

Imagem de apresentação do programa

The Postgraduate Program in Agricultural Sciences (Agroecology)-PPGCAG, Master's level, was approved with Concept 3 by the Coordination for the Improvement of Higher Education Personnel (CAPES) in the second semester of 2011, at the Center for Humanities Social and Agrarian Sciences (CCHSA) of the Federal University of Paraíba, with Agroecology as its basic area. PPGCAG currently has thirteen permanent professors and five collaborators, being a researcher in CNPq research productivity, level 1C, involving at least seven research groups registered in the CNPq database (Agroecology, Resistance and Rural Education - UFPB; Field Education and Agroecology – UFPB; Pathology and Microbial Control of Insects – ESALq/USP; Impact of global climate changes on plant protection – EMBRAPA; Cultural Management and Ecophysiology – EMBRAPA; Climate Change and the Semiarid Region - EMBRAPA; Physiological Negentropy - EMBRAPA and Agroenergy - Potential Alternative Oilseeds – EMBRAPA, among others and the Center for Teaching, Research, and Extension in Agroecology of the Territory of Borborema (NUEPEA). The Program also counts on the partnership of Embrapa Cotton. The PPGCAG will allow the deepening in the concentration area of Agroecology and Sustainable Rural Development with the lines of research: 1) Agricultural Sciences, Indicators, and Production Systems and 2) Rural Development, Social Processes, and Agroecological Products. The Program aims to intervene in the quality of technical and humanistic training of professionals with bachelor's degrees and teaching degrees to work in partnership with settlers and family farming communities, as well as allowing them to transmit the technical knowledge they have acquired throughout the course in exchange for concomitantly getting to know the rural reality of farmers, aiming to improve the economic and social quality of life of their families. The main, most visible, and frequent feature of this course, will be to promote broad debates about Brazilian society, reflecting on what the true role of the University is as a center of articulation of dominant knowledge with the area of Agrarian Sciences, as intellectual support for the development of productive chains. It is worth noting that the new model proposed adopts training aimed at agriculture and incorporates the dissemination of agroecological discourse and practice, which consists of producing improvements in income and the living and working conditions of the rural population. Historically, social movements in the countryside have been the mainstay of proposals for transformation and change of direction at the University. The Brazilian countryside, whose growth in recent years has shown itself promising on the horizon of the agrarian issue, has been elaborating and influencing the debate and the search for alternatives for those communities of rural origin. The intention of this proposal is to confirm the existence of a set of internal and external forces, moving the University to transform it in the sense of placing it at the service of the interests of the majority of the peasant population. Thus, the problem of the lack of research in agrarian higher education should be suppressed by the insertion of new professionals to be trained in this new situation. The structuring of the proposal for this course started from the various manifestations and demands made by communities and researchers in the area, entities representing rural producers and diverse social organizations, who observe in PPGCAG an opportunity to professionally and adequately qualify teachers and technicians, interventionist agents, and other educational professionals from rural schools or focused on rural people; contribute to improving the quality of income and life of young workers from different areas of the Brazilian agricultural field, from the development of processes and methods that are appropriate to the rural reality. In this context, this course project aims to reach beyond the educating teachers of the schools, Higher Institutes, and Rural Universities, basic, technical, and technological or university-level professionals, their students and educators, in an agroecological and sustainability perspective, adopting a professional proposal and a pedagogical policy committed to social, economic, and educational transformations to overcome its obstacles.

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Coordination Department of the Program