito a promoção da saúde na sobrecarga física experimentada pelos cuidadores de idosos.
  • Date: Jan 30, 2018
  • Time: 14:00
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  • Introdução: O envelhecimento impacta na vida da pessoa idosa, físico e socialmente, daí a necessidade de ofertar ações que incentivem e promovam rotinas saudáveis. Nesse contexto, promover ações de promoção à saúde nos grupos de convivência de idosos conduzidos por trabalhadores, na maioria da enfermagem, vinculados às equipes da Estratégia Saúde da Família, como a utilização de jogos é importante e necessário. Objetivos: Analisar o efeito dos jogos educativos para estimulação cognitiva da pessoa idosa. Construir um jogo de tabuleiro com materiais recicláveis, pelos idosos de grupos de convivências e analisar os efeitos dessa construção e da utilização do jogo. Método: O estudo é do tipo metodológico, realizado por meio de oficinas em que se pôde observar a participação dos idosos na construção dos jogos, utilizando materiais recicláveis, de fácil acesso e baixo custo, bem como a sua utilização. Participaram da pesquisa 37 idosos. Os dados coletados foram analisados empregando os relatórios oriundos das oficinas e consolidados através de planilha aplicando o Programa Microsoft Excel. O estudo foi aprovado por Comitê de Ética em Pesquisa, sob o parecer Nº 2.190.153 e CAAE 67103917.6.0000.5188. Resultados e Discussão: Após análise dos dados obtidos concebeu-se dois artigos e um produto tecnológico. O primeiro artigo trata-se de uma revisão integrativa com o objetivo de investigar o impacto dos jogos de tabuleiro na cognição da pessoa idosa. Após busca em bases de dados, foi realizada a leitura completa de 10 artigos, resultando na seleção de dois. As evidências da literatura demonstraram a importância e os efeitos da utilização dos jogos, na cognição dos idosos, podendo os mesmos serem utilizados no cotidiano, uma vez que oferece subsídios para afirmar que estimular a utilização de jogos nas atividades de lazer representa uma eficiente ferramenta no que tange a promoção à saúde e do envelhecimento ativo e saudável. O segundo artigo aporta sobre a construção, pelos idosos, de um jogo de tabuleiro utilizando materiais recicláveis e os efeitos da sua utilização, resultando na estimulação da memória, estímulo sensorial, promoção do aprendizado, além da interação e diversão dos idosos participantes do estudo. Ressalta-se ainda, a importância da reutilização de materiais recicláveis e de baixo custo tornando a proposta replicável em outros espaços. Conclusão: A partir da revisão da literatura e das oficinas realizadas, constatou-se que este estudo traz implicações reflexivas sobre a importância e os efeitos da construção e da utilização dos jogos, na cognição e na interação social dos idosos. O jogo deve ser compreendido como uma ferramenta importante no processo de educação para saúde, uma vez que pode ser utilizada informações sobre a prevenção, a promoção e o tratamento das doenças de incidência no nível da Atenção Básica, incentivando as práticas lúdicas pedagógicas. Ademais, estimula novas pesquisas sobre este tema de relevância científica.
  • Date: Jan 30, 2018
  • Time: 14:00
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  • Introdução: O Brasil hoje mostra outra realidade, um expressivo aumento da sobrevida e consequente elevação do número de pessoas na terceira idade. Objetivos: Caracterizar a produção científica brasileira sobre a avaliação da condição de saúde da pessoa idosa na atenção básica; Identificar indicadores empíricos na literatura a partir das necessidades humanas básicas da pessoa idosa; Confirmar a utilidade de indicadores empíricos para avaliação da condição de saúde da pessoa idosa na atenção básica pelo enfermeiro; Construir um instrumento para avaliação da condição de saúde da pessoa idosa na atenção básica pelo enfermeiro, à luz da Teoria das Necessidades Humanas Básicas. Método: Trata-se de um estudo metodológico desenvolvido nas Unidades de Saúde da Família do município de Igarassu-PE, tendo como população os enfermeiros atuantes na atenção básica. Foi desenvolvido em três etapas: uma revisão integrativa da literatura acerca das necessidades humanas básicas da pessoa idosa e um amplo levantamento bibliográfico e avaliação dos indicadores empíricos pelos enfermeiros das unidades de saúde da família; construção de um instrumento para avaliação da condição de saúde da pessoa idosa na atenção básica com os indicadores empíricos validados pelos enfermeiros. Resultados: Primeiramente, a revisão integrativa abrangeu 12 estudos disponibilizados em bases de dados, tendo como descritores: idoso, nível de saúde e atenção primária à saúde, publicados no período de 2007 a 2016. Foram inseridas três temáticas: perfil clínico-epidemiológico da população idosa brasileira; autoavaliação de saúde do idoso e importância da Estratégia Saúde da Família na atenção à saúde da pessoa idosa. Os resultados desta etapa mostraram que características socioeconômicas, demográficas, capacidade funcional, condições de saúde e estado nutricional interferem na autoavaliação de saúde dos idosos e no planejamento dos serviços voltados para este público. Foram identificados, também, 316 indicadores empíricos na literatura. Desses, 255 permaneceram com Índice de Validade de Conteúdo ≥ 0.80 e, dos indicadores validados, 205 foram das necessidades psicobiológicas, 47 das necessidades psicossociais e 3 das necessidades psicoespirituais. Conclusões: Com os indicadores empíricos validados foi construído um instrumento para avaliação da condição de saúde da pessoa idosa na atenção básica. Considerando que o idoso apresenta particularidades específicas que o diferencia de outros tipos de indivíduos, espera-se que os indicadores empíricos identificados e validados, neste estudo, contribuam para o levantamento das necessidades de saúde do idoso, tendo em vista o planejamento de ações de saúde com atenção diferenciada e sistematizada para essa população na atenção básica. Para uma velhice saudável é fundamental a correlação entre independência e autonomia, consistindo num desafio para os profissionais de saúde, que devem transpor a abordagem baseada na queixa-conduta e adotar uma postura multiprofissional e interdisciplinar. Para tanto, espera-se que o instrumento construído contribua para a prática da enfermagem, uma vez que, terá um olhar mais específico, visando uma atenção diferenciada e sistematizada.
  • Date: Jan 30, 2018
  • Time: 10:00
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  • As situações que necessitam de hospitalização podem repercutir, negativamente, para as pessoas em geral, assim como o sofrimento vivenciado pela pessoa idosa, pode impactá-la de forma drástica, já que o afastamento de seu meio e de sua família pode alterar e comprometer, significativamente, a sua dinâmica existencial desencadeando sentimentos de medos e incertezas. Buscou-se conhecer a produção científica na área de espiritualidade e envelhecimento, os possíveis benefícios do cuidado espiritual para a pessoa idosa hospitalizada e relatar o processo de construção de Guia com Orientações para Implantação de Capelania Hospitalar na Atenção à Pessoa Idosa. Trata-se de um estudo documental e metodológico de abordagem qualitativa. Inicialmente realizou-se revisão bibliográfica da literatura, por meio da consulta em artigos científicos que contribuíssem com a construção do objeto da pesquisa. Buscou-se artigos no Portal da Biblioteca Virtual de Saúde e Portal Periódicos CAPES, orientado pela questão: qual a produção científica na área de espititualidade e envelhecimento e quais os possíveis benefícios do cuidado espiritual para a pessoa idosa hospitalizada? A segunda fase constituiu-se de uma pesquisa junto a oito gestores de algumas unidades hospitalares do Município de João Pessoa/PB sobre o cuidado espiritual ofertado ao idoso, bem como da identificação dos documentos que norteiam o caminho daqueles que desejam prestar o cuidado espiritual às pessoas nos hospitais pesquisados. Por fim, a terceira fase, deu-se na construção do Guia com Orientações para Implantação de Capelania Hospitalar na Atenção à Pessoa Idosa. Na primeira fase, referente a revisão da literatura foram encontrados 315 artigos; apenas 3 estavam dentro dos critérios de inclusão e foram selecionados para análise. No que concerne as entrevistas dos gestores, constatou-se a existência de Capelania em quatro Hospitais, entretanto em nenhum dos oito existe normatização ou orientações formais quanto ao fluxo de ações a serem seguidos pelos interessados em realizar o cuidado espiritual aos pacientes idosos, segundo os relatos dos gestores. A inexistência de uma estrutura formal de acolhimento às pessoas interessadas em realizar o cuidado espiritual nos hospitais visitados, revela a fragilidade e a inabilidade das instituições de saúde para lidar com as questões referentes a dimensão espiritual. Este fato põe em risco a segurança de todos os envolvidos, deixando-os vulneráveis a abordagens de pessoas/grupos despreparados. Portanto reforça a necessidade de formalização de procedimentos e o conhecimento das normas que dizem respeito ao funcionamento da Capelania Hospitalar, dos direitos dos pacientes, assim como o conhecimento de aspectos específicos da população a ser atendida, nesse caso os idosos. A preparação de pessoas para exercer o cuidado espiritual é imprescindível, destaca-se a necessidade de oferta de um serviço de Capelania Hospitalar de qualidade e comprometido com a ética. Espera-se que o Guia com Orientações para Implantação de Capelania Hospitalar na Atenção à Pessoa Idosa, seja uma ferramenta que possa contribuir para facilitar o processo de implantação de Capelania Hospitalar e desse modo as pessoas idosas hospitalizadas possam dispor do cuidado espiritual.
  • Date: Jan 30, 2018
  • Time: 09:00
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  • Introdução: O Brasil vem passando por mudanças no seu perfil demográfico em virtude da redução da taxa de mortalidade e do aumento da expectativa de vida. O Relatório Mundial de Saúde e Envelhecimento registrou que o número de pessoas com mais de 60 anos no país deverá crescer muito mais rápido do que a média internacional. Em virtude disso, tornou-se fundamental investir em estudos sobre o processo de envelhecimento e todo o conteúdo que permeia, inclusive, a orientação direcionada aos cuidadores de idosos. A justificativa deste estudo consiste no fato de que idosos que possuem cuidadores treinados com relação as funções de alimentação e comunicação apresentam prognóstico melhor, sendo tais constatações evidenciadas em atendimentos fonoaudiológicos ambulatoriais. Objetivos: 1.Identificar e analisar estudos sobre a disfagia em idosos institucionalizados; 2. Identificar e analisar estudos sobre linguagem e cognição nos idosos; 3. Analisar o conhecimento dos cuidadores formais com relação aos aspectos da alimentação e comunicação da pessoa idosa e elaborar um vídeo com orientações para o cuidador formal. Método: Trata-se de um estudo metodológico de abordagem quantitativa. A pesquisa foi realizada em quatro instituições de longa permanência, no município de João Pessoa. A amostra correspondeu à população e foi constituída por todos os cuidadores de idosos das instituições, totalizando 34 voluntários. O projeto foi submetido ao Comitê de Ética em Pesquisa do Centro de Ciências da Saúde da Universidade Federal da Paraíba e aprovado pelo nº 2.190.153, de 27 de julho de 2017, CAAE; 67103917.6.0000.5188 Resultados: Esta pesquisa originou três artigos. O primeiro, de revisão da literatura sobre a análise dos estudos relacionados a disfagia em instituições de longa permanência, mostrou a existência de risco para a disfagia nesse âmbito como também a falta de conhecimento dos cuidadores em relação as estratégias que minimizam risco de aspiração laríngea. O segundo artigo tratou-se de uma revisão da literatura sobre linguagem e cognição em idosos e os resultados mostraram que o processo de envelhecimento acarreta alterações linguísticas e cognitivas, ressaltando a importância do treino cognitivo para a memória, a linguagem, a comunicação e a socialização da pessoa idosa. O terceiro artigo (original) analisou o conhecimento dos cuidadores de idosos sobre os aspectos de comunicação e de alimentação, constando-se que eles não têm conhecimento sobre as dificuldades de fala, audição, cognição do idoso e das estratégias que facilitam essas funções. Também não mostram conhecer dificuldades de alimentação embora realizem práticas facilitadoras. Conclusões: As revisões da literatura mostraram que o processo de envelhecimento está relacionado às disfagias, ao declínios na linguagem e na cognição. Elaborou-se, como produto tecnológico resultante desse estudo, um vídeo para orientar os cuidadores de idosos com relação à alimentação e à comunicação, o que possibilitará melhorias na qualidade de vida dos idosos nas instituições de longa permanência.
  • Date: Jan 29, 2018
  • Time: 16:00
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  • O envelhecimento é um grande desafio para os profissionais de saúde, principalmente pelo fato dessa população necessitar de uma atenção integral e especializada, no intuito de garantir não apenas a longevidade, mas também hábitos saudáveis e mais qualidade de vida para a pessoa idosa. Portanto, tendo em vista o crescimento da população idosa faz-se necessário a garantia de um atendimento de saúde adequado, garantido nos direitos desse idoso. No caso dos exames, em alguns tipos, a oferta é menor que a demanda, seja por dificuldade de disponibilidade do serviço, seja pela grande demanda. Objetivou-se avaliar as publicações científicas sobre exames na Atenção Primária à Saúde, identificar quais as perspectivas dos idosos sobre os exames na Atenção Primária à Saúde e propor um aplicativo de orientação sobre exames para pessoa idosa. Trata-se de um estudo exploratório e metodológico, com abordagem mista. Para a concretização de um primeiro artigo realizou-se uma revisão integrativa com busca nas bases de dados Medical Literature Analysis and Retrieval System Online – MEDLINE e Banco de Dados de Enfermagem – BDENF e nas bibliotecas virtuais Literatura Latino-Americana e do Caribe em Ciências da Saúde – LILACS e Scientific Electronic Library Online – SciELO, utilizando-se os descritores “atenção primária à saúde”, “exames médicos” e o indicador booleano “and” com período de publicação de 2013 a 2017. Foram analisadas 11 publicações, as quais abordaram em sua maioria, sobre a solicitação de exames médicos laboratoriais e de imagem, porém não exclusivamente para a pessoa idosa, o que implica em uma limitação da temática e a necessidade de estudos específicos. Outras abordaram a questão da regulação e resolutividade na APS; evidenciou-se que há a necessidade de mais estudos norteadores para o cuidado à saúde da pessoa idosa, sendo um deles, relacionados aos exames médicos específicos para este público na APS. Para a concretização do artigo 2 realizou-se um levantamento situacional na cidade de João Pessoa/PB sobre os exames destinados a pessoa idosa, e após a seleção da amostra realizou-se uma entrevista com relação aos exames para a pessoa idosa, tendo sido entrevistados 50 idosos, esses dados foram transcritos e organizados em um corpus, em seguida processado com o auxílio do software de Análise Textual IRaMuTeQ versão 0.7 alfa 2. Predominou o sexo feminino, entre 60-70 anos e ensino fundamental. A partição do corpus originou dois eixos, o primeiro eixo formou a classe 3 (Dependência e autonomia da pessoa idosa), que se interligou com o segundo eixo, formando a classe 1 (Solicitação e orientação de exames) e a classe 2 (Atividades na unidade e exames realizados). A seguir, passou-se á construção de um produto tecnológico, do tipo aplicativo de orientação, denominado “Exames JP” contendo a localização do prestador do serviço no município com endereço e contato e o preparo para os exames mais solicitados para a pessoa idosa na Atenção Primária à Saúde em João Pessoa – PB, objetivando contribuir para sanar com as dificuldades relatadas pelos idosos. Por fim, este estudo não apresentou limitações significativas, considerando que os idosos entrevistados foram bastante acessíveis e prontamente disponíveis a responder todos os questionamentos. Espera-se contribuir com a temática e tão somente beneficiar a pessoa idosa, bem como que este produto tecnológico venha ser utilizado como ferramenta de orientação na realização destes exames, trazendo de forma eficaz a conduta adequada a ser seguida, no intuito de sensibilizar a população idosa, como também os familiares, profissionais e os órgãos responsáveis sobre a assistência à saúde da pessoa idosa.
  • Date: Jan 29, 2018
  • Time: 14:00
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  • Introdução: O aumento significativo da população idosa acarreta mudanças nas áreas sociais e econômicas, especialmente na área da saúde, desta forma a atenção à saúde no Brasil tem investido na formulação, implementação e concretização de políticas de promoção, proteção e recuperação da saúde, havendo um grande esforço na construção de um modelo de atenção à saúde o qual priorize ações de melhoria da qualidade de vida dessa população atendida pela unidade de saúde. Objetivo: Analisar as ações de promoção da saúde para pessoa idosa desenvolvidas por trabalhadores do Núcleo Ampliado de Saúde da Família e Atenção Básica (NASF – AB) e elaborar um Guia para profissionais sobre as ações de promoção da saúde à pessoa idosa. Métodos: Trata-se de um estudo metodológico, desenvolvido em três etapas. Quanto aos aspectos éticos, a pesquisa foi submetida ao Comitê de Ética do Centro de Ciências da Saúde e aprovado sob o nº 2.190.153 de 27/07/2017, CAAE; 67103917.6.0000.5188. A amostragem foi não – probabilística por conveniência, constituindo-se de 27 profissionais do NASF-AB, sendo farmacêuticos, fisioterapeutas, nutricionistas, educadores físicos, assistentes sociais, psicólogos e fonoaudiólogos, de acordo com a disponibilidade para participar da pesquisa durante o período da coleta de dados. Os dados coletados foram organizados em um corpus, em seguida, processados com o auxílio do software IRaMuTeQ e discutidos segundo a literatura. Resultados e Discussão: dos resultados obtidos após a análise delineou-se dois artigos: a revisão integrativa da literatura identificou a predominância das práticas de promoção da saúde por meio das práticas corporais e atividades físicas e sua realização a partir de grupos operativos e, ainda, a prevalência das ações de promoção da saúde conforme formação dos profissionais, abordando muito mais a atuação específica sem abrangência dos diferentes eixos da Política Nacional de Promoção da Saúde e da Política Nacional de Saúde da Pessoa Idosa; o segundo artigo encontrou como ações de promoção da saúde realizadas pelo NASF-AB para a pessoa idosa, a vacinação, as orientações sobre alimentação e nutrição, as práticas de atividades físicas e corporais; a orientação sobre prevenção e acompanhamento de vítimas de violência; a prevenção de quedas, o autocuidado, a orientação e o acompanhamento das doenças crônicas; a orientação sobre seus direitos, o estímulo para a participação de grupos; as ações que garantam os direitos humanos e as liberdades fundamentais e a assistência às condições clínicas mais comuns que adoecem o idoso. Considerações finais: Foi possível analisar as ações de promoção da saúde realizadas pelos profissionais do NASF-AB. As ações de promoção da saúde são realizadas pelas atividades de educação em saúde em grupos, com foco na orientação sobre patologias ou temáticas como a realização de atividades físicas e corporais, sendo realizadas nas unidades de saúde ou nas Academias da Saúde. O estudo teve como limitação o número reduzido de publicações sobre o tema em estudo e sugere-se o desenvolvimento de mais pesquisas sobre essa temática com ênfase na pessoa idosa.
  • Date: Jan 29, 2018
  • Time: 14:00
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  • As Práticas Integrativas e Complementares constituem um tema atual pela importância de se promover e prevenir saúde por meio dos métodos complementares, pela necessidade do desenvolvimento de ferramentas que fortaleçam a atenção primária, devido ao crescimento populacional dos idosos e a escassez dos recursos disponíveis para o cuidado assistencial na enfermidade. Objetivos: Avaliar as publicações científicas sobre as Práticas Integrativas e Complementares; verificar as representações sociais dos idosos sobre práticas integrativas e complementares e elaborar um portfólio informativo das práticas integrativas e complementares a partir das representações sociais dos idosos. Método: Trata-se de um estudo exploratório e de abordagem mista e para apreensão de dimensões simbólicas acerca das Práticas Integrativas e Complementares. Utilizou-se o aporte teórico das Representações Sociais, caracterizando-se ainda como uma pesquisa metodológica. Foram seguidas as seguintes etapas: pesquisa sobre a temática na literatura com busca em bibliotecas virtuais e bases nacionais e internacionais; levantamento situacional sobre o conhecimento das práticas integrativas e complementares em diferentes grupos; revisão integrativa sobre a temática abordada. Resultados e Discussão: A Revisão Integrativa da Literatura constituiu-se no primeiro artigo e evidenciou que o conhecimento sobre Práticas Integrativas e Complementares é relevante para sua implementação nos sistemas de saúde. O seu uso deve ser estimulado pela gestão e profissionais de saúde como importantes estratégias de cuidado à saúde para a população que necessita do atendimento público de qualidade. As representações sociais sobre as Práticas Integrativas e Complementares para os idosos constituiu-se no segundo artigo e tornou-se claro que eles apresentaram um posicionamento positivo e relacionado à imagem do idoso socializado, capaz de promover saúde, autonomia e autoconhecimento das suas necessidades. A elaboração de um portfólio informativo das práticas integrativas e complementares constituiu-se na terceira etapa desta pesquisa e este material foi elaborado, passando por um processo rigoroso de desenvolvimento, caracterizado por meio de mecanismos constantes de avaliação por parte do seu público-alvo – os idosos, os quais ensejaram a utilização de linguagem e ilustrações mais claras, objetivas e acessíveis para a população idosa. Conclusão: Espera-se que o conhecimento produzido nesta Dissertação de mestrado e este portfólio tragam benefícios para a área da gerontologia por meio da divulgação das condutas e práticas abordadas, as quais proporcionarão o envelhecimento saudável, a autonomia e a qualidade de vida dos idosos, promovendo o fortalecimento da política das Práticas Integrativas e Complementares no Sistema Único de Saúde.
  • Date: Jan 29, 2018
  • Time: 09:00
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  • Introdução: No Brasil, há uma prevalência maior do relato de Incontinência Urinária em mulheres acima de 60 anos, relatam conviver com a perda miccional, além de apresentarem pouca percepção corporal e baixa capacidade de contração da musculatura do assoalho pélvi-co. Verificou-se que há diversificadas formas terapêuticas no cuidado da Incontinência Uriná-ria em mulheres idosas, cabendo ao enfermeiro realizar uma anamnese detalhada para subsi-diar a consulta sistematizada no planejamento de estratégias de intervenções. O cuidado de enfermagem deve estar embasado em um modelo teórico que, neste estudo, é o de Callista Roy para melhor desenvolver o processo de enfermagem de forma sistematizada, documenta-da, sendo fonte de informação. Objetivos: Elaborar um instrumento de consulta de enferma-gem para a mulher idosa com Incontinência Urinária assistida em um serviço ambulatorial de urologia, fundamentado na Teoria da Adaptação de Callista Roy. Percurso Metodológico: Pesquisa metodológica realizada em um serviço ambulatorial de um hospital escola, tendo como participantes quatro enfermeiras. Foi desenvolvida em três etapas: identificação, na literatura, dos problemas adaptativos na mulher idosa com Incontinência Urinária à luz do modelo teórico de Callista Roy; confirmação dos problemas adaptativos pelas enfermeiras especialistas validados por consenso e a elaboração do instrumento de coleta de dados para consulta de enfermagem à mulher idosa com Incontinência Urinária. O estudo foi aprovado em Comitê de ética, recebendo parecer favorável. Resultados: Foram identificados 109 pro-blemas adaptativos, sendo que 78 são do modo fisiológico, 16 do modo autoconceito, 8 do modo função do papel e 7 do modo interdependência. Após serem validados pelas enfermeiras especialistas, permaneceram 60 problemas adaptativos, estando 45 no modo fisiológico, 6 no autoconceito, 5 na função do papel e 4 do modo interdependência, sendo assim, construído um instrumento de coleta de dados para consulta de enfermagem à mulher idosa com Inconti-nência Urinária assistidas em serviço ambulatorial. Conclusão: Considera-se que o instru-mento elaborado, neste estudo, viabilizará a implementação da sistematização da assistência de enfermagem, possibilitará a organização da assistência, bem como fornecerá dados relaci-onados ao cuidado de enfermagem, abrangendo a pessoa que recebe o cuidado considerando-a em suas relações com ambiente, visando promover um melhor nível de adaptação.
  • Date: Dec 13, 2017
  • Time: 08:30
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  • Introdução: A técnica da ventilação mecânica não invasiva consiste na aplicação de pressão positiva na via aérea do indivíduo por intermédio de interfaces aplicadas na boca e/ou no nariz. Essa tecnologia é utilizada pelo fisioterapeuta, seja como terapia de expansão pulmonar, terapia de remoção de secreções traqueobrônquicas ou como método para prover repouso muscular respiratório relativo. Apesar dessas evidências, os benefícios não são avaliados, visto que ainda não há consenso nos critérios para indicação da ventilação mecânica não invasiva em idosos pós-acidente vascular cerebral. Objetivos: Evidenciar as publicações sobre o uso de ventilação mecânica não invasiva em idosos pós-acidente vascular cerebral (qualificação) e construir um Checklist para indicação de ventilação não invasiva em idosos pós-acidente vascular cerebral. Método: Trata-se de um estudo metodológico, de abordagem quantitativa realizado no Hospital Universitário Lauro Wanderley, na cidade de João Pessoa-PB. O estudo foi submetido ao Comitê de Ética em Pesquisa do Centro de Ciências da Saúde da Universidade Federal da Paraíba e aprovado pelo nº 2.190.153, de 27 de julho de 2017, CAAE; 67103917.6.0000.5188. Resultados e Discussão: inicialmente foram selecionados artigos que abordaram acidente vascular cerebral e apneia obstrutiva do sono; 8 artigos a modalidade ventilatória foi a pressão positiva contínua; maior quantitativo de publicações no ano de 2009. A ventilação não invasiva apresenta benefícios na otimização, manutenção e restabelecimento da função pulmonar do idoso pós-acidente vascular cerebral. O número baixo de publicações e a ausência de protocolos reforça a necessidade de construção de instrumento para esta temática. Posteriormente, foi realizado entrevistas para emissão de pareceres sobre a construção do Checklist para indicação de ventilação não invasiva em idosos pós-acidente vascular cerebral, com dois grupos denominados GD (grupo de doutores, experts) e GF (grupo de fisioterapeutas atuantes em cardiorrespiratória), compostos por 10 sujeitos cada. Após emissão dos pareceres dos GD e GF, foi elaborado o checklist. Resultados: A viabilidade de aplicação clínica e ao auxílio na tomada de decisão (n=20; 100%). Sua relevância com proporção significante (p=0,007), a possibilidade de aplicação em curto tempo (p=0,0001), abrangência de conteúdo, 50% (n=10) relataram que o checklist é abrangente e 50% (n=10) afirmaram que é necessário acréscimo de conteúdo; foram unânimes que o instrumento tem boa apresentação, é objetivo, coerente e claro em seu conteúdo (n=20; 100%). Conclusão: A ventilação não invasiva apresenta benefícios na otimização, manutenção e restabelecimento da função pulmonar do idoso pós-acidente vascular cerebral. Entretanto, há um número baixo de publicações e a ausência de protocolos reforça a necessidade de construção de instrumento relacionado á esta temática. Por fim, percebe-se que um instrumento aplicado precocemente, pode ser um recurso tecnológico capaz de trazer benefícios a saúde da pessoa idosa, visto que favorecerá melhoria na função pulmonar e propiciará uma melhor qualidade de vida. Espera-se que este material proporcione a saúde com segurança, prevenindo o erro e consequentemente o evento adverso, favorecendo a qualificação profissional e especialmente a qualidade da assistência ao paciente, ofertada pelo fisioterapeuta.
  • Date: Dec 6, 2017
  • Time: 09:00
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  • A ocorrência de quedas está entre os acidentes mais recorrentes da população idosa, sendo esta uma das principais causas de morte nesta população. Na prática assistencial, observa-se, também, um importante número de idosos, vítimas de quedas, as quais podem influenciar na sua qualidade de vida. Episódios de quedas necessitam de cuidados especiais; faz-se então necessária a construção de uma cartilha que venha contribuir para a qualidade de vida dos idosos, mostrando informações sobre como reduzir a incidência de quedas, minimizando os transtornos na família e buscando diminuir gastos com a assistência de idosos nos serviços de saúde. Objetivos: identificar a produção científica sobre acidentes por quedas em pessoas idosas; conhecer os fatores de risco para quedas em idosos atendidos no Ambulatório de fisioterapia do Hospital Universitário e construir uma Cartilha de Orientação sobre Prevenção de Quedas em Domicilio para a pessoa idosa. Método: Trata-se de um estudo metodológico, de abordagem quali-quantitativa, realizado em João Pessoa/PB, com 52 idosos, cadastrados no Serviço de Fisioterapia Adulto do Ambulatório, com idade superior aos 60 anos, de ambos os sexos, que aceitaram, em condições sociocognitivas para integrarem a pesquisa, responder ao questionário. Os dados coletados foram analisados por meio de estatística descritiva (média e percentual) e inferencial (teste de associação qui-quadrado, considerando p<0,05). Resultados e Discussão: Houve maior quantitativo de publicações sobre acidentes por quedas em pessoas idosas na área de enfermagem, na biblioteca virtual SCIELO, concentradas no ano de 2012. Os dados relacionados aos participantes da pesquisa mostraram que dos 52 idosos, a maioria é feminina (71,15%) com faixa etária entre 60 a 70 anos (55,77%), casada (48,08%), aposentada (59,61%), residentes em casa (88,46%) não adaptada (88,46%). A maioria vive com o cônjuge (44,23%), sofreu queda ao longo da vida (75%), não recebeu orientações prévias para prevenir (92,31%). Dos que sofreram evento de queda, a maioria ocorreu em domicilio (84,62%), pela manhã (41,03%) a partir de escorregões (56,42%) no banheiro (48,49%), resultando em fraturas para 41,03%, levando 46,15% â imobilização e 61,64% necessitaram de reabilitação. Houve a construção da cartilha com informações para a prevenção de quedas e orientações sobre atividade física no ambiente domiciliar como proposta de tecnologia educativa em saúde voltada para pessoas idosas. Conclusão: Este estudo fortalece as publicações sobre acidentes por quedas em pessoas idosas. Ao mesmo tempo, busca contribuir para a construção de material informativo acessível para a compreensão da pessoa idosa, contendo orientações educativas sobre a adequação do ambiente domiciliar na prevenção de quedas, conferindo a ela autonomia, independência e segurança.