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Imagem de apresentação do programa

The Postgraduate Program in Communication (PPGC) was reconfirmed and accredited by CAPES in December 2007, becoming an Academic Master's Degree. Its academic activities began in 2008 with 08 permanent teachers, 02 collaborating teachers and 10 regular students. In 2024, the Program has 14 teachers.

Communication and Information


1.Languages, Interaction and Technologies

One line investigates materialities, languages, aesthetics and subjective processes based on products, cultural artifacts and media services, understanding technology as a mediator of production, circulation and consumption processes. The line's work uses theoretical-methodological perspectives from the field of communication, in interface with the fields of linguistic studies, design, photography, computational linguistics and human-computer interaction to understand contemporary phenomena and product development. Specific themes include interaction and immersion technologies, transmission, platformization, collaboration processes and practices, visualities, art and imaging technologies.

Clara Bezerril Câmara
Cléber Matos de Morais
Ed Porto Bezerra
Isabella Chianca Bessa Ribeiro do Valle
Paulo Henrique Souto Maior Serrano
Rodrigo Martins Aragão


2.Entertainment and Creative Industries

The line of research develops analyses, processes and products of the creative industries, focusing on entertainment phenomena, and with theoretical-methodological interest dedicated, above all, to aesthetic, technical and narrative aspects, as well as their social, political and economic dimensions. We observe the forms of media production, circulation, accessibility, reception and consumption. Specific themes include: mediation of audiovisual experiences, accessible technologies, economy and culture, entertainment policies, creation and production processes, with an emphasis on cinema, television, streaming platforms and interactive audiovisual forms (games, VR, augmented reality, etc. .). others).

Line teachers:
Flavia Affonso Mayer
Ivan Mussa Tavares Gomes
Marcelo Vieira Barreto Silva
Thiago Pereira Falcão


3. Communication Policies and Practices

The line of research is dedicated to investigating two contemporary communication and information phenomena linked to political and technological configurations of value production that impact human coexistence. While investigations, formulations and product development are oriented towards the relational ontology of communication, centered on the constitutive dimension of communication practices, conditioned by the interrelations between actors, rules, imaginaries and materialities in space-time. Specific topics include: communication and organizational culture; work relationships; information policies and regimes; information practices; digital literacy; and scientific communication policies.

Caroline Delevati Colpo
Eunice Simões Lins
Fellipe de Sá Brazilian
Diogo Lopes de Oliveira

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Coordination Department of the Program