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  • Potential use of post-cultivation substrate of mushrooms (pleurotus ostreatus) in the production of carnations (dianthus chinensis).
  • Date: Sep 11, 2024
  • Time: 08:30
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  • Various agricultural and non-agricultural activities produce high types of organic and mineral waste, respectively, which has been causing environmental damage. However, the reuse of these residues has gained prominence in agriculture, because they can bring benefits to the environment, as they contribute to minimizing environmental problems, and can be potential sources of nutrients and/or soil conditioners. In this sense, this study aims to use organic substrate after mushroom cultivation (SMS) and topsoil for use in planting cravines. For the production of mushroom post-cultivation substrates, banana leaves were used. The organic substrates were chemically characterized by analyzing the contents of carbon, nitrogen and lignocellulosic compounds, pH and electrical conductivity. After this characterization phase, the SMS were used as substrates for the production of seedlings of ornamental plants of the “cravina” species - (Dianthus chinensis). This stage was conducted under controlled conditions in the greenhouse at a local flower shop, using a randomized block experimental design, SMS doses in proportions of (0, 25, 50, 75 and 100% m/m) with four replications each. The experimental units were bags with a capacity of 1 kg of vegetable soil mixed with SMS, in the proportions mentioned above. During the seedling development phase, plant growth and development parameters were evaluated: height, total number of leaves, diameter, number of flowers, nutritional content (N, P, K, Na, C and C/N ratio). After flowering, the plants were cut and the substrates were evaluated for fertility parameters (organic matter, N, P, Na, C, C/N) pH, electrical conductivity and density. Statistical analyzes were performed using the ANOVA test and when significant (P<0.05) the treatment means were compared using the Scott-Knott test at the 5% significance level (P<0.05). Treatment with 25% SMS promoted better development and flowering, in SMS organic carbon, nitrogen and carbon/nitrogen, treatment above 25% there was a significant increase in leaf tissue, the variables organic carbon and carbon/nitrogen, There were no statistical differences, however for nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium, there was a 75% reduction in treatment.
  • Physical-water properties of a Planosol under a crop-livestock-forest integration system in the Agreste of Paraíba
  • Date: Mar 28, 2024
  • Time: 09:00
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  • Conventional agricultural production methods, over the decades, have demonstrated low levels of efficiency in supporting demand that grows progressively annually, not only at national level, but across the world. Faced with the need for different production technologies, improvements and expansion of productivity levels, the agricultural sectors adopted integrated crop-livestock and crop-livestock-forest production systems (ILP's, ILPF's). The objectives of this study were; I) Characterize soil physical attributes related to structure, such as soil density, aggregate stability and soil pore spaces; II) Study the dynamics of water in the soil, dealing with movement, retention and availability of water; III) Characterize the attributes of soil organic matter, with emphasis on carbon stock, recovery and stratification. IV) Compare treatments inserted in an integrated system with additional treatments from conventional agriculture and secondary forestry. The experiment was installed in the field in July 2015. The experimental design adopted was randomized blocks (DBC) with five treatments and four replications (5 x 4+2). The treatments consisted of: 1) Gliricidia + Brachiaria decumbens (GC+BD); 2) Thrush + Brachiaria decumbens (SB+BD); 3) Purple Ipê + Brachiaria decumbens (IP+BD); 4) Corn + Brachiaria decumbens (ML+BD); 5) Brachiaria decumbens (BD). To carry out the statistical comparison, two additional treatments were added, an annual conventional planting area (VN), and an area of secondary native vegetation (PC), both treatments in the vicinity of the experiment. Soil samples with undisturbed and deformed structures were collected at three depths 0.00-0.10; 0.10-0.20 and 0.20-0.30 m. In the first chapter, the physical attributes of the soil and the determination of the S index were analyzed. In the second chapter, aggregation and carbon variables in the soil were analyzed. Through the data obtained in the first study, the attributes that best explain the variability, through the analysis of main components, were the soil aeration capacity and sand. Among the correlations, there is a strong correlation between the density attribute and the other attributes, which is considered fundamental for analyzing the physical quality of a soil. According to the S index data, all treatments showed good soil structural quality. In the second study, it was possible to verify that Due to the greater amount of organic carbon on the surface for all treatments, compared to the other layers, there was greater aggregate stability and structural stability in the 0.00-0.10 m layers. Treatments BD, I+BD, VN and PC demonstrate better soil aggregate stabilities for the three layers. The organic carbon rate in the soil presented average levels for all treatments, showing that carbon recovery by the Crop-Livestock-Forest integration system was higher than carbon deposition in native vegetation, being more evident in the 0.00-0 layer. .10 m.
  • Advisor : DJAIL SANTOS
  • Date: Mar 14, 2024
  • Time: 14:00
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  • The research investigated how microorganisms and microbiological processes can serve as sensitive indicators of soil quality, offering a crucial tool to guide agricultural production decisions. The objective was to evaluate how the management and succession of species used as green manures in the municipality of Areia, PB, in the microregion of Brejo Paraibano, influence the biological components of a Sandy Regolithic Neosol with sandy loam texture. Evaluation was conducted through parameters/indicators that most reflect biological quality. Green manure cultivation spanned from 2014 to 2020. The species used followed the same distribution in the plots over the years, with an experiment in a randomized block design, with three blocks and ten treatments: T1 - Pennisetum americanum L. R. Br. (pearl millet); T2 - Crotalaria ochroleuca G. Don; T3 - Mucuna pruriens var. gray; T4 - Mucuna pruriens var. black; T5 - Canavalia ensiformis L. (jack bean); T6 - Neonotonia wightii (Wight & Arn.) (perennial soybean); T7 - Lablab purpureus L. Sweet; T8 - Crotalaria spectabilis Roth; T9 - Crotalaria juncea L.; and T10 – Control (B. decumbens, the most predominant spontaneous species). Disturbed soil samples were taken in three layers (0-5; 5-10; and 10-20 cm) for analysis of microbial biomass parameters (MBP), soil basal respiration (SBR), and metabolic quotient (qCO2). It was concluded that there was a significant difference in the biological component of the soil, depending on the sampling location and treatment, but there was no difference between layers in the plot. The highest SBR value was obtained in the treatment with black mucuna (0.32 μg g-1 h-1 of C-CO2), and the lowest values for the perennial soybean treatment (0.21 μg g-1 h-1 of C-CO2). The Control treatment showed the highest average MBP value (1978.01 μg μg-1), while Neonotonia wightii showed the lowest (1062.45 μg μg-1). Average qCO2 values ranged from 2.23 μg μg-1 h-1 of C-CO2 (Neonotonia wightii) to 3.35 μg μg-1 h-1 of C-CO2 (Lablab purpureus L. Sweet). A moderate positive correlation (r = 0.30) was observed between soil basal respiration and microbial biomass. This correlation explains that an increase in microbial biomass is associated with higher respiratory activity in the soil, indicating a live and abundant microbial population. Regarding the group of species used, legumes responded better to microbiological indicators than grasses.
  • Date: Feb 29, 2024
  • Time: 14:30
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  • The SOM compartment that presents important physical, chemical and biological attributes, especially for generating soil CEC, are humic substances. Among the humic substances, fulvic acid promotes the growth of roots, shoots and leaves, in addition to increasing the chlorophyll content, photosynthesis, and ATP production. Therefore, the objective was to evaluate the effects of doses of fulvic acid on cauliflower (Brassica oleracea L. var. botrytis) aiming to improve agronomic aspects of the crop. The experiment was carried out between the years 2022 and 2023, in an open field, at the company Canteiro Cheiro Verde, located in the municipality of Nova Floresta - PB, microregion of Curimataú Paraibano. The design used was in randomized blocks, organized in a 4 x 3 factorial scheme, with four doses of fulvic acid (0; 20; 40 and 60 L ha-1) divided into three fractions: the first fraction was the total application of doses at 28 days after transplantation (DAT); second fraction corresponds to the application of 50% at 14 and 50% of doses at 28 (DAT); and the third fractionation will be done with 7, 14, and 28 (DAT), corresponding to the percentage of 20%, 20% and 60% of doses, respectively. Analyzes of wet mass, dry mass, and nutritional content of the “head” inflorescence and leaves, growth and physiological analyzes of the plants and chemical analysis of the soil were carried out. For soil fertility attributes, doses of fulvic acid they only influenced the pH, decreasing when the application was without fractionation. The nitrogen content of the leaf was significantly influenced by the dose of 20 L ha-1 of fulvic acid, with fractionation 2 (applied twice). Fractionation 3 is the one that best influenced both physiological attributes. Productivity was higher at a dose of 60 L ha-1 of fulvic acid when fractionation 3 was used.
  • Date: Feb 28, 2024
  • Time: 14:30
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  • Soil degradation is one of the most important environmental problems in the world, with annual losses between 20 and 37 billion tons. The process includes a decrease in soil fertility and an increase in erosion, especially in tropical and subtropical areas. Siltation causes economic and environmental damage, and an important factor in controlling soil degradation is its structural stability. The use of Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (UAV) makes it possible to generate cost-effective data with high spatial resolution, as well as allowing it to be used to monitor the environment and assess the risk of soil erosion. The aim of this study was to estimate soil movements that cause erosion and siltation in water reservoirs using information captured by Remotely Piloted Aircraft. The study area was the Barro Branco reservoir, located in Curral de Cima, Paraíba, Brazil. The flight plans were configured with a 70% lateral and 80% longitudinal overlap, a cruising speed of 5 m/s, with two grids, a single one at 50 m from ground level and a double one at a height of 30 m, using ground control points (GCP). Field prospecting revealed the presence of acrisols, plinthosols and arenosols soils around the reservoir, with a predominance of structurally degraded soil and erosion more than 1 meter deep. Estimates of soil loss were made based on the images captured by ARP and the universal soil loss equation (RUSLE), assigning monetary values to erosion losses at two sites, the road and the sugarcane field. The results indicated that a volume of 165.29 m³, approximately 281 tons, eroded, and losses that could exceed a cost of 23 thousand reais. These figures were estimated in just one year. Thus, the importance of using ARP to quantify soil movement causing erosion and siltation, providing valuable information for environmental preservation and proper soil management.
  • Date: Oct 31, 2023
  • Time: 09:00
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  • Sugarcane is a crop that adapts well to conditions tropical and subtropical regions with high availability of water, nutrients and radiation, is part of of the Poaceae family (grasses), being taxonomically described, for the first time, by Linnaeus, in 1753, in the book “Species Plantarum”. Sugarcane productivity becomes limited by several factors, and among them water deficiency stands out, as well as such as changes in the morphological characteristics of the plant, such as leaf area, number of green leaves, stem elongation and diameter. Due to a great need for water demand and based on agricultural crops found in the country, sugar cane (CDA) becomes attractive for case studies, as it involves economic aspects, environmental and energy. In addition to being an important resource for many tropical countries, CDA is the main agricultural product in the states of Paraíba (PB) and São Paulo (SP). In this sense, one of the technologies that can contribute to greater and better productive efficiency of sugar cane, is the use of ARPs (Aircraft Remotely Piloted) to detect water deficit through thermal images to contribute with reduced irrigation costs, as well as efficient precision irrigation. O objective of this work was to identify the water condition of the crop through Detection of the Water Deficit-CWSI in sugarcane planting. This work evaluated the water conditions in the sugarcane plantation at the Japungu plant, located in municipality of Rio Tinto, in the state of Paraíba. The area was distributed across three plots, where the sugarcane was irrigated with three different water depths (40,60 and 80 mm). To the conducting the experiment, georeferencing work was carried out on the points control, collecting soil samples to carry out physical analyses, as well as the installation of soil temperature and humidity sensors for data collection. For To obtain thermal images, a remotely piloted aircraft was used. M2EA model with thermal camera attached. The results of physical analyzes detected that the area has a sandy textural classification, as well as greater values of CC, PMR and CAS for the 60 mm irrigated blade, as a result of a largest portion of silt and clay in the area, allowing the area to have a greater retention capacity. The thermal images processed in the Pix4d software allowed the generation of maps and the identification of CWSI values calculated in the Qgis3 software, showing that the plant did not go through water stress, the comparison of the temperature of the images with the temperature values of the radiometer sensor in the software Thermal Analysis Tool 2, allowed to validate the efficiency of images in capturing values of temperature, the regression graphs generated for the thermal images showed an excellent correlation with the exception of 03/24/23 and the retention curve managed to validate the humidity data, the absence of Tdry, as well as proving that the plant did not experience water stress.
  • Physical Attributes and Aggregation in a Planossolo under an integrated production system in Agreste of Paraíba.
  • Date: Jul 31, 2023
  • Time: 08:00
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  • Conventional agricultural production is causing the degradation of agricultural and forest soils in the Brazilian semi-arid region. In this way, innovative and sustainable production systems must be adopted in order to delay this problem. The objective of the present study was to evaluate the physical and structural quality of a Planosols under integrated agricultural production systems in the Agreste of Paraíba. The experiment was implemented in 2015 at the EMPAER-PB experimental station, in the municipality of Alagoinha, PB. In the year 2022, soil samples were collected with undisturbed and deformed structures under the following treatments: Brachiaria decumbens + Ipê (BI); Brachiaria decumbens + Glyricidia (BG); Brachiaria decumbens + sabiá (BS); Brachiaria. decumbens + corn (L) and Brachiaria decumbens (B), to determine the bulk density of the soil (Bd), total porosity (TP), macroporosity (Mac), microrosity (Mic) and saturated hydraulic conductivity (Kθ), the weighted average diameter of dry aggregates (WADd) and wet aggregates (WADw), the percentage of dry macro and microaggregates (Dmac) and (Wmic), the soil aggregate stability index (SAI) and the formation pathways: bio-genic (Bio), physicogenic (Fis) and intermediate (Int) in layers 0-10, 10-20 and 20-30 cm depth. The experimental design adopted was randomized blocks and the data were analyzed using analysis of variance (Tukey, p< 0.05), principal component analysis with cluster and Pearson's correlation. The results show that the Kθ was relatively higher at 0-10 cm depth in the BI and B treatments, on the other hand, the Bd was lower than the Bdc in all evaluated treatments. Mac was restrictive in all treatments and layers, since the mean values are <0.1 m3 m-3. The BI and B treatments showed the best performance for SAI and WADw, being superior to all treatments, including Forest and Agriculture. As for the aggregate formation pathways, the physicogenic ones were the most representative in the area under integrated systems, Forest and Agriculture. The multivariate analysis indicated that the physical attributes TP and Mic are the most sensitive to the adoption of different management systems, on the other hand, the structural attributes ASI and WADw manage to demonstrate with greater sensitivity the impact of different treatments on the structural quality and physical functioning of the soil. It is concluded that the integrated systems were superior to Forest and Agriculture in improving the physical and structural quality of the soil (aggregation), with emphasis on the BI and B treatments.
  • Microorganisms that promote growth and tolerance of sorghum biomass to water and nitrogen restriction in a semi-arid environment.
  • Date: Jul 28, 2023
  • Time: 08:00
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  • Sorghum is a great crop that has been used for thousands of years, it is more rustic than corn and can be used in the Brazilian semi-arid region. Some sorghum hybrids are suitable for biomass production, being an alternative energy matrix that can be used in thermoelectric plants or industrial furnaces. However, to achieve high yields, water and nutrients must be provided like any temporary crop, especially water, a limited resource in semi-arid regions. In this aspect, the inoculation of growth-promoting microorganisms can alleviate the effects of water and nutrient restriction, especially nitrogen in the biological fixation process. Thus, the objective of this work was to identify the potential of using microorganisms to increase the tolerance of sorghum biomass to water and nitrogen restriction in the Brazilian semiarid soil. This work evaluated sorghum BRS 716 at the Bebedouro Experimental Farm of Embrapa Semiarid, in an experiment in a 2x16x2 factorial scheme, arranged in sub-subdivided plots, with the plots being composed of two irrigation depths (45 and 100% of the crop's evapotranspiration - ETc); the subplots by 15 inoculants and a treatment without inoculation (the inoculants were composed of the bacterial strains M163, Ab-V5, BR 11005, ESA 13, ESA 402, ESA 600, ESA 674, ESA 29, ESA 424, ESA 15, ESA 001, BR11417, ESA 601, and two fungi, strains ESA 37, ESA 41), the subsubplots by two doses of nitrogen fertilizer (20 and 140 kg ha-1). The lowest dose was applied in foundation, while the highest dose was split, 20 kg ha-1 in foundation and the remainder in top dressing, and two applications of 60 kg ha-1 at 15 and 30 days after planting. Biometric characteristics, aerial part dry mass production (PMS), chlorophyll content, fertilization efficiency (EFA) and fertilization and inoculation efficiency (EFAI) were evaluated, in addition to nutrient extraction by the aerial part of the plant. The data, evaluated using classical statistics and principal component analysis (PCA), show that the strains ESA 13, ESA 29 and ESA 37 provided higher PMS in conditions without deficits (100% of ETc and with complete nitrogen fertilization) and with deficits (45% of ETc and with nitrogen fertilization only at the foundation). The highest PMS is correlated with greater plant height, leaf area, number of clusters, total chlorophyll content and nitrogen extraction, with the order of nutrient extraction by the aerial part being K > N > Ca > Mg > S > P > Fe > Mn > Zn > Cu > B. The strains that provided the highest PMS showed EFAI above 50% at 100% ETc, with complete nitrogen fertilization.
  • Soil-landscape relationship in three toposequences under different source materials in the western Cariri microregion of Paraíba
  • Date: Jul 25, 2023
  • Time: 08:00
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  • The semi-arid region has a geodiversity that produces an immense landscape mosaic, which favors a wide variation in soil cover, and this makes soil mapping difficult. Since, the detailed knowledge of soils is essential for the formulation of strategies aimed at their conservation. In this sense, comprehensive studies that address the soil-landscape parent material relationship can be efficient for pedological investigations in complex environments. Therefore, the objective of this work was to evaluate the soil-landscape-source material relationships in three toposequences under metalimestone rocks, schist, migmatite, gneiss and granite in the Western Cariri microregion of Paraíba. In the toposequences, trenches were opened in strategic positions of the landscape and the morphological characterization of the profiles and the collection of samples by horizon were carried out. Next, physical, chemical and mineralogical analyzes were carried out. The profiles were morphologically described and classified according to the Brazilian Soil Classification System. In general, the soils showed a characteristic pattern of each class, in some positions of the landscape the influence of the source material was highlighted, but in general it was verified that the influence of the relief in the pedogenetic processes predominated. The granulometric analyzes revealed the predominance of the sand and silt fraction in most of the profiles, and the highest clay contents were found in the foothills and flat top positions. Chemical analyzes revealed that most soils have low acidity, low aluminum saturation, low base saturation (>50%) giving it the eutrophic character. The mineralogical analyzes confirmed the presence of considerable levels of primary minerals in the soils, and characteristics of the parent material. This study showed that a research approach integrating soil-landscape source material can be efficient to understand the pedological behavior in complex and dynamic regions.
  • Date: Jul 24, 2023
  • Time: 08:00
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  • The population increase and the demand for food has grown exponentially and, consequently, the soils are increasingly exploited, requiring the use of chemical fertilizers to supply the nutrient deficiency. Agronomic residues, both in natura and post-cultivation of mushrooms (SMS), and mining are other environmental problems when accumulated in large proportions and discarded inappropriately. However, the application of these residues has potential when inserted into the soil, allowing, in addition to an adequate destination, the recovery of soils in the process of degradation and the use as natural fertilizers. Thus, the objective of this research was to evaluate whether the residues, both in natura and in SMS, associated with the by-product of the bentonite extraction, improve the chemical properties of the Red-Yellow Argisol. An improvement in the fertility of the studied soil was observed after the incorporation of agronomic residues, in both conditions, in natura and SMS, with the remineralizer. Therefore, in addition to allowing an environmentally appropriate destination for these wastes, their incorporation into a Red-Yellow Argisol contributes to the circular economy and creates more accessible sources of fertilizers.
  • Phase transformation and stability of arsenic(As) co-precipitated with Fe and Al( hydro)oxides
  • Date: May 30, 2023
  • Time: 08:00
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  • Arsenic (As) is an element that can cause risks to human health when present in large amounts in the environment. According to the World Health Organization, As is carcinogenic in high concentrations, and the tolerable value in drinking water is up to 10 μg L-1. Among the treatment strategies for As-contaminated effluents, co-precipitation with Fe and Al (hydro)oxides stands out. Geochemical barriers formed by these (hydro)oxides are also considered efficient to immobilize As, due to the high affinity of this element by Fe. To verify the stability and efficiency of these barriers, phase changes caused by temperature changes, thermogravimetry tests and infrared spectrometry by Fourier transform were carried out. A selection of samples was also carried out for a mineralogical analysis by X-ray Diffraction. As contents were evaluated through oral (atomic absorption) and pulmonary (atomic fluorescence spectrophotometry) bioaccessibility tests. XRD analysis identified the following mineral phases; hematite (Hm), goethite (Gt), magnetite (Mn), ferrihydrite (Fh), iron sulfide (FeS), maghemite (Mg), alunite (Al), gibbsite (Gb), lepidocrocite (Lp) and bayerite (Ba ). With infrared spectrometry, it was possible to demonstrate the differences between samples with and without heating, whose vibrational peaks were different, in the samples, as a function of temperature. Thermogravimetric analyzes:thermogravimetry (TG), derived thermogravimetry (DTG) and differential exploratory calorimetry (DEC)allowed identifying endo and exothermic peaks resulting from phase transformations. The increase in temperature influenced the phase changes. The iron valences (Fe2+ and Fe3+), the presence of Al, as well as the valences and arsenic concentrations (As3+ and As5+) exerted influence on the phase change process. the thermal treatment does not provide a greater trapping of As in the crystal lattices, and may increase the As content available on the surface of the minerals.
  • Date: Feb 28, 2023
  • Time: 14:00
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  • The spent mushroom substrate (SMS) is a potential soil conditioner because is a lignocellulosic waste that has been biologically degraded. On the other hand, the rock powder is a by-product is an alternative and cheaper source from mining companies in addition to providing nutrients that are essential for agricultural crops. The use of these by-products in agriculture is a way to minimize the disposal of these wastes into the environment. The simultaneous use of spent mushroom substrate with rock powder can accelerate the solubilization of nutrients contained in rock powder in the soil, as fungi release organic acids in the microbial growth process, consequently favoring biological weathering. In this context, the objectives of the present study were, I) to evaluate the effects of the incorporation of SMS on chemical attributes and soil fertility; II) to evaluate the effects of the incorporation of SMS on the biological weathering of rock powder. The research was divided into 3 stages: 1. General bibliographic review of the theoretical and scientific bases in relation to the application of SMS in the soil and the use of rock powder as an agricultural fertilizer; 2. Effect of incorporation of SMS when applied in Acrisol; and 3. Use of SMS in the biological weathering of rock powder applied in Acrisol. A completely randomized experimental design with 4×2×2 + 1 factorial arrangement was used. From the observed results, it is concluded that: in the first study, the incorporation of substrates in natura and spent mushroom substrate promoted a significant increase in the magnesium content, as well as descriptively reduced the active and potential acidity and the saturation by aluminum. In the second study, the incorporation of agronomic residues together with rock dust promotes an increase in ΔpH (favoring the capture of exchangeable cations), soil organic matter (promoting the release of nutrients) and saturation by exchangeable bases. In this sense, the use of these by-products in agriculture can generate savings because they are cheaper sources compared to conventional fertilizers.
  • Genetic diversity and symbiotic potential of bacteria isolated from pigeon pea, gliricidia and cowpea in semiarid soils
  • Date: Dec 20, 2022
  • Time: 09:00
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  • Most production systems in the Brazilian semiarid region are based on family farming and are characterized by low-input agricultural due to the low purchasing power of farmers. A viable alternative to confronting this problem would be to reduce the costs of nitrogen fertilization, based on the use of leguminous crops, due to their ability to fix atmospheric nitrogen in symbiotic associations with nitrogen-fixing bacteria in leguminous plants, widely known as rhizobia. This work aimed to evaluate the genetic diversity and symbiotic efficiency of native bacteria obtained from the Brazilian semiarid region soils associated with gliricidia (Gliridicia sepium) and pigeon pea (Cajanus cajan). In addition, the competitiveness of the elite strain Bradyrhizobium pachyrhizi BR 3262 was evaluated on two cowpea genotypes in soil with an established rhizobia population. For the experiments using gliricidia and pigeon pea as trap plants, soil collections were carried out in different areas with dense caatinga coverage (with little anthropic interference) and cultivated areas, as well as in some of the main soil classes of the biome: Argisol, Litholic Neosol, and Latosol. Native rhizobial communities were obtained through two experiments using gliricidia and pigeon pea as trap plants in these soils. Superficial disinfestation of the nodules was carried out, and strains were isolated and purified using streaking in the YMA medium. Subsequently, the DNA was extracted using a commercial kit, and clone verification was performed using ERIC-PCR. The genetic diversity of the isolates was evaluated by Amplified Ribosomal DNA Restriction Analysis (ARDRA), from which 29 and 35 isolates representing all groups were selected for 16S rRNA gene partial sequencing from the species of gliricidia and pigeon pea, respectively. Experiments were carried out for each plant species in pots under gnotobiotic conditions to evaluate the symbiotic efficiency of the isolates. This study showed that semiarid soils are sources of diverse bacteria belonging to different taxonomic groups, with possibly undescribed species. Through 16S rRNA gene partial sequencing, rhizobia in the genera Sinorhizobium and Rhizobium nodulating gliricidia were identified in the bacterial collection. Two non-rhizobial isolates were also identified, identified in the genera Brevibacillus and Bosea.
  • Availability of zinc and copper by extractors HCl, Mehlich-1, Mehlich-3 and DTPA in soils of the Paraíba state.
  • Date: Sep 30, 2022
  • Time: 14:00
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  • Little has been done with the choice of micronutrients extractors in soil of the Paraíba state, prevailing the use of the Mehlich-1 extractor and the adoption of availability classes generated in other regions of the country. Thus, the objective of this work was to evaluate the performance of extractors HCl, Mehlich-1, Mehlich-3 and DTPA at pH 7.3 in the evaluation of the availability of Zn and Cu in representative soils of the State of Paraíba. Two experiments were carried out, one for each micronutrient, with treatments arranged in an 8 x 5 factorial scheme, corresponding to eight soils and five doses of Zn or Cu, in a randomized block design, with three replications. The experimental unit consisted of a plastic pot, containing 1.5 dm3 of soil and two sorghum plants (Sorghum bicolor L.) cv. BRS Ponta Negra. Materials from the subsurface layer of four more weathered soils (Red-Yellow Latosol - LA; Red-Yellow Argisol - PVA; Red Argisol - PV and Regolithic Neosol - RR) and four less weathered soils (Litholic Neosol - RL; Haplic Planosol - SX; Chromic Luvissol - TC and Haplic Vertisol - VX). Doses of 0.0; 1.0; 2.0; 4.0 and 8.0 mg dm-3 of Zn, in the form of zinc sulfate, and 0.0; 1.0; 2.0; 4.0 and 6.0 mg dm-3 of Cu, in the form of copper sulfate. The doses of Zn and Cu were incubated in the soil for fifteen days. In the same period, basic fertilization was carried out for tests in a greenhouse, without zinc and copper, with the other macro and micronutrients. After this incubation period, subsamples of 0.1 dm3 were taken to evaluate the levels of Zn and Cu by the extractors HCl, M-1, M-3 and DTPA, and the remaining soil volume was placed back in the pots for the cultivation of sorghum. At 45 days of cultivation, the production of root dry matter (MSR), shoot (MSPA) and total dry matter (MST) was analyzed, as well as the contents and accumulation of Zn and Cu in the shoots of the plants. The data obtained, analyzed statistically by analysis of variance, regression and correlation, allowed the following conclusions to be drawn: the Zn and Cu recovered by the extractors HCl, M-1, M-3 and DTPA increase linearly with increasing doses of these nutrients applied to soils; with the exception of M-1, there was little influence of the soil's buffering capacity. The extraction capacity of Zn and Cu from soils follows the following decreasing order: M-3 > HCl > M-1 > DTPA. With the exception of VX soil, the extractors HCl, M-1, M-3 and DTPA are highly correlated with each other. With the exception of PV and VX soils (M-3 and DTPA) and SX soil (none of the extractors), the four extractors are adequate to estimate the availability of Zn in the soil; on the other hand, the availability of Cu in soils LA, RR, RL and TC can be adequately evaluated by any of the four extractors, being the same inadequate in soils PVA, PV, SX and VX. The NC of Zn and Cu for extractors HCl, M-1, M-3 and DTPA are 3.4 and 0.95; 3.0 and 0.60; 5.9 and 1.45; 3.0 and 0.75 mg/dm3, respectively; with the exception of DTPA for Cu, there was little influence of the buffer capacity factor on the NC of Zn and Cu in the soils.
  • Date: Sep 27, 2022
  • Time: 14:00
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  • Agronomic wastes from the most important crops in Paraíba, Brazilian State, such as sugarcane, pineapple, coconut, and banana are often incorporated into the soil as a cultural practice, but in some situations, they are discarded in the field without defined technical criteria and, even they are eventually burned contributing to the emission of greenhouse gases that contaminate the environment. However, these in natura plant materials can be used as substrates to produce edible mushrooms of the species Pleurotus ostreatus (Jacq.) because it is a productive system capable of biodegrading dry agronomic wastes with high contents of lignin, hemicellulose and cellulose using them. metabolically to produce highly nutritious basidiocarps and, in addition, to return to the environment a biodegraded organic material known as spent mushroom substrate (SMS) that when incorporated into the soil favor microbial activity and can act as soil conditioners improving the attributes physical and chemical properties of degraded soils such as those occurring in the semi-arid region of Paraíba, such as some Luvisol. In this context, the objective of this doctoral thesis, in the first instance, was to carry out the transfer of technology from the P. ostreatus production system to the state of Paraíba, recycling its main agronomic wastes to obtain the SMS and, thus, verify its application in the recovery of degraded soils in the Cariri region of Paraíba through its incorporation in Luvisol. The research was divided into 3 stages, which will be presented in the form of chapters: 1. General bibliographic review of the theoretical and scientific bases in relation to the application of SMS in the soil and its foundations in relation to the circular economy; 2. Evaluation of mineral enrichment of in natura agronomic wastes through solid-state fermentation for mushroom production and obtaining of spent mushroom substrate (SMS); and 3. Identification of the effects of SMS application at different doses under the chemical conditioning of Luvisol fertility. From the observed results, we conclude that there is an enrichment of agronomic residues in natura through the mushroom cultivation and that the application of their spent mushroom substrate (SMS) has a positive effect on the chemical conditioning of the soil in a way that allows us to suggest a new valuation of what we classify as agronomic wastes and to propose that it be considered as a new resource for the cultivation of mushrooms that, in addition to providing nutritious food and favoring family farming, can contribute to the management of lignocellulosic wastes available in the region, returning as a more labile organic material, rich in nutrients and with agricultural potential inserted in an integrated system with a focus on the circular economy (zero waste).
  • Response of sugarcane and rhizospheric environment to the application of biostimulants
  • Date: Sep 26, 2022
  • Time: 09:00
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  • The cultivation of sugarcane in Brazil is of great importance for agribusiness, and its productivity needs to meet the new demands for renewable sources. Biostimulants are substances that, when applied to plants, can alter various specific metabolic and physiological processes, acting at different stages of crop development. The objective of this work was to evaluate the effect of a biostimulant on the distribution of the root system of the cane plant; enzymatic activity in the soil; on microbial diversity at the rhizosphere level, as well as on sugarcane growth and development. The study was carried out in a commercial area of sugarcane cultivation in the Coastal Tablelands, Paraíba. The experiment was set up in an area of six hectares, divided into two areas of three hectares, with one area receiving the application of Viusid Agro® and the other the management adopted by the company. Three collections were carried out, in the intense growth phase of the crop (120 DAP) (240 DAP), culture maturation phase and the last collection in August 2020, 30 days after the sugarcane harvest. At 402 days after planting, manual cutting was performed to evaluate the technological variables (TCH, Brix, ATR and Pol %). The activities of the enzymes urease, acid phosphatase and general enzymatic activity of the soil (hydrolysis of fluorescein diacetate - ADF) were evaluated. In the observed results, Viusid Agro® provided a significant increase in the productivity of the cane-plant, with an increment of 20.19 t ha-1, when compared to the control treatment, greater uniformity of the cane field, in germination, increase in rooting, reduction of failures and competition among the clumps themselves, and tillering patterns. ADF hydrolysis values were higher in the three collections in the area with VIUSID Agro®. Urease did not show significant differences between the area where the VIUSID Agro® biostimulant was applied and the control at 120 days after planting and 30 days after harvesting. The maximum activity of acid phosphatase was in the control of 1638.8 μg p-nitrophenol h-1 g-1 240 days after planting.
  • Dynamics and modeling of soil organic matter and greenhouse gas emissions in irrigated cultivation in the Northeastern semi-arid region.
  • Date: Sep 14, 2022
  • Time: 08:00
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  • Changes in land use are among the factors that affect the quantity and quality of soil organic matter (SOM), an important attribute for agricultural development and an essential component for mitigating carbon in the atmosphere. Thus, the present work is divided into three chapters, whose objectives were: I) To quantify the production of dry phytomass of the aerial part, the accumulation of nutrients, dynamics of decomposition and mineralization of nutrients of different plant residues, under irrigated conditions in the semi-arid region of Pernambuco, II) Identify the dynamics of CO2, CH4 and N2O emissions from the soil of different green manures under tillage and cover crop systems in the semi-arid region of Pernambuco and III) Simulate the stock of C, N and their compartments through the computational model CENTURY, in the semi-arid region of Pernambuco. In the first chapter, the evaluation of the phytomass decomposition rate and nutrient release was carried out by the nylon bag method (litter bag), in a randomized block design, with four replications, with an arrangement in subdivided plots. The plots consisted of two soil tillage systems, without turning over (SR) and with turning over (CR); the subplots by three plant mixtures, MPI-75% legumes + 25% grasses and oilseeds, MPII-25% legumes + 75% grasses and oilseeds and VE-spontaneous vegetation; and the sub-plots with sampling times 0, 8, 23, 40, 55, 70, 85, 100, 163, 223 and 290 days after handling the plant mixtures. In the same area, the study of the second chapter was carried out, which began shortly after the management of aerial phytomass of plant mixtures. Soil CO2, CH4 and N2O emissions were evaluated for 82 days, distributed in 11 collections, in manual static chambers, where gas samples were collected and analyzed by gas chromatography. The fluxes of CO2 (mg C-CO2 m–2 h–1), CH4 (μg C-CH4 m–2 h–1) and N2O (μg N N2O m–2 h–1) were calculated for each collection day. 1) of each chamber. The cumulative emissions of each gas were estimated by mathematical integration of the daily flow curves. The CENTURY 4.5 model was used to study the dynamics of organic carbon (COS) and organic nitrogen (NO), as a function of the soil tillage system and phytomass input, in irrigated agricultural systems. In the first study, soil preparation did not influence dry matter production and nutrient accumulation. MPI showed the highest production of dry matter and accumulation of C, N and K than VE, indicating the importance of this mixture for cycling these nutrients in the melon agroecosystem. Soil turning favors an increase in the rate of decomposition of plant residues and, consequently, decreases the C content of the soil. In the second study, the lowest values of daily C-CO2 fluxes in the soil occurred in treatments with SR_VE (12.94 mg C-CO2 m–2 h–1). For plant mixture (MP), the highest values of C-CO2 fluxes (47.42 mg C-CO2 m–2 h–1), daily in the soil occurred in the experimental unit MPII_SR. In the third study, it was observed that the SR preparation system, the COS increment was 0.78; 0.63 and 0.22 Mg ha−1 year−1, while for NT there was an increase of about 0.02 Mg ha−1 year−1 only in the treatments MPI and IMPII, respectively, in the period of 7 years. In the CR tillage system, the COS losses in relation to the SR tillage were -0.37; -0.43 and -0.66 Mg ha−1 year−1, and for NO they were -0.03; -0.03 and -0.05 Mg ha−1 year−1, for the treatments MPI, MPII and VE in the same period of time.
  • Advisor : DJAIL SANTOS
  • Date: Aug 30, 2022
  • Time: 14:00
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  • Soil compaction is responsible for restricting the deepening of the root system, so that plant growth can also be impaired, making it necessary to adopt management alternatives that are capable of breaking the compacted layer, and thus allowing cultivated plants to subsequently develop fully. The selection of species capable of contributing to the health of the soil is of paramount importance, as is the identification of morphological characteristics that best express the effects of soil compaction caused in cultivated plants. Based on this assumption, the objective of this research was to evaluate the shoot and root growth of cover crops grown under different soil densities in the subsurface. The experiment was carried out in a greenhouse, under a randomized block design with a 5 × 4 factorial arrangement, with five species of cover crops (Crotalaria ochroleuca, Sorghum bicolor, Pennisetum Americanum, Crotalaria juncea and Phaseolus lunatus), cultivated under four values of soil compaction. soil in subsurface (1.3; 1.5; 1.7 and 1.9 g cm-3), with four replications. The plants were cultivated for 40 days after planting (DAP). At 20, 30 and 40 DAP, plant height, stem diameter, number of leaves and number of tillers were evaluated. Chlorophyll fluorescence was evaluated at 20 and 39 DAP. The relative water content and electrolyte leakage were evaluated at 40 DAP, and the plants were collected during the same period in order to determine the dry matter of shoots and roots in their respective layers. Leaf area, specific leaf area, leaf weight ratio, shoot root ratio, root density and shoot growth rate were also determined. The data obtained were submitted to analysis of variance and regression for densities, while the species were compared using the Tukey test. Principal component analysis was also used. The increase in density values promoted the concentration of roots above the layer of compacted soil. Species with more vigorous roots were able to penetrate and develop within and after the compacted layer. Grass species and Phaseolus lunatus beans favored soil decompaction, and did not show significant differences. Among the legumes, Crotalaria juncea and Crotalaria ochroleuca behaved in a similar way in terms of root production, regardless of the soil layer evaluated, showing a lower soil decompaction potential when compared to Phaseolus lunatus beans. Regardless of soil density, there were no differences in the behavior of grasses, since sorghum and millet developed their root systems in a similar way. The chlorophyll efficiency parameters did not change in response to the increase in soil density values, regardless of the time the reading was performed, however, Crotalaria ochroleuca and Crotalaria juncea stood out for presenting the highest values related to photochemical efficiency. (Fv/m). As for initial photosynthesis (Fo), the most expressive results were verified for the broad bean, regardless of the reading time. The results obtained by the analysis of the principal components competently explained the variability of the data, as they efficiently separated the species into groups, indicating which parameters are most relevant for their evaluation.
  • Genesis and spatial variability of soils in the desertification nucleus of Cariris Velhos in Paraíba state from Brazil.
  • Date: Aug 31, 2021
  • Time: 14:00
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  • The inadequate management and exploitation of natural resources that has been perpetuated over time in the Cariri region of Paraíba resulted in the degradation of a vast area in this region and compromised the provision of the various ecosystem services that the soils are capable of providing. On the other hand, areas where natural resources are preserved, such as the private reserve of private heritage (RPPN) located in the city of São José dos Cordeiros in the state of Paraíba, contribute to the proper functioning of the ecosystem. The study was carried out in two distinct areas allocated within the Cariri region of Paraíba and focusing on Luvissols, Neosols and Planosols. An area that has conserved natural resources for 40 years, Private Reserve of Natural Heritage – (RPPN), and another area that is undergoing an intense process of degradation, Experimental Station of São João do Cariri (EESJC). The processes that resulted in the degradation of the EESJC area impacted the ability of soils to sequester and store C and N when compared to soils of the same classes of the RPPN. Rubeification, claying, elutriation, pedaling and sodification proved to be the main specific pedogenetic processes active in the genesis of the studied soils. The sampling grids adopted in the studied soil profiles were efficient for the geostatistical study and all attributes evaluated showed spatial variability.
  • Ecosystem services of carbon stocks and water retention in soils in different conservation states in the Caatinga
  • Date: Aug 30, 2021
  • Time: 09:30
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  • In the Dry Lands, soil ecosystem services are altered by inadequate use and management that compromise the functionality of the entire ecosystem, resulting in high rates of degradation, changes in hydrology and alteration in soil organic carbon stocks. Water retention and soil organic carbon stocks and their relationships with ecosystem services of support, regulation and provisioning in a dry forest in Paraíba were evaluated. Three areas with different uses and land cover were selected: Fazenda São Paulo dos Dantas (FASP) with intermediate vegetation complexity composed of forests and woods (60%) and agricultural areas (40%); the Private Natural Heritage Reserve (RPPN) Fazenda Almas with highly complex vegetation with 90% of its area covered by forests; and an area located in São João do Cariri (SJC) with low vegetation complexity with around 75% and degraded soils. To carry out this study, a homogeneous sampling grid was used with 25 points in each area and in 03 depths, in a total of 75 points, totaling 225 samples. In each quadrant, trenches were opened and deformed and undisturbed samples were collected at depths of 0-10, 10-20 and 20-30 cm. Granulometric analysis, soil density, particle density, total porosity, pore classes, organic matter and carbon content were performed. To identify the variability and the degree of spatial dependence of organic carbon, geostatistics and kriging were used. Soil water retention curves (CRA) were estimated by the pedotransfer function (FPT). For statistical analysis, Tukey's mean test at 5% probability and principal component analysis (PCA) were used. The contents and stocks of carbon in the FASP were higher than the other areas at all depths. According to FPT estimates, SJC is the area with the greatest potential to retain greater amounts of water, however, this area does not have the physical characteristics necessary to retain water due to the high degree of compaction, smaller pore spaces and higher soil density. It can be concluded that the area with physical characteristics with the greatest potential to retain water in the soil is the FASP area and the area with the greatest capacity to offer several soil ecosystem services.
  • Date: Jun 15, 2021
  • Time: 14:00
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  • In view of the richness that emphasizes the importance and authenticity of the Caatinga biome, the misuse of extractive practices by the population living in this region is still very persistent, which ends up harming their biome. Knowing the importance of maintaining this biome’s biodiversity and fertility through native plants, it was questioned whether the cultivation of leguminous species native to the Caatinga, and also non-leguminous trees located in preserved forest, under a specific soil class, could influence the chemical and biological properties of a Litholic Neosol and, furthermore, promote an improvement in the fertility of a degraded pasture area, with no vegetation and belonging to the same soil class. The research was carried out during two periods (the rainy season of July 2019 and the dry season of December 2020) and in two distinct areas belonging to the Caatinga biome, one of Preserved Forest (MP) and the other of Degraded Area (AD), both located at the Professor Ignácio Salcedo Experimental Station, of the Brazilian Semi-Arid National Institute (INSA). Soil samples were collected randomly, with the aid of a steel cylinder, from near the rhizosphere of the species, and later taken and separated for physical, chemical and biological analyses. The results showed that species such as the Bauhinia forficate (the Brazilian orchid tree) and the Aspidosperma pyrifolium (known locally as “pereiro”) are species to be considered in the maintenance of fertility, and possibly in the recovery of areas with degradation rates for the Litholic Neosol soil class.
  • Date: May 31, 2021
  • Time: 14:00
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  • The cultivation of green manure plant species has as its main purpose the conservation of edaphic attributes, being a widespread practice for the recovery of degraded areas, contributing to a better productive performance of crops and carbon sequestration in the soil. In search of the sustainability of agricultural production systems, this study aimed to evaluate the variation in carbon stocks and their contents in the chemical and physical fractions of organic matter in sandy soil under long-term cultivation of green manure plants, as a result of the incorporation of plant biomass. This study was carried out in the fifth year of execution of an experiment located in the experimental area of the Horticulture Module, Fazenda Olho d ́Água, Centro de Ciências Agrárias (CCA) of the Universidade Federal da Paraíba (UFPB), in Areia-PB. The experiment was set up in a randomized block design, with ten green manure species, in three blocks, and two additional treatments (natural ecosystem characterized by a disjunction of open ombrophilous forest and silviculture with Eucalyptus globulus Labill., with 20 years of implementation), in five sub-areas. The green manure plant species were: Brachiaria decumbens; Canavalia ensiformis L.; Crotalaria ochroleuca G. Don; Crotalaria spectabilis Roth; Crotalaria juncea L.; Lablab purpureus L. Sweet; Mucuna pruriens var cinza; Mucuna pruriens var preta; Neonotonia wightii (Wight & Arn.) J.A. Lackey; and Pennisetum glaucum L. R. Br. The carbon content of fulvic acid, humic acid and humin, light, occluded and heavy fractions of soil organic matter were evaluated, as well as carbon stocks. The data were submitted to statistical analysis using the R® computer program. From the results of this study contribute to an understanding of the forms and occurrences of organic carbon in the soil in response to management practices with cultivation of green manure species that can ensure sustainability to agriculture and cattle ranching in the mesoregion of Agreste Paraibano. The group of three species of Crotalaria and B. decumbens showed the best results regarding carbon stocks and physical fractioning of organic matter, followed by the group of Mucunas and then the third group with the other species. The natural ecosystem areas presented the best results for all variables analyzed in this study: soil fertility, carbon stock and physical and chemical fractionation of organic matter.
  • Nitrogen stock and fractions of organic matter in Luvisolos under different forms of use in the Caatinga
  • Date: May 31, 2021
  • Time: 08:30
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  • Changes in land use in the Caatinga have caused changes in nitrogen stocks and in labile and recalcitrant organic matter compartments, altering its ability to maintain ecosystem services. In this context, the objective was to evaluate the influence of changes caused by changes in land use on nitrogen stocks, on particulate organic matter fractions and humic substances in Luvissols in the Caatinga biome. Three areas were selected in the Caatinga biome, located in Cariri, Northeast region of Brazil: i) the Private Natural Heritage Reserve (RPPN), which is a Caatinga preserved for over 40 years; ii) São Paulo dos Dantas Farm, (FASP), presents Caatinga conserved in the last 40 years and iii) São João do Cariri Experimental Station linked to the UFPB Agricultural Sciences Center (ESJC), presents secondary Caatinga under anthropic action for over 40 years. In each selected area, depending on the soil cover, trenches were opened in a 1000 x 1000 mesh and soil samples were collected at three depths (0-10, 10-20 and 20-30 cm), with 25 repetitions, totaling 225 samples. The variables analyzed were: Ntotal, N stock, particulate fraction of soil organic matter, fulvic acids, humic acids and humin. According to the results, the RPPN presented, on average, the best results in amount of Ntotal, N and C stock in the humic acid fraction, showing potential in the preservation and maintenance of soil N and C stocks. The FASP showed, on average, higher levels of C amount in the particulate fraction, fulvic acids and humin. This result may be related to a greater supply of organic waste and greater diversity of plant species, resulting in greater microbial activity, greater nutrient supply, which, consequently, may reflect in greater humification dynamics and an increase in humic substances that may contribute with some chemical and physical attributes of the soil and higher levels of carbon in more stable forms, contributing to carbon sequestration. On the other hand, the ESJC presented, on average, the lowest results in amounts of Ntotal, N stock, particulate fraction, and humic substances for all studied variables. The removal of native vegetation cover and the inadequate management generally observed in areas under anthropic action results in losses of soil organic matter, it seems to be an inefficient use of soil with regard to the maintenance of N levels and C stocks, at least under current management practices, as well as soil and climatic conditions in the Caatinga.
  • Date: Apr 30, 2021
  • Time: 14:00
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  • Inadequate management practices can negatively affect the soil chemical and, physical quality. In this context, sustainable alternatives can be adopted with the aim to improve the production systems quality without compromising the soil quality. Green manure becomes a viable alternative, since it contributes to increasing soil productivity without negative impacts to environment. Therefore, we aim was to evaluate the soil physical and, chemical attributes and, quality index of Regosol under cultivation of green manures in Agreste Paraibano. The experiment was carried out from July to December 2019, at the “Chã-de-Jardim” Experimental Station. The treatments were: Brachiaria decumbens, Crotalaria juncea, Crotalaria ochroleuca, Crotalaria spectabilis, jack bean (Canavalia ensiformis), Dolichos lablab, paearl millet (Pennisetum glaucum), velvet-bean (Stizolobium aterrimum), velvet-bean (Mucuna pruriens), and perennial soy (Neonotonia wightii) in a randomized block design, with three replicates. Undisturbed, and deformed soil samples were collected at two depths (0.0-0.1 and 0.1-0.2 m) to determine the following variables: 1) soil physical: soil bulk density, total porosity, soil macroporosity, soil microporosity, soil field capacity, available water content, permanent wilting point, soil aeration capacity, and soil available water capacity; 2) soil chemical and, fertility: soil pH, available phosphorus, exchangeable Ca, Mg and K, soil organic carbon, soil carbon stock, sum of bases, H+Al, cation exchange capacity (CEC), and base saturation. The shoot dry biomass production, root density, and soil quality index (SQI) were also evaluated. For data evaluation, one-way and two-way analysis of variance, Bonferroni test (p<0.05, 0.01, and 0.001), Pearson correlation analysis, redundancy analysis, and principal components analysis were performed. The SQI was calculated based on the sum of the indicator attributes (shoot and root biomass, available phosphorus, exchangeable Ca and K, and soil carbon stock), and the correction factor. The highest values of soil pH, exchangeable bases, CEC, and soil available water capacity were found in plots under Poaceae plants (e.g., B. decumbens and P. glaucum) cultivation, while the highest values of H+Al, CEC, soil available water, and soil available water capacity were found in plots where Fabaceae plants (e.g., C. ensiformis, C. juncea, C. ochroleuca, C. spectabilis, D. lablab, M. pruriens, N. wightii, and S. aterrimum) were cultivated. At the depth of 0,0-0,1 m, the highest values exchangeable Ca, Mg and K, sum of bases, base saturation, soil organic carbon, microporosity, soil porosity, and soil aeration capacity were found, while at the depth of 0.1-0.2 m there were higher values of soil pH, H+Al, bulk density, and permanent wilting point. The highest values for shoot dry biomass and root density, were found in the plots cultivated with C. ensiformis and N. wightii, respectively. All species used as green manure provided a significant (p<0.01) improvement in soil quality; however, the highest SQI value was found in plots cultivated with N. wightii. About 33 predictive models were developed to estimate the soil physical and chemical attributes, and plant biomass production for the conditions of this study.
  • Date: Mar 19, 2021
  • Time: 14:00
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  • The expansion of agriculture in agricultural frontier areas has employed the use of soils with a limited nature from the physical point of view, which may generate loss of sustainability. In this sense, the adoption of conservationist models can be considered a sustainable strategy contributing to the quality of soils, mitigating degradation and carbon loss. The objective of the present study was to evaluate soil quality through studies of physical attributes and organic matter and to model carbon and nitrogen with the Century v.4.5 simulator in areas under conservation management systems in cohesive soils in the eastern cerrado. from Maranhão. An area under exclusive use in no-tillage (soybean / millet) for fourteen years was selected, three areas under no-tillage with different years (2, 4 and 8), with rotation in crop-livestock integration, in addition to an area under vegetation native to the Cerrado Biome, used as a reference for untopped areas.The physical and physical-hydraulic attributes studied were: soil density, porosity (total, macro and micro), resistance to penetration, water retention curve and available water capacity. Organic matter was evaluated by means of total organic carbon, chemical and physical fractionation, carbon from microbial biomass, total nitrogen and carbon and nitrogen stocks. To carry out the carbon and nitrogen simulations with the Century model, an area under exclusive use in no-tillage (PD) was selected, one under rotational no-tillage with subsoiled crop-livestock (PD-ILP) integration, in addition to an area under savannah native. The carbon and nitrogen simulations were considered real and future scenarios with changes in management and addition of organic matter in the soil. Soil samples were collected in the 0.00-0.10 layers; 0.10-0.20; 0.20-0.30 and 0.30-0.50 m being used in the evaluation of physical attributes and organic matter. For simulations with Centuy, soil samples of the 0.00-0.20 cm layer were considered.In the area under a long time of exclusive use in no-tillage, loss of physical quality was attributed to higher values of resistance to penetration, less porosity, and low water retention in the soil. Furthermore, it was the system that had the lowest carbon content and stocks. The chemical fractionation of the organic matter of the soil (MOS), revealed superiority in the content of humine in detriment to the fractions of fuuvic acid and humic. For the physical fractionation of MOS, there were no differences in the values of particulate organic carbon between the studied xiv areas, but higher values of carbon associated with minerals were observed in areas with a recent history (2 and 4 years) of crop-livestock integration.The adoption of crop-livestock integration in a no-tillage system also revealed an improvement in the physical and physical-hydraulic quality of the soil, with gains in the values of water retention capacity and plant availability. For the study of modeling, the model more accurately simulated the stabilization of the carbon stock to the detriment of the nitrogen stock. In real scenarios, simulations of carbon and nitrogen stocks, found the super-abundance in the stocks of these elements in the area under no-till system with crop-livestock integration (ILP) in relation to the area under exclusive use in no-till as observed in the field. However, the value of simulated carbon stock in the area with crop-livestock integration was lower than that measured in the laboratory. In future scenarios, the adoption of the no-tillage system rotated every four years with corn and pasture, showed greater efficiency in the capacity of COT (56.10 Mg ha-1 ) and NT (5.06 Mg ha-1 ) stocks compared to the other scenarios created in the area with a history of no-till farming. As for the scenarios created in the area under rotational no-tillage with crop-livestock integration, the maintenance of the notillage system rotated every four years with subsoil ILP, showed higher COT stocks (48.56 Mg ha-1 ). The difference in carbon and nitrogen stocks between the future scenarios created in this area, did not exceed 1.8 Mg ha-1 for COT and 0.48 Mg ha-1 for NT. The adoption of the no-tillage system (soybean / millet), which rotates every four years with the corn and pasture crop, created in the PD area, in addition to presenting a higher value in the C and N stocks compared to the management in no-tillage rotation ( soybean / millet) with single corn, also demonstrated superiority in the capacity of carbon and nitrogen stocks, compared to the managements created in the area under no-tillage system (soybean / millet) rotated with crop-livestock integration attributed to the history of soil turnover in the area PD-ILP.
  • Variability of organic carbon, total nitrogen stocks and CO2 efflux in Leptosol under Caatinga forest.
  • Date: Feb 26, 2021
  • Time: 13:30
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  • Quantifying soil organic carbon (COS), soil total nitrogen (NTS) stocks and soil CO2 efflux in different biomes around the world is critical to understanding global climate change. However, accurate quantification is highly challenging due to high variability, especially in forest ecosystems. Therefore, this research aimed to evaluate the variability of soil organic carbon (SOC) stocks, total nitrogen (TSN) and CO2 efflux stocks in Leptosol under Caatinga forest. The research was carried out at the Experimental Station Professor Ignácio Salcedo, at the Instituto Nacional do Semiárido, in the municipality of Campina Grande, Paraíba, Brazil. A total of 363 soil samples were collected in 10 cm layers thick, up to a depth of 50 cm, following a cyclic sampling model in a 350 m transect. The stocks of SOC and TSN in 0-50 cm depth ranged between 20.23 and 94.78 Mg ha-1 and 1.48 and 8.37 Mg ha-1 , respectively. The stocks of SOC and TSN had a moderate degree of spatial dependence at 0-10 and 10-20 cm layers and strong in the underlying layers. The spatial autocorrelation distance of the SOC and TSN stocks ranged, respectively, from 49.63 to 72.32 m and from 48.98 to 70.23 m. The rock fragments contents, clay, Pextractable, SOC and TSN influence the COS and NTS stocks, and this influence varies with the soil layer. The stocks of SOC and TSN show moderate variability in each soil layer was classified as moderate, based on the coefficients of variation. The spatial autocorrelation distance for both stocks is dependent on the depth of the soil and therefore should be considered when optimizing sampling. The variability of soil CO2 efflux was assessed through measurements in 42 points, randomly distributed over an area of approximately 0.72 ha. The soil CO2 efflux varied of 0.47 to 4.14 µmol of CO2 m-2 s -1 in a dry and wet season, respectively. The volumetric soil water content explained about 93% of the temporal variability of soil CO2 efflux and soil temperature explained 52%. The autocorrelation spatial distance of soil CO2 efflux oscillated of 5.7 to 64.3 m and were smaller during the dry season. The research revealed that the temporal variability of soil CO2 efflux is mainly controlled by the volumetric soil water content. To quantify the efflux of CO2 from the soil, a distance between points greater than 64.3 m must be adopted, for the measurements to be considered statistically independent.
  • Biological invasion by Cryptostegia madagascariensis Bojer ex Decne. in an area of Fluvents Entisol in the semiarid region of Paraíba.
  • Date: Feb 25, 2021
  • Time: 13:30
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  • The introduction of exotic species with invasive potential can generate several impacts to the natural ecosystem. Some studies in the Caatinga area with the invasive species Cryptostegia madagascariensis prove its negative effects on the diversity of native flora. The objective of this study was to evaluate the production and decomposition rate of litter produced by the invasive species Cryptostegia madagascariensis and native vegetation in a longitudinal gradient, as well as its effects on soil organisms (macrofauna and arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi) as a function of seasonality in a Entisols Fluvents in the semi-arid region of Paraíba. The research was carried out in the municipality of Pombal-PB. Two distinct and adjacent environments were selected. An environment of Caatinga vegetation with invasive C. madagascariensis (invaded environment) and an environment with Caatinga vegetation (native environment). For each environment, four 15 m long transects were delimited and the variables were analyzed according to the environments, the longitudinal gradient and seasonality. To quantify litter decomposition production and rate, a litter collector (n = 8) was distributed in each transect by environment and five litter bags (n = 20) were distributed around the collectors, containing 50 g of the material removed litter collectors. The evaluations for the production and decomposition rate of the litter were monitored every 60 days. Four soil samples by transect and period were also collected to assess the chemical attributes of the soil (n = 64), four samples to determine the water content in the soil (n = 64) and the soil temperature observed in the field. To assess the edaphic macrofauna, in each transect, two “Provid” traps were installed by distance and environment (n = 32), containing 200 mL of a preservative solution (20 mL of neutral detergent, 30 mL of 70% alcohol and 150 mL of water), which remained in the field for 72 h and the soil organisms were subsequently identified. The specimens of the edaphic macrofauna were quantified at Order level and gathered in functional groups. To identify arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi (AMF), in each transect and environment, four soil samples were collected every five meters in length (n = 128) and for analysis of the chemical attributes of the soil, four soil samples were collected by transect and environment (n=64). To identify the AMF, the method of spore extraction was used by means of wet sieving followed by centrifugation in a 40% sucrose gradient for one minute at 1000 rpm. Statistical analyzes were performed using free software R. The data were submitted to the Shapiro-Wilk test and the two-way ANOVA was used. For the production and decomposition rate of the litter, the averages were compared by the Tukey test (p <0.05), and the analysis of main components was used to evaluate the dissimilarities between environments and periods. As for edaphic biota, the Bonferroni test (p <0.05) was used for macrofauna and AMF species. For the edaphic macrofauna, non-metric multidimensional scaling analysis (NMDS) was applied to assess the dissimilarity between environments and distances. For the FMA community, principal component analysis was used to assess dissimilarities between environments, distances and periods. After analyzing the data, for the macrofauna and the AMF, abundance, absolute frequency, richness, Shannon's diversity index (H') and Simpson's dominance index (C') were calculated. The results showed a significant effect between the environments, distances and periods analyzed. The environment with invasive C. madagascariensis showed higher litter production, including in the period of water deficit, lower temperature and water content in the soil and higher levels of phosphorus and potassium in the litter. Regarding the chemical attributes of the soil, the environment with invasive C. madagascariensis showed alterations in the levels of sodium, calcium and organic carbon of the soil. For the edaphic macrofauna, the environment with invasive C. madagascariensis showed a reduction in the diversity of Orders and functional groups. The environment with invasive C. madagascariensis also caused changes in the AMF community, causing an increase in the density and frequency of occurrence of specific AMF species, such as Claroideogomus etunicatum throughout the entire transect. On the other hand, it caused a reduction in the frequency of occurrence of the species of AMF Quatunica erythropus, Gigaspora albida and Gigaspora gigantea. It was concluded that the invader C. madagascariensis in Neossolo Flúvico in Caatinga area was able to promote its development in the environment. C. madagascariensis created a favorable habitat conditioning its invasion through greater litter production, favorable local microclimate, in addition to selecting certain Orders and functional groups of macrofauna and AMF species to decompose its plant residues and contribute to its invasion process in the new habitat.
  • Recovery of Degraded Soil Using Treated Wastewater in agroforestry system in the Semi-arid
  • Date: Feb 23, 2021
  • Time: 13:30
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  • Food security and environmental quality depend primarily on two basic resources, soil and water. The expansion of soil degradation, coupled with climate change, represents a major global challenge for the sustainability of current and future societies. The reuse of wastewater in agriculture has been pointed out as a viable alternative since it is the sector that consumes the most available and good quality water. Thus, the objective of this research was to evaluate the effect of deficient irrigation with effluent treated on soil chemistry and mineralogy, biomass production and efficiency in the use of forage palm water, growth and energy characteristics of wood in an agroforestry system in a degraded area in the Brazilian semi-arid region. For this, a field experiment was carried out in a soil degraded by the removal of the surface layers, under agroforestry system with consortium of two forest species, Sabiá (Mimosa ceasalpinifolea) and Aroeira (Myracrodruon urundeuvaAllemão)and the forage palm (Opuntia stricta). The experiment lasted four years, with the first two years irrigated and the last two years with the interruption of irrigation. The treatments were arranged in randomized blocks with 10 replicates in three stages according to the annual palm production cycle. Stage 1 (1st cycle): AB0.5 - water supply 0.5 L/plant/week; ET0.5 - treated effluent 0.5 L/plant/week; ET1 - treated effluent 1 L/plant/week. Stage 2 (2nd cycle) all treatments were leveled at a volume of 0.5 L/plant/week, and in stage 3 (3rd and 4th cycles) the treatments were interrupted. Soil samples were collected in the initial condition (before the beginning of the experiment), at the end of two years of irrigation and, at the end of two years of interruption of irrigation treatments, in which chemical, geochemical and mineralogical analyses were performed. The forage palm was collected annually and productivity calculations were performed. In the tree species, growth measurements were performed and at the end of the experiment, the cut was performed for productivity calculations and energy analyses of the wood. Soil fertility improved mainly in the treatment of higher volume of treated effluent. Two years after the suspension of irrigation the residual effect of the irrigated period maintained significantly higher fertility status compared to the initial condition. At the end of the experiment, an incipient process of soiling and alteration in the geochemistry of the silt and clay fractions was observed, with evidence of ilita formation in clay with effluent application. The highest yield, in fresh and dry mass of the forage palm, was obtained in ET1. The residual effect of the treated effluent applied in the 1st cycle promoted increases in productivity up to the 4th cycle of cultivation, in addition to greater efficiency in the use of water by the forage palm. As for trees, the salts present in wastewater applied in the first two years, the growth and production of Sabiá wood decreased and increased in Aroeira. The Treated Effluent in the volume of 1 L/plant/week increased the Yield in Condensed Liquid and decreased the Volatile Materials (MV) of the thrush, while in the aroeira increased the Basic Density and MV, with a decrease in gravimetric yield. The application of wastewater improved the fertility of degraded soil, which was reflected in biomass production and can contribute to the sustainability and food security of family agricultural systems in the Brazilian semi-arid.
  • Reference values for nutritional diagnosis of pineapple 'Pérola' in the state of Paraíba
  • Date: Dec 11, 2020
  • Time: 14:00
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  • Historically Paraíba has always been prominent in pineapple cultivation, being among the largest producers in Brazil, with pineapple growing the main activities of the agricultural sector in Paraíba, moving the regional economy, however, the low technological level adopted by producers is frequently observed in the areas of cultivation, in the vast majority of cases ready-made commercial formulations are used, in addition there is no reference leaf values, to assist the nutritional management of pineapples, considering that it has a high nutritional demand, This way, it aimed to with this work, generate and validate reference leaf values to maximize the productivity and quality of the pineapple 'Pérola' using the DRIS and CND methodology, in addition to comparing the nutritional diagnosis obtained in each methodology used. A database was used containing the leaf contents of N, P, K, S, Ca, Mg, Cu, Zn, Fe, Mn, B and the productivity of 270 samples from three fertilization tests in the Coastal Tabuleiros region, from Paraíba in 2006 and 2014, using a randomized block design, with 90 plots and three repetitions in each trial. To obtain the DRIS norms, the formulas of Jones (1981) and Beverly (1987) were used, for the CND methodology the formula recommended by Parent and Dafir (1992) was used, the validation was done using the partition method of Cate-Nelson (1977), then, the critical leaf levels and sufficiency ranges were obtained based on the regression equations obtained between the leaf contents and their respective DRIS and CND indexes. There was a correlation between the leaf contents and the DRIS and CND indices for each nutrient evaluated, however, there was no correlation between the indices and the productivity, nor between the IBNm and the productivity, there was a high percentage of combination between the nutritional diagnoses performed by the methodologies used , the reference values obtained in this work showed differences when compared to those available in the literature, both for productivity and quality. When productivity was analyzed, the database showed an accuracy of 48.1 and 40% according to the Cate-Nelson procedure for the DRIS and CND methodology, respectively, when the quality of the fruit was assessed using the Cate-Nelson partition, the firmness showed a higher percentage of accuracy 81.1 among the quality variables evaluated. The results obtained in this research indicate that regionalized reference values provide a more accurate nutritional diagnosis for the pineapple 'Pérola' grown in Paraíba.
  • Organic matter fractions and carbon stocks in soil profiles in semi-arid region pedoforms
  • Date: Oct 15, 2020
  • Time: 14:00
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  • The distribution of humic fractions in the soil profile is a way of analyzing the capacity of soils to accumulate organic matter. However, the distribution and accumulation of humic fractions may vary depending on the relief. Thus, in order to evaluate how the variations of the relief influence the organic matter contents of the soil, the objective was to quantify the organic carbon content and the humic fractions in soil profiles of the Semi-Arid region. For that, three soil sequences in slopes with different contours were studied in the experimental station Prof. Ignácio Salcedo, National Semi-Arid Institute (INSA), Campina Grande-PB. In this area, the hyperxerophilous Caatinga vegetation has been preserved over the last 40 years. The soil samples were analyzed for the levels of total organic carbon (TOC) and humic substances (SHs): humic, fulvic and humine in three pedoforms (rectilinear, convex and concave, respectively T1, T2 and T3). Soil TOC levels ranged from 1.62 to 33.24 g kg-1 , increasing from the upper third to the lower third in the rectilinear pedoform, with the opposite occurring in the convex and concave, demonstrating that the deposition of materials in the lower parts through erosive processes can be considered efficient for carbon accumulation in the soil in the rectilinear. When analyzing the distribution of COT and SHs content, it was found that through chemical fractionation it was possible to identify that most of the carbon is in the form of humic acids and humine. The degree of humification of organic matter was similar in all Neossols and Planossols studied, with a predominance of humic acid between 39 to 44% of the total organic carbon. The comparison between the straight, convex and concave strands showed that there was a change in the distribution of humic fractions between and within the same strands, demonstrating that changes in organic matter occur on the micro-relief scale.
  • Nutritional efficiency for phosphorus and sulphur in 'Pérola' pineapple in Ultisol
  • Date: Sep 30, 2020
  • Time: 14:00
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  • Despite the amount of information related to mineral nutrition, little is known about the nutritional efficiency of pineapples. This work aimed to establish nutritional efficiency indexes for phosphorus (P) and sulfur (S) in the pineapple 'Pérola', depending on the application of nutrient doses. The experiment was carried out under rainfed conditions, between December 2014 and June 2016, in Argissolo Vermelho-Amarelo in the municipality of Itapororoca, in Paraíba State. The experimental design was a randomized blocks with three replications. The treatments were arranged in a modified experimental Plan Puebla III Matrix, and resulted from the combination of five doses of P (0.48; 2.8; 4.8; 6.7 and 9.1 g plant-1 P2O5) and five doses of S (0.48; 2.8; 4.8; 6.7 and 9.1 g plant-1). Seedlings of the type 'young' were used, planted in double rows, with no spacing of 0.80 × 0.40 × 0.40 m. In sampling performed after harvest, dry matter mass (ms), content (t) and accumulation (ac) of P and S in the root (rz), stem (ca), leaf (fo), seedling (mu), fruit (fru) and total (to). The nutritional efficiency of pineapple is assessed through the efficiencies of use (Efutz), conversion (Efcon), translocation (Eftra), absorption (Efabs) and recovery (Efrec). The doses of P and S increased the values of msfo, msmu, msfru and msto, but decreased those of msrz and msca. The levels of P and S in rz, ca and fru increased with those of specific nutrients, with antagonism between nutrients for tP and tS in leaves and seedlings. P doses increased acPrz, acPfo and acPto, while S doses increased acSfo and decreased acSmu and acSto, with synergism in acPfru, acSfru, acSrz and acSca, and antagonism in acPca. As doses of P and S increased as Efabs and Eftra (only P), but reduced the Efrec of the respective nutrients; there was synergism between the doses of P and S for Efutz (only P) and Efcon nutrients, and antagonism for EftraS. The EfrecP and EfrecS decreased with increasing doses, from 0.85 to 0.03 kg kg-1 and from 0.85 to 0.10 kg kg-1 with increasing doses from 0.48 to 9.1 g plant-1 of P2O5 and S, respectively. The recovery rates of the P and S media by the 'Perola' pineapple were 23.0 and 36.0%, respectively.
  • Polyphasic characterization of nodule endophytic microorganims of Vigna spp. grown in soils of Caatinga biome
  • Date: Sep 8, 2020
  • Time: 09:00
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  • The study of the diversity of micro-organisms native to the Brazilian semi-arid region can be promising, both for knowledge of biodiversity and for selecting bacterial strains efficient in nitrogen fixation and the biocontrol of phytopathogens, improving the productivity of cowpea in the region. The study aimed to genetically characterize endophytic microorganisms from nodules of Vigna spp., cultivated in soils of Caatinga of Semi-arid, to evaluate the potential of bacteria in N fixation and in the biocontrol of phytopathogens in cowpea. Initially, a collection of 646 bacteria and 23 endophytic fungi from nodules of three species of Vigna was assembled: V. mungo; V. radiata, and V. unguiculata (BRS Pujante, BRS Novaera and V. unguiculata subsp. sesquipedalis) cultivated in five areas of preserved Caatinga in the states of Pernambuco, Piauí, and Bahia. The first study developed and validated a method for the simultaneous amplification of the nodC and nifH genes in duplex PCR reactions. The genetic diversity of the rhizobial isolates was assessed by the Amplified Ribosomal DNA Restriction Analysis (ARDRA), then 78 were selected for sequencing the 16S rRNA gene. 41 isolates had the nodC, recA, dnaK and gyrB genes sequenced. The symbiotic efficiency of the 41 isolates was assessed in two potted plant experiments. The first assay was conducted under gnotobiotic conditions, and the second in pots with nonsterile soil, in a nursery. The second study genetically characterized the collection of endophytic fungi, analyzing the profiles of the microsatellite marker (GTG) 5, and sequencing the ITS1-5.8S-ITS2 region. The pathogenicity of 18 fungi in the germination of cowpea seeds was evaluated in two assays, one in Petri dishes and the other in pots under gnotobiotic conditions. The biocontrol potential of the bacteria was evaluated in a pot experiment with a sterile substrate, by the co-inoculation of pathogenic fungi and bacteria isolated from the nodules of the same origin of plant and soil. A third study evaluated the genetic variability of a collection assembled with rhizobia isolated from nodules of cowpea cultivated in soils in areas of preserved Caatinga in the states of Ceará and Rio Grande do Norte. The genetic characterization was carried out through ARDRA and analysis of the BOX PCR profiles, enabling the selection of 26 isolates that had the 16S rRNA gene sequenced. Among these, 15 bacteria had the constitutive genes recA, dnaK and gyrB sequenced and proceeded to evaluate the symbiotic potential in assay with vessels under gnotobiotic conditions. This study showed that soils in the Semi-Arid are sources of diverse bacteria and belong to different taxonomic groups, with species possibly not yet described. Rhizobia of the genera were identified in the bacterial collection: Bradyrhizobium, Rhizobium, Agrobacterium, Ensifer, Mesorhizobium, Microvirga, and Paraburkholderia; in addition to non-nodulants: Bacillus spp., Enterobacter spp., Pseudomonas spp.. The endophytic fungi belonging to the genera: Nigrospora, Fusarium, Macrophomina, Aspergillus, Cladosporium. The last four with pathogenic strains in the germination of cowpea seeds. The collections show bacteria that stood out in the symbiotic association with cowpea, showing efficiency in N2-fixation and the biocontrol of pathogenic fungi, being selected for future field trials.
  • Physical attributes of a Planossolo Háplico under crop-livestock-forest integration system for family farming in the Agreste of Paraíba
  • Date: Aug 31, 2020
  • Time: 08:30
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  • In the Northeastern semi-arid, anthropic intervention combined with the particularities of the climate, such as low precipitation and high temperatures, causes serious problems of areas degradation. The adoption of conservationist actions in agricultural environments, like the integrated systems in the Agrosilvopastoral modality – ILPF, is a good strategy for providing ecosystem services and is possible to be adopted in small, medium and large rural properties. The objectives of the present study were: I) To evaluate the physical attributes of a Planossolo Háplico and to select indicators of soil physical quality under a crop-livestock-forest integration system for family farming in the Agreste of Paraíba; II) Assess the total organic carbon stock and both aggregate and structural stability; III) Generate and validate Pedotransfer Functions (PTFs) to predict retained moisture at specific potentials of the soil water retention curve. The research was conducted in an area located at the Experimental Station of the Paraiba Company of Research, Rural Extension and Land Regularization - EMPAER, in the city of Alagoinha, PB. The experimental design utilized was that of randomized blocks with 5 treatments and 4 repetitions. The treatments were 1) Gliricídia + Brachiaria decumbens (GC+BD); 2) Sabiá + Brachiaria decumbens (SB+BD); 3) Ipê roxo + Brachiaria decumbens (IP+BD); 4) Milho + Brachiaria decumbens (ML+BD); 5) Brachiaria decumbens (BD). Soil samples with disturbed and undisturbed structure were collected in the layers of 0,00-0,10; 0,10-0,20 and 0,20-0,30 m. On the first chapter, soil physical attributes were evaluated and the S index was determined. On the second chapter, soil aggregation and carbon variables were determined. On the third chapter, water retention in the soil was determined for matrix potentials between 0 and -1,500 kPa. Pedotransfer functions (PTFs) were also generated and validated for each point of the retention curve and existing PTFs from literature were applied. According to the results obtained in the first study, it was possible to observe differences between the systems, for different physical attributes of the soil, and the ones that best explained the variability of treatments, through the analysis of main components, were the macroporosity and soil density. Soil density showed a strong correlation with the other attributes, being considered essential to evaluate the physical quality of a soil. According to the S index, all treatments showed good structural quality, despite having low water content in the 0.00-0.10 m layer, suggesting excessive soil aeration.In the second study, it was found that the values of aggregate and structural stability were higher in the 0.00-0.10 m layer for all treatments, due to higher levels of organic carbon and exchangeable cations in this layer. It was also verified that the BD treatment provided an improvement in stability of soil aggregates, compared to the other treatments for all the three evaluated layers. It was observed that, in the 0.20-0.30 m layer, the carbon recovery by the integration systems was superior to the carbon deposition in the native forest used as reference, indicating that ILPF is contributing to soil improvement. In the third chapter it was possible to observe an increase in the available water content in all treatments as depth increased. The points of the soil water retention curve were estimated with reasonable precision (R² ≈ 0.88) from the generated PTFs, being possible to use these functions in simulation models of soil water retention, in order to obtain results with greater speed and ease, considering the studied Planossolo Háplico, the geographic region, the climate, hydrology and land use. In addition, the results demonstrated that the tested PTFs from xvii literature showed low predictive efficiency. At last, the integration, after the three years period, has not yet promoted a significant improvement in the physical attributes of the Planossolo under study, however, a longer evaluation time is essential for more significant changes to be observed.
  • Date: Aug 31, 2020
  • Time: 08:00
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  • Despite the increasing amount of information regarding mineral nutrition, little is known about the nutritional efficiency of pineapples. This work aimed to establish nutritional efficiency indexes for nitrogen and potassium in the pineapple ‘Pérola’, due to the application of increasing doses of these nutrients. The experiment was carried out under rainfed conditions, between December 2014 and June 2016, in Argissolo Vermelho-Amarelo in the municipality of Itapororoca, State of Paraíba. The experimental design was a randomized block with three replications. The treatments were arranged in a modified Experimental Plan Plan Puebla III, and resulted from the combination of five doses of N (50, 300, 500, 667 and 950 kg ha-1 - urea) and five doses of K (50, 300, 500, 667 and 950 kg ha-1 K2O - potassium sulfate). Slips of the type ‘young’ were used, planted in double rows, with spacing of 0.80 × 0.40 × 0.40 m. In sampling carried out after harvest, dry matter mass, N and K content and accumulation in the root, stem, leaf, seedling, fruit and total morphological parts were determined. The nutritional efficiency of the pineapple was evaluated through the utilization efficiencies (EFutz), conversion (EFcon), translocation (EFtra), absorption (EFabs) and recovery (EFrec). The doses of N and K influenced in an isolated and differentiated way the values of dry matter, contents and accumulations of these nutrients in the morphological parts of the pineapple (vegetative - root and stem; reproductive - seedling and fruit; and total), as well as the values of different calculated efficiencies. Increased doses of N and K increased EFabs and Eftra and reduced the Efutz, EFcon and EFrec of the respective nutrients. The EFrec of N and K decreased with the increase of the applied doses, going from 0.82 to 0.15 kg kg-1 and from 0.79 to 0.27 kg kg-1 with the increase of the doses of N and K2O of 1.2 to 22.8 g plant-1, respectively. The average recovery rate of N and K by the ‘Perola’ pineapple was 19.0 and 45.0%, respectively.
  • Quality of soil organic matter, geostatistics and simulation of carbon and nitrogen stocks by the Century model in Oxisol of the Cerrado of Maranhão
  • Date: Feb 27, 2020
  • Time: 14:00
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  • The Cerrado Biome has been undergoing transformations mainly related to the replacement of native forest by agricultural systems, which affect the dynamics of the organic matter compartments of the soil and consequently the C and N stocks. The objective of the present study was to evaluate the impact of integrated management and pasture systems on C and N stocks, as well as to simulate the effects of land use in these stocks and their compartments using the Century 4.5 model and to map the spatial variability of those referred to stocks in the edaphoclimatic conditions of the Cerrado of Maranhão in a Red-Yellow Oxisol. The study was carried out in the municipality of São Raimundo das Mangabeiras, Maranhão. Four areas were selected under different forms of land use (crop-livestock-forest integration, crop-livestock integration with no-till farming, crop-livestock integration with recent patch scarification and harrowing and pasture), and an area under native vegetation of Cerrado sensu stricto. The soil was classified as Red-Yellow Oxisol. Mini trenches were opened to collect soil at depths: 0.0- 0.10; 0.10-0.20; 0.20-0.30 and 0.30-0.50 m, for the study of C, N and chemical and physical fractionation of organic matter. For modeling with Century 4.5, only samples corresponding to a depth of 0.0-0.20 m were used. The system Crop-livestock integration with recent patch scarification and harrowing expressed the largest C stock and Pasture the largest N stock when taking into account the sum of the layers (0.0-0.50 m). The simulations with Century 4.5 indicated that the C and N in the passive compartment were the least affected by land use and that the slow compartment was the main responsible for the increase in C and N stocks. In geostatistics, the mean and median values are similar for the C and N stocks in their respective management systems, indicating a symmetrical distribution of the data, confirmed by the asymmetry and kurtosis values close to zero. It is concluded that the conversion of the native Cerrado forest to integrated systems and pastures increases the C and N stocks in the soil. The modeling results indicate that further adjustments are needed for the application of Century 4.5 in crop-livestock integration systems. The spatial distribution of C stocks is more homogeneous in the Crop-livestock integration with no-till farming, while the Crop-livestock integration with recent patch scarification and harrowing presents greater homogeneity in the N distribution.
  • Carbon stocks in mangrove soils of the Mamanguape river - Paraíba state from Brazil
  • Date: Aug 29, 2019
  • Time: 14:00
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  • One of the main ecosystem services for mangrove soils is the sequestration and stockpiling of blue carbon, none of which is the valuable role for environmental preservation and mitigation of climate change. Blue carbon is termed environments that have the capacity to store high amounts of carbon when compared to terrestrial ecosystems, found especially in mangroves. Thus, this study aims to quantify organic matter (MOS), organic carbon (Corg), inorganic carbon (CIS) and organic carbon stocks (ECorg) in mangrove soils. Three mangrove areas of the Barra do Rio Mamanguape Environmental Protection Area (APA) in Rio Tinto - PB were studied with live mangrove, transition (dying vegetation) and dead mangrove, and the soils are of the class of Sapric Thiomorphic Histosols. The MOS and CIS contents were determined by the muffle incineration method and Corg was determined by wet combustion. From the sum of CIS and Corg the ECorg were calculated for the three areas. There was a reduction in all attributes in the dead mangrove area when compared to the transition and live mangrove areas. Dead mangrove had the following mean values, MOS 189.34 g kg-1; CIS 2.95 g kg-1; Corg 109.8 g kg-1, and the total of ECorg was 716.47 Mg ha1 . In the transition area, the values were lower than the live mangrove area and the average values were MOS 187.36 g kg-1; CIS 2.81 g kg-1; Corg 108.67 g kg-1and total ECorg was 923.14 Mg ha-1. While the live mangrove showed the highest values, and the average values are as follows MOS 264.87 g kg-1; CIS 6.03 g kg-1; Corg 153.62 g kg-1, and the total of ECorg was 966.0 Mg ha-1. These results highlight the importance of maintaining and conserving mangrove ecosystems with respect to the provision of ecosystem services for sequestering and storing organic carbon, as mangroves are large sinks of blue carbon. Therefore, there must be public policies for the preservation of these areas.
  • Chemical and biological attributes of an anthroposol using treated wastewater in the semiarid
  • Date: Aug 20, 2019
  • Time: 09:00
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  • Water scarcity grows by the day, especially in the semiarid regions. As a result, the amount of groundwater used in agriculture is strictly limited, and it has become necessary to explore alternative sources of water. The objective of the present study was to evaluate the potential of treated wastewater in the recovery of fertility of an anthroposol and in the vegetative growth of forage and forest palm, as well as to determine the basal respiration, carbon of the microbial biomass and metabolic quotient of an anthroposol year with wastewater irrigation. The experiment was conducted in a 780m2 area in Paraíba Semiarid in a randomized block design with ten replications, three plant species and three treatments, corresponding to the type and volume of water used (T1 = 500 ml of water supply -AA , T2 = 500 ml of wastewater -AR , T3 = 1000 ml of wastewater -AR). The experiment was carried out in an agroforestry system with 1560 forage palm rackets: Mexican elephant ear ( Opuntia tuna ) and 195 seedlings of 2 forest species : Sabiá (Mimosa ceasalpinifolea Benth ) and Aroeira Branca ( Myracrodruon urundeuva Allmanha) planted in double row. Biometric variables were investigated in the forage palm and in the sabiá forest species. Soil was collected before and after irrigation and analyzed for chemical and biological attributes. In the chemical parameters of the soil, significant contrasts were observed only for pH, Organic Matter, CTC, and Sum of Bases. The pH Initial was classified as neutral, changing to a weak acidity after treatment application, being more relevant between the initial soil pH (pH 6.9) and the addition 500 ml AA weekly (pH 5.9 ). MOS contents increased significantly after AR use. Regarding CTC, it was found that the plots that received the RA doses presented the highest values, when compared to the plots that received AA. Regarding the vegetative growth, the treatment with 1000 ml of wastewater weekly, responded better in all variables of forage palm , where it obtained a final average of 36.2 cm. The basal respiration of the soil did not respond significantly to the treatments, the biomass carbon was higher in the area with forest species, however the metabolic quotient had no significant differences between treatments. Regarding the chemical properties of the soil, the wastewater had greater influences on soil pH and organic matter, showing to be a promising alternative for the recovery of the productive capacity of the soil, mainly by the increase of the MOS. The effect on forage palm growth was greater on the 1000 ml treated wastewater slide, the 500 ml and 1000 ml week treated wastewater slides did not promote differences in the height and diameter growth of the thrush. The area under forest vegetation stood out in relation to the palm, possibly due to the larger contribution of organic residues from the plant itself, serving as a source of nutrients to the soil microbiota. Soil biological properties: basal respiration, biomass carbon and metabolic quotient were not directly influenced by the treatments.
  • Landscape evolution and occur Umbric Ferralsols in the Brejos de Altitude of state Paraiba from Brazil
  • Date: Aug 9, 2019
  • Time: 09:00
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  • The Brejos de Altitude (Mountains) are exception areas in the Borborema plateau in northeastern Brazil. It occurs in the middle of the semi-arid climate and has differentiated climatic conditions from the surroundings, where temperatures are milder and higher humidity, conditioning the establishment of Forest islands. Ombrophils (Atlantic Forest) and more developed soils with higher organic matter content than the soils in the surrounding areas. In the Borborema Plateau, Xantic Ferralsols and humic A horizon occur in the altitude swamps (altimontano environment) in the Serra dos Martins Formation, which constitute the only Cenozoic planing remnant still preserved. The occurrence of Ferralsols with humic A is still little explained by the current literature, and in Brejos de Altitude there are records of occurrence only in Brejão and Pau D´alho in Pernambuco state, and Areia in Paraíba state. In Paraíba, this rare soil can be considered a relictual paleosol. In this sense, this study investigated the evolution of the landscape and its distribution of soil classes, with emphasis on the occurrence of the humic Ferralsols. The humic horizon A often very thick and with low base saturation, where lower temperatures, typical of the windward position with higher humidity, favored the ferratilization process with formation of this horizon, with accumulation of organic matter to depths greater than 100 cm. Among the methods used to analyze these soils are morphological, chemical and physical analysis, C and N isotopes and phytolites. Thus, they also perform ecosystem services and remain in the current landscape due to the encapsulation of relief and the protection of organic matter, related to factors intrinsic to the soil and the environment, such as the formation of stable organo-mineral complexes. This higher amount of organic matter resulted, therefore, from several environmental factors, which through multiproxies (phytoliths, isotopes and dating), include current climate variables (temperature and precipitation), vegetation type, paleofires and geographic position. There is a response of the degree of pedogenesis to the climatic gradient, where the Humic Ferralsol found in Areia is dated to 6,150 years ( 14C). This gradient also reflects the diversity and quantity of phytoliths. Soils store organic carbon in the range of 700 Gt. There is a need to assess the importance of coals in all profiles, and see if paleofires were part of the genesis of these soils.
  • Water dynamics and grassland quality in the efflux of CO2 on hillslopes of Yellow Red Ultisol
  • Date: Jun 19, 2019
  • Time: 09:00
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  • The productive capacity of the grassland is related to the age of establishment of these and the characteristics of the soil. In the Brazilian Northeast, grassland soils are generally in hillslope areas, slope hillslope favor variability in soil hydrodynamic properties and result in changes in physical and chemical characteristics. In addition, grassland cultivated on soil without fertilization depend on the cycling of nutrients from the grassland litter, process that results in efflux of CO2 into the atmosphere. Against the foregoing, this work was carried out, divided int three independent but complementary chapters. With the aim of determine the curves retention-θ(h) and hydraulic conductivity-K(θ) and the predominant retention force, use of the Beerkan method to obtain hydrodynamic soil parameters (Chapter I); to evaluate the efflux of CO2 from the soil, the production and quality of the forage and the litter of Urochloa decumbens (Chapter II); and determine the differences in soil CO2 efflux, forage production and quality of grassland of different ages (Chapter III). Chapters I and III were developed in three relief positions: shoulder, backslopes and footslope of two hillslopes under grasslands with different ages of establishment (one with 2 years of use-E2 and one with 22 years of use-E22). Chapter II was developed in the three relief positions, but only on a hillslope (E22). Soil water storage was evaluated using the Diviner 2000 capacitance probe. The hydrodynamic parameters were determined using the BEST model in the Sciliab program 5.3.3. The production of litter dry matter was evaluated with infiltration ring, already the production and the nutrient content in the grassland were obtained with exclusion cages, while the efflux of CO2 was quantified in static chambers. The results indicated granulometric variability among the topographic positions, and in E22 there is more clay than in E2. The water storage and the curves θ(h) and K(θ) varied according to the granulometric and hydrodynamic characteristics, which differed in depth, and in relation to the position on the hillslope and the time of grazing on the same. The íons Ca2+, Mg2+, Al3+, the potential acidity and soil moisture are higher in the shoulder and backslopes, where there is higher concentration of organic matter and clay. K+, Na+, CO2 efflux, sand and total porosity are larger in the footslope, position that stores less water. There was a positive correlation between CO2 efflux of soil and dry matter of litter + forage. Regardless of the age of grassland use on the hillslope, the highest yield was in the footslope and the lowest in the backslopes. The recovery of grassland reduced CO2 emissions, improvement pasture quality, and increased production.
  • Oxides the Fe and Al at the displacement vertical of P in Regossols
  • Date: Jun 6, 2019
  • Time: 09:00
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  • The family farming areas of the municipalities of Esperança and Remigio, located in the Paraiba State Agreste, present as predominant soil the Regosol, with low availability of P and N, limiting crop productivity. To alleviate these nutrient deficiencies, organic fertilizers, especially cattle manure, are widely used by farmers. However, manure rates are applied empirically, often beyond necessary. Due to the excessive application of manure P is accumulated in the surface layer and released by vertical transport, causing eutrophication that generates economic and environmental damage. Given the above, it is necessary to study the vertical transport of P in the Regosols. Due to the levels of iron (Fe) and aluminum (Al) oxides that can adsorb P, even in small amounts, directly influence the availability of this nutrient in the soil. The objective of this work was to evaluate the influence of Fe and Al oxides on sorption and miscible phosphorus displacement in areas fertilized and not fertilized with bovine manure and to relate them to the mineralogy and physicochemical factors of a eutrophic Regosol of Paraíba State Agreste region. Nine properties of family farmers were selected. Then a simple systematic random sampling was performed with the fixation of ten sampling points for each area, taking deformed soil samples at a depth of 0 - 10 cm, totaling 90 samples. After collection, the soil samples were physicochemical and mineralogical characterization (XRD and FRX). In all soil samples, were determined the sorption parameters of P. To achieve the proposed objectives two experiments were installed: In experiment I - P soil miscible displacement - The potential for P losses in columns of P was evaluated in fertilized and non-fertilized areas with bovine manure, and the influence of the amorphous and crystalline Fe and Al oxides contents on P. In experiment II - Soil samples from the nine selected areas were packed in columns and hydrodispersive soil characterization was performed using KBr. The miscible P displacement, native plus the inorganic P (P pulse), was evaluated in the vertical transport of P in the soil samples of the nine selected areas, whose numerical adjustment was performed using the Stanmod software. After the miscible displacement of P the column soils were used to determine P desorption by successive extraction of P adsorbed with the use of iron strips. The data from experiment II were submitted to first order pseudo-equation k-adsorption and desorption kinetic models. With the results of soil physical, chemical and mineralogical analyzes, and of experiments I and II, it was possible to organize three chapters: Chapter I - “Leaching of P in Regosols in Family Farming Areas of the Semiarid Region”: In all areas it was observed that most of the P was removed up to 20 pore volume, which is equivalent to 40 mm of water monthly precipitation. High rates of manure for consecutive years resulted in a high loss of soil phosphorus (> 6.0 mg L-1). Chapter II - “P transport dynamics in Eutrophic Regosol”. The hydrodispersive characterization data with potassium bromide (KBr) confirmed its chemical non-equilibrium with the soil, representing a good tracer. There was a lower P leaching in columns with similar Fe and Al contents, being related to the increase of P adsorption capacity unlike the soil samples with varied Fe and Al contents, which presented a higher P displacement. Chapter III - "P sorption kinetics in Eutrophic Regosol in family farming areas". The highest P adsorption rate occurred in soil samples with varying Fe and Al contents, referring to the municipality of Esperança. While the behavior of phosphate desorption curves were identical for all areas, regardless of manure fertilization, desorbed phosphate decreased exponentially. The areas of Esperança, regardless of whether they were fertilized or not, showed a higher rate of phosphorus adsorption by Fe and Al oxides and a decrease in P. leaching. In the fertilized and non-fertilized areas in Remigio with similar Fe and Al contents, the kinetics of phosphate adsorption and desorption were similar to those of Esperança. Remigio areas showed higher desorption rate than adsorption rate and an increase in P leaching, indicating that this adsorption was influenced by the presence of goethite (Gt) in the clay fraction, by the low rates of P via organic fertilization and also because the soil itself has very low initial P levels when compared to the areas of Esperança. In this study, it is evident that the P leaching in a sandy soil is an environmental risk, because the soil mineralogy presents predominantly negative charges.
  • Dynamics of Latosol vegetable waste under different use systems
  • Date: May 30, 2019
  • Time: 13:00
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  • The replacement of organic matter in the soil is a great option to improve soil quality. Therefore, the use of agricultural crops, such as straw, among others, can contribute to the sustainability and sustainability of various production systems, amortizing operating expenses and increasing income, making agriculture more sustainable. A dynamics of the decomposition and quantification of a mineralization rate of the Corn plant (Zea mays L.) on a Latossolo Amarelo distrófico (Ferralsol) under the no-tillage system under the conditions of the Brejo Paraibano microregion was determined. The experiments of fertilization and decomposition kinetics were conducted in the years 2013 to 2017, in the experimental area of Chã-de-Jardim, belonging to the CCA, UFPB, Areia-PB municipality. The fertilization experiment was set up for a randomized complete block design, with 11 treatments and 5 replicates, which were consummated using an exponential matrix Puebla III Plan, where N (0, 5, 30, 50, 70 and 95 kg ha-1 ) as urea, and for K (0, 4; 24; 40; 56 and 76 kg ha-1 ) as KCl. The dynamics of decomposition of the cultural residues of corn (stem, leaf, straw) for 150 days. At 30 days, organic carbon, total nitrogen, cellulose, hemicellulose and lignin were separated, the liquid residues in the pockets. Soil sampling was always performed after a harvest of each year. Samples of five portions per plot were collected to make a composition in the 0 to 20 cm depth layer. After passage from dry to air (TFSA) as passages were passed in sieve (2 mm). The soil pH and the contents of P, K+ , Ca2+, Mg2+, H+ + Al3+ e CO. Were studied in different systems of use (FOREST, CONTROL, CORN, POUSIO). Three simple units were collected forming a composite, with five replicates, in the depths of 0 - 10 and 10 - 20 cm, in deep depths, a collection of undisturbed samples was carried out to determine the soil density (Ds). The snail was totally absorbed to the depth of 0 to 10 cm. For both the analysis of variance and the estimation of the parameters of the exponential equation, the statistical package SAEG version 9.1 was used. Nitrogen fertilization is not influenced by the rate of decomposition of the corn residue, nor in its routine constituents. The nutrient contents released during the decomposition of maize biomass in a period of 5 years are generally not differentiated between treatments with fertilization and without mineral fertilization. Compared to the CONTR, nitrogen and potassium fertilization did not alter soil C levels at depths of 0 - 10 and 10 - 20 cm.
  • Date: May 29, 2019
  • Time: 09:00
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  • O estudo da dinâmica do ecossistema Caatinga, onde se inclui o processo de ciclagem de nutrientes, através do aporte e decomposição de serrapilheira, a atividade microbiana medida através do efluxo de CO2, e da produção de glomalina, indicador de qualidade física do solo, torna-se necessário para que se possa conhecer as especificidades desse bioma e assim, propor medidas de conservação e manejo adequado dos solos dessas áreas. Esse trabalho teve como objetivo determinar in-situ, o efluxo de CO2 e a produção de glomalina facilmente extraível no solo e sua relação com agregação, avaliar a produção e decomposição da serrapilheira e a ciclagem dos nutrientes, sob vegetação arbórea e arbustiva em uma área de caatinga preservada nos períodos seco e chuvoso. O trabalho foi desenvolvido na Estação Experimental Professor Ignácio Salcedo, do Instituto Nacional do Semiárido (INSA), localizada no município de Campina Grande - PB. Foi demarcado um transecto inserido nos dois ambientes, as amostragens foram realizadas nos ambientes arbóreo e arbustivo e comparadas posteriormente, observando a interferência de fatores ambientais como precipitação, umidade e temperatura do solo sob as variáveis estudadas. Foram instalados coletores para acompanhar o aporte mensal de serrapilheira. Para avaliação da taxa de decomposição e ciclagem de nutrientes utilizou-se litter bags, onde foi determinada a massa remanescente, e quantificados os teores de N, P, K e C da serrapilheira liberados ao longo de 1 ano. A emissão mensal de CO2 foi avaliada pelo método estático de câmara fechada e a glomalina foi determinada pelo ensaio de Bradford, e correlacionada com a estabilidade de agregados. O aporte de serapilheira foi maior na área arbustiva, e também a taxa de decomposição do material vegetal foi mais acelerada para espécies arbustiva em relação à arbórea. O aporte anual de nutrientes seguiu a sequência de N > K > P, e os maiores aportes de nutrientes foram na estação seca, para ambos ambientes. As maiores emissões de CO2 foram encontradas no ambiente de vegetação arbustiva. A glomalina facilmente extraível apresentou um padrão sazonal, onde seus maiores valores foram obtidos na época seca, independente do tipo de vegetação da área. O maior teor de Carbono Orgânico Total foi encontrado no ambiente de vegetação arbórea e o índice de estabilidade de agregados foi maior no ambiente arbustivo. Os maiores valores de correlação foram entre o IEA e o COT. Foi observada a forte influência dos fatores climáticos como precipitação, umidade e temperatura do solo sob as variáveis analisadas.
  • Mapping and analysis of the current land data in the city of Areia -PB: subsidies for environmental planning.
  • Date: Feb 28, 2019
  • Time: 15:00
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  • It is important that the dynamics on the forms of land cover and land use be known, from the organization of the geographic space and from the identification of the most vulnerable areas to the loss of soil as a result of disturbance caused by human activities. Considering this perspective, this work highlights the county of Areia, located in Agreste Paraibano, aiming to provide subsidies for the environmental and economic planning of its managers. In this sense, the research objectives were: I) to diagnose, through the current use of land, the types of use and occupation of the county, as well as the conflicts existing in the APP according to the Forest Law; II) to identify and diagnose the natural vulnerability to soil loss in the county. The database for the development of the work included data from the digital elevation model (MDE) from satellite ALOS/PALSAR, for slope extraction, and SRTM, to obtain drainage density and altimetric amplitude. In addition, it was used the geological maps of leaves SB-25- YA-IV and SB-25-YCI and of soils of Paraíba, the pluviometric data of INMET and the highresolution images of the satellite planetscope for elaboration of the map of land usage and land occupation. The image allowed to identify and to map eleven land use and land cover classes based on image interpretation. Through map algebra it was possible to cross the maps with the objective of integrating the geological, geomorphological, climatic, pedological and land cover characteristics to generate the vulnerability index to soil loss and conflict of use with the environmental legislation. The land usage classes with the smallest mapped areas were reforestation, guava cultivation and citrus cultivation, with 0.05, 0.08 and 0.4 km², respectively. The pasture area is the land use class that has the largest contribution in occupied area, with 161.2 km², corresponding to 59.5% of the county. Analyzing the land use and land cover conflicts in APPs, it was possible to note that land use classes such as pasture, banana and sugar cane cultivation are located in areas that should be legally protected, presenting as inappropriate use. The pasture was the land use class (571.68 ha) that presented the greatest conflict in relation to environmental legislation, corresponding to 52.67% of the APPs being occupied by this class. Eleven land use and land cover classes were identified in the county of Areia-PB, with emphasis on the pasture class, with the highest representativeness. Considering the entire county of Areia, the natural vulnerability to soil loss was classified as 78.7% as moderate, 19.8% as low and 1.5% with high vulnerability. Thus, it was verified that the degree of natural vulnerability to soil loss was concentrated in the moderate class, being possible to observe that the themes land use and pedology were the ones that had the most influence in this aspect. The study of the natural vulnerability to soil loss of the county is of fundamental importance for the environmental planning, since it allowed to analyze the potentialities and the limitations of the county regarding the environmental factors worked, in addition to identifying which environmental factors most contribute to the environmental degradation.
  • Phosphorus availability in carbonate alkaline soil with use of elemental sulfur.
  • Date: Feb 28, 2019
  • Time: 09:00
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  • Alkaline carbonate soils have low availability of phosphorus (P), due to the presence and sorption, in calcium carbonates, of different forms of calcium phosphates. Thus, increasing the availability of P in these soils involves reducing the pH and increasing the solubility of precipitated phosphates, which can be achieved with the use of elemental sulfur (So). For these reasons, the objective of this work was: a) to evaluate the influence of So on soil reaction and on the dynamics of inorganic fractions of P; b) to evaluate the performance of different chemical extractors in the evaluation of available P in carbonate alkaline reaction soil in the northeastern semiarid region.The study consisted of two experiments, conducted in a protected environment, using material from the surface layer (0 - 0.30 m) of a Vertisol Haplic orthic hypocarbonate, collected in the municipality of Governador Dix-Sept Rosado, State of Rio Grande do Norte. In the first experiment, a completely randomized design with four replications was used, with treatments arranged in a 5 × 5 factorial, referring to five So rates (0; 50; 100; 150 and 200% of the dose of So to neutralize CaCO3, which was equivalent to 0; 15; 30; 45 and 60 g kg-1 of So), and five incubation times (T) (14; 28; 42; 56 and 70 days). The experimental unit consisted of a pot containing 0.3 kg of soil, with humidity maintained at 70% of field capacity. At the respective incubation times, soil samples were collected, dried and determined pH values in water, sulfate and CaCO3 contents, in addition to P-rem values; additionally, the P contents were determined by the extractors water (P-w), calcium chloride (P-CaCl2), Mehlich-1 (P-M1), Olsen (P-Olsen) and ion exchange resin (P- IER). In the second experiment, a randomized block design with four replications was adopted, with treatments arranged in a 2 × 5 factorial, referring to two rates of So (0 and 30 g kg-1) and five rates of P [0; 25; 50; 75 and 100% of the CMAP value (889 mg kg-1 of P), which was equivalent to P rates of 0; 222.3; 444; 666.7 and 889 mg kg- 1]. Initially, pots containing 3 dm3 of soil were incubated with So rates for 42 days; then, P rates were applied, in the form of KH2PO4, and incubated again for 21 days. After this period, soil subsamples were collected from each pot and pH values in H2O, S-SO 2- contents and P contents by the extractors P-H O, P-CaCl , P-M1, P- Olsen and P–RTI were determined; additionally, the sequential fractionation of inorganic P was carried out, determining the fractions P-soluble, and P bound to aluminum (P-Al), iron (P-Fe) and calcium (P-Ca). Subsequently, two forage sorghum plants, cv. Ponta Negra. After 50 days of cultivation, the aerial part of the plants was cut, obtaining after drying the aerial part dry matter mass values (DMMV); in these samples, the P and S contents were determined and, subsequently, the accumulation of P and S in the aerial part was calculated. In the incubation assay, there was a decrease in pH with increasing So rates and incubation time, registering a reduction from 8.5 to 5.1 with a S0 rate of 60 g kg-1 incubated for 70 days. Elemental sulfur increased sulfate contents and P-rem values, but did not influence carbonate contents; moreover, it increased P-CaCl2 and PM-1 contents, reduced P- IER and did not influence P-H2O and P-Olsen. The P-Olsen and P-IER levels do not correlate with variables that reflect the buffering capacity factor. In the correlation assay, the presence of So did not influence the DMMV, but increased the levels and accumulations of P and S. The extractors P-H2O, P-CaCl2, P-M1, P-Olsen and P-IER were highly correlated among themselves, in the presence and absence of So, but only the P-Olsen and P-RTI extractors correlated with the P accumulated by the plant. The P contents obtained by the P-Olsen and P-IER extractors were preferentially correlated with the P-Al fraction; however, the plant absorbed P in the following decreasing order: P-Ca > P-Fe > P-Al > P-H2O in the absence and P-Ca > P-Al > P-Fe > P-H2O in the presence of So. It was concluded that the P-Olsen and P- IER extractors are the most suitable for the evaluation of available P in these soils.
  • Date: Feb 25, 2019
  • Time: 13:30
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  • Solos no mundo apresentam problemas de erosão hídrica em decorrência do impacto da gota da chuva na superfície do solo, agravando o encrostamento superficial e erodibilidade dos solos. Contudo, o gesso agrícola atua como redutor do encrostamento superficial, por promover a floculação das argilas, aumentar a estabilidade de agregados e reduzir a dispersão. Objetivou-se avaliar a erodibilidade em entressulcos e encrostamento superficial em solos do semiárido sob aplicação de gesso agrícola. Por meio de testes de chuva simulada foi realizado experimentos para medir a erosão em entressulcos, em condições de solo descoberto com e sem aplicação de gesso agrícola. A parcela experimental possuí área útil de 0, 3481m2 e declividade de 0,10 mm-1. As chuvas foram simuladas com intervalos de 0, 7, 14, 21 dias, com intensidade média ajustada de 85 mm h-1 durante 75 minutos. Foram avaliadas as variáveis hidráulicas do escoamento, a taxa de desagregação, as perdas totais de solo, a erodibilidade, sedimentos em suspensão, a rugosidade superficial, o encrostamento superficial, a microtextura das crostas e estabilidade de agregados. Os solos apresentaram regime laminar e escoamento subcrítico, caracterizando a formação de erosão em entressulco. As maiores taxas de desagregação, perdas de solos e sedimentos em suspensão no TCo e RLe ocorreram no teste 1, devido ao impacto direto da gota da chuva, e características intrínsecas de cada solo. A erodibilidade foi reduzida quando se aplicou gesso agrícola, devido ao efeito floculante da interação entre os coloides do RLe apresentar maior susceptibilidade ao encrostamento superficial, influenciando em todas as outras propriedades nesse estudo. A ocorrência de um maior número de chuva simulada aumentaria os valores de rugosidade, alterando as variáveis hidráulicas do escoamento no sentido de diminuir o transporte de sedimentos. Palavras-chave: Erosão hídrica, chuva simulada, desagregação de partículas, Luvissolo Crômico Órtico, Neossolo Litólico.
  • Date: Feb 25, 2019
  • Time: 08:00
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  • Variabilidade espaço-sazonal de atributos químicos, físicos e biológicos em topossequência no Carirí Paraibano
  • Date: Feb 22, 2019
  • Time: 14:00
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  • Recursos naturais ligados ao solo em ambientes de terras secas, como na Caatinga vêm sofrendo impactos de deterioração em função da ausência de práticas conservacionistas atrelada ao uso inadequado do solo, sem levar em consideração a variabilidade espaço-sazonal de atributos que são variáveis em função do tempo e do espaço. Objetivou-se avaliar a variabilidade espaço-sazonal de atributos, físicos, químicos e biológicos em uma topossequência de Neossolos do Cariri paraibano. A geoestatística aliada a krigagem podem identificar e mapear zonas de manejo específico por modelos matemáticos capazes de mostrar o grau de dependência espacial e interpolação de dados sem tendência em pontos não amostrado para confecções de mapas de isolinhas. Coletas de solos em diferentes épocas do ano levando em consideração a sazonalidade das chuvas (período seco e período chuvoso) pode ser uma metodologia eficaz na determinação da variabilidade sazonal dos atributos. Para estudos de diversidade de organismo edáficos a determinação de índices ecológicos como: Riqueza, Shannon, Simpson e Pielou são essenciais para compreensão da influência destes na fertilidade do solo e a relação com temperatura e umidade. O estudo foi realizado em uma topossequência compartimentada em três posições: Ombro, Terço Médio e Terço Inferior, na Reserva Particular do Patrimônio Natural (RPPN), Fazenda Almas, no Cariri da Paraibano. Os atributos do solo apresentaram variabilidade espaço-sazonal nas posições de Ombro, Terço Médio e Terço Inferior. O efluxo de CO2 foi influenciado apenas pela umidade do solo, uma vez que a temperatura do solo foi constante com a sazonalidade das chuvas. Os Neossolos do Cariri Paraibano apresentam uma alta diversidade de macroartrópodes edáficos que possuem sua composição da comunidade influenciada diretamente pelas posições do relevo.
  • Date: Feb 20, 2019
  • Time: 09:00
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  • A compreensao das relacoes envolvidas no processo de erosao hidrica e objetivo de todos que lidam com a degradacao ambiental e os prejuizos agricolas causados por ela. Com o intuito de auxiliar o desenvolvimento de estrategias de preservacao do solo e contencao desse tipo de erosao, os objetivos do presente estudo foram: Capitulo I) determinar as caracteristicas do escoamento superficial e o fator de erodibilidade em entressulcos (Ki) dos solos avaliados; estabelecer correlacoes entre propriedades fisicas e quimicas dos solos com o Ki , para desenvolver um modelo matematico para sua predicao; aplicar modelos existentes na literatura para estimativa indireta do Ki e avaliar sua aplicabilidade para os solos desse estudo; Capitulo II) avaliar, de forma indireta, o selamento superficial e a formacao de crosta atraves das mudancas nas variaveis hidraulicas e na erodibilidade em entressulcos dos solos. Foram avaliados quatro solos: Latossolo Amarelo (LA); Argissolo Vermelho (PV); Neossolo Litolico (RL); Luvissolo Cromico (TC). O criterio de selecao teve como base o grau de desenvolvimento pedogenetico. Em laboratorio conduziram-se os experimentos de erosao em entressulcos sob chuva simulada, com solo descoberto e declividade da parcela de 0,10 mm-1 . Os testes foram realizados em parcelas experimentais, com area util de 0,3481 m², onde efetuou-se ensaios com chuvas simuladas, com intensidade media ajustada em 85 mm h-1 durante 75 minutos. As chuvas simuladas foram aplicadas em tres eventos consecutivos com intervalos de 7 dias (Periodos 0, 7 e 14 dias), para determinar os efeitos da formacao do selamento superficial durante a chuva e a formacao de crosta apos o periodo de secagem do solo. Foram avaliadas taxas de perdas de solo (PSi), concentracao de sedimentos em suspensao, vazao, taxa de desagregacao do solo (Di), caracterizacao das variaveis hidraulicas do escoamento e a erodibilidade do solo em entressulco (Ki). O regime de escoamento em todos os solos foi caracterizado como laminar lento ou subcritico e a ocorrencia de erosao em entressulcos foi confirmada. No Capitulo I, foi possivel concluir que: as caracteristicas fisicas e quimicas de cada solo apresentaram influencia mais direta no entendimento do comportamento das variaveis hidraulicas do escoamento superficial e da erodibilidade em entressulcos do que o grau de desenvolvimento pedogenetico; o Luvissolo Cromico (TC), mesmo sendo menos desenvolvido, apresentou-se o mais estavel, com os menores PSi, Di e Ki; Os modelos existentes aplicados para estimativa indireta do Ki nao se adequaram para todos os solos avaliados; O modelo sugerido nesse estudo, propoe a utilizacao dos valores do DMPAU e do Feo para estimativa do Ki em solos com caracteristicas semelhantes dos solos avaliados. No Capitulo II, concluiu-se que a formacao de selamento e de crostas superficiais foram observadas com aumento da velocidade de escoamento e da descarga liquida, e a diminuicao da altura da lamina de agua, assim como nas alteracoes em PSi, Di e Ki , sendo no primeiro evento de chuva simulada a maior contribuicao para formacao do encrostamento superficial; O TC se mostrou o mais estavel apos os eventos sucessivos de chuva simulada e mesmo tendo a rugosidade superficial modificada, nao apresentou alteracoes significativas na concentracao de sedimento em suspensao, perdas totais de solo, taxa maxima de desagregacao e erodibilidade do solo em entressulcos.
  • Date: Feb 12, 2019
  • Time: 14:00
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  • Regimes hydric e termic of Entisol in the Cariri paraibano from Brazil
  • Date: Nov 30, 2018
  • Time: 14:00
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  • Soil environmental functions and ecosystems services are related with water availability. In arid and semiarid environments this availability goes thought periods of high and low abundance. Shorts periods of high water availability are caused by rainfall events which supplies water needs. In a toposequence, topography and landform variation determine soil morphology, physics, and chemical biology differences in which soils are developed. Considering the same conditions of soil formation (climatic, biotic, time and parent material) for all soils in the toposequence, the variation in water and heat flux are determined only by topography and landform. Thus, the objective of this study was to evaluate the water content and soil temperature variations in a toposequence with a pedological system composed of a Lithic Torriorthents, Typic Torriorthents and Typic Torripsmamments in the semiarid region of the State of Paraíba, Brazil. For this, morphological (structure, transition, and depth of horizons) and physical (water retention curves and hydraulic conductivity curves) and chemical analyzes (routine for soil classification, organic carbon, and organic matter) were performed. To determine the soil water and thermal regime, the tension and water content and temperature were evaluated with MPS-2 sensors (Decagon Devices®) and monthly samples collected in all soil horizons for one year. The soils present water retained at tensions > 1500 kPa and temperatures > 20ºC for more than 90 days within the control section, which classifies the soil moisture regime as aridic and thermal as hyperthermic according to Soil Survey Division Staff. The Lithic Torriorthents that occur in the shoulder of the toposequence presented the highest water content and lower tension in the driest month (November 2017), which can be attributed to the higher content of organic matter and composition than that of the Typic Torriorthents and Typic Torripsmamments. The soil moisture and temperature regime of these soils is related to the ecosystem services related to the water cycle
  • Aggregation in Yellow Oxisol submitted to nitrogenated and potassium fertilization in no-tillage
  • Date: Nov 28, 2018
  • Time: 08:30
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  • Soil aggregation stands out as one of the variable for assessing the state of soil physical quality. This is a very sensitive property to the land use and management practices, due to inadequate management, resulting in aggregate ruptures and soil structure decrease. The objective of this research was to evaluate the aggregation in a Oxisol under no - tillage system submitted to nitrogen and potassium fertilization. An experiment was carried outimplanted at five years (in the year of 2013, being renewed annually), cultivated corn in no-tillage system with application of the combination of different doses of nitrogen and potassium. The experiment was installed following a randomized block design with 11 treatments and 5 replicates. The treatments were arranged according to the Plan Puebla III matrix, resulting from the combination of five doses of Nitrogen (N) in the form of Urea (5, 30, 50, 70 and 95 kg ha-1 ) and five doses of potassium (K), as KCl (4; 24; 40; 56 and 76 kg ha-1 ), plus the control (without fertilization). The samples were collected after maize harvest (approximately 120 days after planting). Soil samples were collected in layers 0.0-0.10 and 0.10-0.20m deep, with soil samples being deformed and undeformed for physical and chemical determinations. The granulometric analysis of soil samples was performed by the distribution of primary particle diameter, according to the Densimeter (Bouyoucos Hydrometer) method. The separation and size classification of the weighted average diameter of dry and wet aggregates were determined by sieving. The best values of dry macroaggregates for the different treatments ranged from 90,1 to 90,8% and the worst value being 85% in the line, for interlining the best value was 92,5% and the worst 86,6%, this in the layer of 0-0.10 m, whereas in the layer 0.10-0.20 m to row were observed the best values between 91,6 to 92,1% and worse value 86,1%, in the interline values ranging from 88,1 to 92,6%, but there was no significant difference. The no-tillage system and a combination of nitrogen and potassium fertilization do not present changes in the stability of the aggregates. After five years of successive cultivation, a Latosol structure related to the Distribution of pore sizes and a soil density, remains unchanged. Field capacity and the constant point of view are not at stake between nitrogen and potassium fertilizer combinations, but with a significant effect on the water available in the soil.
  • Date: Nov 26, 2018
  • Time: 14:00
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  • Soil quality of a agroecosystems in the semi-arid region of the state Rio Grande do Norte
  • Date: Nov 14, 2018
  • Time: 13:30
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  • Researches aimed to soil quality assessment and the community of macroarthropods in agroecosystems in the Apodi Plateau RN are incipient. Therefore, the present study aimed to evaluate the soil quality and the community of macroarthropods in agroecosystems of the Moacir Lucena settlement, Apodi Plateau RN. Soil profile openings were carried out in the environments of Native Vegetation (Ferralsol), Agroecological (Acrisol), Short Cycle Cultivation (Cambissol) and Fruticulture (Ferralsol), where samples with deformed structure and not deformed in its horizons were collected. Interpolations were performed in the layers 0,00-0,05 0,05-0,15 and 0,15-0,25 m for physical analysis (soil granulometric, soil density, WAD, GMD and water retention) (pH, EC, TOC, macronutrients, BS, CEC, V, PTS and m) and biological (provid traps in each environment in the dry and rainy periods to monitor the macroarthropods community of soil). Multivariate statistics was performed for data analysis. Soil quality indexes were generated for the 0,00-0,25 m layer, using a methodology proposed by Karlen and Stott (1994). The physical attributes of coarse sand, fine sand and total sand were more sensitive in the distinction between the environments of Native Vegetation and Fruticulture (Ferralsol) as well as the chemical attributes such as total organic carbon, potential acidity and aluminum. The differentiation of the Agroecological Environment (Acrisol) was given in function of the variables clay and total porosity, besides the greater water retention in the layer of 0,15-0,25 m, and also regarding the chemical attributes of sodium and exchangeable sodium percentage. The Short Cycle Cultivation environment (Cambissol) was discriminated by the average diameter and higher water retention for the three depths. Regarding the chemical attributes, stood out the calcium, magnesium, sum of base content, cation exchange capacity and hydrogen ion potential. For the soil quality, the Short Cycle and Agroecological Cultivation Environments presented the best indexes. The structure of the edaphic macroarthropod community in the Apodi Plateau RN region was influenced by seasonal variations, agricultural uses and physical and chemical attributes of the soil. In general, greater frequency of occurrence, dry biomass, richness and ecological indexes at the level of order are maintained in the Native and Agroecological Vegetation environments in the rainy season in detriment of to the other environments. The physical attributes related to soil structure (MWD and Tp) and the chemical attributes pH, Ca, Mg and CEC influenced the occurrence of the functional group litter transformes (Coleoptera) in the Short Cycle Cultivation Environment (SCC - Cambissol). The predatory functional group (Araneae) was influenced by the total organic carbon and soil density in the Fruticulture Environment (EF - Ferralsol).
  • Date: Oct 26, 2018
  • Time: 08:00
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  • Date: Sep 27, 2018
  • Time: 08:00
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  • Date: Aug 17, 2018
  • Time: 09:00
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  • As tabelas de recomendacao de adubacao potassica para o abacaxizeiro em solos do Estado da Paraiba se baseiam no teor de K trocavel extraido pela solucao Mehlich-1, mas se desconhece os detalhes que subsidiaram sua elaboracao; ademais, o sistema de producao da cultura modificou-se, o que justifica os trabalhos de atualizacao e avaliacao de outros extratores quimicos. Assim, este trabalho objetivou avaliar o desempenho de diferentes extratores quimicos na avaliacao do K trocavel em solos da zona abacaxicultora paraibana; estabelecer classes de interpretacao de fertilidade para avaliar a disponibilidade de K nos diferentes solos; estabelecer doses de K2O a serem recomendadas, conforme a disponibilidade de K nos solos avaliados pelos diferentes diferentes extratores. Os experimentos foram realizados em condicoes edafoclimaticas representativas da zona abacaxicultora paraibana. Foram utilizados tres solos: Argissolo Vermelho-Amarelo distrofico plintossolico (PVAdp); Argissolo Amarelo eutrofico abruptico (PAea); Espodossolo Ferri-humiluvico hidromorfico espessarenico (ESPfh). Os tratamentos consistiram em seis doses de K (0, 50, 300, 500, 700 e 950 kg ha-1 de K2O no PVAdp e 0, 30, 180, 300, 420 e 540 kg ha-1 de K2O no PAea e ESPfh). O delineamento experimental foi em blocos casualizados, com tres repeticoes, totalizando 18 unidades experimentais. Nas amostras coletadas 90 dias apos a colheita determinou-se os teores de K pelos extratores M-1, M-3, RTI e Ac.NH4. A partir de amostras de tecido vegetal, coletadas aos 11 meses apos o plantio, foram determinados a massa da materia fresca, o teor e o acumulo de K na folha ‘D’. Determinou-se ainda a produtividade da cultura. Os extratores M-3 e o Ac.NH4 extrairam quantidades maiores, enquanto o M-1 e a RTI extrairam quantidades menores e semelhantes de K, com maior eficiencia para o M-3 no PVAdp e o Ac.NH4 nos solos PAea e ESPfh. Todos os extratores avaliados se correlacionaram com as variaveis massa da materia fresca (MFFD), seca (MSFD) e acumulo de K na folha ‘D’. No entanto, apenas o Ac.NH4 se correlacionou com os dados de producao. Os niveis criticos variaram entre os solos e os extratores, sendo os menores valores obtidos no ESPfh e os maiores no PVAdp. O nivel critico foi maior com o extrator Ac.NH4 nos solos PVAdp e PAea e com o M-3 no solo ESPfh, enquanto o menor nivel critico foi obtido com a RTI nos solos PAea e ESPfh e com o M-1 no PVAdp. A partir dos teores de K no solo e dados de producao relativa foram estabelecidas cinco classes de disponibilidade de K (muito baixa, baixa, media, alta e muito alta) para cada extrator. As doses de K necessarias para atingir 90% do rendimento maximo foram pouco influenciadas pelos extratores, mas variaram entre os solos estudados, sendo 600, 300 e 210 kg ha-1, respectivamente para os solos ESPfh, PVAdp e PAea. Concluiu-se que todos os extratores podem ser empregados para avaliacao da disponibilidade de K nos solo da zona abacaxicultora paraibana; no entanto, em funcao do baixo custo operacional e de sua praticidade, o Mehlich-1 torna-se o mais indicado.
  • Evaluation and calibration of available phosphorus extractors in soils of the Paraíba pineapple zone
  • Date: Jun 6, 2018
  • Time: 09:00
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  • The establishment of P rates for pineapple in the state of Paraíba are based from the Mehlich1 extractor. However, considering changes in the production system, the lack of information on the calibration tests, that Mehlich-1 extractor presents different capacities to dissolve and solubilize the P in phosphate compounds, and the interest in the adoption of multielementary extractors it becomes important to evaluate the adequacy of existing information, as well as to test the efficiency of other chemical extractors. Thus, the objective of this work was to evaluate the performance of the Mehlich-1 (M-1), Mehlich-3 (M-3), Ion Exchange Resin (RTI) and Bray-1 (B-1) extractors in the evaluation of available P in soils of the Paraiba pineapple zone; establish classes of interpretation of levels and rates of P2O5 to be recommended, according to the availability of P evaluated by the tested extractors. The experiments were carried out with 'Pérola' pineapple, under edaphoclimatic conditions representative of the Paraiba pineapple zone. Two soils were used: Plinthic Dystrophic RedYellow Argissolo (PVAdp), from the municipality of Itapororoca, and Argissolo endoeutrófico Amarelo (PAea) from the municipality of Sapé. The treatments consisted of six doses of P (0, 20, 120, 200, 280 and 380 kg ha-1 of P2O5 in PVAdp and 0, 8, 48, 80, 112 and 152 kg ha-1 of P2O5 in PAea) applied in the third month after planting. The experimental design was in randomized blocks, with three replications, and 18 experimental units. In the soil samples collected 90 days after harvesting, the levels of P available by extractors M-1, M3, RTI and B-1 were determined. In the ‘D’ leaf samples collected at floral induction period, the content and accumulation of P were determined. The amounts extracted and the rates of P recovery varied between soils and extractors. The PVAdp soil extracted less, but had a higher P recovery rate than PAea; M-3 and RTI had the highest values, B-1 the lowest, with M-1 having intermediate values for these characteristics. The availability of P can be assessed in both soils by any of the tested extractors; their performance is similar in PAea and better for extractors B-1 and M-1 in PVAdp. The critical levels of P, determined by the extractors M-1, M-3, RTI and B-1, were 32.5; 58.5; 38.0 and 29.5 mg dm-3 , respectively. The MEF doses were 296.5 and 110.5 kg ha-1 of P2O5, respectively, for the PVAdp and PAea soils, while the MEE doses were, respectively, 91.5 and 53.0 kg ha-1 of P2O5. 16 The availability of P in the evaluated soils can be stratified into three fertility classes (low, medium and high), depending on the extractor. For low, medium and high fertility classes are recommended doses of 160.0; 80.0 and 20.0 kg ha-1 of P2O5 when the availability assessment is made by the M-1 extractor, and 150.0; 75.0 and 20.0 kg ha-1 of P2O5 for evaluation with the RTI extractor.
  • Crescimento, teores foliares e taxa de absorção de N, P e K em Moringa oleifera Lam. com adubação orgânica em Neossolo Flúvico
  • Date: Apr 27, 2018
  • Time: 08:00
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  • Objetivou-se avaliar a crescimento, producao de massa, teores foliares e taxa relativa de absorcao de N, P e K em Moringa oleifera Lam. adubadas com quatro doses de cama de frango (0,0; 40,0; 80,0 e 120,0 g dm-3) e duas granulometrias (1 e 4 mm). O experimento foi conduzido no delineamento em blocos casualizados com quatro repeticoes. A unidade experimental foi constituida por quatro mudas, produzidas em sacos de poliestireno com capacidade de 5 dm-3. Para a analise de crescimento, foram avaliadas a cada 30 dias, altura, numero de folhas, diametro do caule e da raiz, e massa da materia fresca e seca e o indice de qualidade de Dickson, ate os 120 dias, totalizando quatro avaliacoes. Os teores e a taxa de absorcao de nitrogenio, fosforo e potassio foram avaliadas aos 60 e 120 dias de experimento. O diametro da raiz diminui com o aumento das doses de cama de frango; as massas da materia seca da parte aerea e da raiz aumentaram com o incremento das doses de cama de frango. Verificou-se aumento linear do indice de qualidade de Dickson em funcao dos dias apos a emergencia e de doses de cama de frango, atingindo valor maximo de 3,0, com 120 g dm3 de cama de frango. A granulometria 1 mm proporcionou maiores decrescimos na taxa relativa de absorcao de nitrogenio. A taxa relativa de absorcao de potassio aumentou 50,6% com o aumento das doses de cama de frango, enquanto que houve diminuicao nos teores de fosforo em funcao do aumento das doses de cama de frango com diametro de 1 e 4 mm. Houve aumento nos teores foliares de nitrogenio e potassio em funcao do aumento das doses de cama de frango. Recomenda-se a dose de 120 g dm-3 para obtencao dos maiores teores e taxa de absorcao.
  • Date: Feb 28, 2018
  • Time: 14:00
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  • Date: Feb 28, 2018
  • Time: 08:00
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  • Date: Feb 28, 2018
  • Time: 08:00
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  • Date: Feb 7, 2018
  • Time: 08:00
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  • O quiabeiro é uma hortaliça que vem ganhando expressão na região Nordeste, mas, as informações sobre o manejo de irrigação e adubação orgânica ainda são pouco frequentes na literatura. Por isso, pesquisas nesse sentido devem ser desenvolvidas. Nessa sentido, um experimento foi desenvolvido para avaliar o desempenho produtivo do quiabeiro e os atributos químicos do solo em função de lâminas de irrigação e doses de matéria orgânica no solo, em um Neossolo Flúvico com a cultivar Santa Cruz 47. O delineamento utilizado foi em blocos casualizados no esquema fatorial 2 x 5, referente às lâminas de irrigação de 100 % e 50 % da evapotranspiração da cultura (ETc) e cinco doses de esterco bovino para elevar o teor de matéria orgânica do solo de 18 para 28, 38, 48 e 58 g dm-3 nos ciclos produtivos de 2013/2014 e 2014/2015. As variáveis estudadas foram os componentes de fertilidade do solo, teores foliares de macronutrientes e componentes do quibeiro. Os resultados foram submetidos a análises de variância e de regressão. A irrigação com a lâmina de 100 % da ETc aumentou a fertilidade do solo, quando comparado com a lâmina de 50 % da ETc. A matéria orgânica aplicada ao solo aumentou o potencial de fertilidade expresso pela MO, P, K, Ca, Mg, S resultando no aumento da capacidade de troca catiônica, teores foliares de P, K e Mg e nos componentes de produção do quiabeiro. Foi obtida maior produtividade com aplicação de 48 g dm-3 de esterco bovino. Recomenda-se a aplicação de MOS através da adubação com esterco bovino, na dose de 48 g dm-3 . Palavras-chave: Abelmoschus esculentus, Manejo de irrigação, Adubação orgânica, Nutrição, Fertilidade do solo.
  • Date: Nov 27, 2017
  • Time: 08:00
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  • Date: Nov 7, 2017
  • Time: 09:00
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  • O processo de desertificacao ocorre em zonas aridas, semiaridas e sub-umidas do globo terrestre, ocasionando perdas de solo, materia organica e nutrientes, e, consequentemente, a reducao da capacidade produtiva dos solos. No Brasil, as areas suscetiveis a desertificacao abrangem 9 estados, incluindo a Paraiba, sendo observado que o processo se inicia com a conversao de floresta nativa para agropecuaria associada com o manejo inadequado do solo. O presente trabalho teve como objetivo selecionar indicadores biofisicos e fornecer indices para avaliacao do nivel de desertificacao no Semiarido paraibano. Foram selecionadas 22 areas conservadas, sem corte raso nos ultimos 30 anos, e 22 areas desertificadas, com dificuldades de reestabelecimento da cobertura vegetal. Em cada area alocou-se uma parcela de 100 m2 (10 x 10 m). Inicialmente, identificou-se as especies arboreas, mensurou-se a circunferencia da base a 0,30 m do solo (CNB), circunferencia a altura do peito a 1,30 m (CAP), calculou-se a densidade absoluta (DA), densidade relativa (DR), frequencia absoluta (FA), frequencia relativa (FR), dominancia absoluta (DoA), dominancia relativa (DoR), indice de valor de importancia (IVI) e o indice de valor de cobertura (IVC) (I Capitulo). Posteriormente, calculou-se o numero de especies (NE), densidade de plantas (DP), altura media do dossel (A-M), circunferencia media na base (CNB-M), circunferencia media a altura do peito (CAP-M) e dominancia absoluta total (DoA-T), e com base nos resultados selecionou-se os indicadores do nivel de desertificacao com teste T pareado (p < 0,05), mensurou-se a abrangencia dos indicadores, considerando a menor diferenca detectavel entre os pares de areas (conservadas e desertificadas), obteve-se os pesos dos indicadores com analise de componentes principais e elaborou-se um indice para avaliacao do nivel de desertificacao do Semiarido paraibano (II Capitulo). Nas parcelas tambem foram coletadas amostras de solo nas camadas de 0-5 e 5-20 cm, e realizadas as analises da acidez ativa (pH em agua), acidez potencial (H+Al), teores de sodio (Na+), aluminio (Al3+), potassio (K+), calcio (Ca2+), magnesio (Mg2+), carbono organico total (COT), P disponivel (Mehlich-1), textura e densidade do solo (DS), e calculou-se os valores de soma de bases, CTC efetiva, CTC total, saturacao por bases, saturacao por Al3+ e porcentagem de sodio trocavel (PST). Os valores dos atributos quimicos e fisicos do solo foram comparados com valores de referencia para o semiarido, classificados em 3 niveis (1 – alto, 2 – medio e 3 – baixo) e unidos para a formacao de um indice de qualidade do solo, que foi comparado com o mapa de classificacao climatica para obtencao das areas mais suscetiveis ao processo de desertificacao e mais criticas para restauracao da cobertura florestal (III Capitulo). Com base nos resultados dos solos, tambem selecionou-se os indicadores do nivel de desertificacao com teste T pareado (p < 0,05), mensurou-se a abrangencia dos indicadores, considerando a menor diferenca detectavel entre os pares de areas (conservadas e desertificadas), obteve-se os pesos dos indicadores com analise de componentes principais e elaborou-se um indice para avaliacao do nivel de desertificacao do Semiarido paraibano (IV Capitulo). No primeiro capitulo verifica-se que as areas conservadas apresentaram um total 63 especies arboreas e as areas desertificadas 9 especies. As especies mais frequentes nas areas conservadas sao Caesalpinia pyramidalis e Croton sonderianus, e nas areas desertificadas sao Mimosa tenuiflora e Croton sonderianus. As areas conservadas apresentaram maior DA que as areas desertificadas, com valores totais de 4.845 I ha-1 e 895 I ha-1. A DoA seguiu a ordem Caesalpinia pyramidalis > Anadenanthera colubrina > Myracrodruon urundeuva e Mimosa tenuiflora > Caesalpinia pyramidalis > Aspidosperma pyrifolium, para areas conservadas e areas desertificadas, respectivamente. As especies Croton sonderianus (areas conservadas) e Mimosa tenuiflora (areas dertificadas) apresentam os maiores IVI e IVC. No segundo capitulo, constata-se que a perda de qualidade da cobertura vegetal arborea desencadeou o processo de desertificacao, por reduzir a protecao do solo contra a acao da erosao hidrica. Os parametros numero de especies, DoA-T, densidade de plantas, altura media do dossel, CAP-M e CNB-M, podem ser utilizados como indicadores em 100, 100, 97,9, 89,7, 71,6 e 56,8%, da regiao semiarida paraibana, respectivamente. Os indicadores que tem maior peso sao CAP-M (0,4210), CNB-M (0,4110), numero de especies (0,4097), densidade de plantas (0,3891), altura media (0,3614) e DoA-T (0,3407). O indice do nivel de desertificacao com base na cobertura arborea permite avaliar com precisao o nivel de desertificacao de areas no Semiarido paraibano. No terceiro capitulo, observa-se que as areas conservadas apresentam alto nivel de qualidade dos solos. Os atributos do solo que torna a regiao naturalmente mais sensivel ao processo de desertificacao sao pH, P, COT, acidez potencial, CTC total, CTC efetiva, saturacao por bases e DS. Os municipios de Bonito de Santa Fe, Cacimba de Dentro, Campina Grande, Soledade, Picui, Remigio e Uirauna, apresentam a menor qualidade do solo em areas conservadas. Os municipios mais suscetiveis ao processo de desertificacao, considerando a qualidade do solo em areas conservadas e a disponibilidade de agua, sao Soledade e Picui. As areas desertificadas apresentam alto nivel de qualidade na camada de 0-5 cm, e medio nivel de qualidade na camada de 5-20 cm. Os atributos mais limitantes ao crescimento e desenvolvimento da cobertura vegetal nas areas desertificadas sao COT, P, DS, CTC total, pH, CTC efetiva e Ca2+, respectivamente. As regioes mais criticas para o restabelecimento da cobertura vegetal em areas desertificadas estao localizadas nos municipios de Sao Domingos do Cariri, Picui e Taperoa. Nas areas desertificadas, recomenda-se o uso de manejos integrados priorizando o acumulo de materia organica, reducao do processo erosivo e a elevacao da disponibilidade de agua, visando a recuperacao da cobertura vegetal. No quarto capitulo, verifica-se que o processo de desertificacao no Semiarido paraibano tende a reduzir os teores de COT e aumentar os valores de Na+, PST e DS, independente da camada, e diminuir os valores de Ca2+, H+Al, CTC total na camada de 0-5 cm, e de K+ na camada de 5-20 cm. A abrangencia dos indicadores no Semiarido paraibano, para a camada de 0-5 cm, apresenta a seguinte ordem: COT (100%), DS (100%), H+Al (68,0%), CTC total (66,0%), Na+ (64,2%), Ca2+ (62,4%), PST (61,4%) e saturacao por Al3+ (18,2%). Na camada de 5-20 cm, segue a ordem: COT (91,2%), K+ (78,0%), DS (55,6%), PST (53,0%) e Na+ (29,0%). O indice do nivel de desertificacao com base nos atributos do solo, permite avaliar com precisao o nivel de desertificacao em areas do Semiarido paraibano, e apontar quais atributos do solo sao mais limitantes para restauracao da cobertura florestal em regioes especificas.
  • Date: Aug 31, 2017
  • Time: 14:00
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  • Spatial variability of the resistance to penetration in soil under different sugarcane harvesting conditions.
  • Date: Aug 31, 2017
  • Time: 09:00
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  • An inherent characteristic of soils is its heterogeneity; however, plantings, especially the mechanized ones such as perfomed in the sugarcane crop, tend to cause changes that increase even more the variability in the physical attributes of the soil. Based on that, the objective of this study was to evaluate the spatial variability of the resistance to penetration in soil under sugarcane cultivation in the microregion of the northern coast of Paraíba. The study was performed in areas of sugarcane production belonging to the Miriri and Bioenergia S/A industries. Two areas are located in Fazenda Santa Emília II, municipality of Rio Tinto and the third is part of the Fazenda Maria da Luz I, located among the municipalities of Capim, Santa Rita and Sapé, in the state of Paraíba. In order of soil, three areas with different usage conditions were selected: I. Manual harvesting - Second Cut (CMA); II. Mechanized harvesting - second cut (CME) and III. Manual and mechanized harvesting (CMM). In each area of study, georeferenced samples were collected in the lines and between the lines of planting, following a regular sample mesh of 20 x 20 m. The samples were analyzed at the Laboratório de Física do Solo, of the Departamento de Solo e Engenharia Rural (DSER), belonging to the Centro de Ciências Agrárias (CCA) of the Universidade Federal da Paraíba (UFPB). Descriptive statistics and geostatistics were used to analyze the data. The mean was not sufficient to represent the spatial distribution of the analyzed areas; The sampling soil mesh was adequate, within the limits of the study, since it allowed the capture of the spatial dependence in practically all the studied conditions. The CMA area presented the highest penetration resistance (RP) values among the three areas. The CME and CMM areas followed a similar pattern, presenting low RP in the superficial layers and with increasing values at the greater depths. Differently from CMA, the CME and CMM presented a higher mean of RP values in the inter-rows, which can be explained by the fact that it is the part that is mostly affected by the compaction imposed by the intensive traffic of the machines.
  • Date: Aug 31, 2017
  • Time: 09:00
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  • Date: Aug 4, 2017
  • Time: 08:00
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  • Apesar da importância da cultura do abacaxi na região dos Tabuleiros Costeiros da Paraíba, são poucas as informações sobre a avaliação da variabilidade espacial dos atributos químicos relacionados ao uso e manejo da fertilidade para esta cultura, onde predominam solos ácidos e de baixa fertilidade natural e não recebem um manejo adequado. No entanto, para se propor um manejo adequado é necessário se fazer um diagnóstico das áreas cultivadas. Nesse sentido, objetivou-se nesta pesquisa caracterizar e avaliar as relações entre os atributos químicos do solo na lavoura de abacaxi com quatro (A4) e oito (A8) ciclos da cultura no solo. As amostras deformadas de solos foram coletadas de um Argissolo Vermelho Amarelo em malha, com intervalos regulares de 10 m, totalizando 75 pontos amostrais por área de estudo na profundidade de 0-20 cm. Para a avaliação dos atributos químicos do solo foram medidos pH, P, K, Na, Ca, Mg, Al, H+Al, MO, CTCpH7, SB e V%. Os dados foram submetidos a análises estatísticas descritivas seguidas de análise de componentes principais.Posteriormente foramajustados a modelos geoestatísticos para relacionar a variabilidade e as distâncias de separação dos pontos amostrais, utilizados para interpolação por krigagem ordinária. Para obtenção de um único esquema amostral otimizado para todos os atributos químicos do solo na área com oito ciclos de cultivofoi utilizado o algoritmo anelamento simulado espacial (SSA - Spatial Simulated Annealing). Na área com quatro ciclos foi verificada acidez potencial média, baixo valor do pH e menores teores de matéria orgânica, soma de bases e saturação por bases do solo, revelando maior necessidade de práticas de correção do solo. Na área com oito ciclos os maiores teores de matéria orgânico do solo aliado a aplicação de fertilizantes proporcionaram maiores teores para a capacidade de troca de cátions, soma de bases, saturação por bases, carbono do solo e pH tendendo a média acidez. As formas de uso e manejo empregadas induziram a variabilidade espacial para a maioria dos atributos químicos do solo, sendo maior na área com quatro ciclos de cultivo com abacaxizeiro ‘Pérola’, evidenciando maior amplitude nos teores dos atributos.A partir de um esquema amostral inicial e com a determinação de um variograma escalonado médio foi possível determinar o número de 16 pontos a serem amostrados para minimizar da variância de krigagem na área de pesquisa.
  • Emanoel Lima Martins
  • Spatial Variability of Physical and Chemical Attributes in a Decapitated Anthroposol with of Treated Wastewater Irrigation
  • Date: May 26, 2017
  • Time: 09:00
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  • Due to the increase of degraded areas, due mainly to anthropic influences, to use alternatives, low cost preferably is necessary, that allow the knowledge the level of degradation and promote the recovery of the soil productive capacity, in order to enable adequate management and recovery of these areas. In this sense, the objective of this study was to evaluate the spatial variability of soil attributes and how it interferes with phosphorus (P) and soil organic matter (SOM) as to verify the effect of treated wastewater (WW), P and SOM contents in a Decapitated Anthroposol. Initially, a georeferencing was performed, a grid was defined and soil sampling was performed in a degraded area with Decapitated Anthropossoil, from which the soil bulk density (BDs), the fine earth bulk density (BDfe), the proportion of the coarse fraction (pCF) and the contents of P and SOM, from these the corrected density (BDco) and P and SOM stocks were calculated. Influenced by the high pCF, the BDs presented extremely high values, in the order of 1.9 kg dm-3. By suggesting a high soil compaction degree BDfe presented values around 1.7 kg dm-3. On the other hand, the BDco was around 1.3 kg dm-3. All physical attributes presented high spatial variability and strong spatial dependence, while P and SOM contents around 3 g kg-1 and 2 mg kg-1 respectively showed high spatial variability and week spatial dependence. The estimate of the P and SOM stock based only on BDs, disregarding the mass and volume of the pCF overestimated the available P and SOM stock in the soil in relation to the same calculation based on the BDco, discounting the pCF. Later, in order to evaluate the effect of the application of treated wastewater on the growth of forest species and the recovery of soil chemical attributes, a randomized block experiment with five forest species irrigated with three water slides (7 L week-1 of (AR7) and 14 L week-1 of treated wastewater (AR14). After three years, the soil was collected and analyzed for P, Organic P and SOM, and the species were evaluated for height and diameter at breast height (DBH). Reaching orders of magnitude 5 to 8 times higher than AA treatment, both AR7 and AR14 treatments promoted an expressive increase in the levels of P, organic P and SOM. However, there was no significant difference in the height and diameter of the forest species among the treatments, probably due to phytosociological factors inherent to the species used. Therefore, RA can be considered as an excellent low cost alternative for the recovery of degraded soils in the semi-arid region.
  • Dácio Jerônimo de Almeida
  • Date: Apr 27, 2017
  • Time: 08:00
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  • O potencial produtivo da cultura do mamao decorre de fatores relacionados ao clima, ao solo e a variedade cultivada. Contudo, sistemas de manejo que proporcionem a adicao de residuos organicos ao solo podem provocar alteracoes em seus atributos quimicos, fisicos e biologicos favorecendo o crescimento do sistema radicular e a produtividade do mamao. O presente experimento foi desenvolvido com o objetivo de avaliar o efeito da aplicacao de substancias humicas e torta de filtro de cana de acucar, sobre a fertilidade do solo e a produtividade da cultura do mamoeiro ‘Papaya Golden’ cultivado em um Argissolo Amarelo. O experimento foi conduzido sob condicoes de campo no municipio de Mamanguape, Paraiba, Brasil, durante o periodo de outubro/2014 a outubro/2015. Os tratamentos foram dispostos em blocos casualizados com tres repeticoes e seis plantas por parcela, utilizando o esquema fatorial (4 x 2) + 1, correspondendo a quatro concentracoes de substancias humicas comercial (0, 15, 30 e 45 ml por planta), no solo sem e com adubacao com torta de filtro de cana de acucar na quantidade de 20 L por planta a cada 120 dias, mais um tratamento adicional com adubacao mineral (N-P-K). Foram avaliadas a taxa relativa de crescimento relativo da altura e do diametro, os teores de macro e micronutrientes do solo (P; K; Ca; Mg; Cu; Fe; Zn; Mn; B) e foliar (N; P; K; Ca; Mg; Cu; Fe; Zn; Mn; B). Tambem avaliou-se o numero de frutos por planta, pigmentos fotossinteticos, produtividade e a expressao relativa dos genes rbcL, ACC oxidase e invertase. Os dados foram submetidos a analises de variancia e regressao para as doses de substancias humicas, enquanto para comparar a presenca e ausencia de torta de filtro foi utilizado o teste F. O tratamento adicional foi comparado com os demais tratamentos utilizando o teste de Dunnett. As taxas relativas de crescimento da altura e do diametro aumentaram linearmente em funcao de doses de substancias humicas. A torta de filtro melhorou os atributos quimicos do solo, com aumento dos teores de P; K; Ca; Cu; Fe; Zn e carbono organico. Os teores foliares de nitrogenio aumentaram com a aplicacao de substancias humicas em comparacao a testemunha. A torta de filtro aumentou o numero de frutos e a produtividade. Os teores de clorofila a e b, carotenoides como tambem a expressao ix relativa dos genes rbcL, ACC oxidase e invertase estudados foram maiores com aplicacao de torta de filtro e a dose maxima de substancias humicas. Os resultados obtidos neste trabalho indicam evidencias que a adubacao organica pode melhorar a disponibilidade de nutrientes e as respostas fisiologicas nas plantas do mamoeiro ‘Papaya Golden’. Recomenda-se o uso de torta de filtro 20 L por planta e a aplicacao de 45 ml por planta de substancias humicas para se obter maior crescimento e produtividade do mamoeiro.
  • Elder Cunha de Lira
  • Soil Quality Indicators under Isabel Grape Monoculture: Chemical and Mineral Attributes.
  • Date: Dec 9, 2016
  • Time: 09:00
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  • Viticulture is an activity of great economic importance in several states of Brazil. This activity has been intensively developed and constitutes one of the socio-economic bases of the Agreste of Pernambuco. In this sense, a degradation of the soil is one of the most important factors, not a decline in the production of both viticulture and agriculture. The objective of this research was to evaluate the impacts on the chemical and mineralogical properties in the soil due to different years of cultivation with a vine of the variety Isabel (Vittis Labrusca L.). The work was conducted at the Fortaleza and Quatis Farms, located in the municipality of São Vicente Férrer, Pernambuco, region of Agreste Pernambucano. The soil class occurring in the studied areas and a Red Yellow Argisol. Three different commercial orchards were selected, with approximate age of 05 (AC5), 08 (AC8) and 15 (AC15) years, as well a native forest area as a control. In each orchard, a sample area of 3,000 m2 was delineated, divided into 03 (three) subplots (Upper Third - UT, Middle Third - MT, Lower Third - LT), with 1,000 m2 each. Each sub-plot was divided into 05 (five) subareas, measuring 10 x 20 m (base x height), totaling 200 m2 each subarea. Three (3) mini trenches of 0.30 m x 0.50 m were opened, with sampling at depths of 0.0-0.05 m; 0.05-0.10 m; 0.10-0.20 m and 0.20-0.40 m, totaling 60 (sixty) samples per area. The results of the chemical attributes were submitted to analysis of variance and F test and as means and compared by the Tukey test at 5% probability using the SAS® software. It was possible to observe that as cultivation practices used, caused changes in soil chemical attributes under the production system. The values of pH in the area of Mata (MT) are considered to be agronomically low, presenting lower values than the cultivated areas for this chemical attribute in all depths, and the cultivated areas of 5 years (AC5), 8 years (AC8) and 15 years (AC15), presented statistically higher values. The phosphorus (P) levels observed for the areas under the vine production system were considered good, without significant alterations between the areas. It is observed that for the Ca and Mg contents there were no significant variations in the f test (0.05> p) when the relief positions were evaluated, indicating that both presented similar behavior. When evaluating the depth parameter, it was possible to observe significant variations in the order of approximately 5 (five) times more when compared to MT, as well as to the type of management adopted (liming practice), with interference of Ca behavior. The organic matter (OM) results were classified between the very good and low levels, varying between the studied areas. Regarding the potential acidity (H + Al) it can be observed that there was a significant difference in the area AC5 and MT. By spectroscopic analyzes, it was possible to observe that the sand fraction is basically composed of silica with the presence of minority elements that presented changes as a function of the time of cultivation and the position of the relief. The silt fraction presented higher levels of feldspar and presence of kaolinite in the AC5 culture area. It was possible to observe that the clay fraction shows a xiii predominance of kaolinite and smaller amounts of goethite and mica in all cultivation areas except for area AC15 and that the Ki and Kr indexes increased in the direction of the upper third (UT) to lower third (LT). By infrared spectroscopy it was possible to observe that the contribution of OM was evidenced by bands around 3439 cm-1 related to the vibration of the hydroxyl bound to aromatic structures. After all the characterizations it was possible to observe that there is a low mineral reserve in all study areas and that the management and use of the soil caused changes in the chemical attributes, especially as the years progressed, as well as a great deal of interference by the practice of liming that influenced directly in the increase of some chemical attributes.
  • Date: Nov 30, 2016
  • Time: 08:30
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  • Avaliacao da qualidade de solos sob diferentes usos e manejos em topossequencia”
  • Date: Oct 18, 2016
  • Time: 09:00
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  • A mangicultura na regiao do Vale do Sao Francisco e uma atividade crescente e com participacao expressiva no mercado de exportacao de frutas no Brasil. Com isso, tem-se buscado o aprimoramento das tecnicas de producao, como a introducao de fontes alternativas de nutrientes, buscando maior produtividade e qualidade dos frutos. Assim, esta pesquisa teve por objetivo avaliar o efeito de complexos de algas calcarias, nas formas de Lithothame e nitrato de Lith, na fertilidade do solo, estado nutricional, producao e qualidade de frutos de manga ‘Palmer’. O experimento foi conduzido no periodo de agosto/2014 a junho/2015 em um pomar comercial de manga ‘Palmer’, pertencente a Fazenda Special Fruit, municipio de Petrolina-PE. O delineamento experimental foi em blocos casualizados, com tres repeticoes, e os tratamentos arranjados em parcelas subsubdivididas, sendo as parcelas referentes a doses de Lithothame aplicadas via solo (0; 5; 20; 60 e 100 kg ha-1), as subparcelas referentes a duas granulometrias do Lithothame (600 e 1200 mesh), e as subsubparcelas referentes a concentracoes de nitrato aplicadas via foliar (2,5% de nitrato de calcio; 0,5, 1,5 e 3% de nitrato de Lith). A resposta da manga aos tratamentos foi avaliada atraves da determinacao dos teores de nitrogenio (N), fosforo (P), potassio (K), calcio (Ca), magnesio (Mg) e das relacoes N/Ca e K/Ca nos tecidos foliares e nos frutos (casca e polpa); producao (numero medio de frutos - NMF planta-1, massa media dos frutos - MMF e produtividade total); e qualidade pos-colheita dos frutos (percentual de perda de massa - %PM; firmeza; solidos soluveis - SS; acidez total titulavel - ATT; relacao solidos soluveis e acidez total titulavel - SS/ATT; e, pH). Os teores de nutrientes nas folhas foram determinados antes da floracao, inicio da floracao, plena floracao e na fase de maturacao dos frutos, enquanto, nos frutos foram determinados na colheita. Os tratamentos com algas calcarias nao alteraram a fertilidade do solo. Entretanto, os teores foliares de P, K e Ca tiveram acrescimos com as aplicacoes de Lithothame, sendo mais acentuados na granulometria de 1200 mesh. O teor de Ca na casca e polpa dos frutos foi maior quando se aplicou o Lithothame na granulometria de 1200 mesh, obtendo teores maximos de 1,84 e 0,56 g kg-1 de Ca nas doses de 41,83 e 34,14 kg ha-1 de Lithothame, respectivamente. Esses resultados indicam efeito favoravel das algas calcarias na mangicultura, observando que os tratamentos com doses elevadas de Lithothame apresentaram efeito negativo no teor de nutrientes. A aplicacao de nitrato de Lith influenciou a producao de manga ‘Palmer’, sendo a maior produtividade alcancada no tratamento com 0,5% de nitrato de Lith. Quanto, a qualidade pos-colheita nao houve diferenca entre o tratamento com 0,5% de nitrato de Lith e 2,5% de nitrato de calcio para os teores de SS, logo o 0,5% de nitrato de Lith mantem os frutos com o mesmo sabor.
  • Date: Sep 5, 2016
  • Time: 10:00
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  • Date: Aug 31, 2016
  • Time: 10:00
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  • O potencial de mineralizacao da materia organica e um parametro essencial para o entendimento da dinamica do C e N no solo, principalmente, quando se enfatiza os solos do semiarido, onde sao as escassas as informacoes acerca desse fenomeno. Este trabalho teve como objetivo avaliar o potencial de mineralizacao de C e N em 26 solos do semiarido paraibano. Em colunas de incubacao, amostras respectivas a 26 solos do semiarido paraibano foram incubadas, e semanalmente ate o periodo de 121 dias, foram coletado o material lixiviado para a determinacao de C, N nitrico e amoniacal. Com bases nos valores acumulados na serie temporal, determinou-se os parametros do modelo de cinetica, estimando-se a taxa de emissao de C, e mineralizacao de N. Concluiu-se que: em condicoes favoraveis, a emissao de C-CO2 para atmosfera e mais intensa ate o 91° dia, onde a taxa de emissao encontra-se superior a 99,1%, independentemente do tipo de solo; o potencial de emissao de C-CO2 no semiarido paraibano segue a ordem: Latossolo > Vertissolo > Neossolo Regolitico > Luvissolo > Planossolo Natrico > Cambissolo > Neossolo Fluvico > Neossolo Litolico, com valores medios de 954,65, 753,46, 590,27, 546,99, 427,97, 408,36, 388,19 e 340,95 mg g-1 de solo, respectivamente; Na mineralizacao de NO3-, todos os solos tenderam a estabilizacao aos 56 (dias) de incubacao, com taxa acumulada superior 96,1%, enquanto que, o NH4+ variou entre os solos, com valores entre 59,4 e 86,1% no mesmo periodo; a taxa de emissao de C teve grande influencia dos atributos quimicos do solo, em especial a CTC efetiva, a CTC potencial, a soma de bases, e o teor de materia organica; a taxa de mineralizacao de N nao teve expressiva diferenca entre os solos.
  • Advisor : DJAIL SANTOS
  • Date: Aug 31, 2016
  • Time: 09:00
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  • A reducao da qualidade fisica e quimica do solo atraves do manejo inadequado do solo pode acelerar a sua degradacao e o esgotamento dos recursos naturais no agroecossistema com reflexos negativos na producao agricola. Objetivou-se com este trabalho realizar o diagnostico socioeconomico do cultivo da bananeira (Musa spp. L.) e avaliar a sua influencia sobre os atributos fisicos e quimicos do solo em condicoes de campo. Para tanto, foram realizadas as seguintes abordagens: (i) Aplicacao de questionario semiestruturado para o diagnostico socioeconomico do cultivo da bananeira. Foram entrevistados 20 agricultores, em 5 comunidades rurais dos municipios de Areia e Piloes, Paraiba, Brasil (N= 150) e os dados foram avaliados atraves de analise descritiva; (ii) Amostragem de solo em 2 camadas (0-20 e 20-40 cm) e 3 posicoes de relevo (topo, meia-encosta e baixada) nas areas de cultivo de banana. Para fins de comparacao, tambem foram coletadas amostradas de solo em areas com vegetacao nativa sob dominio de Mata Atlantica. Os dados foram submetidos a analise de variancia e as medias comparadas pelo teste de Tukey a 5% de probabilidade. Com base nos resultados obtidos no diagnostico socioeconomico observou-se que as areas avaliadas se enquadram no sistema de producao de base familiar. Dentre as atividades agricolas praticadas observou-se que o cultivo da bananeira e a principal fonte de renda das propriedades estudadas. A baixa produtividade de banana nas areas de estudo pode estar relacionada com: (1) baixo nivel tecnologico empregado; (2) manejo inadequado ou inexistente de plantas daninhas, pragas e doencas; e (3) manejo inadequado do solo, principalmente em areas declivosas. Com relacao aos efeitos do cultivo da bananeira nos atributos fisicos e quimicos observou-se aumento da densidade do solo e dos teores de argila em funcao das camadas e posicoes do relevo estudadas. Entre as areas estudadas nao foram observadas diferencas significativas na camada superficial para o teor de areia, macroporosidade e microporosidade do solo, e agua disponivel. Com relacao a posicao do relevo, observou-se que na baixada houve aumento do teor de areia, porosidade total e agua disponivel, e reducao da argila. Em areas de cultivo de bananeira observou-se aumento da CTCef, CTCpH7 e da soma de bases, apesar dos baixos teores de K+, Ca+2 e Na+ e saturacao por bases. Houve tendencia de viii aumento do pH e reducao de H++Al3+, Al3+ e saturacao por aluminio do topo para a baixada nas areas sob mata; na camada superficial do solo houve aumento do pH, Ca e organico. O cultivo de bananeiras influenciou nos atributos fisicos, que favoreceram a retencao de agua do solo, nao apresentando limitacao na camada superficial.
  • Date: Aug 31, 2016
  • Time: 09:00
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  • A aplicacao de agua residuaria apresenta grande potencial na agricultura por ser uma fonte alternativa de agua e por fornecer nutrientes. Entretanto, as pesquisas relacionadas aos seus efeitos nas formas de C e N no solo ainda sao incipientes. Assim, a pesquisa teve como objetivo avaliar as formas de C e N de um Planossolo Natrico, com a aplicacao da agua residuaria tratada, cultivado com plantas arboreas nativas no Semiarido paraibano. O experimento foi conduzido no esquema de parcelas subdivididas com medidas repetidas no tempo e espaco, sendo duas epocas de amostragem (antes e apos aplicacao de agua residuaria) e duas camadas de amostragem (0-15 e 15-30 cm), totalizando-se quatro tratamentos, com quatro blocos. A agua residuaria foi aplicada por gotejamento uma vez por semana, na vazao de 14 L planta-1. Para analise de componentes principais (ACP), foram formados dois grupos distinguindo as epocas de aplicacao de agua residuaria e as camadas de 0-15 cm 15-30 cm. Foram analisados os seguintes atributos quimicos do solo: carbono organico total (COT), carbono soluvel em agua (CSA), carbono associado ao acido fulvico (C-AF), carbono associado ao acido humico (C-AH), carbono associado a humina (C-HU) nitrogenio total (NT), nitrato (NO3-), amonio (NH4+) e extrato alcalino (EA), e estimado as relacoes C/N, C-AF/C-AH, EA/C-HU, C-AF/COT, C-AH/COT, C-HU/CT e EA/COT. O uso de agua residuaria elevou o teor da materia organica humificada do solo, bem como os teores de N-Nitrico no solo, porem os teores de todas as variaveis analisadas nao diferiram em relacao as camadas 0-15 cm e 15-30 cm, sendo um indicativo da melhoria das propriedades quimicas do solo.
  • Carbon and nitrogen forms in Planossolo Nátrico irrigated with wastewater in the Paraiba state semiarid
  • Date: Aug 31, 2016
  • Time: 09:00
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  • The application of wastewater has great potential in agriculture as it is an alternative source of water and provides nutrients. However, research related to its effects on C and N forms in soil is still incipient. In this context, the objective of this research was to evaluate the effect of the application of reuse water on C and N forms in a Planossolo Nátrico. The experiment was carried out in a subdivided plots scheme with repeated measures in time and space, two sampling times (before and after application of wastewater) and two sampling layers (0-15 and 15-30 cm), totalizing four treatments, with four blocks. The wastewater was applied by dripping once a week, at a flow rate of 14 L plant-1 . For principal component analysis (PCA), two groups were formed, distinguishing the times of application of waste water and the layers of 0-15 cm 15-30 cm. The following soil chemical attributes were analyzed: total organic carbon (COT), water soluble carbon (CSA), carbon associated with fulvic acid (C-AF), carbon associated with humic acid (CAH), carbon associated with humina (C-HU), total nitrogen (NT), nitrate (NO3-), ammonium (NH4 + ) and alkaline extract (EA) C-AF / COT, C-AH / COT, C-HU / CT and EA / COT. The use of wastewater increased the content of the organic matter in the soil as well as the N-nitric levels in the soil, but the contents of all variables analyzed did not differ in relation to the layers 0-15 cm and 15-30 cm, being an indication of the improvement of the chemical properties of the soil.
  • Date: Aug 18, 2016
  • Time: 14:00
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  • Date: Jun 30, 2016
  • Time: 14:00
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  • Date: Jun 10, 2016
  • Time: 14:00
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  • This study aimed to evaluate the production, absorption and nutrient accumulation of new varieties of forage Palma of Opuntia and Nopalea genres under four types of fertilizer, established in Luvisol Chromic and Planosol Nátrico in Paraiba Semi-Arid. The study was conducted under field conditions in the years 2013-2015, in the municipalities County and Riachão, located in the regions of Patos and Eastern Curimataú the state of Paraíba, respectively. For this, in 2013, they have set up two field trials, with an area of 1.0 ha in a randomized block design with treatments in a factorial (3 × 4), with four replications, with three varieties of Palma Forager Opuntia stricta, cultivate Mexican Elephant Ear (POE) and Nopalea cochenillifera, cultivate Miúda Palma (PM) and Nopalea spcultivate Bahia Palma (PB) and four fertilizer treatments: T = Witness, without fertilization; E = application of 20 Mg ha-1 manure; EN = application of 10 Mg ha-1 of manure and 40 kg ha-1 of nitrogen and AM = Fertilization Mineral, application 100; 8.73 and 82.99 kg ha-1 of NPK, respectively. The average productivity of the three varieties in the municipality of County and Riachão was 3.753 and 1.421 kg ha-1 of dry matter (DM), respectively. The physiological efficiency (EF) of the three varieties County and Riachão was 1.62 and 2.36 DM production kg kg-1 per unit of accumulated nutrients. The higher recovery efficiency (RE) of N, C, P, K, Ca and Mg were observed in the county field with a result of 8.0%, 5.0%, 23.0%, 43.0%, 9 0% and 5.0% respectively. Similar results were observed for nutrient use efficiency. After a year of growth, varieties of forage Palma showed no evidence of superiority of one variety over another, as the productivity of dry matter content, nutrient content, physiological efficiency, recovery efficiency and use efficiency. The EF parameters ER and EU and productivity were more related to soil and climatic conditions, especially rainfall. The results of the research can promote the expansion of other studies on the potential of palm in order to foster new research on the soil and climatic conditions for the cultivation of palm advance in the semiarid region of Paraíba. Studies on optimal doses of fertilizers both organic aspects as chemical intermediates and need to be continued.
  • Influence of application of wastewater in chemical characteristics of a Solonets in the semiarid region
  • Date: May 20, 2016
  • Time: 14:00
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  • In arid and semi-arid areas, water scarcity is a limiting factor for agricultural production. The reuse of wastewater in agriculture can be a viable alternative, taking into account safety criteria such as quality and quantity of effluent and its effects on the chemical properties of soils. This study aimed to evaluate the changes in the chemical characteristics of Planosolo Nátrico submitted to irrigation with wastewater (AR). The study was conducted in the experimental area of water reuse for forestry purposes of the Instituto Nacional do Semiárido (INSA) in factorial 2 x 2, four treatments evaluated in two application periods, before the implementation of the experiment and after 17 months of application . Soil samples were collected in the irrigation line in two depths (0-15 and 15-30 cm), drip irrigated with wastewater (14 L day-1 ), with a row for eachplanting. There was no significant difference for pH, Na+ , K+, sum of bases (SB), basesaturation (V), effective CTC and CEC. There was a significant change to the content of soil organic matter, P, N, Ca+2, Mg+2, H + Al and Ca: Mg ratio. The application of wastewater can be a viable alternative for improvement of some chemical parameters and soil fertility in arid and semi-arid areas, but should have monitoring of water quality and soil quality
  • . Pedoenvironmental relationship with the carbon, nitrogen and phosphorus forms in soils classes of Paraiba State
  • Date: May 19, 2016
  • Time: 14:00
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  • There are few studies on the influence of climate gradient, especially rainfall, in the dynamic of C, N and P in soils of Paraiba State, which are critical informations for planning soil management. In this context, the objective was to evaluate the influence of climate gradient in the C and N stocks, and in the forms of C, N and P, in three representative soil orders of Paraiba State. Eight areas were selected considering two climatic gradients (Hot and semi-humid, and hot and semi-arid) in three soil orders (Solonetz , Luvisol and Leptosol – FAO/WRB). Was evaluated the levels and stocks of C and mineral N (NH4 + and NO3 - ), the particulate organic carbon (POC), organic carbon associated with silt and clay minerals(COam), light organic matter (LOM), and the phosphorus fractioning (P-Al, P-Fe and P-Ca). The POC content varied between soil types and climatic gradients, with higher levels in the climate hot and semi-arid in Luvisol (Cabaceiras) and COam in the climate hot and semi-arid in Luvisol (Taperoá); the LOM contents behaved differently in each soil order, in which the surface horizons had the highest C content, except in Leptosol of the hot and semi-arid climate (Picuí), while stocks did not follow this behavior, and can relate this fact with different densities and thicknesses of the horizons.Regarding stocks of N, the behavior was different in Leptosol, where the largest stocks were found in the deeper horizons, different from the others, indeed related to the ease of leaching presented by this soil, but in Planosol was observed higher stock of N in hot and semi-arid climate in Luvisol, the highest stock of C was in hot and semihumid climate in Leptosol; stocks of C and N were higher in hot and semi-arid climate.The highest levels of P fractions were found in Luvisol in the hot and semi-arid climate, with predominance of P-Al and P-Fe, this may be associated with low levels of Ca2+ and pH of soil, taking into account that P-Al and P-Fe are higher in most developed soils, while the PCa predominates in alkaline soils; the N fractions contents were low in all soils and horizons, with exception on the hot and semi-arid climate in Luvisol that had higher levels of nitrate, due to the accumulation of organic matter from leaf litter; with increased rainfall occurs an increase in fractions of P and N in Planosol and Luvisol; the parental material influenced more than rainfall.
  • Date: Apr 28, 2016
  • Time: 14:00
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  • Este trabalho foi realizado com o objetivo de analisar o uso e a ocupacao do solo e sua relacao com a qualidade da agua, bem como avaliar a distribuicao das diatomaceas no sedimento superficial de cinco ecossistemas aquaticos e seu estado trofico (bacia hidrografica do rio mamanguape - Paraiba, Brasil). Para confeccao dos mapas de uso e ocupacao do solo foi utilizado buffer de 100 m de acordo com a Lei 12.651/2012 do Codigo Florestal. Entre setembro e novembro de 2012 foram coletadas amostras de agua e sedimento superficial com o uso de um testemunhador sedimentar adaptado. No ponto mais profundo da coluna d’agua de cada ecossistema aquatico foram medidas in situ as variaveis abioticas: temperatura, pH, oxigenio dissolvido, condutividade eletrica, solidos totais dissolvidos. Em laboratorio foram analisados carbono organico total no sedimento e fosforo total na agua (PTA) e sedimento. As classes de uso do solo (n = 5) e as variaveis abioticas (n = 9) foram relacionadas atraves de correlacao de Spearman. Os ecossistemas aquaticos de Arara I (AI), Barragem Aracagi (BA) e Barragem do Matias (BM) apresentaram comportamento oligotrofico em decorrencia dos baixos valores de PTA (17,2 μg.l-1; 20,2 μg.l-1; 21,3 μg.l-1 respectivamente). Entretanto, elevados teores de P-organico no sedimento (93,7 μg.g-1; 156,9 μg.g-1; 123,9 μg.g-1 respectivamente), alteracao na vegetacao (59,61%; 57,20%; 78,30% respectivamente) e aguas alcalinas e claras com alta condutividade. O ecossistema aquatico de Barragem Rio do Canto (BRC) foi classificado como mesotrofico (PTA= 53,3 μg.l-1), com aguas turbidas (STD = 229 mg/L), vegetacao arborea arbustiva (30,28%) e clima de luz subaquatico limitante assim como a Lagoa do Pao (LP), eutrofico. A analise estatistica nao apresentou nenhuma correlacao significativa. Foram encontrados 30 taxons, 18 generos e 14 familias de diatomaceas no sedimento. Em BM e BA o genero Aulacoseira contribuiu com elevada abundancia absoluta. A maior diversidade de diatomaceas foi observada em BRC e LP. O genero Navicula foi amplamente distribuido nos ecossistemas aquaticos, sendo o mais frequente, indicativo de ambientes turbulentos. O indice de estado trofico utilizando como subsidio o fosforo e a bioindicacao das diatomaceas inferem informacoes relevantes quanto a qualidade da agua e viii propicia acoes de gestao objetivando a recuperacao e conservacao alem de tambem atentar, a fragilidade dos ecossistemas aquaticos ao processo de eutrofizacao.
  • Date: Apr 28, 2016
  • Time: 13:00
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  • Para aumentar o cultivo do meloeiro organico, em especial na Paraiba, tem-se observado algumas dificuldades, pela falta de informacoes tecnicas em relacao ao manejo da cultura. Desta forma, objetivou-se com este experimento verificar a influencia de doses de nitrogenio, provenientes de esterco bovino e caprino sobre a fertilidade do solo, trocas gasosas, teores foliares de N, P, e K, produtividade, caracteristicas fisicas e composicao mineral do melao amarelo em Neossolo Regolitico. O experimento foi realizado nos meses julho a outubro de 2015, em um Neossolo Regolitico, utilizando o delineamento experimental em blocos casualizados, com 10 tratamentos arranjados em um fatorial 2 x 5, referente aos estercos bovino e caprino e cinco doses de N (0, 25, 50, 75, 100 kg ha-1) de cada fonte organica. As variaveis analisadas foram: pH, fosforo, potassio, sodio, aluminio, hidrogenio mais aluminio, calcio, magnesio, soma de bases; capacidade de troca cationica, saturacao por bases, materia organica do solo, a concentracao interna de CO2, condutancia estomatica, taxa de transpiracao, taxa fotossintetica, eficiencia de carboxilacao e do uso da agua, teores foliares de nitrogenio, fosforo e potassio, numero de frutos por planta, produtividade, massa media de frutos, diametro e comprimento do fruto, teores de solidos soluveis totais. Os dados foram submetidos a analise de variancia, sendo as medias dos dois estercos comparadas pelo teste F e os efeitos das doses avaliados por regressao. O teor de potassio no solo adubado com esterco caprino aumentou quadraticamente em funcao das doses de N, com valor maximo estimado em 48 kg ha-1 de nitrogenio. Nao foi verificado efeito das doses de N sobre os teores de sodio, carbono, materia organica, soma de bases e capacidade de troca cationica. O esterco caprino como fonte de N em algumas doses, proporcionou os maiores teores de sodio, carbono, materia organica, soma de bases e capacidade de troca cationica no solo. As doses de esterco, independentemente da fonte, elevaram a taxa de transpiracao (E), taxa de fotossintese (A) e a eficiencia de carboxilacao (A/Ci) e diminuiram a concentracao interna de CO2. xiv O esterco bovino proporcionou maiores teores foliares de nitrogenio, fosforo e potassio nas plantas e supriu-as nutricionalmente de forma adequada, em comparacao com o esterco caprino. O numero de frutos por planta, a produtividade, o diametro e comprimento dos frutos aumentaram em funcao das doses aplicadas de nitrogenio, tendo como fonte os estercos bovino e caprino. Na maioria das variaveis, o uso do esterco bovino permitiu obter melhores resultados. O teor de solidos soluveis do fruto do melao adubado com esterco caprino aumentou linearmente com o aumento das doses de nitrogenio.
  • Date: Apr 28, 2016
  • Time: 09:00
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  • Os lagos rasos constituem ecossistemas suscetiveis a multiplos impactos, entre eles a eutrofizacao, muitas vezes artificial, associada ao crescimento populacional e industrial desordenado. O trabalho possui como objetivos a i) caracterizar a relacao do uso e cobertura do solo com os estados de aguas claras e turbidas em dois lagos na Bacia do Mamanguape e a ii) avaliar os efeitos (diretos e indiretos) das variaveis abioticas sobre percentual valor de infestacao de macrofitas (PVI) e biomassa de fitoplancton nos lagos do Pao e Santa Lucia. Foram realizadas coletas mensais entre janeiro e junho de 2015, das variaveis bioticas e abioticas, em tres pontos de amostragem em cada lago. O uso e cobertura do solo foram determinados atraves de imagens de satelites e tecnica de interpretacao visual. Para avaliar os efeitos diretos e indiretos entre as variaveis bioticas e abioticas em Santa Lucia e o Pao, nos usamos uma analise de trilha, modelo de minimos quadrados parciais (PLS-PM). O lago Pao manteve-se eutrofico e com baixa transparencia ao contrario de Santa Lucia, oligotrofica e de aguas claras durante todo periodo. O estado avancado de eutrofizacao do Pao esta associado a elevada contribuicao de fontes difusas de esgoto, sendo 37,63% de sua area marginal classificada como urbana/construida, diferente do Lago Santa Lucia, no qual essa classe ocupa apenas 2,43%. Os lagos possuem estados alternativos distintos, Santa Lucia com aguas claras e presenca de macrofitas submersas e o Pao com aguas turbidas e presenca de cianobacterias. O modelo apresentou, em Santa Lucia, como a variavel de maior influencia direta no PVI e biomassa de fitoplancton o fosforo total na agua seguido do fosforo total do sedimento. No Pao destacamos o efeito direto do fosforo total da agua na biomassa de fitoplancton, seguido do efeito da precipitacao e velocidade do vento sobre a zona eufotica e fosforo total no sedimento, corroborando o resultado encontrado, onde existe mais fosforo disponivel na coluna d’agua (181,83 μg.L-1) que no sedimento (39,47 μg.g-1). Estes modelos se na geracao de novas hipoteses sobre os ambientes. Medidas de preservacao e qualidade na gestao sao necessarios a fim de preservar os recursos hidricos.
  • Date: Mar 30, 2016
  • Time: 14:00
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  • As perdas de solo acontecem de forma natural, porem sao potencializadas por acoes antropicas, ocasionando problemas como perda de fertilidade dos solos, e assoreamento. Quantificar estas perdas e importante para definir estrategias para um melhor uso e manejo do solo. O presente trabalho teve como objetivo avaliar o uso de estrategias ecologicas no controle da erosao. O experimento foi realizado em cinco areas de agroecossistemas familiares no brejo paraibano, onde as areas A1, A2, e A3 localizavam-se no sitio Carrapato, e as areas A4 e A5 no Assentamento Socorro municipio de Areia-PB, de maio a setembro de 2015. O delineamento experimental foi em esquema de parcelas subdivididas dispostas em blocos casualizados com arranjo fatorial 5 x 5, sendo os fatores constituidos por 5 periodos de avaliacao (maio, junho, julho, agosto, setembro) e 5 metodos de cobertura inicial da parcela (saco de nylon +Brachiaria decumbens + feijao guandu), (Tela + palha capim elefante + B. decumbens + feijao guandu), ( Tela + palha da bananeira + Brachiaria decumbens + Feijao Guandu), (feijao guandu + B. decumbens + sem cobertura) e a testemunha, com 5 repeticoes (Areas), totalizando 5 tratamentos em 25 unidades experimentais. Os resultados dos dados mostraram uma precipitacao total local de 890 mm em 150 dias de monitoramento. Quantificaram-se as perdas de solo por erosao em todas as parcelas. Nos resultados da cobertura vegetal constatou-se que as porcentagens foram obviamente menores nos tratamentos, T4 e T5, onde nao foi utilizado a palhada. No entanto, no tratamento T1, a cobertura vegetal foi inferior aquela no T2 e T3. Observa-se que nao existiu diferenca significativa no T1 avaliando os meses de maio, junho, e julho com medias de perda de solo de 0,849 t ha-1 1 t ha-1 e 0,540 t ha-1 respectivamente, ou seja, um menor controle da erosao nos meses de agosto, e setembro com medias 0,248 t ha-1; e 0,760 t ha-1 considerando a cobertura sintetica com saco de nylon, e diminuicao das chuvas. A maior perda de solo foi no mes de junho com valor de 3,029 t ha-1 onde nao foi utilizada a cobertura vegetal. Conclui-se que as maiores perdas de solo e carbono foram nas parcelas desprovidas da palhada. O tratamento onde foi utilizada a palha da bananeira junto a tela de polipropileno e as culturas implantadas promoveu um melhor controle da erosao. Devido ao custo baixo, rapida cobertura vegetal, facil instalacao, e as culturas implantadas, pode ser recomendada o uso de estrategias ecologicas no controle de erosao.
  • Date: Mar 30, 2016
  • Time: 09:00
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  • Muitos cursos e reservatorios de agua recebem parte dos fertilizantes utilizados na agricultura e carga de esgotos residenciais e industriais, contribuindo para uma rapida multiplicacao da vegetacao aquatica a niveis indesejaveis. Uma forma apontada como alternativa de descarte destas plantas e o aproveitamento delas como adubo organico. Diante disso, objetivou-se com este trabalho, avaliar a qualidade de composto organico a base de Pistia stratiotes L. constituido em diferentes proporcoes com esterco bovino e terra vegetal. Os tratamentos foram compostos de seis (6) proporcoes: 1 - (70:30:0); 2 - (62:18:20); 3 - (100:0:0); 4 - (80:11:9); 5 (80:0:20) e 6 (54:30:16), em relacao percentual (v/v) de Pistia estratiotes L., esterco bovino e terra vegetal, respectivamente, em delineamento em blocos casualizados, com quatro repeticoes. Apos um periodo de 120 dias, as leiras foram medidas para mensurar a reducao de volume, posteriormente foram coletadas amostras para realizar as analises de: pH; teores de N, P e K total e a caracterizacao e quantificacao dos teores de C nas substancias humicas. Os resultados demonstraram que: A temperatura interna das leiras manteve-se abaixo do considerado ideal; estas apresentaram um excelente percentual de reducao; A compostagem produzida apresentou elevados teores de N, P e K em todas as proporcoes estudadas; e A proporcao mais adequada para compostagem foi 70% de macrofita + 30% de esterco. Concluindo que a utilizacao da Pistia stratiotes L, como adubo organico, por meio do processo de compostagem, e uma alternativa viavel, reduzindo de forma gradual a biomassa acumulada em corpos d’agua.
  • Date: Mar 21, 2016
  • Time: 14:00
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  • A utilizacao de tecnicas de sensoriamento remoto e geoprocessamento para as analises ambientais, aliado com novas metodologias a serem aplicadas, tem se tornado uma pratica frequente entre as areas de pesquisa, contribuindo de modo expressivo para a rapidez, eficiencia e confiabilidade nas analises que envolvem os processos e vem se tornando pecas fundamentais para caracterizacao de uma regiao. A pesquisa foi desenvolvida tendo como apoio metodologico os produtos cartograficos, que teve como objetivo estudar a morfometria e analisar a evolucao temporal do uso do solo na Bacia hidrografia do Rio Farinha, utilizando tecnica de sensoriamento remoto, constituindo-se numa etapa importante dentro do estudo geomorfologico, pois pode explicar sobre os processos e a dinamica da area. As caracteristicas da bacia do Rio Farinha foram extraidos dos mapas tematicos gerados e imagens de satelite, obtidas dos satelites Landsat 5 TM e Landsat 8 OIT, resultando em indices que relacionam os dados obtidos e a comparacao da cobertura do solo no periodo de 1994 e 2015. Os resultados demonstram que a Bacia, apresenta menor tempo de concentracao das aguas precipitadas e nao esta sujeita a processos de enchentes devido a sua forma, o que favorece o escoamento, retratados pelo coeficiente de compacidade de 2,03 e fator forma de 0,24. Foi possivel analisar a evolucao do processo degradativo, podendos estimar uma a perda de 21% da vegetacao densa ao longo dos 21 anos, confirmado pela situacao atual, atraves da classificacao das imagens.
  • Date: Feb 29, 2016
  • Time: 14:00
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  • O conhecimento das propriedades hidraulicas do solo e importante para o estabelecimento de boas praticas agricolas. A retencao de agua no solo estimada a partir de modelos matematicos gerados para diferentes condicoes edafoclimaticas nao tem apresentado bons resultados de estimativa. Nesse sentido, os objetivos do presente estudo foram: I) Avaliar os atributos fisicos e adicionalmente quimicos em seis classes de solos da Mesorregiao do Agreste do estado da Paraiba (PB); II) desenvolver banco de dados individuais e unificado para estabelecer, testar e validar funcoes de pedotransferencia (FPT) capazes de estimar a retencao de agua nos solos na camada de 0-20cm. Foram estudadas as classes de solo: Latossolo Amarelo Distrofico argissolico (LA), Argissolo Vermelho Eutrofico abrupto (Pve), Argissolo Vermelho Distrofico abruptico (PVd), Neossolo Quartzarenico Ortico tipico (RQ), Neossolo Litolico Eutrofico tipico (RL) e Planossolo Haplico Eutrofico vertissolico (SX), ambas componentes do banco de solos representativos do estado da Paraiba. No primeiro capitulo, em cada classe de solo foram coletadas amostras indeformadas de solo para estudo dos atributos fisicos de porosidade do solo (total, macro e microporosidade), estabilidade de agregados, densidade do solo, curva de retencao de agua nas tensoes -0,006, -0,01, -0,033; -0,1; -0,3; -0,5; -1,0; -1,5 MPa e condutividade hidraulica do solo saturado, alem de amostras deformadas para determinacao dos atributos granulometria, argila dispersa em agua, grau de floculacao, densidade de particula, alem dos parametros quimicos do solo (K+, Na+, Ca+2, Mg+2, Al+3 e carbono organico total). No segundo capitulo, com os dados obtidos dos atributos fisicos e quimicos, foram desenvolvidos um banco de dados para cada classe de solo e um banco de dados unificado (reunindo os dados das seis classes de solos). As variaveis componentes de cada FPT foram selecionadas atraves do metodo Stepwise e tiveram suas respectivas eficiencias preditivas analisadas atraves dos indicadores estatisticos coeficiente de determinacao (R²), erro medio da estimativa (ME) e raiz quadrada do erro medio (RMSE). Adicionalmente foram testadas outras funcoes/modelos ja existentes na literatura e determinadas sob diferentes condicoes. No primeiro estudo a fracao areia predominou em todos os solos, onde a estabilidade dos agregados, representada pelo IEA, mostrou-se dependente dos teores de argila e materia organica, alem de sofrerem influencia dos teores de Ca e Mg trocaveis. A estrutura e textura dos solos influenciaram na retencao de agua nas diferentes tensoes, verificando a pouca influencia da tensao -0,033 MPa como ponto de capacidade de campo. A tensoes -0,006 e -0,01 MPa apresentaram melhor a capacidade de campo, bem como, contribuiram para um maior volume de agua disponivel em todos solos. No segundo estudo, houve influencia positiva dos parametros estruturais na acuracia das FPT para todas as classes de solos estudadas e principalmente nos potenciais matriciais mais elevados; A heterogeneidade provocada pela uniao dos bancos de dados individuais gerados na composicao das FPT proporcionou reflexo positivo na melhoria da acuracia e da capacidade preditiva de todas as FPT em todos os potenciais matriciais; As funcoes de pedotransferencia obtidas da literatura apresentaram baixa capacidade preditiva para as condicoes edafoclimaticas da Mesorregiao do Agreste da Paraiba.
  • Date: Feb 29, 2016
  • Time: 08:30
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  • Apesar de importantes, inexistem informacoes basicas sobre adubacao e nutricao mineral, a exemplo de curvas de resposta e niveis criticos, para o abacaxizeiro „Perola‟ nos principais municipios produtores do Estado da Paraiba. Objetivou-se com este trabalho avaliar os efeitos da aplicacao de doses de N, P, K e S sobre o estado nutricional, e estabelecer os niveis criticos foliares dos respectivos nutrientes, para o abacaxizeiro „Perola‟ cultivado em Argissolo no municipio de Itapororoca, PB. O experimento foi conduzido em condicoes de sequeiro, entre dezembro de 2014 e dezembro de 2015, em delineamento de blocos casualizados com 26 tratamentos e tres repeticoes. Os tratamentos foram arranjados numa Matriz Experimental Plan Puebla III modificada, e resultaram da combinacao entre cinco doses de N (50, 300, 500, 700 e 950 kg/ha - ureia), cinco doses de K (50, 300, 500, 700 e 950 kg/ha K2O – sulfato de potassio), cinco doses de P (20, 120, 200, 280 e 380 kg/ha P2O5 - MAP) e cinco doses de S (20, 120, 200, 280 e 380 kg/ha – sulfato de potassio). Utilizaram-se mudas tipo „filhote‟ da cultivar Perola plantadas em sistema de fileiras duplas, no espacamento de 0,80 x 0,40 x 0,40 m. Foram determinados na epoca de inducao floral (345 dias apos o plantio dap) as seguintes variaveis: massa da materia fresca da folha „D‟(MMF); teores e acumulos de N, P, K e S na folha „D‟; valores de pH e teores de P, K, S e materia organica no solo (0-20 cm). Alem de estimados os niveis criticos foliares de N, P, K e S. Pelos resultados, verificou-se que o aumento das doses de N acidificou o solo, mas nao influenciou, assim como as doses de P, K e S, os teores de materia organica; contudo, os teores de P, K e S no solo aumentaram com as doses dos respectivos nutrientes. As doses de N, P, K e S aumentaram a massa da materia fresca da folha „D‟, embora as respostas para P e S foram condicionadas as doses de N e K, respectivamente. As doses de N e K aumentaram os teores de N e K e os acumulos de N; no entanto, as doses de N diminuiram os acumulos de K. Os teores de P aumentaram com as doses de N e K, enquanto que os acumulos foram incrementados com as doses de P e S. As doses de xiv nutrientes nao influenciaram o estado nutricional da planta quanto ao S. Os niveis criticos foliares de N, P, K e S encontrados para o abacaxizeiro „Perola‟ foram de 17,3; 0,94; 34,9 e 1,5 g/kg, respectivamente.
  • Development edaphoclimatic seedlings and aptitude of mangabeira culture to the state of Paraiba
  • Date: Feb 23, 2016
  • Time: 14:00
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  • Soil of Coastal tablelands generally sandy and low fertility, are where there naturalemente the largest populations of mangabeira. Mangabeira is a native fruit of Brazil, of great importance, especially in the Northeast, having great acceptance in the agroindustrial market and need for further studies for its dissemination and preservation. Given the above, this study aimed to evaluate the development of mangabeira seedlings, their soils and climate fitness, generating a pedoclimatic zoning for the state of Paraiba. For this, an experiment was conducted in greenhouse of the Department of Plant and Environmental Sciences(CCA/UFPB), and were used as treatments 11 representative soils of the Paraíba state that comprise the Bank of Soils from Department of Soil and Rural Engineering (CCA/UFPB), plus the soil collected in the native orchard area mangabeira of serving as a witness. Therefore, after seed germination and development mangabeira 3rd pair of leaves of plants in trays, they were transferred to vessels containing respective treatments. Throughout the experiment, they were evaluated plant height, stem diameter and number of leaves, and 165 days was calculated leaf area and dry matter production of shoot and root and leaf analysis performed. From the performance of seedlings in different soils it was generated a map with the pedological aptitude for mangabeira, and through climate information available and requirements of mangabeira, it was possible to produce the soil and climate map for mangabeira for Paraiba State. There was wide variation in the performance of seedlings in response to different soils over time evaluation, where the highest values for the growth variables were obtained in Abruptic Acrisol, Abruptic Lixisol and Xanthic Acrisol (WRB/FAO) to 165 days after transplanting. According to Principal Component Analysis (PCA) performed, the increase in P and Prem and the silt content / clay and soil particle density decreased stem diameter, plant height, number of leaves, leaf area and total dry weight of the plants and the soil and climate zoning for culture mangabeira in the Paraíba state indicated an area of 8,155.17 square kilometers (14.43%), considered preferred, but it is necessary to check the physical condition of these soils at depths higher for cultivation.
  • Date: Feb 17, 2016
  • Time: 08:00
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  • Ao final do cultivo, o agricultor tem a sua disposicao expressiva em quantidade de residuos culturais, nao raros, chegando a um volume duas ou tres vezes maior que o produto de interesse economico (grao, fruto, fibra etc.). Objetivou-se avaliar a velocidade de decomposicao e liberacao de N e K de residuos da cultura do milho (Zea mays) submetido a adubacao nitrogenada e potassica em um Latolosso Vermelho Amarelo. Os experimentos de adubacao e de cinetica de decomposicao foram conduzidos nos anos de 2014 e 2015, respectivamente, na area experimental Cha-de-Jardim pertencente ao CCA/UFPB, no municipio de Areia-PB. O experimento de adubacao foi montado seguindo um delineamento experimental em blocos casualizados, com 11 tratamentos e 5 repeticoes, os quais foram dispostos utilizando-se a matriz exponencial Plan Puebla III, onde se definiram as doses para N (5; 30; 50; 70 e 95 kg ha -1) na forma de ureia, e para K (4; 24; 40; 56 e 76 kg ha -1) na forma de KCl, acrescido de uma testemunha absoluta (sem adubacao) totalizando onze tratamentos. Foram utilizadas bolsas de decomposicao (litter bags), as quais foram instaladas contendo residuos agricolas de milho (caule, folha, palhada). A cada intervalo de 30 dias apos a instalacao, foi realizada a amostragem de uma bolsa por parcela, totalizando 5 amostragens (30, 60, 90, 120, 150 dias). Tanto para a analise de variancia quanto para a estimativa dos parametros da equacao exponencial, foi utilizado o pacote estatistico SAEG versao 9.1. A produtividade da biomassa do milho em resposta a adubacao nitrogenada (N) e potassica (K) no ano de 2014 apresentou efeito significativo nos diferentes compartimentos da planta. Houve reducao de 30,5 % da biomassa do residuo de milho, apos 30 dias de incorporacao ao solo. O estado nutricional da planta refletiu na velocidade de decomposicao de seus residuos no solo.
  • Date: Feb 9, 2016
  • Time: 13:30
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  • ATRIBUTOS FISICOS DE SOLOS INVADIDOS POR Cryptostegia madagascariensis Bojer ex. Decne. NO SEMIARIDO DO ESTADO DO CEARA RESUMO A invasao biologica constitui uma das principais causas da degradacao dos ecossistemas em todo o mundo. Na regiao Nordeste, os impactos negativos causados pela especie africana Cryptostegia madagascariensis tem gerado preocupacao, especialmente no estado do Ceara, onde e encontrada habitando diferentes classes de solo. Neste sentido, este trabalho foi desenvolvido com objetivo e caracterizar quanto aos atributos fisicos solos invadidos por C. madagascariensis no estado do Ceara, visando identificar relacao com a presenca da invasora. Amostras de solos foram coletadas em quatro classes de solo: Planossolo Haplico, Neossolo Regolitico, Vertissolo Hidromorfico e Neossolo Fluvico, sendo cada classe constituida por dois ambientes, um invadido por C. madagascariensis, denominado ambiente invadido e outro ocupado pela vegetacao nativa, denominado ambiente nao invadido. Em cada ambiente foram obtidas amostras compostas de solo em quatro profundidades (0-5; 5-10; 10-20 e 20-30 cm), nas quais se analisou os atributos fisicos areia total, silte, argila, umidade gravimetrica, argila natural, grau de floculacao, porosidade total, densidade do solo e resistencia do solo a penetracao. Os dados foram submetidos a analise de variancia em parcela subsubdividida. As classes de solo foram estudadas na parcela, os ambientes (invadido e nao invadido) na subparcela e, na subsubparcela foram estudadas as profundidades. As medias foram comparadas pelo teste de Tukey a 5% de probabilidade. Observou-se que C. madagascariensis ocorre em solos com maiores teores de argila, as areas invadidas expressam maior umidade, maior porosidade, menor densidade do solo e sao mais resistentes a penetracao do que os solos dos ambientes nao invadidos, 4,5 contra 3,1 Mpa. Os solos estudadas apresentaram ampla variacao textural, sendo a variabilidade deste e de outros atributos fisicos relacionada com a pedogenese de cada classe de solo. A umidade do solo talvez seja o principal atributo fisico que permitiu o estabelecimento da especie e, por fim, as condicoes fisicas encontradas permitem que as populacoes de Cryptostegia madagascariensis completem seu ciclo de vida e avancem no processo invasivo dispersando-se para novos ambientes.
  • Date: Dec 9, 2015
  • Time: 08:30
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  • Inter-relações entre atributos de solos sob diferentes coberturas vegetais no núcleo de desertificação do Seridó
  • Date: Nov 23, 2015
  • Time: 08:30
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  • Inter-relações entre atributos de solos sob diferentes coberturas vegetais no núcleo de desertificação do Seridó
  • Date: Nov 12, 2015
  • Time: 14:00
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  • Os sistemas de cultivo podem causar mudancas significativas nos atributos do solo. Em razao disso, os efeitos do manejo sobre a qualidade do solo em areas onde a vegetacao natural foi substituida por culturas anuais, tem recebido atencao e estudos. O objetivo deste estudo foi avaliar a qualidade do solo em sistemas de producao de fava (Phaseolus lunatus) em agroecossistemas familiares sob diferentes tempos de cultivo, em duas classes de solo. A pesquisa foi desenvolvida em areas com cultivo de fava em sistemas de producao diversificados, situadas nos municipios de Areia (Argissolo) e Queimadas (Vertissolo), na microrregiao do Agreste da Borborema, estado da Paraiba. O primeiro capitulo constou de um diagnostico socioeconomico da producao de fava realizado por meio de entrevista semiestruturada com os agricultores familiares de quatro municipios na microrregiao. A analise dos dados foi efetuada atraves da analise descritiva. O metodo de avalicao da qualidade do solo constituiu na determinacao de atributos quimicos, fisicos e biologicos em laboratorio de amostras coletadas nas camadas de 0-5, 5-10 e 10-20 cm. Em cada classe de solo, o Indice de Qualidade do Solo (IQS) foi obtido a partir dos desvios dos atributos do solo nos diferentes sistemas de producao em relacao ao solo da area com vegetacao nativa. Dos agricultores entrevistados, 100% cultivam a fava em sistema de consorcio, principalmente com milho, 50% cultivam mais de cinco ciclos de fava na mesma area, 82% fertilizam o solo com a incorporacao de restos culturais e de esterco bovino via pastejo. A fava e cultivada exclusivamente em agroecossistemas familiares na microrregiao estudada. Nos dois solos avaliados, e nos sistemas de producao amostrados, o IQS variou de ruim ( 0,50 < 0,70). O indice de qualidade do solo foi eficiente em refletir as alteracoes nos atributos de solo avaliados nos sistemas de producao, em comparacao a area nativa, podendo ser utilizado para monitorar a sustentabilidade dos sistemas de producao de fava.
  • Date: Aug 31, 2015
  • Time: 08:30
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  • A regiao Nordeste e a maior produtora de mamao do Brasil, com o qual e de grande importancia a formacao de mudas, utilizando materiais de qualidade para producao de substratos que possuam caracteristicas fisicas e quimicas ideais. Objetivou se com isto, avaliar as propriedades fisicas de substratos contendo fibra de bananeira na producao de mudas de mamoeiro. O experimento foi instalado em casa de vegetacao no delineamento em blocos ao acaso, com quatro repeticoes. Os tratamentos compreenderam sete composicoes de substratos constituidos de terra vegetal nas proporcoes de 42 a 100 %, vermicomposto de minhoca nas proporcoes de 0 a 40% e fibra do pseudocaule da bananeira de 0 a 30%. A unidade experimental foi constituida de cinco sacos de polietileno com cinco mudas. Foram avaliadas as propriedades fisicas dos substratos, enquanto que nas mudas foram avaliados o indice de velocidade de emergencia, emergencia, altura e diametro da muda, taxa relativa de crescimento em altura e diametro area foliar, teor de clorofila, massa da materia seca, e os teores foliares de N, P e K. Os resultados foram submetidos a analise de variancia e de regressao, apropriadas para experimento com misturas. Os valores minimos de densidade seca e maximos estimados, para porosidade total espaco de aeracao e minimo agua remanescente e os valores maximos estimados para indice velocidade emergencia e percentagem de emergencia altura, diametro caule e taxa relativa de crescimentos em altura da mudas, area foliar, massa da materia seca da folha, da raiz, e total foram obtidos com 42% de terra vegetal, 30% de fibra de bananeira e 28% de humus de minhoca.
  • Date: Jul 17, 2015
  • Time: 08:30
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  • Coeficientes de produção do milheto [Pennisetum glaucum (L.) R. Br.] sob diferentes doses de adubação orgânica
  • Dinâmica da água, do carbono e da produtividade em encosta sob pastagem
  • Date: May 4, 2015
  • Time: 14:00
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  • O manejo inadequado de pastagens associado a acao de processos erosivos em areas de encostas, tem reduzido a capacidade produtiva do solo em poucos anos de uso, dando origem, a diferencas marcantes na producao e no valor nutritivo do pasto em diferentes posicoes na paisagem do relevo. Nesse sentido, foi realizado um estudo observacional, com o objetivo, de avaliar a quantidade da agua de chuva armazenada, util e escoada no solo (Capitulo I), a producao de serrapilheira, a atividade biologica do solo (Capitulo II) e a producao e absorcao de nutrientes pelo pasto (Capitulo III) em encostas sob pastagem nas posicoes do ombro, meia encosta e pedimento durante um periodo chuvoso. O trabalho foi realizado em duas encostas na microbacia hidrografica de Vaca Brava-PB, classificadas de acordo com as caracteristicas do relevo e da pastagem, em encosta 1 e em encosta 2. O armazenamento de agua foi avaliado semanalmente, em camadas de 10 cm de profundidades do solo, utilizando tubos de acesso e uma sonda de capacitancia, enquanto, dados de precipitacao foram obtidos numa estacao meteorologica automatizada entre as areas de estudo. A producao de materias seca de serrapilheira (MSS) foi avaliada mensalmente pelo metodo do anel, enquanto, o carbono da biomassa microbiana (C-BMS) foi obtido semanalmente por fumigacao e extracao, e o efluxo de C-CO2 obtido semanalmente por camaras estaticas. Ja a producao e o conteudo de nutrientes no pasto foram obtidos durante oito meses por gaiolas de exclusao. De acordo com os resultados, a encosta 2, possui maior capacidade de armazenamento de agua, maior quantidade de agua util, menor perda de agua por escoamento, maior perda de agua por evapotranspiracao, maior producao de serrapilheira, menor teor de C-BMS, menor efluxo de C-CO2 e menor producao de pasto, em comparacao, com a encosta 1. Entre as posicoes, na camada de 0-40 cm de profundidade no ombro e na meia encosta verificou-se maior armazenamento de agua, menor quantidade de agua util, menor perda por escoamento e maior perda de agua por evapotranspiracao, enquanto, o pedimento tem menor capacidade de armazenamento, maior quantidade de agua util, maior perda por escoamento e menor perda de agua por evapotranspiracao do solo. A producao de MSS na encosta 2 foi maior no pedimento, seguido pelo ombro e da meia encosta, enquanto, na encosta 1 a maior producao foi apenas no pedimento. No solo, o teor de C-BMS foi constante durante o periodo chuvoso, enquanto o efluxo de C-CO2 aumentou linearmente independentemente da encosta e da posicao. Os maiores teores de C-BMS foram obtidos no ombro da encosta 1 e no ombro e no pedimento da encosta 2, enquanto, o menor teor de C-BMS, quociente microbiano, efluxo de C-CO2 e materia seca de serrapilheira foi obtido na meia encosta 2. Ja a maior producao e o conteudo de NPK no pasto nas duas encostas foram no pedimento, seguido pelo ombro e a meia encosta. De modo geral, o pedimento nas duas encostas foi a posicao com maior dinamica de producao e absorcao de nutrientes pelo pasto, devido a maior disponibilidade de agua util no solo ao longo do tempo associada a deposicao de nutrientes, removidos das posicoes mais altas para as mais baixas da encosta durante o fluxo de agua. Ja a meia encosta foi a posicao menos produtiva da encosta e com maior susceptibilidade a degradacao.
  • Caracterização física, química e mineralógica do solo de encostas sob diferentes sistemas de uso
  • Date: Mar 31, 2015
  • Time: 09:00
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  • O solo e um dos recursos naturais mais explorados no mundo, principalmente devido a atual necessidade de producao de alimentos. Entretanto, o uso de praticas agricolas de maneira equivocada acarreta na degradacao de suas propriedades, principalmente em areas de relevo acidentado. Desse modo a pesquisa teve como objetivo principal avaliar as propriedades quimicas, fisicas e mineralogicas do solo em diferentes posicoes na encosta, em solos sob o uso de Agricultura, Pastagem e Mata-nativa, no municipio de Areia-PB, na Microrregiao do Brejo Paraibano. Foram coletadas amostras em 18 (dezoito) pontos nas areas de agricultura e pastagem, e 6 (seis) pontos na area de mata-nativa, em tres posicoes do relevo (Terco Superior, Terco Medio e Terco Inferior) e em tres profundidades (0-10, 10-20 e 20-40 cm), entre Janeiro e Junho de 2014. As amostras foram submetidas a analises de textura do solo, atributos fisicos e quimicos, e analises de Fluorescencia e Difracao de Raios-X para as caracterizacoes de oxidos totais e mineralogia. Os ensaios foram realizados no Laboratorio de Fisica do Solo do Departamento de Solos e Engenharia Rural – DSER/UFPB/Campus II, no Laboratorio Lab-Sede de Quimica Analitica do Instituto Nacional do Semi-Arido – INSA e nos Laboratorios de Tecnologia de Novos Materiais (LTNM) do Instituto UFPB de Desenvolvimento do Estado da Paraiba e de Solidificacao Rapida do Centro de Tecnologia da Universidade Federal da Paraiba (Campus I). Na composicao mineralogica das amostras da area de agricultura foi evidenciada a predominancia de minerais primarios como o Quartzo, corroborando com a classificacao textural do solo da area. Na area de Mata, a composicao mineralogica mostrou-se homogenea, com o predominio de Quartzo e ocorrencia de Caulinita e Goetita em todos os pontos coletados, enquanto a area de pastagem e composta basicamente por quartzo, caulinita e feldspato. Nas analises fisicas foram observadas texturas arenosa, argilosa e arenosa, nas areas do uso de Agricultura, Mata e Pastagem, respectivamente. De acordo com os resultados dos atributos quimicos, a area de Agricultura apresentou os um aporte maior de nutrientes, com destaque para os teores de P no solo na posicao de Terco Inferior (101,50 mg dm-3), evidenciando o efeito do transporte de material na encosta e nao diferindo quanto as profundidades (91,53a, 87,38a e 76,23a mg dm-3, respectivamente). A area de Mata apresentou maior parte dos nutrientes concentrados na profundidade de 0-10 cm e maior acidez dentre as areas avaliadas, porem quase nenhum efeito relativo as posicoes na encosta. A area de Pastagem teve maiores teores de Ca2+ (1,03a cmolcdm-3) e K+ (0,23a cmolcdm-3) na posicao do terco inferior e maior concentracao de P na posicao de Terco Superior (43,10a mg dm-3). Na analise de teores de oxidos totais observou-se que os teores de P2O5 da area de Agricultura foram maiores nas profundidades mais superficiais, bem como na posicao de Terco Inferior (0,45; 0,42 e 0,36%, nas respectivas profundidades). Na area de Mata observou-se maiores teores de Al2O3 quando comparados com as demais areas, enquanto a area de pastagem apresentou teores de oxidos proximos aos resultados da area de Agricultura.
  • “Dinâmica de nitrogênio e manejo de pastagens em encostas com Urochloa decumbens (Stapf)”.
  • Date: Mar 30, 2015
  • Time: 14:00
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  • “Dinamica de nitrogenio e manejo de pastagens em encostas com Urochloa decumbens (Stapf)”.
  • Date: Mar 5, 2015
  • Time: 08:00
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  • RESUMO Para que o adubo verde atenda a demanda em nutrientes, da cultura consorciada, ha a necessidade de que a decomposicao e liberacao de nutrientes dos residuos vegetais aportados ao solo ocorram em sincronismo com a curva de absorcao de nutrientes da cultura de interesse comercial. O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar as caracteristicas quimicas do material de dificil decomposicao e estudar o efeito da aplicacao de N e P, bem como a influencia da acao de microrganismos especificos sobre a taxa de decomposicao do material recalcitrante. Foram testados seis tratamentos mais a testemunha, sendo: T1: Testemunha (Fitomassa sem inoculos e sem a aplicacao e NP); T2: Fitomassa com inoculante Compost-aid® + Soil Set®; T3: Inoculante EM-1; T4: Compost-aid®; T5: Aplicacao de Nitrogenio (Nitrato de amonia); T6: Aplicacao de Fosforo (Fosfato Monopotassico - MKP); e T7: Aplicacao de Nitrogenio e Fosforo. Todas as aplicacoes foram realizadas apos 45 dias de decomposicao do material no campo. Os tratamentos foram distribuidos em blocos casualizados com quatro repeticoes. Cada unidade experimental foi constituida de 2,8 x 0,7 x 0,8 m, contendo 16 plantas de videiras. A leguminosa foi semeada manualmente e na floracao plena, aproximadamente 90 dias apos a emergencia das plantas, foram cortadas a 5 cm acima da superficie do solo. Foi retirada uma subamostra da fitomassa determinando-se a massa fresca e seca da parte aerea, a composicao bromatologica e o teor e acumulo de nutrientes. Sendo sua fitomassa depositada na linha de plantio da videira, onde posteriormente foram acondicionadas as sacolas de decomposicao. Para avaliar a decomposicao e liberacao de nutrientes in situ, apos o corte, amostras de 600 g dos residuos da parte aerea foram acondicionadas em sacolas de nailon de 0,3 x 0,3 m, e dispostas sobre a superficie do solo na linha da videira. Em sete tempos (0, 8, 30, 45, 60, 60 e 75), onde foram retiradas de cada sacola 20 g de residuo, que foram secados em estufa a 65º C, onde foi determinada a quantidade de materia seca e os teores de C, N, P, K, Ca, Mg, Polifenois, Lignina, Celulose e Hemicelulose remanescentes. Nas condicoes em que o trabalho foi desenvolvido conclui-se que: A aplicacao dos probioticos favoreceu a decomposicao do material recalcitrante do Canavalia ensiformis; Dentre os produtos testados o Compost-Aid® + Soil Set®, mostrou-se mais eficiente na decomposicao do material recalcitrante do Canavalia ensiformis; A relacao Lignina/Nitrogenio apresentou acrescimo em funcao do estagio de decomposicao da fitomassa, o que pode ter inibido a eficiencia dos organismos na degradacao do material vegetal e, isto sugere que a relacao Lignina/Nitrogenio mais elevada no final do intervalo experimental esteja relacionada com a nao decomposicao dos 100 % da fitomassa depositada; O tempo influenciou tanto a decomposicao do material recalcitrante, quanto a mineralizacao dos macronutrientes nutrientes da fitomassa avaliada.
  • Comportamento da invasora Cryptostegia madagascariensis ex Decne em solos sob diferentes níveis de salinidade e de saturação hídrica
  • Date: Feb 27, 2015
  • Time: 14:00
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  • Comportamento da invasora Cryptostegia madagascariensis ex Decne em solos sob diferentes niveis de salinidade e de saturacao hidrica
  • A posição na encosta e o manejo de um Argissolo afetam a produção de Brachiaria decumbens adubada com N e P
  • Date: Feb 23, 2015
  • Time: 14:00
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  • A producao de forragem em pastagens do Agreste paraibano e limitada devido ao baixo nivel de manejo das pastagens, ausencia de adubacao e de consorcio com leguminosas. Alem disto, o pouco controle da carga animal causa compactacao, que associado ao relevo, favorece a erosao e o carreamento dos nutrientes. Visando estudar apenas o efeito da fertilidade na produtividade, foram retiradas amostras de solo (0-15 cm) em tres posicoes (ombro, meia encosta e pedimento) de duas encostas sob pastagens distintamente manejadas (manejada e nao manejada). As amostras do Argissolo Vermelho-Amarelo eutrofico foram utilizadas num experimento em vasos, em ambiente protegido sob combinacao fatorial, adubadas com fosforo (P) (25 kg ha-1 de P), nitrogenio (N) (50 kg ha-1 de N), P x N combinados (25 kg e 50 kg ha-1 de P e N, respectivamente) e a testemunha (P0 N0). As unidades experimentais foram vasos, contendo 6 kg de solo e quatro plantas do capim Brachiaria decumbens cv. Basilisk. Aos 60 dias apos a emergencia o capim foi cortado para uniformizacao do crescimento, quantificacao da materia seca e determinacao do conteudo de N e P. A partir de entao, de 40 em 40 dias, foi efetuado o corte do capim para determinacao da producao de materia seca de forragem e conteudo de N e P. As medias dos tratamentos foram comparadas pelo teste de Tukey (p<0,05), por modelos estatisticos adequados a cada condicao avaliada. As maiores producoes e conteudos de P na materia seca foram obtidos na adubacao combinada entre P e N, em todas as posicoes do relevo e manejo da pastagem, no primeiro corte e no acumulado dos cortes. A producao acumulada foi maior no solo oriundo da meia encosta manejada que da nao manejada, o contrario foi observado para a producao acumulada no pedimento. Houve influencia da posicao no relevo e da adubacao sob os distintos manejos da pastagem, ao longo dos cortes de avaliacao. A adubacao com N e P em encostas sob pastagens distintamente manejadas depende da posicao no relevo. A meia encosta, responde mais a adubacao com P, enquanto no pedimento a resposta e maior ao N.
  • Date: Feb 9, 2015
  • Time: 08:00
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  • O hexazinona e um herbicida pre-emergente aplicado na cultura da cana-de-acucar, do grupo quimico triazina e bastante toxico para humanos. Quando utilizado em grande quantidade afeta os organismos que vivem no solo em virtude da sua bioacumulacao e maior persistencia, se for lixiviado pode causar contaminacao do solo e da agua. Uma estrategia de prevencao ao risco de contaminacao, ou ainda uma alternativa para a remediacao de areas contaminadas e o emprego do fotocatalisador TiO2-P25, que acelera o processo de degradacao de poluentes e seus intermediarios em produtos menos toxicos ou ate a sua completa mineralizacao. Para avaliar a degradacao fotocatalitica do hexazinona sob luz UV foram selecionados dois solos representativos da microrregiao do Brejo Paraibano no Nordeste Brasileiro, provenientes das cidades Areia e Alagoa Nova. Estes solos foram classificados de acordo com os requisitos do Sistema Brasileiro de Classificacao de Solos (SiBCS) por meio de analises fisicas (granulometria, densidade e porosidade), quimicas (fertilidade e complexos sortivos; fracionamento da materia organica; e composicao elementar por FRX) e mineralogicas (determinacao e quantificacao das fases cristalinas por DRX) que tambem serviram de suporte para avaliacao dos experimentos de fotodegradacao catalitica. Classificados como Argissolo Vermelho Amarelo Distrofico umbrico, textura argilosa, A proeminente, epi-e endoalitico e epi-endodistrofica, Tm e Latossolo Vermelho Distrofico tipico, textura argilosa, B latossolico, epi-e endoalitico, epi-endodistrofica, Tmoa; estes apresentaram boas caracteristicas fisicas e baixa fertilidade, com MO acima do comum e condizente com uma area de reserva. Predominaram os minerais quartzo, caulinita, muscovita, alem de feldspatos-K e Na, muscovita, hematita e gibbsita, com ilita e goethita so no Latossolo. A MO e os argilominerais naturalmente presentes nos solos influenciam diferentemente comportamento fotocatalitico na degradacao do hexazinona, havendo efeito pronunciado do TiO2 a 2%.
  • Date: Sep 25, 2014
  • Time: 14:00
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  • A especie Prosopis juliflora, popularmente conhecida por algaroba, introduzida no Nordeste brasileiro como alternativa economica para a regiao semiarida tem provocado serios problemas, haja vista a sua capacidade de invadir determinados sitios, interferindo seriamente na biota local. Diante disto, o presente trabalho partiu da necessidade de reunir informacoes sobre Prosopis juliflora no que se refere a sua ocorrencia e ferramentas que podem ser empregadas para o mapeamento da cobertura do solo e consequente distincao do taxon em uma escala macro. A especie Prosopis juliflora, possui vantagens competitivas adaptando-se a condicoes ambientais adversas, como: baixos indices pluviometricos, solos salinos e solos com baixa fertilidade. Tal constatacao remete a possibilidade de invasao de novas areas afetando a qualidade do solo e a biodiversidade dos ecossistemas. Para o estudo espaco temporal, a utilizacao de imagens de satelite LANDSAT, por meio de sensores multiespectrais e uma alternativa para quantificacao e acompanhamento da evolucao da especie, fornecendo auxilio para medidas mitigadoras.
  • Date: Aug 29, 2014
  • Time: 14:00
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  • Na cultura do gergelim (Sesamum indicum L.) o rendimento médio de grãos é em torno de 650 kg ha-1, porém o seu potencial produtivo é de 1.500 kg ha-1 com adequado programa de adubação e disponibilidade hídrica. O objetivo deste experimento foi avaliar a influência de adubos orgânicos e químicos nos componentes de produção e qualidade do óleo de duas cultivares de gergelim: BRS Seda e CNPA G4. O experimento foi conduzido em propriedade de agricultura familiar no povoado Rosário, no município de Caxias-MA. O solo da área é classificado como Neossolo Flúvico. Utilizou-se o delineamento em blocos ao acaso, com 12 tratamentos, em esquema fatorial (6 x 2), sendo seis fontes de nitrogênio: tortas de algodão e de mamona; esterco bovino e caprino, sulfato de amônio e a testemunha, assim como duas cultivares de gergelim: BRS Seda e CNPA G4 (BRS 196). Houve efeito significativo positivo das fontes de adubação sobre a produtividade e das variedades de gergelim sobre as variáveis de crescimento e massa de 1000 sementes. Verificou-se formação de quatro grupos de tratamentos, no grupo 1, a cultivar BRS Seda adubada com esterco caprino sobressaiu, apresentando melhor desempenho relativo às características de crescimento, produção e produtividade. Considerando o aumento do rendimento de óleo, o esterco caprino pode ser recomendável para as variedades de gergelim BRS Seda e CNPA G4.
  • Date: Aug 21, 2014
  • Time: 14:00
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  • O uso intensivo do solo com preparo inadequado e ausencia de praticas conservacionistas, o desenvolvimento economico e a expansao das fronteiras agricolas produziram alteracoes significativas na superficie e no uso do solo. Assim, o monitoramento da qualidade do solo e necessario e pode ser realizado mediante avaliacao dos seus atributos quimicos e mineralogicos. Neste sentido, a pesquisa tem como objetivo a caracterizacao quimica e mineralogica por Fluorescencia e Difracao de Raios-X dos solos da Microbacia de Vaca Brava no municipio de Areia-PB submetidos a manejo de Agricultura, Pastagem e Mata. A pesquisa foi desenvolvida na Microbacia de Vaca Brava, localizada no municipio de Areia-PB. Coletou-se 10 amostras de solo por area de estudo, (pastagem, mata e agricultura familiar), em 02 (duas) profundidades (0-20 e 20-40 cm), totalizando 60 amostras no entorno da Microbacia de Vaca Brava entre os meses de Marco e Maio de 2013. Os solos foram acondicionados em sacos plasticos e encaminhados ao Laboratorio de Tecnologia de Novos Materiais (LTNM) do Instituto UFPB de Desenvolvimento do Estado da Paraiba e no Laboratorio de Solidificacao Rapida do Centro de Tecnologia da Universidade Federal da Paraiba (Campus I), para a realizacao das analises de Fluorescencia de Raios-X e Difracao de Raios-X. Analisando os teores de CaO e MgO, observa-se que as areas que apresentaram os maiores teores foram a Area de Agricultura 1 e de Mata 1. Os teores de P2O5 e SO3 foram praticamente constantes em todas as areas de estudo. Na area de Agricultura 2, os pontos A6 a A8 apresentou uma variacao mais acentuada entre os valores de SiO2, Al2O3 e Fe2O3 variando entre 43,98% e 67,14% para o SiO2, 19,95% e 39,80% para o Al2O3 e 2,49% e 11,62% para o Fe2O3. O ponto amostral P4 da area de Pastagem 1 difere dos demais pontos quando analisados os teores de SiO2, Al2O3, K2O e Fe2O3.Os minerais encontradas na DRX nas amostras de solo sao constituidas basicamente dos mesmos minerais. Alem destes fatores, pode-se observar a praticidade das analises frente ao uso da FRX e DRX, tanto no aspecto da caracterizacao quimica quanto mineralogica, alem de fornecer subsidios para metodos de manejo mais adequados frente ao conhecimento das propriedades quimicas e mineralogicas dos solos. Pode-se concluir que para os solos avaliados nesta pesquisa, independente do tipo de uso nao ocorreu diferencas significativas quanto aos tipos de minerais presentes nas areas de pastagem, agricultura e mata.
  • Date: Jul 11, 2014
  • Time: 09:00
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  • O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar o crescimento e produção de duas cultivares de gergelim a partir de fontes orgânicas, em comparação com adubação mineral em solo classificado como Luvissolo, na Estação Experimental de Alagoinha, na Empresa Estadual de Pesquisa Agropecuária, no município de Alagoinha, Estado da Paraíba, Brasil. O delineamento experimental foi em blocos ao acaso, com três repetições, no arranjo fatorial 2 x 6. Os fatores estudados foram: duas cultivares (BRS 196 e BRS Seda) e seis adubos (sem adubo, aplicação de adubo NPK, torta de mamona e torta de algodão, esterco bovino e caprino). As características avaliadas foram: análise de crescimento (área foliar, altura de planta e fitomassa aérea), fenologia (primeiro botão floral, primeira flor, primeiro fruto), componentes da produção (produtividade, número de frutos por planta, peso médio de sementes, número de ramos por planta e número de sementes por frutos) e índices fisiológicos (razão de área foliar, índice de área foliar e índice de colheita). Os dados obtidos sugerem as seguintes conclusões: não houve influência do fator cultivar nos componentes da produção da cultura do gergelim, exceto para a razão de área foliar aos 15 DAE e produção e peso médio de sementes no terço superior da planta; dentre as fontes orgânicas utilizadas, torta de mamona e torta de algodão proporcionaram o melhor desempenho agronômico; é viável o cultivo do gergelim com a utilização dos estercos bovinos e caprinos; a adubação mineral NPK permite o cultivo do gergelim com respostas agronômicas satisfatórias.
  • Date: May 30, 2014
  • Time: 08:30
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  • O uso dos estercos tem se tornado uma importante fonte de suprimento de nutrientes às plantas na agricultura familiar. No entanto seu desbalanço quanto aos nutrientes tem levado à incorporação de altas doses, excedendo a necessidade das culturas, provocando acúmulo de nutrientes e sua lixiviação para camadas mais profundas, principalmente em solos arenosos. Esse trabalho objetivou avaliar a mobilidade de fósforo (P) proveniente de quatro fontes orgânicas e uma inorgânica solúvel, aplicados em colunas de 20 e 40 cm, e relacionando-a com as características de adsorção da fase sólida de um NEOSSOLO REGOLÍTICO obtido de área de agricultura familiar com longo histórico de adubação orgânica. As amostras foram coletadas nas camadas de 0 a 10, 10 a 20, 20 a 30 e 30 a 40 cm. Após secas e peneiradas, as amostras foram caracterizadas quanto às propriedades mineralógicas, físicas e químicas. Foi também determinado o conteúdo de Fe e Al extraídos por oxalato e assim como as cinéticas de dessorção e adsorção por Langmuir. A mobilidade de P foi determinada em dois experimentos de lixiviação, experimento 1 com colunas de solo de 20 cm e experimento 2 com colunas de solo de 40 cm. O solo da camada de 0-10 cm recebeu dose de fontes orgânicas (esterco bovino, suíno, caprino e de aves de postura) ou inorgânica (reagente PA solúvel). A dose das fontes foi baseada no P contido em 8 Mg ha1 de esterco bovino. A fonte inorgânica foi aplicada reproduzindo as quantidades N, P, K, no esterco bovino. Após incubação de 15 dias, as colunas foram preenchidas com solo das camadas de forma sequencial e lixiviadas com solução salina (CaCl2 0,001 mol L-1) correspondente a 10 volumes de poros (VP), para ambos experimentos, um VP dia-1. Foram coletadas três alíquotas por VP nas quais se analisou a concentração de P. Finalizada a lixiviação, as colunas foram seccionadas de 5 em 5 cm e analisado o teor de P extraído em água (Pw) e por Mehlich-1(Pm). Houve saída de P pela base da coluna no experimento 1, sendo maior com a fonte inorgânica; o comportamento diferenciado entre as fontes orgânicas e inorgânica relacionou-se com o Pw inicial das fontes. No experimento 2 não houve saída de P pela base da coluna, tendo o P ficado adsorvido na camada de 20-40 cm, na qual observou-se o maior potencial de adsorção de P.
  • Date: May 8, 2014
  • Time: 07:30
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  • Os recursos naturais renováveis precisam ser utilizados racionalmente para o bem dos agroecossistemas e da humanidade. Assim, o uso do solo deve estar sintonizado com os critérios técnicos de regionalizações definidos nos zoneamentos de cada Estado. Presumindo-se que a avaliação dos tipos de explorações agropecuárias nos cenários heterogêneos dos biomas sob o ponto de vista dos atributos físico-químicos e da sustentabilidade ambiental pode possibilitar a obtenção de importantes indicativos no sentido de definir melhor o uso do solo na área de estudo, foi conduzida esta pesquisa. Nesta perspectiva, foram estudadas três tipos de vegetações em dois biomas na camada agricultável de 0-20 cm, pretendendo-se aprofundar e descobrir conhecimentos científicos, especialmente no que se refere à viabilidade técnica, econômica, social e ambiental das explorações agropecuárias, capazes de direcionarem o uso racional do recurso natural renovável solo no Estado da Paraíba. Os resultados físicos, expressos através das Ds (Densidade do solo), Dp (Densidade de partícula) e Pt (Porosidade total), revelaram que na profundidade de 0-10 cm houveram diferenças significativas para Dp e Pt tanto para as três vegetações como para os dois biomas, ocorrendo igual comportamento em relação a profundidade de 10-20 cm, inclusive para Ds. Por outro lado, os dados químicos estudados através do C, pH, P, K, Ca, Mg, H, Al, SB, CTCpH7 e V mostraram não haver para as três vegetações diferenças significativas exceto para P e Mg, ocorrendo diferenças significativas para todos os demais atributos químicos, enquanto que para os biomas não houveram diferenças significativas apenas para K, sendo todos os outros atributos avaliados diferentes. No geral, observou-se a influência das vegetações e dos biomas nos atributos físico-químicos, indicando a importância do conhecimento destes fatores no uso do solo. O bioma Caatinga sobressaiuse em relação à Mata Atlântica praticamente em todas as variáveis favoráveis à manutenção da qualidade do solo apresentando, portanto, melhores atributos físico-químicos. Das três vegetações analisadas, nas Matas em regenerações (MR) nem sempre foram observados valores superiores dos atributos físicoquímicos avaliados quando comparados aos obtidos nos monocultivos de milho e pastagens (MM e MP). Ficou evidenciado que os índices de sustentabilidades dependeram de fatores técnicos, econômicos, sociais e ambientais, indicando que o IS (Índice de Sustentabilidade) foi melhor onde este conjunto foi mais favorecido. Neste particular, comparando biomas, percebeu-se que a Caatinga também foi superior à Mata Atlântica. Para alcançar à sustentabilidade ideal (IS>0,80), além de melhorias técnicas, econômicas e sociais as propriedades avaliadas precisam ser administradas racionalmente no sentido de que os índices tendam a crescerem superando o patamar de 0,80.
  • Date: May 5, 2014
  • Time: 14:00
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  • O esterco e um dos principais adubos utilizados, porem a quantidade e a qualidade disponivel sao insuficientes para suprir as demandas agricolas. O manejo integrado de nutrientes com base no uso de residuos organicos e uma das estrategias utilizadas pelas familias agricultoras no agreste paraibano para a manutencao da capacidade produtiva dos solos. Uma das inovacoes tecnicas que vem sendo desenvolvidas pelas familias, para superar esse problema, sao as unidades de beneficiamento de esterco, conhecidas como esterqueiras. Assim, este trabalho objetivou avaliar em conjunto com as familias o potencial da esterqueira como pratica de melhoria da qualidade do esterco, em comparacao a outras duas fontes organicas (esterco do curral e biomassa de gliricidia), sobre o crescimento, desenvolvimento e produtividade do milho. A pesquisa foi desenvolvida entre os anos de 2012 e 2013, na propriedade da familia de Carlos Marcolino e Joselia Souza, na Comunidade Furnas, no Municipio de Areial - PB. O delineamento experimental utilizado foi de blocos ao acaso, em arranjo fatorial (2x3+1+1), sendo duas qualidades de esterco (esterco da esterqueira - EE e esterco do curral - EC), tres doses de esterco (4, 12 e 20 t. ha- 1), uma fonte organica de boa qualidade (Gliricidia) e uma testemunha (T). Foram realizadas avaliacoes qualitativas e quantitativas para avaliar o uso das fontes organicas e sua relacao com a altura das plantas, producao de palha da planta e da espiga, qualidade da espiga e enchimento dos graos do milho em duas epocas distintas. Foram quantificadas as variaveis de crescimento e desenvolvimento (altura das plantas, diametro do caule) e produtividade (materia verde, materia seca e producao de graos), bem como o acumulo de nutrientes (N, P e K) na parte aerea das plantas e solo. A producao de graos com esterco da esterqueira foi cerca de duas vezes menos que a producao com aplicacao da biomassa da gliricidia e uma vez mais do que o esterco de curral. A dose 20 t.ha-1 do esterco da esterqueira obteve 60% da producao maxima de graos obtida com a biomassa de gliricidia, enquanto que a dose 20 t.ha-1 do esterco de curral obteve 60% da producao maxima obtida com aplicacao do esterco da esterqueira. Os teores de N, P e K na massa seca da palha nao foram afetados em resposta ao aumento das doses e qualidade de adubos organicos utilizados no estudo, a excecao da dose 20 t.ha-1 do esterco da esterqueira que aumentou o teor de P do solo. Os tratamentos e as doses de adubacao organica estudados nao influenciaram nos atributos quimicos do solo apos 120 dias de aplicacao. Os resultados significativos apresentados na correlacao confirmam o conhecimento que as familias agricultoras tiveram durante o processo de avaliacao da cultura do milho nos dois momentos (milho verde e milho seco).
  • Date: Mar 21, 2014
  • Time: 08:00
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  • Devido ao período do plantio a colheita do maracujazeiro amarelo, o retorno do capital investido depende de mudas de qualidade para que se obtenha sucesso no cultivo. Além dessa exigência a qualidade da água de irrigação é um problema principalmente em regiões semiáridas devido aos elevados níveis de sais, podendo a adubação nitrogenada ser um fator atenuante dos efeitos nocivos da salinidade as plantas. Nesse contexto o trabalho objetivou avaliar os efeitos da salinidade da água de irrigação e da aplicação de nitrogênio no crescimento e teor de nutrientes em mudas de maracujazeiro e na salinidade do substrato. A pesquisa foi realizada no período de setembro a dezembro de 2013 em estufa telada, usando como substrato o material de um LATOSSOLO VERMELHO-AMARELO. Os tratamentos foram distribuídos em blocos ao acaso com quatro repetições arranjados no esquema fatorial 5x3, equivalente à combinação entre cinco condutividades elétricas da água de irrigação (0,3; 1,0; 2,0; 3,0 e; 4,0 dS m-1) obtidas com adição dos íons de sódio, cálcio e magnésio na proporção de 7:2:1 mg L-1, respectivamente e três níveis de nitrogênio (sem adubação nitrogenada e aplicação de nitrogênio nas formas de ureia e sulfato de amônio, para fornecer 150 mg dm-3 de N). As variáveis analisadas foram pH e condutividade elétrica do extrato de saturação, índice de velocidade de emergência, emergência, altura, diâmetro, área foliar, número de folhas, área foliar específica, razão de área foliar, massa da matéria seca, índices foliares de clorofila a, b e total, teores foliares de N, P e K e índice de qualidade de Dickson. O aumento da salinidade da água de irrigação elevou a condição salina do substrato e reduziu o pH. A interação entre a salinidade da água de irrigação e o nitrogênio exercem efeito significativo para a maioria das variáveis estudadas, e a aplicação de nitrogênio estimulou a produção das mudas irrigadas com água de até 2,0 dS m-1. O sulfato de amônio acidifica mais o substrato que a ureia. O nitrogênio atenua os efeitos da salinidade da água de irrigação nas mudas de maracujazeiro amarelo até o nível de 2 dS m-1 e a ureia é mais eficiente que o sulfato de amônio.
  • Date: Feb 21, 2014
  • Time: 14:00
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  • No Brasil apesar de não ter tradição no cultivo do noni, vêem se introduzindo pomares comerciais e experimentais no Nordeste. No entanto, quanto as suas exigências nutricionais e manejo da cultura, particularmente em áreas semiáridas nordestinas, as informações são basicamente escassas . Neste sentido um experimento foi realizado na Universidade Federal da Paraíba no município de Bananeiras - PB, durante o período de junho/12 a novembro/13, a fim de avaliar a influência da cobertura morta, esterco bovino e das doses de cloreto de potássio na a fertilidade do solo, crescimento, nutrição e produção das plantas de noni. Os tratamentos foram dispostos em blocos casualizados com três repetições e duas plantas por parcela, utilizando o esquema fatorial 5 x 2 x 2, correspondendo a cinco doses de KCl de 0,0;13,2;37,5;61,5;69,6 g planta-1, no solo com e sem cobertura morta e com e sem esterco bovino. A cobertura morta e esterco bovino contribuíram para o aumento da umidade e temperatura do solo. O esterco de bovino adicionado ao solo elevou o pH e aumentou a disponibilidade de nutrientes para as plantas. O esterco de bovino associado com a cobertura do solo estimulou o crescimento em altura, e a associação de cobertura morta, esterco de bovino e doses de potássio elevou o diâmetro caulinar das plantas de noni. A cobertura morta aplicada ao solo elevou os teores foliares de P e Mn, o esterco bovino contribuiu para elevação dos teores de P, K, Mn, enquanto o KCl elevou os teores de N e Mn. A eficiência fotossintética, através dos teores de clorofila a, b e total foi estimulada pela adubação orgânica e potássica. Os componentes de produção responderam positivamente a aplicação do esterco bovino e do cloreto de potássio ao solo.
  • Adubação orgânica e estresse hídrico na produtividade e qualidade fisiológica de sementes de arroz vermelho (Oryza sativa) cultivadas em Neossolo Flúvico
  • Date: Feb 20, 2014
  • Time: 10:00
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  • E reconhecido o efeito benefico da adubacao organica na produtividade das culturas, constituindo-se numa pratica que pode contribuir para melhorar a qualidade das sementes e minimizar os efeitos prejudiciais ocasionados pela deficiencia hidrica, que e comum nas regioes semiaridas. O presente trabalho teve como objetivo avaliar a influencia da adubacao organica, com esterco bovino e do estresse hidrico, no desempenho fisiologico das variedades de arroz vermelho (Oryza sativa L.) Caqui, Maranhao e MNA 902. As sementes foram produzidas em condicoes de ambiente protegido, em vasos contendo oito quilos de solo, da camada de 0-20cm, coletado na regiao do Vale do Pianco. Foram testadas quatro doses de esterco bovino (0, 4, 8 e 12 t ha-1) na presenca e ausencia de estresse hidrico (60 e 80% da capacidade de vaso respectivamente) sob delineamento em blocos ao acaso no esquema fatorial 3 x 4 x 2 (variedades, doses de esterco e estresse hidrico), com quatro blocos. Apos colheita, as sementes foram encaminhadas para o Laboratorio de Materia Organica do DSER/CCA/UFPB para determinacao da produtividade. Com quatro meses de armazenamento foram determinados o grau de umidade, peso de 1000 sementes e a qualidade fisiologica, pelos testes de germinacao, PCG, IVG, emergencia a campo, massa seca de plantulas, condutividade eletrica e lixiviacao de potassio. Adotou-se o delineamento experimental em blocos ao acaso para o teste de emergencia a campo e o inteiramente casualizado para os demais testes. As variaveis que apresentaram significancia pelo teste F foram estudadas por meio de analise de regressao. A analise de variancia detectou efeito significativo para os parametros avaliados. O esterco bovino promoveu aumento na produtividade das tres variedades de arroz vermelho, no entanto, a MNA 902 foi a mais produtiva. As sementes de arroz vermelho apresentaram percentual de germinacao variando de 98 a 100%, resultados estes, superiores a media minima exigida para comercializacao de sementes de arroz nos principais Estados produtores. O estresse hidrico diminuiu o peso de 1000 sementes e a massa seca de plantulas e, consequentemente, aumentou a condutividade eletrica e lixiviacao de potassio das sementes da variedade MNA 902, ocasionando em perda de qualidade fisiologica. A produtividade maxima de sementes de arroz vermelho pode ser obtida com doses de esterco superiores a 12 t ha-1. A presenca de esterco melhorou a qualidade fisiologica das sementes da variedade Caqui e por isso recomenda-se o uso deste insumo para melhorar a producao e a qualidade das sementes.
  • Roberto de Sousa Nascimento
  • Variabilidade espacial da fertilidade do solo e estado nutricional de um pomar de tangerina
  • Date: Dec 19, 2013
  • Time: 08:00
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  • Variabilidade espacial da fertilidade do solo e estado nutricional de um pomar de tangerina
  • Date: Dec 19, 2013
  • Time: 08:00
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  • A Savana estépica (Caatinga) constitui um dos grandes biomas brasileiros, detentor de expressiva riqueza taxonômica, contudo consideravelmente degradado devido o uso inadequado dos seus recursos naturais e a elevada atividade antrópica que desrespeita suas peculiaridades ambientais. Na busca de soluções historicamente tem-se recorrido às mais diversas estratégias, muitas das quais pautadas na importação e introdução de espécies vegetais alóctones com proposito de constituir alternativas econômicas para a região e ou com fins ornamentais, porém a negligência do manejo dessas, a sua disseminação seguida da ocupação de novas áreas estão revelando mais um grande problema. Ao invadir determinados sítios, principalmente matas ciliares dos Estados da Paraíba e Ceará provocam alterações sobre a biodiversidade dessas áreas. Assim esta tese teve como objetivo principal estudar a diversidade e compatibilidade de fungos micorrízicos arbusculares nativos de ambientes de domínio de Savana estépica com as espécies exóticas Prosopis juliflora, Parkinsonia aculeata, Sesbania virgata e Cryptostegia madagascariensis. Foram estudadas cinco áreas, sendo quatro localizadas nos munícipios de Algodão de Jandaíra, Monteiro, Juazeirinho e Natúba, Estado da Paraíba, Brasil e a última no município de Ibaretama, Estado do Ceará, Brasil. Todas as áreas localizam-se em pólos característicos de ambiente semiárido, sendo consideradas como as áreas mais secas de ambos os Estados. As rizosferas das espécies exóticas citadas anteriormente mais a da espécie arbórea nativa Mimosa tenuiflora foram caracterizadas quanto suas características químicas, número de propágulos, colonização micorrízica e diversidade de fungos micorrízicos arbusculares (FMAs) presentes. Posteriormente foram instalados experimentos com a utilização das mesmas exóticas como plantas-iscas inoculadas com os FMAs mais representativos de suas respectivas rizosferas. As espécies exóticas além de reduzirem a diversidade do componente arbóreo alteram em benefício próprio as propriedades químicas do solo, como pH, teores de P, C e N, afetando assim diretamente a diversidade dos fungos micorrízicos arbusculares presentes nesses ambientes. Os distúrbios negativos causados pelo processo de invasão biológica levam a um decréscimo na diversidade destes microrganismos assim como a redução no número de glomerósporos. FMAs com elevada eficiência de colonização são favorecidas passando a predominar nestes ambientes e com isso auxiliando na absorção de nutrientes como o P e promovendo maior crescimento e acúmulo de biomassa seca das espécies exóticas.
  • Cassiana Felipe de Souza
  • Date: Dec 18, 2013
  • Time: 08:30
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  • As áreas em processo de desertificação constituem-se de espaços onde a degradação ambiental se expressa na perda da capacidade química, física e biológica do solo para produção vegetal. Esse fenômeno vem-se ampliando globalmente, afetando regiões áridas, semiáridas e subúmidas. Uma das alternativas para a recuperação da qualidade do solo nessas áreas diz respeito ao uso do efluente doméstico e de urina humana, tanto como oferta de água para a agricultura irrigada, como fonte de nutrientes. Assim, o presente trabalho teve como objetivo: (1) caracterizar a fertilidade do solo de três áreas consideradas em processo elevado de degradação do Núcleo de Desertificação dos Cariris Velhos no Estado da Paraíba; (2) Avaliar a capacidade de suprimento de nutrientes e o potencial de recuperação do solo com o uso de efluente doméstico tratado e de urina humana, em três tipos de solos característicos do semiárido brasileiro sob processo de desertificação; e, (3) quantificar as alterações nas propriedades químicas após as aplicações de urina humana diluída em efluente doméstico. A pesquisa foi desenvolvida no ano de 2013, em ambiente protegido, na Estação Experimental do Instituto Nacional do Semiárido (INSA), no município de Campina Grande / PB. O delineamento experimental utilizado foi o inteiramente casualizado com os tratamentos em arranjo fatorial (3 x 6), sendo três solos (Planossolo de Junco do Seridó, Luvissolo crômico de Cabaceiras e Neossolo litólico de Juazeirinho, Paraíba) e seis tratamentos de adubação (AB-NPK: água de abastecimento público sem NPK; AB+NPK: adubação mineral em água de abastecimento público; EFUH0,0%: efluente doméstico, sem urina humana; EDUH1,5%: efluente doméstico mais 1,5% de urina humana; EDUH3,0%: Efluente doméstico mais 3,0% de urina humana e EDUH4,5%: efluente doméstico mais 4,0% ou 4,5%? de urina humana), com quatro repetições. Para a verificação dos tratamentos foi utilizada a cultura do milheto. Foram avaliados os componentes de crescimento e de produção do milheto, bem como o acúmulo de nutrientes (NPK) na parte aérea das plantas. Também foi avaliado o impacto causado nos atributos químicos do solo devido às adubações. Observou-se que, contraditoriamente a identificação da área estudada como sendo um Núcleo de Desertificação, os indicadores quali-quantitativos de fertilidade do solo não permitem classificá-la como área padrão em desertificação, ainda que a mesma apresente necessidade de correção de sua fertilidade química para plena retomada de seu potencial produtivo. Por outro lado, das dez variáveis de crescimento e produção analisadas, seis (NP, NF, AFT, FSPA, PTG e P100GV) vii apresentaram efeitos significativos quando comparados às testemunhas (AB-NPK e/ou AB+NPK) em relação aos tratamentos de adubação com urina humana diluída no efluente doméstico, seja em uma ou em mais das diluições utilizadas, e, em um dos três tipos de solos utilizados. Quanto ao acúmulo de nutrientes na planta, observou-se que teve a seguinte ordem de acumulo: K>N>P. Em relação aos resultados da análise química, no início e no final do experimento com urina humana diluída em efluente doméstico, verificou-se que todos os tratamentos elevaram os teores de nutrientes de forma significativa. Entre as adubações com urina humana diluída em efluente doméstico as que mais contribuíram com o aumento dos nutrientes foram EDUH4,5%e EDUH3,0%.
  • Helder Carneiro Garrido Arruda de Sousa
  • Date: Dec 17, 2013
  • Time: 09:00
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  • Wagner dos Santos Lima
  • Date: Dec 16, 2013
  • Time: 08:30
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  • Sistemas agroflorestais (SAFs) e estrategias de adubacao representam praticas de manejo que tem como principal objetivo permitir maior diversidade e sustentabilidade de sistema de uso da terra. Embora hoje existam muito elementos agroflorestais viaveis que poderiam ser empregados na implantacao destes sistemas, na regiao do Semiarido brasileiro ainda faltam dados sobre esses sistemas de producao, seja nas escolhas de especies vegetais, informacoes sobre a ciclagem de nutrientes e melhoria na qualidade do solo. Desta forma, objetivando compreender a natureza e alcance desses processos foi desenvolvido o presente estudo, entre 2012 a 2013, em solo da regiao Semiarida brasileira. Na primeira parte da pesquisa (Capitulo 1) quantificaram-se os atributos biologicos em area sob manejo agroflorestal cultiva com tres variedades de palma forrageira e adubacao organica. Tanto na epoca seca, quanto na epoca chuvosa, observou-se que os teores de carbono organico total (COT) e carbono da biomassa microbiana (CBM) nao foram afetados pelos tipos de adubacoes organicas e variedades de palma forrageira. Mesmo nao tendo um comportamento padrao quanto ao periodo seco e chuvoso, os atributos biologicos do solo que melhor descriminaram os tratamentos estudados foram a respiracao basal (RB) e o quociente metabolico (qCO2). A analise de componentes principais evidenciou que a estacao chuvosa, favoreceu o aumento da atividade metabolica dos microrganismos do solo. Na segunda parte (capitulo 2) da pesquisa descreve-se o efeito da adubacao organica sobre o crescimento e desenvolvimento de tres variedades de palma consideradas como resistentes a cochonilha. A adubacao com esterco foi o tratamento que favoreceu o crescimento e desenvolvimento das tres variedades de palma forrageira. A variedade Orelha de elefante mexicana foi a que teve melhor desempenho e resposta aos tratamentos de adubacao organica. A menor produtividade de massa verde de palma forrageira foi obtida, na variedade Baiana e maior pela Orelha de elefante mexicana.
  • Luiz Cláudio Nascimento dos Santos
  • Caracterização edáfica e florística de fragmentos florestais em diferentes estádios sucessionais no Brejo Paraibano
  • Date: Nov 26, 2013
  • Time: 08:30
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  • Caracterizacao edafica e floristica de fragmentos florestais em diferentes estadios sucessionais no Brejo Paraibano
  • Date: Oct 31, 2013
  • Time: 14:00
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  • O processo de erosão hídrica ocorre pela ação dos agentes erosivos, como as gotas da chuva e o escoamento superficial da água sobre o solo. Este trabalho foi realizado com o objetivo de avaliar, na erosão em entressulcos, as taxas de desagregação do solo e a dinâmica do transporte de sedimentos em solos de áreas agrícolas do estado da Paraíba utilizando chuva simulada. Utilizou-se no estudo quatro solos: Latossolo Amarelo (LA), Argissolo Vermelho-Amarelo (PVA), Luvissolo Crômico órtico (TCo) e Neossolo Litólico (RL). O critério de seleção dos solos teve como base o grau de desenvolvimento pedogenético. Em laboratório conduziram-se os experimentos de erosão em entressulcos sob chuva simulada, com solo descoberto e declividade da parcela de 0,10 mm-1. Os testes foram realizados em parcelas experimentais, com área útil de 0,3481 m², onde efetuou-se testes com chuvas simuladas, com intensidade média ajustada em 120 mm h-1 durante 75 minutos. Foram avaliadas taxas de perdas de solo, concentração de sedimentos em suspensão, vazão, taxa de desagregação do solo e caracterização das variáveis hidráulicas do escoamento. Todos os regimes de escoamento superficial obtidos foram laminar, apenas o solo RL apresentou escoamento rápido, enquanto os demais solos (LA, PVA e TCo) apresentaram escoamento lento. O regime de escoamento laminar lento, juntamente com os valores de descarga líquida na ordem de 10-5 m2 s-1, e os valores da altura de lâmina do escoamento na ordem de 10-4 m, encontrados, confirmam a ocorrência de erosão em entressulcos. O fator de erodibilidade do solo em entressulcos (Ki) dos solos LA, PVA, TCo e RL foi de 1,16×106; 1,91×106; 3,95×106 e 2,99×106 kg s m-4, respectivamente. Os solos com distinta mineralogia apresentaram suscetibilidade diferente à erosão em entressulcos, sendo que os mais intemperizados (LA e PVA) foram os mais estáveis e resultaram em menor erodibilidade do solo em entressulcos que os menos intemperizados (TCo e RL).
  • Sherly Aparecida da Silva
  • Date: Oct 31, 2013
  • Time: 14:00
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  • O experimento foi desenvolvido, no período de 28/01 a 30/03/2013, em abrigo telado do Centro de Ciências Agrárias, Universidade Federal da Paraíba, Areia, PB, para avaliar os efeitos da salinidade da água no solo sem e com compostos orgânicos líquidos na produção de mudas de dois genótipos de maracujazeiro amarelo. Os tratamentos foram arranjados em blocos ao acaso com três repetições e sete unidades por tratamento, em esquema fatorial 2 x 5 x 3, referente aos genótipos de maracujazeiro amarelo (Genótipo local - Guinezinho tradicionalmente cultivado em Nova Floresta, Paraíba e BRS Gigante amarelo), irrigados com águas de salinidade crescente nos valores de condutividade elétrica de 0,3; 1,0; 2,0; 3,0 e 4,0 dS m-1, no solo sem e com esterco bovino líquido fermentado e humitec®. Os valores de condutividade elétrica das águas foram obtidos com a dissolução dos sais cloreto de sódio, cloreto de cálcio, cloreto de magnésio e cloreto de potássio nas proporções de 6:2:1:1 e as substâncias húmicas foram aplicadas, 48 horas antes e aos 28 dias após a semeadura, em volume correspondente a 10% do volume do substrato. Aos 60 dias após a semeadura (DAS) o solo foi avaliado quanto a salinidade e fertilidade. Nesse mesmo período as plantas foram avaliadas quanto à altura, diâmetro, número de folhas, área foliar, área foliar específica, razão de área foliar, matéria seca da parte aérea, das raízes e total, índice de qualidade de Dickson, macronutrientes foliares e teores de clorofila. O aumento do teor salino da água de irrigação elevou a salinidade do solo ao ponto de comprometer a qualidade das mudas, de ambos os genótipos, de maracujazeiro amarelo estudados. Dentre os insumos orgânicos, o humitec® foi mais eficiente em elevar a fertilidade do solo que o esterco líquido de bovino. O esterco líquido de bovino foi mais eficiente que o humitec® em atenuar os efeitos negativos da salinidade das águas às mudas dos genótipos. O humitec® estimula mais a produção de clorofila a, b e total nas mudas que o esterco líquido de bovino.
  • Date: Oct 31, 2013
  • Time: 08:00
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  • As atividades deste trabalho foram desenvolvidas para avaliar a utilização do biofertilizante bovino na redução dos efeitos do manejo da irrigação com água moderadamente salina no comportamento nutricional e produtivo de genótipos de maracujazeiro amarelo, bem como na fertilidade e salinidade do solo. Os experimentos foram conduzidos no município de Nova Floresta, PB, em delineamento de blocos casualizados com três blocos, em esquema fatorial 3 x 5, referente a três genótipos: Seleção Local (Guinezinho - tradicionalmente cultivado em Nova Floresta e áreas vizinhas) e dois genótipos introduzidos os híbridos BRS Sol do Cerrado e BRS Gigante Amarelo, no solo com cinco doses de biofertilizante bovino aplicado mensalmente em volume constante de 5 L planta-1, após diluído em água de irrigação de condutividade elétrica 1, 4 dS m-1 nos níveis percentuais de 0% (água de irrigação), 10%, 20%, 30% e 40%. No inicio da floração simultaneamente às coletas de folhas para avaliação nutricional do maracujazeiro amarelo, foram coletadas quatro amostras simples de solo, uma em cada quadrante da cova a 20 cm de distância do caule nas faixas de 0 - 20 e de 21 - 40 cm em cada tratamento, para avaliação da fertilidade e salinidade do solo. No pico da produção, foram colhidos ao acaso, dois frutos de cada parcela da área útil, para determinação dos teores de macro e micronutrientes na matéria seca dos frutos e cálculo da exportação dos nutrientes, e mais dois frutos para determinação da massa média do fruto, da casca e da polpa, espessura da casca, diâmetro e comprimento dos frutos; rendimento em polpa, teor de sólidos solúveis, acidez titulável, vitamina C, valores de pH e da condutividade elétrica da polpa. Concluiu-se que o biofertilizante, apesar de exercer efeitos positivos na melhoria da fertilidade, elevou o caráter salino do solo de não salino para salino e salino - sódico, mas sem definição da dose mais eficiente; não supriu as exigências nutricionais do maracujazeiro amarelo para a maioria dos nutrientes, sendo o genótipo G. Amarelo o que mais apresentou maior quantidade de nutrientes na época da amostragem. Os nutrientes mais exportados foram o nitrogênio e o ferro, com a Seleção Local e Gigante Amarelo que mais exportaram nutrientes. A aplicação do biofertilizante não comprometeu a capacidade produtiva dos genótipos Local e Gigante Amarelo, mas reduziu as qualidades físicas dos frutos do genótipo Local e proporcionaram características químicas superiores às exigidas pelo mercado para os três genótipos estudados.
  • Leandro Moscôso Araujo
  • Date: Oct 30, 2013
  • Time: 08:30
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  • A determinação da erosão hídrica do solo pode auxiliar no planejamento de práticas conservacionistas, reduzindo ou minimizando a ação de agentes erosivos que causam a perda de solo em entressulcos. A umidade inicial antecedente a chuva, os ciclos de secagem e umedecimento e os tipos de manejo empregados, exercem grande influência na resistência do solo aos processos erosivos. É de fundamental importância conhecer a erodibilidade do solo em entressulcos, podendo ser determinada sob condição de campo e laboratório. O estudo foi conduzido em laboratório, com Luvissolos dos municípios de Parelhas (RN) e São João do Cariri (PB) sob diferentes condições de uso (Áreas Cultivada, Preservada e Degradada) procurando atender aos seguintes objetivos: I: determinar as taxas de desagregação do solo em entressulcos para obter os valores dos fatores de erodibilidade do solos em entressulcos e das variáveis hidráulicas do escoamento; II: avaliar a concentração de sedimentos em suspensão nas diferentes condições de uso em estudo; III: analisar as perdas por erosão de acordo com os atributos químicos e físicos do solo bem como sua importância na resistência do solo ao escoamento superficial.A erosão em entressulcos foi determinada sob chuva simulada, em laboratório, com intensidade média de 120 mm h-1 durante 75 min, em solo mobilizado e descoberto na parcela experimental com área útil de 0,3481 m2. Foram determinados os fatores de erodibilidade do solo em entressulcos para os Luvissolos estudados, que variaram de 3,11x106 a 3,49x106 kg s m-4 para o município de Parelhas e de 4,33x106 a 6,44x106 kg s m-4 para o município de São João do Cariri. A velocidade média do escoamento e a rugosidade superficial do solo apresentaram médias que contribuíram para elevação das taxas de erosão. Os valores de Ki não apresentaram variações significativas entre as condições de uso, porém, para o Luvissolo de São João do Cariri foram observados médias bem distintas. A resistência do solo aos processos de erosão em entressulcos não está relacionada apenas às condições do solo, mas também a fatores relacionados com a fase de transporte dos sedimentos.
  • Date: Apr 30, 2013
  • Time: 13:30
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  • In the semiarid, because of climate, soil, and vegetation peculiarities, added to human action without planning, it is necessary to conduct several studies attempting to identify management techniques for regional agricultural ecosystems focused on sustainability. The monitoring of soil quality attributes is an activity of great importance in the sustainability of agricultural ecosystems, because through it you can evaluate whether the management is adequate. Thus, the purpose of this study was to assess physical and chemical properties of soils in agricultural areas under different usage conditions in the town of São João do Cariri, in the state of Paraíba, under the influence of the desertification process. Three areas were selected: native vegetation, cultivated vegetation, and vegetation under degradation process. Soil samples were collected at depth levels between 0-5, 5-10 and 10-20 cm from the main type of soil identified in the region, classified as Alfisol. Analyses of chemical variables were performed (pH, P, K+ , Ca2+, Mg2+, Al3+ Na⁺, potential acidity and organic matter) and physical variables (soil and particle density, total porosity, aggregate stability) and physical fractionation of organic matter. In the physical determinations, the results showed that despite the amounts of sand, silt and clay have differed among the areas, the textural classification of the soil was Sandy Loam. The amount of clay in the area of native vegetation was higher than in the cultivated area, while, in turn, the amount of sand was greater in the cultivated area and lower in the degraded and cultivated areas, respectively. Water dispersible or natural clay was higher in the area with native vegetation. The dried macroaggregates were higher in the area with native vegetation compared to the degraded area, although they did not differ statistically. In the chemical determinations, organic matter content in the area with native vegetation was higher than in the cultivated and degraded areas respectively. This result occurs due to the preservation and higher quantity of forest residue, as well as the absence of tillage. The values of Ca and Mg tended to be higher in the native vegetation area and lower in the cultivated area. The levels of P and K were also higher in the native vegetation area, but much lower in the degraded area. The longer the land was used, the more alterations there were in the physical and chemical properties of the soil.
  • Date: Apr 26, 2013
  • Time: 08:00
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  • Na maioria das regiões do país há problemas com a baixa produtividade e a falta de qualidade das raízes produzidas de mandioca. Os maiores obstáculos para a adoção de novas tecnologias pelos pequenos produtores são a dificuldade de acesso, a falta de entendimento necessário a sua aplicação e o desconhecimento a respeito da sua relação custo/beneficio. Objetivou-se avaliar diferentes sistemas de plantio e densidades populacionais, assim como observar o comportamento de duas variedades de mandioca sob os diferentes tratamentos. O estudo foi conduzido em condições de campo, na propriedade Sitio Cumbe, localizada no município de Lagoa Seca-PB, microrregião do agreste paraibano. O solo predominante encontrado na região do ensaio é o Argissolo Vermelho Amarelo. O ensaio foi implantado em delineamento experimental em blocos casualizados, no esquema fatorial 2 x 2 x 3, sendo duas variedades de mandioca (Cedinha e Pão do Chile), dois sistemas de plantio (Leirão e Cova) e três espaçamentos (1,0 m x 1,0 m, 1,0 m x 0,8 m e 1,0 m x 0,6 m). As unidades experimentais foram confeccionadas com as dimensões de 5,0 m x 5,0 m com 12 m² de área útil. Na área útil de cada unidade experimental, foram identificadas três plantas, para acompanhamento das características morfológicas da parte aérea durante o desenvolvimento da cultura. Por ocasião da colheita, foram determinadas fitomassa fresca e seca da parte aérea e das raízes, como também o índice de colheita das três plantas previamente selecionadas. Os dados obtidos foram submetidos à análise de variância pelo teste F a 5% de probabilidade e as médias foram comparadas pelo teste de Tukey. A variedade Cedinha apresentou melhor produção para fitomassa fresca nas raízes, compatível com a média nacional e, portanto adequada as condições locais. O melhor sistema de plantio dentre os testados foi o plantio em leirão, superando o plantio em cova em 17,7% na produção de fitomassa fresca de raízes. Os espaçamentos não diferiram estatisticamente para a produção de raízes tuberosas, porém as maiores produtividades foram encontradas nas maiores densidades de plantio. O tratamento que apresentou o maior resultado para produção de raízes tuberosas foi obtido utilizando-se a variedade Cedinha no plantio em cova sob espaçamento mais adensado. A variedade Cedinha apresentou-se com maior potencial de produção de fitomassa na parte aérea para alimentação animal.
  • Talita Stephanie Alves da Costa
  • Estimativa do Balanço de Radiação em áreas do Semiárido Paraibano utilizando Geotecnologias
  • Date: Mar 25, 2013
  • Time: 09:30
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  • O saldo de radiação (Rn) é um elemento fundamental no cômputo do balanço de energia, pois essa variável determina a energia que será disponibilizada à superfície e utilizada principalmente como calor latente no processo da evapotranspiração e como calor sensível para aquecer o ar e o solo. Dada a importância do (Rn) em várias aplicações de pesquisa, o objetivo geral desse estudo foi estimar o saldo de radiação (Rn) à superfície usando-se imagens do sensor TM (Thematic Maper) do satélite Landsat-5, usando-se o algoritmo SEBAL – Surface Energy Balance Algorithm for Land, complementados com dados das estações meteorológicas automáticas (São João do Cariri-PB e Sousa-PB). Os resultados obtidos com as componentes do saldo de radiação são destacados a seguir: o albedo médio da superfície não apresentou variação para as datas 22/04/2010 (20,5%) e 23/07/2006 (18,7%). Para o dia 06/10/2010 mostrou-se mais elevado (23,4%) em relação as outras duas datas, o que é justificado por uma maior área de solo exposto. O NDVI para as datas 22/04/2010 e 23/07/2006 apresentaram valores próximos, 0,41 e 0,38, respectivamente, entretanto em 06/10/2010 esse índice foi de 0,26 caracterizando áreas com baixa densidade vegetativa e solo exposto. O índice de área foliar (LAI), referentes aos dias 22/04/2010 e 23/07/2006 foram semelhantes, 0,39 e 0,38 respectivamente. Porém para o dia 06/10/2010 o valor desse índice foi de 0,26 bem inferior aos outros dois índices, o que denota uma situação de áreas com vegetação rala e/ou solo desnudo e conseqüentemente baixo NDVI. Para as três áreas analisadas não houve grande diferença, entre as temperaturas médias estimadas nas datas e áreas estudadas: 22/04/2010 a Ts foi de 24,6°C; dia 23/07/2006 (26,5°C) e 06/10/2010 (27,4°C). Os valores do saldo de radiação (Rn) encontrados estão compatíveis com os valores esperados para os tipos de alvos e condições das áreas analisadas. O erro relativo quando se comparou o (Rn) estimado pelo SEBAL e o medido nas estações meteorológicas foi pequeno: 1,8% para o dia 22/04/210; 0,6% em 23/07/2006 e 7% para o dia 06/10/2010. De uma maneira geral pode-se afirmar que o algorítimo SEBAL associado às imagens do satélite Landsat-5 TM pode ser aplicado com um bom grau de confiabilidade na estimativa do saldo de radiação (Rn).
  • Dácio Jerônimo de Almeida
  • Date: Mar 1, 2013
  • Time: 08:00
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  • O uso indiscriminado de fertilizantes minerais na cultura do mamoeiro tem nos últimos anos elevado os custos de produção, sendo o uso de fungos micorrízicos arbusculares uma alternativa promissora para diminuir os custos com adubos. Esta pesquisa teve como objetivo avaliar o efeito da inoculação dos fungos micorrízicos no crescimento de mudas de mamoeiro cv. Sunrise Solo em substrato adubado com doses de superfosfato triplo. O experimento foi conduzido em ambiente protegido, no delineamento em bloco casualizados com quatro repetições, no esquema 4x3+1: quatro doses (0; 1,6; 3,3; 5,0 g dm-3) de superfosfato triplo (SFT), três espécies de fungos micorrízicos: Gigaspora margarita, Entrophospora colombiana e Scutellospora heterogama e o tratamento controle (sem inoculação e sem adubação). Foi calculada a taxa relativa de crescimento relativo da altura e do diâmetro, área foliar, massa da matéria seca da parte aérea e radicular. Os fungos micorrízicos aumentaram as taxas relativas de crescimento da altura e do diâmetro e da massa da matéria seca. A inoculação com Entrophospora colombiana aumentou em mais de 30% a massa da matéria seca da parte aérea em comparação ao tratamento controle. Houve efeito negativo no crescimento da mudas com o aumento das doses de superfosfato triplo (SFT).
  • Franciezer Vicente de Lima
  • Date: Feb 27, 2013
  • Time: 09:00
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  • Levando-se em consideração a variação dos ambientes e a carência de informações detalhadas para a aplicação da agricultura, é essencial a realização de estudos, de forma a obter conhecimento sobre a variabilidade espacial de diferentes propriedades do solo, que influenciam direta e indiretamente nos fatores de produção das culturas. O presente estudo teve como objetivo determinar a variabilidade espacial de atributos físicos do solo, bem como verificar as relações existentes entre a compactação e a infiltração da água no solo, em uma área de encosta, utilizando métodos geoestatísticos. A pesquisa foi realizada em área de encosta sob cultivo de pastagem, localizada entre os municípios de Areia-PB e Remígio-PB, com área de aproximadamente 2,0 ha. O solo da área foi amostrado em grade com malha regular entre pontos amostrais, perfazendo um total de 49 pontos sendo dividido em duas profundidades, de 0-10 cm; 10-20 cm, quantificando um total de 98 amostras. Para a análise da variabilidade espacial, utilizou se a geoestatística, por meio da análise semivariográfica, interpolação dos dados por krigagem e construção de mapas de isolinhas. Foram utilizados os procedimentos geoestatísticos considerando-se as análises semivariográficas isotrópicas. Observa-se que todos os atributos físicos do solo analisados apresentaram dependência espacial, uma vez que nenhum deles apresentou efeito pepita puro, onde a grande maioria dos parâmetros se enquadrou como índice de dependência espacial (IDE) forte, tendo apenas a variável areia (10-20 cm) e resistência à penetração (10-20 cm) apresentando dependência espacial moderada, e o atributo resistência à penetração na profundidade de 10-20 cm apresentou dependência espacial fraca. Os maiores alcances foram encontrados para o tempo de infiltração e resistência a penetração sendo de 156,92 e 153,00 m respectivamente, para a areia 111,70 e 120,55 m, e argila 124,53 e 125,57 nas duas profundidades 0-10 cm e 10-20 cm respectivamente. Tal observação indica que o número de amostras para estas variáveis poderiam ter sido menor. Pôde-se verificar através dos mapas que houve uma relação muito clara entre a infiltração e os demais atributos físicos do solo, observando essa correlação principalmente na parte superior sudoeste da encosta.
  • Járisson Cavalcante Nunes
  • Date: Feb 22, 2013
  • Time: 08:00
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  • Apesar da cultura da goiaba exercer função econômica em vários Estados do Brasil, as informações científicas sobre suas exigências nutricionais são ainda pouco frequentes na literatura brasileira, principalmente em relação à região Nordeste. Neste sentido, um experimento foi realizado no município Remígio, Paraíba, Brasil, durante o período de março/2011 a julho/2012, a fim de avaliar os efeitos das substâncias húmicas e da cobertura do solo sobre o crescimento, composição mineral em folhas de plantas de goiabeira cv. 'Paluma' e sobre alguns componentes da fertilidade do solo. Os tratamentos foram dispostos em blocos casualizados com quatro repetições e duas plantas por parcela, utilizando o esquema fatorial 5 x 2, correspondendo as doses de substâncias húmicas de Humitec® de 0, 10, 20, 30 e 40 mL L-1 aplicando 4 L de cada mistura a cada dois meses na área de projeção da planta, no solo sem e com cobertura morta do solo. As plantas responderam mais aos efeitos das substâncias húmicas do que a cobertura morta do solo, em que o maior crescimento em altura e área da copa foi no tratamento utilizando a dose de 20,4 mL de L-1 da substância húmica. A cobertura morta reduziu a perda de água do solo pelo processo de evaporação e manteve o solo menos aquecido. As plantas com oito meses após o plantio apresentaram clorofila mais ativa do que àquelas aos 15 meses após o plantio. Os índices de clorofila a, clorofila b e total apresentam correlação positiva entre os dados obtidos pelo processo analítico. As plantas de goiabeira aos 15 meses após o plantio estavam adequadamente supridas em nitrogênio, fósforo, potássio, boro e manganês, mas estavam deficientes em cálcio, magnésio, enxofre, zinco e cobre. A aplicação de Humitec® aumentou a fertilidade do solo em Ca2+, Mg2+, K+ e Na+, mas os teores de matéria orgânica do solo, de sódio, fósforo e cálcio na camada de 0-20 cm do solo e do nitrogênio, potássio e manganês em folhas das plantas estavam superiores nos tratamentos com substâncias húmicas e cobertura do solo.
    Palavras-chaves: Psidium guajava L.; substâncias húmicas; nutrição
    Apesar da cultura da goiaba exercer função econômica em vários Estados do Brasil, as informações científicas sobre suas exigências nutricionais são ainda pouco frequentes na literatura brasileira, principalmente em relação à região Nordeste. Neste sentido, um experimento foi realizado no município Remígio, Paraíba, Brasil, durante o período de março/2011 a julho/2012, a fim de avaliar os efeitos das substâncias húmicas e da cobertura do solo sobre o crescimento, composição mineral em folhas de plantas de goiabeira cv. 'Paluma' e sobre alguns componentes da fertilidade do solo. Os tratamentos foram dispostos em blocos casualizados com quatro repetições e duas plantas por parcela, utilizando o esquema fatorial 5 x 2, correspondendo as doses de substâncias húmicas de Humitec® de 0, 10, 20, 30 e 40 mL L-1 aplicando 4 L de cada mistura a cada dois meses na área de projeção da planta, no solo sem e com cobertura morta do solo. As plantas responderam mais aos efeitos das substâncias húmicas do que a cobertura morta do solo, em que o maior crescimento em altura e área da copa foi no tratamento utilizando a dose de 20,4 mL de L-1 da substância húmica. A cobertura morta reduziu a perda de água do solo pelo processo de evaporação e manteve o solo menos aquecido. As plantas com oito meses após o plantio apresentaram clorofila mais ativa do que àquelas aos 15 meses após o plantio. Os índices de clorofila a, clorofila b e total apresentam correlação positiva entre os dados obtidos pelo processo analítico. As plantas de goiabeira aos 15 meses após o plantio estavam adequadamente supridas em nitrogênio, fósforo, potássio, boro e manganês, mas estavam deficientes em cálcio, magnésio, enxofre, zinco e cobre. A aplicação de Humitec® aumentou a fertilidade do solo em Ca2+, Mg2+, K+ e Na+, mas os teores de matéria orgânica do solo, de sódio, fósforo e cálcio na camada de 0-20 cm do solo e do nitrogênio, potássio e manganês em folhas das plantas estavam superiores nos tratamentos com substâncias húmicas e cobertura do solo.

  • Elder Cunha de Lira
  • Date: Feb 19, 2013
  • Time: 14:00
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  •   O uso do solo tem modificado de maneira significativa a dinamica dos ecossistemas naturais, tornando o monitoramento de areas cultivadas de fundamental importancia para o desenvolvimento de uma agricultura sustentavel. A retirada da cobertura vegetal nativa do solo associado com o seu uso intenso tem alavancado a degradacao dos recursos naturais e, em especial, os atributos do solo criando a necessidade de conhecer e compreender a composicao e a dinamica dos processos internos do solo. Nas ultimas decadas surgiram tecnicas de caracterizacao utilizadas para determinar e quantificar elementos, que podem de forma pratica ser aplicados a ciencia do solo, visando dinamizar os processos analiticos por meio de analises mais ageis e de simples realizacao. Destacam-se, entre as novas tecnicas de caracterizacao a Florescencia de Raios-X, Difracao de Raios-x, Espectroscopia de Infravermelho na Faixa do Medio. O estudo foi desenvolvido na Microbacia de Vaca Brava, localizada na cidade de Areia-PB. Inicialmente foram escolhidas 06 areas sendo 02 para cada agroecossistema (Pastagem, Floresta e Agroecossistema familiar), utilizando o conceito da rosa dos ventos, com 02 (duas) profundidades diferentes (0-20 e 20-40 cm) perfazendo 18 amostras por area/ponto, a extracao da amostra foi feita com trado adaptado do tipo sonda apos coletado o solo fora, submetidos as analise quimica DRX, FRX e FTIR. Os elementos quantificados na caracterizacao por FRX, bem como a relacao C/N calculada a partir de valores obtidos perfazem um total de 26. Fases encontradas na DRX nas amostras de solo sao constituidas basicamente dos mesmos minerais. A utilizacao de tecnicas espectroscopicas, principalmente Fluorescencia de Raios-X (FRX) e Difracao de Raios-X (DRX), tem grande praticidade na reducao de tempo em analises, favorecendo o diagnostico rapido para possiveis problemas de fertilidade do solo. Alem disso, nao ha destruicao das amostras, proporcionando menor impacto e podendo haver o reaproveitamento da mesma amostra para outras analises. Alem destes fatores, pode-se observar a praticidade referente a analises qualitativas e quantitativas frente ao uso da FRX e DRX, tanto no aspecto da caracterizacao quimica quanto mineralogica, alem de fornecer subsidios para metodos de manejo mais adequados frente ao conhecimento das propriedades quimicas e mineralogicas dos solos em estudos. Pode-se concluir que para os solos avaliados nesta pesquisa, independente do tipo de uso nao ocorreram diferencas significativas quanto aos tipos de grupos funcionais presentes nas areas de pastagem, agricultura e mata. Excecao se fez aos solos de mata que apresentam teores mais evidentes de caulinita presente no solo.  
  • Janielly Silva Costa
  • Date: Nov 28, 2008
  • Time: 13:30
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  • A área plantada com arroz vermelho no Estado da Paraíba é de aproximadamente 6.000 hectares, apesar disso, a falta de orientação técnica têm levado ao manejo inadequado do solo e ao uso de práticas agrícolas impróprias, que afetam a qualidade do solo, diminuindo desta forma a produção no Estado. O objetivo desta pesquisa foi diagnosticar a fertilidade dos solos de propriedades que cultivam o arroz vermelho e relacionar esta fertilidade aos sistemas de cultivo e manejos aplicados pelos agricultores. Para alcançar esse objetivo foi realizado um levantamento no município de Santana dos Garrotes-PB, onde foram selecionadas 12 propriedades para amostragem do solo na camada de 0-20cm, com realização de três coletas no decorrer de um ano e meio. As propriedades foram classificadas quanto ao modo de preparo do solo para plantio, utilização da área de plantio após a colheita do arroz vermelho e o uso ou não de irrigação por inundação, formando-se 36 combinações para avaliação. Foi realizada a caracterização física dos solos das 12 propriedades agrícolas e os atributos químicos e a densidade do solo foram determinados nas três coletas realizadas. Os dados foram submetidos a análise de componentes principais e agrupamento. Através do estudo foi possível constatar que, o manejo e as práticas agrícolas realizadas pelos produtores da região na cultura do arroz vermelho interferiram nos atributos químicos e na densidade do solo. O uso da tração animal no preparo do solo para o plantio e a formação de pasto para o gado na área elevaram os valores de densidade do solo, alumínio e acidez potencial. A diversificação de culturas na área de plantio do arroz vermelho favoreceu o aumento na matéria orgânica do solo e nos teores de fósforo. E o uso de irrigação por inundação na cultura do arroz com água de baixa qualidade promoveu aumento nos teores de sódio do solo segundo a análise de componentes principais e o agrupamento.