Neo-developmentalism in Brazil: a study on its genesis, rise
and contradictions (2006-2010)
Fecha: 31-ago-2020
Hora: 14:00
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This dissertation analyzes the characterization of neodevelopmentism
experienced in the country between the years 2006 to 2010. A procedurality
occurred during the Lula da Silva governments by the Partido dos Trabalhadores
(PT), under a maximum of economic development added to the inclusion
Social. The qualitative study was carried out through research
bibliography on the origin and configuration of this ideal in America
Latin America with a focus on Brazilian particularity, and documentary research to
give legitimacy and depth to the data worked. Three were elected
theoretical matrixes for the analysis of neodevelopmentism in Brazil: that of
organic government intellectuals who reaffirmed official narratives; an
of the theorists who made a moderate criticism to the conduction of the mandates,
but did not admit a liberal orientation on the part of them, and to those who
weaved a radical critique of addressing problems governments backed by
Marxist conception of historical underdevelopment, making the country
dependent on central economies. Thus, while exercising
these theoretical lines are evident the main changes occurred in the
macroeconomic and political fields such as the appreciation of commodities, the
favorable external dynamics, the role of large public banks, the
Monitoring of economic indices and the state posture in enabling
those and the other ingredients factors. At first, test yourself
neodevelopmentalist theorization seeking to qualify its essence and
his insurgency in Brazil. Then it presents itself as fine-tuned narratives
with the federal government, showing a composition of a social state
strengthened through income distribution policies, expansion of
employment, wage appreciation, making credit and consumption viable and other
state investment initiatives. And finally, endorsing the wave of
intellectuals that contradict the prospect of major transformations in the
Brazilian society, one tries to unravel the myth created of integration
economics and social development in a dialectical movement of dissecting
the main contradictions of this process in different sectors of society.
In this context, it is concluded that PT governments had a
focused on the dictates of capital in its contemporary stage and the measures
social promotion measures used to contain the population of
possible organizations against the capitalist order and legitimize the society of the
market, thus camouflaging the real party orientation. An application was
conciliation and class coalition strategy that had among its
main consequences, the emptying of the class dimension in conflicts
of work. It is understood, therefore, that neodevelopmentism is
dealt with a false inflection in the process of economic development
Brazil, registering occasional changes to the lower classes of the
society and fluidity for those above. A project that served as an expansion
to the bourgeois potential, giving it space for further offensives.
Fecha: 30-jun-2020
Hora: 14:00
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The present study had as object of research the labor reform of the Michel Temer government (2016-2018). The main objective was to analyze the particularities of the labor reform, in the national context of advancement of informal work. The theoretical assumptions refer to the Marxist tradition, with demarcated elaborations in the field of work. By considering the totality, the text also makes the seam with works that deal with neoliberalism, the crisis of capitalism and the Brazilian crisis that develops from 2013. Thus, we engage in reflection on work, informal and intermittent work, and the Brazilian political and economic crisis. The empirical basis of our study was the body of Law 13,467/2017 known as labor reform, data from the National Household Sample Survey - PNAD Continua do IBGE, DIEESE and IPEA related to unemployment, occupation rate, average income and sector of activities, between 2015-2018. The result showed informal work as a growing trend in Brazil, and the duality between overexploitation and underutilization of labor force. The labor reform, as an action of the State, is placed at the disposal of employers, to ensure the increase of capitalist accumulation and relieve the responsibilities and "constraints" of hiring. It also recognizes forms of insertion, especially the intermittent work contract, evidenced by the intense precariousness of work. Key Words of the Dissertation: Labor Reform. Informal work. Intermittent contract.
Fecha: 29-may-2020
Hora: 14:00
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Esta dissertação se apresenta como um caminho de investigação
científica, que objetiva refletir sobre os aspectos incidentes que
dificultam e/ou impossibilitam o cumprimento de Medidas
Socioeducativas em Meio Aberto aplicadas aos adolescentes e
jovens do programa de atendimento do município de João Pessoa e
assim contribuir com o fortalecimento do Sistema Nacional de
Atendimento Socioeducativo (SINASE). Nessa direção o estudo
buscou: a) examinar a trajetória destes adolescentes, no que se
refere ao acesso à educação, profissionalização, habitação, saúde,
cultura, esporte, lazer e renda; b) identificar e analisar os aspectos
que incidem na impossibilidade de cumprimento da medida
socioeducativa e: c) analisar como o programa de execução da
medida socioeducativa em meio aberto vem respondendo à
dificuldade e/ou impossibilidade do cumprimento das medidas pelos
adolescentes. A base teórica que subsidia a análise parte das
reflexões sobre o neoliberalismo como modelo político econômico e
as implicações no acesso a direitos sociais e humanos e a
construção do modelo de proteção social brasileira nesse contexto.
Destaca-se o debate sobre a responsabilização e garantia de
direitos, versando sobre o paradigma da Doutrina da Situação
Irregular e da Doutrina da Proteção integral, a partir da Política
Nacional de Atendimento Socioeducativo para adolescentes que
cometem ato infracional no Brasil: Interface SUAS/SINASE. A partir
do emprego epistemológico do método dialético materialista, o
estudo contou com a técnica de observação participante, por se tratar
de uma pesquisa realizada no âmbito do cotidiano profissional. Os
dados obtidos mediante aplicação do questionário semiestruturado,
foram analisados a partir da Análise de Conteúdo e estão
organizados em duas grandes categorias: A primeira corresponde ao
Programa de Pós-Graduação em Serviço Social PPGSS - Centro de Ciências Humanas, Letras e Artes CCHLA
Bloco V Campus I - Universidade Federal da Paraíba - Cidade Universitária - João Pessoa/PB - CEP 58059-900
Site: www.cchla.ufpb.br/ppgss/ - e-mail: ppgss@cchla.ufpb.br - Telefone (83) 3216-7319
Adolescentes e jovens sujeitos da pesquisa: perfil, trajetória e
acesso a políticas públicas Contexto de vivência e a segunda
grande categoria refere-se aos Aspectos que dificultam e/ou
impossibilitam o cumprimento da Medida Socioeducativa em Meio
Aberto a partir dos relatos dos adolescentes e jovens. Como
resultado desta pesquisa dois aspectos são apontados como
possíveis respostas à questão central deste trabalho, quais sejam: o
primeiro envolve o contexto de violação de direitos fundamentais
básicos: educação, saúde, lazer, renda, esporte, cultura e ainda a
negação à convivência familiar e comunitária. Ou seja, em outras
palavras adolescentes e jovens tem o processo de cumprimento das
medidas dificultado e/ou impossibilitados pelos mesmos fatores que o
levaram a praticar o ato infracional. O segundo aspecto refere-se à
fragilização da aplicação da política pública socioeducativa, que
contribui para a fragilidade na compreensão de adolescentes e
jovens no contexto de cumprimento das medidas socioeducativas e
isso envolve o Sistema de Garantia Direitos da política
socioeducativa como todo. Ambos aspectos, estão ligados ao modelo
de produção capitalista no qual a sociedade está organizada,
processos desiguais de acesso a bens e serviços socialmente
produzidos, aprofundados pela lógica neoliberal.
Fecha: 29-may-2020
Hora: 14:00
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This study aimed to analyze the instrumentality of the social worker in health care for the elderly. With regard to methodological aspects, it is a systematic bibliographic search, of the integrative type that followed the criteria and steps established by Lima and Mioto (2007). In addition to the bibliographic research, a documentary survey was also carried out to identify and read the available legislation, related to the category of Social Work. Regarding the main sources, the bibliographic research was based on the work of the National Meeting of Researchers in Social Work (ENPESS) of 2016 and 2018, and of the Brazilian Congress of Social Workers (CBAS) of 2013 and 2016, in addition to the articles from the A1 journals in the Social Service area: Revista Katálysis (UFSC) and Social Service & Society, taking as a chronological parameter the selection of works relating to the period from 2013 to 2018. The linguistic parameter was that of the Portuguese language. The research had as a universe the quantity of 4,917 articles and as a sample 14 articles specifically linked to the exercise of the social worker in the health area with the elderly. The historical-dialectical method was used and content analysis by categorization was used as the data analysis technique, using the synthesis matrix as an instrument using a reading script. The results of the research confirmed that the hypothesis was verified, since the instrumentality of the work of the social worker with the elderly in the health sector is mixed, with the strong presence of instrumental reason, dissociating from the perspective assumed by the Professional Ethical-Political Project, because the intentionality of the action sometimes comes up against objective working conditions. Thus, while the relationship between theory and practice is manifested only ideally, there is a superficial understanding of social phenomena, reducing professional practice to the technical dimension, in a fragmented and bureaucratic perspective. It is reiterated that the professional exercise must have as a horizon the articulation between the technical-operative, ethical-political and theoretical-methodological dimensions that, in their articulation, make it possible to effect the movement between the universal-singular-particular triad.
Fecha: 29-may-2020
Hora: 14:00
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This study aimed to analyze the instrumentality of the social worker in health care for the elderly. With regard to methodological aspects, it is a systematic bibliographic search, of the integrative type that followed the criteria and steps established by Lima and Mioto (2007). In addition to the bibliographic research, a documentary survey was also carried out to identify and read the available legislation, related to the category of Social Work. Regarding the main sources, the bibliographic research was based on the work of the National Meeting of Researchers in Social Work (ENPESS) of 2016 and 2018, and of the Brazilian Congress of Social Workers (CBAS) of 2013 and 2016, in addition to the articles from the A1 journals in the Social Service area: Revista Katálysis (UFSC) and Social Service & Society, taking as a chronological parameter the selection of works relating to the period from 2013 to 2018. The linguistic parameter was that of the Portuguese language. The research had as a universe the quantity of 4,917 articles and as a sample 14 articles specifically linked to the exercise of the social worker in the health area with the elderly. The historical-dialectical method was used and content analysis by categorization was used as the data analysis technique, using the synthesis matrix as an instrument using a reading script. The results of the research confirmed that the hypothesis was verified, since the instrumentality of the work of the social worker with the elderly in the health sector is mixed, with the strong presence of instrumental reason, dissociating from the perspective assumed by the Professional Ethical-Political Project, because the intentionality of the action sometimes comes up against objective working conditions. Thus, while the relationship between theory and practice is manifested only ideally, there is a superficial understanding of social phenomena, reducing professional practice to the technical dimension, in a fragmented and bureaucratic perspective. It is reiterated that the professional exercise must have as a horizon the articulation between the technical-operative, ethical-political and theoretical-methodological dimensions that, in their articulation, make it possible to effect the movement between the universal-singular-particular triad.
Irregular Courses in Social Work in the States of Paraíba, Pernambuco and Ceará.
Fecha: 29-may-2020
Hora: 14:00
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The present dissertation, entitled: THE INTENSIFICATION OF THE
Courses in Social Work the States of Paraíba, Pernambuco and Ceará, presents the results
obtained from the research carried out on the intensification of the commodification of
education higher from irregular courses in Social Work, with cuts in the States of Paraíba,
Pernambuco and Ceará. The general objective is to analyze the intensification of the
mercantilization of higher education taking as reference the contemporary crisis of capital and
its consequences expressed in the counter-reform of the State. The sustained assumption in the
investigation is that this intensification has an impact on the professional training of Social
Work at a private level, with the offer of irregular courses, whose tendency is the lateralization
of the ABEPSS Curricular Guidelines of 1996. To reach this conclusion, we start from the
debate on the capitalist crisis as a concrete materiality of the object of study, guided by the
neoliberal fundomonetation adjustment, the counter-reform of the State and the
commercialization of higher education that impacts professional training in Social Work as a
socially determined process. It is a qualitative and quantitative study, carried out through
bibliographic and documentary analysis. The documentary research was based on the analysis
of the Internal Administrative Processes and Conclusive Opinions referring to graduates from
irregular courses, who presented themselves at the Regional Social Service Councils of Paraíba,
Pernambuco and Ceará, between the years 2016-2019. Therefore, our theoretical-
methodological choice answers our specific objectives from three chapters. The first chapter
focuses on the study of the contemporary crisis of capital and its consequences expressed in the
counter-reform of the State and in the commercialization of Higher Education. The second
chapter is dedicated to apprehending the historical process of Social Work, highlighting the
ABEPSS Curricular Guidelines of 1996 and the tendency to commercialize professional
training. The third and last chapter focuses on the exposure of research data, seeking to verify
the incidences and impacts of commercialization on professional training in Social Work from
irregular Social Work courses. The research will point out in the final considerations that the
crisis and the capital restructuring measures require a reconfiguration of education that are
carried out through counter-reforms. That the Brazilian State acts in accordance with the
dictates of international organizations, facilitating the commercial expansion of higher
education. That irregular courses in Social Work appear as a result of the intensification of this
commercialization and contributes to the hegemonic dispute in the profession between the
critical and conservative perspective.
THE INTENSIFICATION OF THE MERCANTILIZATION OF HIGHER EDUCATION IN BRAZIL: the particularity of Irregular Courses in Social Work in the States of Paraíba, Pernambuco and Ceará
Fecha: 29-may-2020
Hora: 14:00
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The present dissertation, entitled: THE INTENSIFICATION OF THE MERCANTILIZATION OF HIGHER EDUCATION IN BRAZIL: the particularity of irregular Courses in Social Work the States of Paraíba, Pernambuco and Ceará, presents the results obtained from the research carried out on the intensification of the commodification of education higher from irregular courses in Social Work, with cuts in the States of Paraíba, Pernambuco and Ceará. The general objective is to analyze the intensification of the mercantilization of higher education taking as reference the contemporary crisis of capital and its consequences expressed in the counter-reform of the State. The sustained assumption in the investigation is that this intensification has an impact on the professional training of Social Work at a private level, with the offer of irregular courses, whose tendency is the lateralization of the ABEPSS Curricular Guidelines of 1996. To reach this conclusion, we start from the debate on the capitalist crisis as a concrete materiality of the object of study, guided by the neoliberal fundomonetation adjustment, the counter-reform of the State and the commercialization of higher education that impacts professional training in Social Work as a socially determined process. It is a qualitative and quantitative study, carried out through bibliographic and documentary analysis. The documentary research was based on the analysis of the Internal Administrative Processes and Conclusive Opinions referring to graduates from irregular courses, who presented themselves at the Regional Social Service Councils of Paraíba, Pernambuco and Ceará, between the years 2016-2019. Therefore, our theoretical-methodological choice answers our specific objectives from three chapters. The first chapter focuses on the study of the contemporary crisis of capital and its consequences expressed in the counter-reform of the State and in the commercialization of Higher Education. The second chapter is dedicated to apprehending the historical process of Social Work, highlighting the ABEPSS Curricular Guidelines of 1996 and the tendency to commercialize professional training. The third and last chapter focuses on the exposure of research data, seeking to verify the incidences and impacts of commercialization on professional training in Social Work from irregular Social Work courses. The research will point out in the final considerations that the crisis and the capital restructuring measures require a reconfiguration of education that are carried out through counter-reforms. That the Brazilian State acts in accordance with the dictates of international organizations, facilitating the commercial expansion of higher education. That irregular courses in Social Work appear as a result of the intensification of this commercialization and contributes to the hegemonic dispute in the profession between the critical and conservative perspective.
Fecha: 29-may-2020
Hora: 14:00
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This dissertation presented and discussed as entities representing the social worker category, especially ABEPSS, CFESS / CRESS and ENESSO, preventing, strengthening, maintaining and deepening the strategic social direction of the professional Social-Political project of the Brazilian Social Service. For this analysis, we established the first decade of the 2000s (2010-2018) as a time frame, considering that these years make up the decade closest to the present. We had as sources of research data, exclusively, the websites of the following entities above. From the Brazilian Association of Teaching and Research in Social Work - ABEPSS, we selected the ABEPSS Itinerant project and the Plan of Fight in Defense of Work and Training and Against the Precariousness of Higher Education, as well as the ABEPSS Curricular Guidelines and the National Internship Policy , documents that were published by the entity, constituting the basis of the professional training policy of social workers. From the Federal Council of Social Work, we chose as research material the final reports of the National Meetings, according to the time frame of the research, as well as some Resolutions published by CFESS that had rights with the training and professional work of social workers. And from ENESSO, we selected the Notebooks of Deliberations of the National Social Service Students' Meetings - ENESSO, and some booklets published by the entity on topics related to the process of training Social Work students. We analyzed this data set according to each representative entity, evidenced, its articulation or not with the ethical-political principles of the professional project, comparing with the literature that the profession has historically built, with regard to its current professional project. We agree with Netto (2009a), based on Marx's thought, that the researcher's role in the investigation, having to apprehend as multiple determinations and mediations of the researched phenomenon, to analyze its internal dynamics and functioning and to investigate the connection that there is between them. Therefore, our analysis shows that the entities highlighted in this research, are of paramount importance for the maintenance, deepening and advancement of the strategic direction of the critical social service's ethical-political project, even in adverse circumstances to its fundamentals.
Fecha: 29-may-2020
Hora: 14:00
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This dissertation presented and discussed as entities representing the social worker category,
especially ABEPSS, CFESS / CRESS and ENESSO, preventing, strengthening, maintaining
and deepening the strategic social direction of the professional Social-Political project of the
Brazilian Social Service. For this analysis, we established the first decade of the 2000s (2010-
2018) as a time frame, considering that these years make up the decade closest to the present.
We had as sources of research data, exclusively, the websites of the following entities above.
From the Brazilian Association of Teaching and Research in Social Work - ABEPSS, we
selected the ABEPSS Itinerant project and the Plan of Fight in Defense of Work and Training
and Against the Precariousness of Higher Education, as well as the ABEPSS Curricular
Guidelines and the National Internship Policy , documents that were published by the entity,
constituting the basis of the professional training policy of social workers. From the Federal
Council of Social Work, we chose as research material the final reports of the National
Meetings, according to the time frame of the research, as well as some Resolutions published
by CFESS that had rights with the training and professional work of social workers. And from
ENESSO, we selected the Notebooks of Deliberations of the National Social Service
Students' Meetings - ENESSO, and some booklets published by the entity on topics related to
the process of training Social Work students. We analyzed this data set according to each
representative entity, evidenced, its articulation or not with the ethical-political principles of
the professional project, comparing with the literature that the profession has historically
built, with regard to its current professional project. We agree with Netto (2009a), based on
Marx's thought, that the researcher's role in the investigation, having to apprehend as multiple
determinations and mediations of the researched phenomenon, to analyze its internal
dynamics and functioning and to investigate the connection that there is between them.
Therefore, our analysis shows that the entities highlighted in this research, are of paramount
importance for the maintenance, deepening and advancement of the strategic direction of the
critical social service's ethical-political project, even in adverse circumstances to its
Project, project. action
Fecha: 29-may-2020
Hora: 14:00
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This dissertation presented and discussed as entities representing the social worker category, especially ABEPSS, CFESS / CRESS and ENESSO, preventing, strengthening, maintaining and deepening the strategic social direction of the professional Social-Political project of the Brazilian Social Service. For this analysis, we established the first decade of the 2000s (2010-2018) as a time frame, considering that these years make up the decade closest to the present. We had as sources of research data, exclusively, the websites of the following entities above. From the Brazilian Association of Teaching and Research in Social Work - ABEPSS, we selected the ABEPSS Itinerant project and the Plan of Fight in Defense of Work and Training and Against the Precariousness of Higher Education, as well as the ABEPSS Curricular Guidelines and the National Internship Policy , documents that were published by the entity, constituting the basis of the professional training policy of social workers. From the Federal Council of Social Work, we chose as research material the final reports of the National Meetings, according to the time frame of the research, as well as some Resolutions published
by CFESS that had rights with the training and professional work of social workers. And from
ENESSO, we selected the Notebooks of Deliberations of the National Social Service
Students' Meetings - ENESSO, and some booklets published by the entity on topics related to
the process of training Social Work students. We analyzed this data set according to each
representative entity, evidenced, its articulation or not with the ethical-political principles of
the professional project, comparing with the literature that the profession has historically
built, with regard to its current professional project. We agree with Netto (2009a), based on
Marx's thought, that the researcher's role in the investigation, having to apprehend as multiple
determinations and mediations of the researched phenomenon, to analyze its internal
dynamics and functioning and to investigate the connection that there is between them.
Therefore, our analysis shows that the entities highlighted in this research, are of paramount
importance for the maintenance, deepening and advancement of the strategic direction of the
critical social service's ethical-political project, even in adverse circumstances to its
Fecha: 01-abr-2020
Hora: 14:00
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O Serviço Social é uma profissão que teve uma origem histórica conservadora, voltada ao atendimento dos interesses da burguesia e à organização da base produtiva capitalista. Neste trabalho, inicialmente foi produzido um breve relato sobre a atuação do Assistente Social inserido na Educação Profissional e Tecnológica, mais precisamente no Instituto Federal de Educação, Ciência e Tecnologia do Rio Grande do Norte (IFRN), tratando especialmente da sua atuação para a permanência dos estudantes após a instituição da política de cotas através das Leis nº 12.711/2012 e 13.409/2016. Os desafios relativos à permanência dos estudantes postos aos Assistentes Sociais no contexto pós política de cotas são os objetos deste estudo, que possui o objetivo justamente de identificar e refletir sobre os desafios e demandas que se apresentam ao profissional de Serviço Social inserido no IFRN na viabilização da permanência dos estudantes após a implantação da política de cotas na instituição. Metodologicamente, para o alcance desses objetivos, foi realizada pesquisa bibliográfica e documental para desenvolver uma análise sobre os temas tratados na pesquisa tendo o materialismo histórico dialético como método, bem como uma pesquisa de campo empírica quali-quantitativa, com as Assistentes Sociais mais antigas do IFRN, que vivenciaram o período anterior e posterior às cotas, e que, portanto, conhecendo a realidade institucional antes das cotas, podem ser capazes de identificar e refletir sobre o que mudou efetivamente após às cotas. A pesquisa empírica foi realizada através de um questionário, com perguntas abertas e fechadas, desenvolvido no Google Forms e enviado link via e-mail institucional. Na avaliação dos dados extraídos dos questionários das 17 Assistentes Socias participantes da pesquisa, assim como do conteúdo bibliográfico e documental estudado, foi possível perceber e compreender diversos desafios que se apresentam à categoria para a permanência dos estudantes após as cotas, dentre eles: a ausência de uma política de permanência associada a política de cotas, que tratam apenas do acesso; o aumento da demanda do número de estudantes que buscam os programas de assistência estudantil da instituição; e a falta de recursos orçamentários, que está na ordem do dia diante dos cortes e contingenciamentos realizados pelo governo, especialmente nessa conjuntura política neoliberal e ultraconservadora atual. Também inferiu-se do estudo que as cotas trouxeram novas demandas para o Assistente Social do IFRN e fez com que a categoria repensasse sua prática profissional e os programas voltados à permanência estudantil na instituição. Conclui-se que é preciso que o Assistente Social permaneça alinhado ao seu projeto ético-político, pensando a permanência no enfrentamento desses desafios por um olhar mais ampliado, para além dos programas de assistência estudantil, mas entendendo seus limites e possibilidade, especialmente na atual conjuntura.
Fecha: 28-feb-2020
Hora: 16:00
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Este estudo versa sobre os determinantes da relação entre Proteção Social e Território, a partir de um estudo das condições socioterritoriais dos serviços públicos condicionados vinculados ao território de moradias das famílias beneficiárias do Bolsa Família. Tendo como objetivo analisar o impacto do acesso aos serviços públicos condicionados na Proteção Social das famílias beneficiárias do Programa Bolsa Família em municípios da 2º Região Geoadministrativa do Estado da Paraíba. A abordagem teórico-metodológica desse estudo investigativo de caráter quanti-qualitativo, apresenta as concepções fundantes da Proteção Social, discorrendo sobre marcos históricos iniciais da Proteção Social, aprofundando o debate no contexto brasileiro, sobretudo, a partir da Constituição Federal de 1988, com ênfase na Política de Assistência Social e o no debate sobre os Programas de Transferência de Renda. Apresenta as dimensões históricas e legais do Programa Bolsa Família, e a importância da intersetorialidade para a gestão do programa. A pesquisa foi desenvolvida a partir de fontes secundárias, através de levantamento bibliográfico e documental; seguido da análise de dados disponibilizados em plataformas on line de instituições públicas vinculadas ao objeto em estudo. A amostragem do estudo refere-se a quatro municípios da 2º Região Geoadministrativa da Paraíba, composta por um total de 24 municípios. Os resultados permitem inferir algumas considerações a partir da elucidação de indicadores socio territoriais de proteção social vinculados ao território de moradia, quais sejam: a gestão da proteção social e as políticas de transferência de renda são duas faces do modelo (ainda que incipiente) de proteção social no país. Além disso, há uma intrínseca relação entre a proteção social e o território, considerando o território configura-se fator/indicador determinante para mediações e gestão da proteção social. Identificamos ainda a importância da intersetorialidade enquanto principal mediação no processo de gestão do Programa Bolsa Família. Entretanto, é necessário o aprimoramento das gestões municipais do programa, de modo a fortalecer o acompanhamento das condicionalidades do Programa Bolsa Família, superando a concepção de observar as situações de descumprimento apenas como dados quantitativos, buscando identificar situações de vulnerabilidades e fragilidades que levam as famílias chegarem à situação de descumprimento. Por fim, as incursões realizadas nos permitiram constatar que o Programa Bolsa Família tem sofrido gradativamente com o enxugamento do orçamento, e consequentemente apresentado diminuição no número de famílias beneficiárias, sendo a manutenção e continuidade do programa, talvez, o maior problema encontrado no decorrer do nosso estudo.
Fecha: 28-feb-2020
Hora: 14:00
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Historicamente as pessoas com deficiência viveram processos de segregação e exclusão social. Percorrendo desde o assistencialismo, passando pela mobilização até a conquista de direitos e exercício da cidadania. Esta Dissertação em Serviço Social propõe como objetivo geral a análise da realidade de estudantes com deficiência nas escolas municipais de João Pessoa-PB, sob o olhar do Serviço Social no âmbito educacional. Os objetivos específicos visam analisar o perfil de estudantes com deficiência nas referidas escolas; o processo de inclusão social desses estudantes nas escolas regulares, considerando as condições de acesso e permanência à educação; as ações das escolas voltadas aos estudantes com deficiência; conhecer os principais mecanismos do Serviço Social na viabilização do direito à educação dos estudantes com deficiência; conhecer e analisar os principais problemas enfrentados pelo Serviço Social na viabilização dos direitos desses estudantes. Realizamos a pesquisa por meio do levantamento bibliográfico e documental, seguida de coleta de dados através de uma pesquisa de campo com entrevistas semiestruturadas com 14 assistentes sociais da rede municipal de ensino regular de João Pessoa-PB. Em seguida, utilizamos a técnica da análise de conteúdo e nos fundamentamos no materialismo histórico dialético como método de pesquisa, visando perceber a realidade e suas facetas, desvelando a aparência e buscando a essência do objeto de estudo. Através da análise dos dados da pesquisa, observamos que: a inclusão dos estudantes com deficiência avançou, mas não acontece como preconiza a legislação e os estudiosos sobre o tema; esses estudantes têm o acesso à escola garantido por lei, já sua permanência apresenta entraves relacionados à acessibilidade, profissionais despreparados, falta de projetos específicos voltados à temática da deficiência; os estudantes estão sendo cada vez mais respeitados e aceitos pela maior parte das pessoas que compõem a comunidade escolar; os pais e/ou responsáveis estão em processo de aceitação em relação à deficiência dos filhos; a predominância da atuação do Serviço Social junto aos pais e/ou responsáveis dos alunos; um dos principais problemas que as assistentes sociais enfrentam é a inconstância na rede de serviços municipal, dificultando o andamento dos encaminhamentos; sugestões para a SEDEC em relação à melhoria da realidade dos estudantes com deficiência nas escolas da rede. Por meio desse estudo foi possível concluirmos que apesar das contradições inerentes ao sistema capitalista, a inclusão desse segmento é necessária para que participem dos espaços e serviços com autonomia e respeito.
Violation of Rights and social Vulnerability of Children, Adolescents and Families in the State of Paraiba and the coping Policies,
Fecha: 28-feb-2020
Hora: 14:00
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The present study has as main objective to analyze the effectiveness of the right to the right family and community coexistence of children and adolescents who are in institutional care services in the state of Paraiba, from the perspective of professional social workers. It is an investigative part of a broad research, called Violation of Rights and social Vulnerability of Children, Adolescents and Families in the State of Paraiba and the coping Policies, developed by the Study and Research Group on Children, Adolescents and Families Federal University of Paraiba. The right family and community in the Brazilian Federal Constitution of 1988, in the Child and Adolescent Statute of 1990 and other national laws and regulations as fundamental to the development of children and adolescents. It can be understood as the possibility for children and adolescents to remain in the environment to which they belong and preferably with their families, that is: their parents and / or other family members and in the possibility of another family that can accommodate them. For situations in which there is a need to be temporarily removed from their environment and placed in institutional care, compliance with the principles of exceptionality is essential, and family reintegration is prioritized family reintegration, as this a protective measure. In this sense, to analyze the effectiveness of the fundamental right to family and community coexistence in the state of Paraiba, it was an exploratory research in the 31 (thirty-one) host institutions existing in the state during the execution of the research (2017 and early 2018). For data collection, the interview technique was used, through the application of three semi-structured questionnaires, with 31 (thirty-one) managers, 27 (twenty-seven) social workers and 74 (seventy-four) families. However, for this study we stopped to analyze the research carried out with the social workers of the institutions. Initially, a bibliographic search was carried out using books and scientific article from Social Work and from areas that dialogue with the theme. The methodology of this research is based on the historical and dialectical materialism method, has a qualitative and quantitative approach, with the systematization, reading and interpretation of data according to the content analysis technique. The research identified advances in the predominance of the State‟s participation in the provision of childcare services for children and historically been managed by non-governmental institutions, of a religious nature, from the perspective of charity and not of law. However, it showed weaknesses of a structural nature as to the lack of basic resources for carrying out activities in the institution‟s daily life. In a addition to the need to expand the actions carried out with the community and strengthen the actions with the families so that in fact this protective measure is carried out in compliance with the principle of exceptionality and brevity, giving children the right to live in family and community. This suggests that putting the paradigm proposed by the organization into practice is a procedural challenge, both non-governmental and governmental.
Violation of Rights and social Vulnerability of Children, Adolescents and Families in the State of Paraiba and the coping Policies,
Fecha: 28-feb-2020
Hora: 14:00
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The present study has as main objective to analyze the effectiveness of the right to the right family and community coexistence of children and adolescents who are in institutional care services in the state of Paraiba, from the perspective of professional social workers. It is an investigative part of a broad research, called Violation of Rights and social Vulnerability of Children, Adolescents and Families in the State of Paraiba and the coping Policies, developed by the Study and Research Group on Children, Adolescents and Families Federal University of Paraiba. The right family and community in the Brazilian Federal Constitution of 1988, in the Child and Adolescent Statute of 1990 and other national laws and regulations as fundamental to the development of children and adolescents. It can be understood as the possibility for children and adolescents to remain in the environment to which they belong and preferably with their families, that is: their parents and / or other family members and in the possibility of another family that can accommodate them. For situations in which there is a need to be temporarily removed from their environment and placed in institutional care, compliance with the principles of exceptionality is essential, and family reintegration is prioritized family reintegration, as this a protective measure. In this sense, to analyze the effectiveness of the fundamental right to family and community coexistence in the state of Paraiba, it was an exploratory research in the 31 (thirty-one) host institutions existing in the state during the execution of the research (2017 and early 2018). For data collection, the interview technique was used, through the application of three semi-structured questionnaires, with 31 (thirty-one) managers, 27 (twenty-seven) social workers and 74 (seventy-four) families. However, for this study we stopped to analyze the research carried out with the social workers of the institutions. Initially, a bibliographic search was carried out using books and scientific article from Social Work and from areas that dialogue with the theme. The methodology of this research is based on the historical and dialectical materialism method, has a qualitative and quantitative approach, with the systematization, reading and interpretation of data according to the content analysis technique. The research identified advances in the predominance of the State‟s participation in the provision of childcare services for children and historically been managed by non-governmental institutions, of a religious nature, from the perspective of charity and not of law. However, it showed weaknesses of a structural nature as to the lack of basic resources for carrying out activities in the institution‟s daily life. In a addition to the need to expand the actions carried out with the community and strengthen the actions with the families so that in fact this protective measure is carried out in compliance with the principle of exceptionality and brevity, giving children the right to live in family and community. This suggests that putting the paradigm proposed by the organization into practice is a procedural challenge, both non-governmental and governmental.
Fecha: 28-feb-2020
Hora: 14:00
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A presente dissertação versa sobre a temática da participação popular na gestão das políticas públicas de proteção social, como uma inovação democrática estabelecida pela atual Constituição Federal de 1988, que institui o controle social na gestão dessas políticas por meio de mecanismos de participação direta. Em particular, trata-se de um estudo de caráter exploratório, visando desvelar os impactos da prática do Orçamento Democrático Estadual da Paraíba sobre a alocação dos recursos orçamentários destinados às políticas públicas de proteção social, tendo como eixo as ações desenvolvidas pela Secretaria de Estado do Desenvolvimento Humano no período de 2011 a 2018. Inicialmente, o estudo bibliográfico propicia a aproximação teórica com a temática, suscitando significativas reflexões, especialmente sobre as categorias participação social, orçamento público, gestão de políticas públicas e proteção social. Nesse sentido, busca-se estabelecer um diálogo plural entre algumas vertentes analíticas que priorizam a interpretação crítica da realidade. Deste modo, a pesquisa disposta nesta dissertação orienta-se no método dialético, apoiando-se metodologicamente na modalidade de pesquisa documental e na abordagem que compreende a interação entre os enfoques qualitativo e quantitativo. No desenvolvimento da pesquisa, a coleta de dados realizou-se por meio da reunião de documentos contemporâneos primários referentes ao processo de elaboração e execução orçamentária e a política participativa do Orçamento Democrático do Estado da Paraíba. O ápice da pesquisa encontra-se na análise da relação entre as demandas populares apresentadas pela SEDH através das ações demarcadas na Lei Orçamentária Anual como demanda do OD e o efetivamente gasto. Para tal análise utilizam-se as Leis Anuais e os Balanços de Gestão orçamentária, a fim de cotejar as variações da alocação e realização das despesas com ações de políticas públicas de proteção social a partir das demandas do Orçamento Democrático.
Fecha: 28-feb-2020
Hora: 14:00
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A presente dissertação versa sobre a temática da participação popular na gestão das políticas públicas de proteção social, como uma inovação democrática estabelecida pela atual Constituição Federal de 1988, que institui o controle social na gestão dessas políticas por meio de mecanismos de participação direta. Em particular, trata-se de um estudo de caráter exploratório, visando desvelar os impactos da prática do Orçamento Democrático Estadual da Paraíba sobre a alocação dos recursos orçamentários destinados às políticas públicas de proteção social, tendo como eixo as ações desenvolvidas pela Secretaria de Estado do Desenvolvimento Humano no período de 2011 a 2018. Inicialmente, o estudo bibliográfico propicia a aproximação teórica com a temática, suscitando significativas reflexões, especialmente sobre as categorias participação social, orçamento público, gestão de políticas públicas e proteção social. Nesse sentido, busca-se estabelecer um diálogo plural entre algumas vertentes analíticas que priorizam a interpretação crítica da realidade. Deste modo, a pesquisa disposta nesta dissertação orienta-se no método dialético, apoiando-se metodologicamente na modalidade de pesquisa documental e na abordagem que compreende a interação entre os enfoques qualitativo e quantitativo. No desenvolvimento da pesquisa, a coleta de dados realizou-se por meio da reunião de documentos contemporâneos primários referentes ao processo de elaboração e execução orçamentária e a política participativa do Orçamento Democrático do Estado da Paraíba. O ápice da pesquisa encontra-se na análise da relação entre as demandas populares apresentadas pela SEDH através das ações demarcadas na Lei Orçamentária Anual como demanda do OD e o efetivamente gasto. Para tal análise utilizam-se as Leis Anuais e os Balanços de Gestão orçamentária, a fim de cotejar as variações da alocação e realização das despesas com ações de políticas públicas de proteção social a partir das demandas do Orçamento Democrático.
Fecha: 28-feb-2020
Hora: 13:30
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This Academic Master's Thesis focuses on the debate about the ways of confronting the "Social Question" in Brazil through social policies in contemporary times. Essentially, it is part of the analysis of the moralizing, individualizing, subjectivizing role that these policies can have, when operationalized by the State, by condensing the phenomenon called psychologization of the "Social Question". The study aims to understand the phenomenon of the psychologization of the "Social Question" through the political-economic models of organization of the social state in Brazil. Therefore, it was necessary a theoretical-analytical apprehension of the philosophical and conjunctural bases that served as the basis for the discussion from the categories such as alienation, class struggle, capitalist conjuncture to the relationship with the political-economic models of state. This Dissertation is based on the dialectical historical materialism method, by seeking the essence of the object through the approximate apprehensions of social reality, considering the diversity of categories that contemplate human complexity. It is a theoretical study of bibliographic and documentary character with qualitative approach, which takes place from the perspective of the study of propositions of government plans aimed at the Social Assistance Policy, which make it possible to provide contents that allow verifying the concreteness of "psychologization" in the reality of the Brazilian Social Assistance Policy. The documentation slated for the different Programs or Government Plans officially presented by the presidential candidates elected since the 1990s and comprise their political-economic perspectives adopted, strategies for confronting the "Social Issue" and, mainly, the use of the mechanism of psychology in these coping proposals. Research findings reveal the materialization of the phenomenon of psychology through practices adopted by the Brazilian State in coping with the expressions of the "Social Question". The Collor de Melo government pointed to modernization through individualization and adaptation to market dictates, forcing the unification of agendas between classes around supposed prosperity, democracy and the call to religiosity and subjectivism; the FHC governments guide the reduction of the State and the search for the individual autonomy of man, commencing the market as an essential force through privatizations, credit concessions and consumer citizens. The Luís Inácio Lula da Silva government focuses on social development, however, does not rule out the essential presence of private initiative, sees around entrepreneurship, economic autonomy, stimulating financing, increasing purchasing power tied to the mass consumption market, and invests in the logic of citizenship through consumption; the Dilma Vana Rousseff Government expresses continuity with the various agendas of the Lula government, especially in the focus of social development tied to consumption, on the focus on stimulating entrepreneurship, on investing in the discharacterization of the notion of class, and, therefore, with the dismemberment in multiple classes or subgroups; and the buffer government of Michel Temer, in turn, resumes more explicit aspects of neoliberalism, of an individualizing nature, without discussing the great narratives about the creation of social programs/projects, focusing intensely on economic indices and contempt for the implementation of Social Policies.
Fecha: 28-feb-2020
Hora: 13:03
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This Academic Master's Thesis focuses on the debate about the ways of confronting the "Social Question" in Brazil through social policies in contemporary times. Essentially, it is part of the analysis of the moralizing, individualizing, subjectivizing role that these policies can have, when operationalized by the State, by condensing the phenomenon called psychologization of the "Social Question". The study aims to understand the phenomenon of the psychologization of the "Social Question" through the political-economic models of organization of the social state in Brazil. Therefore, it was necessary a theoretical-analytical apprehension of the philosophical and conjunctural bases that served as the basis for the discussion from the categories such as alienation, class struggle, capitalist conjuncture to the relationship with the political-economic models of state. This Dissertation is based on the dialectical historical materialism method, by seeking the essence of the object through the approximate apprehensions of social reality, considering the diversity of categories that contemplate human complexity. It is a theoretical study of bibliographic and documentary character with qualitative approach, which takes place from the perspective of the study of propositions of government plans aimed at the Social Assistance Policy, which make it possible to provide contents that allow verifying the concreteness of "psychologization" in the reality of the Brazilian Social Assistance Policy. The documentation slated for the different Programs or Government Plans officially presented by the presidential candidates elected since the 1990s and comprise their political-economic perspectives adopted, strategies for confronting the "Social Issue" and, mainly, the use of the mechanism of psychology in these coping proposals. Research findings reveal the materialization of the phenomenon of psychology through practices adopted by the Brazilian State in coping with the expressions of the "Social Question". The Collor de Melo government pointed to modernization through individualization and adaptation to market dictates, forcing the unification of agendas between classes around supposed prosperity, democracy and the call to religiosity and subjectivism; the FHC governments guide the reduction of the State and the search for the individual autonomy of man, commencing the market as an essential force through privatizations, credit concessions and consumer citizens. The Luís Inácio Lula da Silva government focuses on social development, however, does not rule out the essential presence of private initiative, sees around entrepreneurship, economic autonomy, stimulating financing, increasing purchasing power tied to the mass consumption market, and invests in the logic of citizenship through consumption; the Dilma Vana Rousseff Government expresses continuity with the various agendas of the Lula government, especially in the focus of social development tied to consumption, on the focus on stimulating entrepreneurship, on investing in the discharacterization of the notion of class, and, therefore, with the dismemberment in multiple classes or subgroups; and the buffer government of Michel Temer, in turn, resumes more explicit aspects of neoliberalism, of an individualizing nature, without discussing the great narratives about the creation of social programs/projects, focusing intensely on economic indices and contempt for the implementation of Social Policies.
Fecha: 28-feb-2020
Hora: 09:00
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O presente estudo investigativo insere-se no debate sobre a criminalização do encarceramento feminino a partir da questão social e da realidade do sistema penitenciário, na perspectiva do atual fenômeno do crescimento das taxas de encarceramento feminino no Brasil, sobretudo em razão do tráfico de drogas, bem como investigar o perfil sociodemográfico das mulheres encarceradas no do Centro de Reeducação Feminino Maria Júlia Maranhão (CRFMJM), em João Pessoa/ Paraíba. Para estudar o Direito Penal como instrumento de luta contra as correntes patriarcais, considerou-se imprescindível o resgate histórico sobre as bases teóricas da Criminologia. A penalização da população pobre por meio do Direito Penal serve ao capitalismo como instrumento de controle formal e de marginalização das classes consideradas perigosas, etiquetando-as e criminalizando um perfil determinado de mulheres, que se tornam mais vulneráveis ao aprisionamento e à própria conduta delitiva em questão. O crescente encarceramento por envolvimento no tráfico de drogas nas últimas décadas vem superlotando os estabelecimentos prisionais e é possibilitado, dentre outros fatores, por uma política proibicionista repressiva que atinge as mulheres e se mostra totalmente ineficaz no combate à violência e à criminalidade. Metodologicamente, configura-se como uma pesquisa documental e bibliográfica em torno da realidade CRFMJM, realizado em janeiro de 2019. Esta pesquisa objetiva analisar os determinantes socioeconômicos das mulheres que se encontram cumprindo pena na referida unidade prisional por tráfico de drogas, bem como discutir os dados relacionados aos crimes cometidos por 197 mulheres presas. Para tanto, realiza-se uma coleta de dados nas fichas sociais das mulheres presas que cumprem pena pelo referido delito na instituição. De acordo com os dados do Levantamento Nacional de Informações Penitenciárias - Infopen Mulheres (2018), a população carcerária feminina brasileira é de 42.355 mulheres presas. Esse número revela uma realidade preocupante, pois segundo o Infopen, essa população é composta por mulheres jovens, negras, sem escolaridade e de classe socioeconômica baixa. Tanto os resultados de pesquisas realizadas em nível nacional como no CRFMJM indicam que as mulheres em situação de privação de liberdade nos presídios femininos, vivem uma realidade de negação de direitos, expostas a todos os tipos de violência. Destarte, conclui-se que as mulheres em privação de liberdade, que cumprem pena pelo tráfico de drogas no CRFMJM, são mulheres que vivem em situação de vulnerabilidade social e econômica e que buscam no tráfico de drogas uma forma de gerar renda para sua subsistência, desempenhando papéis coadjuvantes na hierarquia do tráfico, sendo expostas ao sistema punitivo.
SOCIAL WORK IN FULL-TIME SCHOOLS: the performance of Social Workers in the municipality of João Pessoa-PB
Fecha: 28-feb-2020
Hora: 09:00
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In the city of João Pessoa - PB, in 2011, a proposal was made to expand the
school day, through the Full-Time School Project. From it, several schools had their
school times and spaces re-signified, offering a school day of at least 10 hours a day,
combining curricular activities with pedagogical workshops. In addition to it, the
municipality expanded the proposal by joining the Mais Educação Program (PME), a
national program to encourage full-time education. Within this space, new demands
will be expressed, arising from the expansion of school times and the new needs that
this model of school presupposes, such as those related to structure and personnel.
These demands will fall on the professionals who work there, including the Social
Worker. A professional who has a long relationship with education policy, a
relationship that reports to the emergence of Social Work, however, now from
another perspective. The professional will no longer act with a blaming vision and
adjustment of the individual to society, but in the defense and viability of the right to
education. Currently, in several municipalities of the federation, the presence of the
Social Worker in schools is mandatory, as is the case of João Pessoa, through Law
11.385 / 2008, which creates the school Social Service in the municipal network. In
view of the above, this work has the general objective of knowing and analyzing how
the Social Assistant works in full-time schools in the city of João Pessoa, identifying
the main demands, contributions and obstacles to his professional practice. It is
based on a qualitative research that uses the dialectical method of dialectical
historical materialism as its method of analysis. And to achieve the proposed
objectives, interviews were carried out with the professionals who work in schools full
time in the municipality, a total of 10 professionals. The research showed us that this
space requires a differentiated performance, since new demands are placed on the
professional, the result of a proposal to expand the school day that was not
accompanied by objective conditions for this proposal to materialize properly.
Therefore, the professional responds not only to the demands that result from the
dynamics of capitalist society and that affect the school, but also to the specific
demands of the school full time. Thus, the presence of the Social Worker in this
space becomes even more crucial, because, if not answered, these problems can
influence and make the educational process unfeasible.
Fecha: 21-feb-2020
Hora: 14:00
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Sexual violence against children and teenagers is a multicausal phenomenon,closely related to cultural, economic and political determinants of modern society, a historical period when these social subjects were separated from the world of adults and assumed a new status; as well as with subjective and symbolic factors that permeate and forge interpersonal and intergenerational relationships. The research presented here aims to investigate the interfaces between childhood history, the phenomenon of sexual violence against children and teenagers and their confrontation by the Ambulatory of Assistance to Victims of Violence and Accidents - AMVIVA - a multiprofessional experience in the scope of public health, linked service the Arlinda Marques Pediatric Complex; emphasizing the profile of children, teenagers and families who accessed this specialized service and apprehensions, challenges and confrontations from the perspective of the professionals who make up the health team. Our study made use of a systematic review of the existing literature on the phenomenon, of data collected in the field, by consulting the institution's documents and conducting semi-structured interviews with professionals, from April to July 2019.
We chose the dialectical historical materialism as the guiding theoretical focus, a choice based on the fact of the dialectical method places the phenomenon within a historical perspective, a product of the relationships that are established between the subjects. It is characterized by a qualitative-quantitative research, explanatory and descriptive related to the objectives, of an applied nature. The collected data were made explicit statistically and received analytical treatment using the content analysis technique. As results obtained through documentary research on children, teenagers and their families, it appears that 75.23% are female; 38.78% were in the age group between 7 and 11 years old at the time of care; 68.69% of the authors of the abusive acts have a parental bond with the victims, such as parents, stepparents, uncles, grandparents. As results obtained through the interviews carried out with the professionals, it appears that 100% are female; 75% had not previously been trained by the institution on issues related to coping with violence; 100% are not fully satisfied with working conditions, citing problems such as a small number of professionals; inadequate physical space and methodological difficulties of the team. In the case of the feelings aroused in the professionals on the occasion of attendance, the following attendance, fear that violence will affect them, blaming the victim, empathy, revolt, perplexity, malaise, among others.
The socio-economic vulnerability of the family was shown to be the main factor that can culminate in the abuse and sexual exploitation of children and teenagers. With the results achieved, we point out the challenges of problematizing the phenomenon of sexual violence against children and teenagers, especially by the health sector, fostering their broader understanding, enabling its use to illuminate interventional projects to confront this type of violence and the development of future studies by the academic community.
Fecha: 21-feb-2020
Hora: 10:00
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A violência sexual contra crianças e adolescentes é um fenômeno multicausal, intimamente relacionado a determinantes de ordem cultural, econômica e político da sociedade moderna, período histórico quando esses sujeitos sociais foram separados do mundo dos adultos e assumem um novo status; bem como com fatores subjetivos e simbólicos que perpassam e forjam as relações interpessoais e intergeracionais. A pesquisa ora apresentada objetiva investigar as interfaces entre a história da infância, o fenômeno da violência sexual contra crianças e adolescentes e seu enfrentamento pelo Ambulatório de Atendimento a Vítimas de Violências e Acidentes AMVIVA uma experiência multiprofissional no âmbito da saúde pública, serviço vinculado ao Complexo de Pediatria Arlinda Marques; enfatizando o perfil das crianças, adolescentes e famílias que acessaram esse serviço especializado e as apreensões, desafios e enfrentamentos a partir do olhar dos profissionais que compõem a equipe de saúde. Nosso estudo lançou mão de revisão sistemática de literatura existente sobre o fenômeno, de dados coletados no campo, mediante consulta a documentos da instituição e realização de entrevistas semiestruturadas com os profissionais, entre os meses de abril a julho de 2019. Elegemos como enfoque teórico norteador o materialismo histórico dialético, escolha pautada no fato do método dialético situar o fenômeno dentro de uma perspectiva histórica, produto das relações que se estabelecem entre os sujeitos. Se caracteriza por ser uma pesquisa quali-quantitativa, explicativa e descritiva quanto aos objetivos, de natureza aplicada. Os dados coletados foram explicitados estatisticamente e receberam tratamento analítico a partir da técnica de análise de conteúdo. Como resultados obtidos através da pesquisa documental sobre as crianças, os adolescentes e suas famílias verifica-se que 75,23% são do sexo feminino; 38,78% estavam na faixa-etária entre 7 e 11 anos na ocasião do atendimento; 68,69% dos autores dos atos abusivos possuem vínculo parental com as vítimas, como pais, padrastos, tios, avôs. Como resultados obtidos através das entrevistas realizadas com os profissionais, verifica-se que 100% são do sexo feminino; 75% não foram previamente capacitados pela instituição em temática relacionada ao enfrentamento da violência; 100% não estão plenamente satisfeitos com as condições de trabalho, citando problemáticas como número reduzido de profissionais; espaço físico inadequado e dificuldades de ordem metodológica da equipe. Quanto aos sentimentos despertados nos profissionais por ocasião dos atendimentos, destacaram-se: medo de que a violência os atinja, culpabilização da vítima, empatia, revolta, perplexidade, mal-estar, dentre outros. A vulnerabilidade sócio econômica da família evidenciou-se como o principal fator que pode culminar no abuso e na exploração sexual de crianças e adolescentes. Com os resultados alcançados, apontam-se os desafios de problematizar o fenômeno da violência sexual contra crianças e adolescente, especialmente pelo setor saúde, fomentando seu entendimento mais ampliando, possibilitando sua utilização para iluminar projetos interventivos de enfrentamento desse tipo de violência e o desenvolvimento de estudos futuros pela comunidade acadêmica.
Fecha: 21-feb-2020
Hora: 08:00
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The present work has as its main theme femicide, as a social phenomenon. The general objective of the study is to analyze the concrete determinations of the crime of femicide in Brazil, with a focus on João Pessoa-PB, but for this it was necessary to contextualize the process of oppression and discrimination against women, being of paramount importance the discussion of the analytical category of the Patriarchy, due to the fact that femicide and other types of violence committed against women come from this category. In addition to statistical surveys on femicide in the Brazilian and Paraiba context of Institutes such as the Map of Violence (2015), Women's Observatory against Violence (2017), Economic Commission for Latin America and the Caribbean (2017), Brazilian Forum on Public Security (2018-2019), United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime (2018), Atlas of Violence (2018-2019) and the Non-Governmental Organization, Women's Center March 8 (2015-2018), which monitors crimes of violence against women through print and online. To this end, the methodology brings data related to bibliographic research articulated with documentary and field research, centered on the collection and analysis of data from the legal records of feminicides deprived of liberty, between September and October 2018, who committed femicide, even if not framed by the qualifying Law in force (Law 13.140/2015) and serve time in a closed regime in Penitentiaries: Judge Sílvio Porto and Criminalist Geraldo Beltrão, both of maximum security, located in João Pessoa-PB. Elaborated in a mixed way, using qualitative and quantitative data. The method of analysis consists of the dialectic, enabling a reflection and critical knowledge about reality and its various specificities and contradictions existing, in the context of concrete totality. The subjects studied maintained or maintained intimate and affective relationships with the victims, were known or unknown to these women. Due to the high rates of extreme violence committed against women, in which Brazil occupies the 5th position among 83 countries in the world that kill the most women, the Law qualifying the crimes of femicide (13,140/2015) was promulgated on March 9, 2015, by then-President Dilma Rousseff, qualifying as a heinous crime the murder of women as a result of domestic and family violence and for contempt/discrimination due to the condition of being a woman. Femicide, as well as other forms of violence, is present in all social classes, but appears more markedly in the working social class and among black women.
Fecha: 21-feb-2020
Hora: 08:00
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The main theme of the present work is feminicide as a social phenomenon. The general objective of the study is to analyze the concrete determinations of the crime of feminicide in Brazil, with a cut-out for João Pessoa-PB, but for this it was necessary to contextualize the process of oppression and discrimination to women, being of paramount importance the discussion of the analytical category of the Patriarchate, due to the fact that feminicide and other types of violence committed against women come from this category. In addition to statistical surveys on feminicide in the Brazilian and Paraiba context of Institutes such as the Map of Violence (2015), Women's Observatory against Violence (2017), Economic Commission for Latin America and the Caribbean (2017), Brazilian Public Security Forum (2018-2019), United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime (2018), Atlas of Violence (2018-2019) and the Non-Governmental Organization, Women's Center March 8 (2015-2018), which monitors crimes of violence against women through the written and online press. To this end, the methodology provides data related to bibliographic research linked to documentary and field research, centered on the collection and analysis of data from the legal records of femminicides deprived of liberty, between September and October 2018, who committed feminicide, even not framed by the Qualifying Law in force (Law 13.140/2015) and serve time in closed regime in the Penitentiary: Judge Sílvio Porto and Criminalista Geraldo Beltrão, both of maximum security, located in João Pessoa-PB. Elaborated in a mixed way, using qualitative and quantitative data. The method of analysis consists of the dialectic, enabling a reflection and critical knowledge about reality and its various specificities and contradictions existing, in the context of concrete totality. The subjects surveyed maintained or maintained intimate and affective relationships with the victims, were known or unknown to these women. Due to the high rates of extreme violence committed against women, in which Brazil ranks 5th among 83 countries in the world that kill women the most, was enacted on March 9, 2015, by then-President Dilma Rousseff, the Law qualifiering the crimes of feminicide (13,140/2015), qualifying as a heinous crime the murder of women as a result of domestic and family violence and for contempt/discrimination for the condition of being a woman. Feminicide, as well as other forms of violence, is present in all social classes, but appears more markedly in the working social class and among black women.
Fecha: 20-feb-2020
Hora: 14:00
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This dissertation is the object of study of the Free Movement of Brazil (MBL), a liberal, reactionary and conservative political movement that gained national prominence from the demonstrations in favor of the impeachment of President Dilma Rousseff in mid-2015. Our research is of a documentary nature, having as sources documentary and bibliographic material with a qualitative approach from the dialectical method, because it is linked to the category of historical totality, moving through successive approaches to the object. As a political and reactionary movement on the right of the political spectrum, the social role played by MBL was of fundamental importance to the conservative aspirations that the democratic forces deposed in 2016. MBL, which acts as a particular mechanism for the dissemination of conservative practices and ideas in society, managed, through social networks, to attract a significant number of people in favor of its goals, above all, the upper middle class and the fractions of the bourgeois classes. For a methodological approach to the intended object, we use, precisely in the third chapter, a case study to investigate the origins, ideological and political affiliations, financing, form of action and positioning of MBL. However, we consider it necessary to consider the particularities and contradictions that involve Brazilian society, since it is founded under the sign of subordination and dependence on foreign capital. For this reason, we made a presentation of some fundamentals of its formation, the transition to the phase of industrial capitalism in the advancement of pre-capitalist society, demonstrating the adequacy to the industrial process and how this adaptation founded the bases of today's conservative boom, a Since the dynamics of class relations in Brazil has built a cultural terrain, ideological and political fertile for conservative ideas. To analyze the most recent political situation in Brazil, we take into account the great polarization that marked the 2014 elections, which initiated a crisis of political representativeness in the country. This moment is particularly decisive for the reconfiguration of the project of bourgeois domination, which was expressed in a more radical way than in other historical particularities, carrying with it a new language guided, above all, by hate speech on minorities, progressive social movements, the attack on social rights and public policies, thus constituting a new right in Brazil, more radical and conservative, from which the MBL originated.
Fecha: 19-feb-2020
Hora: 14:00
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This dissertation addresses the health of the Roma population of the city of Sousa in Paraíba. This is a qualitative research that has as general objective to analyze the living and health conditions of Roma peoples and as specific objectives to investigate the main factors that influence the health-disease process, as well as to analyze how social inequalities impact the health of these subjects. For this, a bibliographic and documentary research was initially carried out with the objective of basing the research and without then, interviews were conducted with Gypsies and professionals of the Family Health Strategy, who work in the territorial area where the Ranchos Ciganos are located. The research concluded that Gypsies live in precarious conditions, without regular access to drinking water, unemployed, some living in uncoated mud houses, without a bathroom and that, because they have a history of exclusion from public health policies, do not have a culture of health promotion and prevention. In addition, roma ranches live with a health team unprepared to deal with the particularities in health of these peoples and that often reproduce stigmas about gypsies in their discourses.
Fecha: 19-feb-2020
Hora: 14:00
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This dissertation addresses the health of the Roma population of the city of Sousa in Paraíba. This is a qualitative research that has as general objective to analyze the living and health conditions of Roma peoples and as specific objectives to investigate the main factors that influence the health-disease process, as well as to analyze how social inequalities impact the health of these subjects. For this, a bibliographic and documentary research was initially carried out with the objective of basing the research and without then, interviews were conducted with Gypsies and professionals of the Family Health Strategy, who work in the territorial area where the Ranchos Ciganos are located. The research concluded that Gypsies live in precarious conditions, without regular access to drinking water, unemployed, some living in uncoated mud houses, without a bathroom and that, because they have a history of exclusion from public health policies, do not have a culture of health promotion and prevention. In addition, roma ranches live with a health team unprepared to deal with the particularities in health of these peoples and that often reproduce stigmas about gypsies in their discourses.
POVERTY, BREED AND GENDER: families of inmates in João Pessoa/PB
Fecha: 07-feb-2020
Hora: 10:00
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The social processes that constituted our country were marked by violence and elimination of individuals such as dangerous. Among these people, black, poor and peripheral women present themselves as one of the target audiences of eugenic discourses and practices. These women, who are often primarily responsible for supporting their families, suffer prejudice and discrimination from society, and if they have a family member imprisoned, this stigma increases. Thus, the main objective of this paper was to analyze the reality of detainees' families based on poverty, race and gender.For this purpose, I examined the construction of a nation's ideal for Brazil in the late nineteenth century that aimed at a true massacre of the population that lived here. I also discussed the trajectory of life and reality of black women, symbols of strength and resistance, who suffer various violations of rights and are discriminated mainly if they have any imprisoned relatives. Finally, I brought the analysis and discussion of the data collected through semi-structured interviews and interpreted from the discourse analysis. This research was classified as qualitative,
literature review, documentary and field. The results indicated that the detainees' relatives are mostly women, black, from the periphery who suffer numerous rights violations and who struggle to survive and still ensure the support of their incarcerated family member. These people are stigmatized by society, are part of the so-called dangerous classes and are the objects of normalizing and standardizing discourses and practices.